################################################# # # (C) 2010 Serghei Amelian # serghei (DOT) amelian (AT) gmail.com # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# # required stuff find_package( TQt ) find_package( TDE ) tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) tde_setup_largefiles( ) ##### check for gcc visibility support if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) tde_setup_gcc_visibility( ) endif( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) find_package( Threads ) find_package( X11 ) check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY ) check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG BUILTIN_TYPES_ONLY ) check_include_file( stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H ) check_include_file( systems.h HAVE_SYSTEMS_H ) ##### check for inotify ########################### if( WITH_INOTIFY ) check_include_file( "inotify.h" INOTIFY_FOUND ) check_include_file( "sys/inotify.h" INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) if( NOT INOTIFY_FOUND ) if( NOT INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\ninotify support was requested, but inotify was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) endif( NOT INOTIFY_FOUND ) if( INOTIFY_FOUND ) set( HAVE_INOTIFY 1 ) endif( INOTIFY_FOUND ) if( INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) set( HAVE_INOTIFY 1 ) set( HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY 1 ) endif( INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) endif( ) check_function_exists( statvfs HAVE_STATVFS ) # sched_setaffinity buggy glibc check check_c_source_compiles(" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include int main() { cpu_set_t mask; CPU_ZERO(&mask); CPU_SET(0, &mask); sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask); return 0; } " SCHEDAFFINITY_3PARAMS ) if( SCHEDAFFINITY_3PARAMS ) set( SCHEDAFFINITY_SUPPORT 1 ) else( ) check_c_source_compiles(" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include int main() { cpu_set_t mask; CPU_ZERO(&mask); CPU_SET(0, &mask); sched_setaffinity(0, &mask); return 0; } " SCHEDAFFINITY_SUPPORT ) endif( ) # fabsf tde_save( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES m ) check_function_exists( fabsf HAVE_FABSF ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) # taglib pkg_search_module( TAGLIB taglib ) if( TAGLIB_FOUND ) if( ${TAGLIB_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "1.11" ) tde_message_fatal( "taglib version must be at least 1.11" ) else( ) set( TAGLIB_15 1 ) message( STATUS "Found TAGLIB: ${TAGLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif( ) else( ) tde_message_fatal( "taglib is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) # libvisual if( WITH_LIBVISUAL ) pkg_search_module( SDL sdl ) if( NOT SDL_FOUND ) check_include_file( SDL/SDL.h HAVE_SDL_H ) if( NOT HAVE_SDL_H ) tde_message_fatal( "SDL is required, but not found on your system" ) endif ( ) set ( SDL_INCLUDE_DIRS /usr/include/SDL ) set ( SDL_LIBRARIES SDL ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ) endif( ) pkg_search_module( LIBVISUAL libvisual-0.4 ) if( LIBVISUAL_FOUND ) if( ${LIBVISUAL_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "0.4.0" ) tde_message_fatal( "libvisual version must be at least 0.4.0" ) endif( ) else( ) tde_message_fatal( "libvisual is requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) set( HAVE_LIBVISUAL 1 ) endif( ) # xine-engine if( WITH_XINE ) pkg_search_module( XINE libxine ) if( XINE_FOUND ) if( ${XINE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "1.0.2" ) tde_message_fatal( "your xine version is too old; at least 1.0.2 is required" ) endif( ) else( ) tde_message_fatal( "xine is requested, but was not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( ) # akode-engine if( WITH_AKODE ) pkg_search_module( AKODE akode ) if( AKODE_FOUND ) if( ${AKODE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "2.0.0" ) tde_message_fatal( "your akode version is too old; at least 2.0.0 is required" ) endif( ) else( ) tde_message_fatal( "akode is requested, but was not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( ) ##### check for libgpod - iPod if( WITH_IPOD ) pkg_search_module( GLIB2 glib-2.0 ) pkg_search_module( GPOD libgpod-1.0 ) if( GPOD_FOUND ) if( ${GPOD_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "0.4.2" ) tde_message_fatal( "your libgpod version is too old; at least 0.4.2 is required" ) elseif( NOT ${GPOD_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "0.6.0" ) set( HAVE_GPOD_060 1 ) endif( ) else( ) tde_message_fatal( "libgpod-1.0 is requested, but was not found on your system" ) endif( ) tde_save( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${GPOD_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) check_struct_has_member( "struct _Itdb_Track" mediatype "gpod/itdb.h" HAVE_ITDB_MEDIATYPE ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ) set( GPOD_LIBRARY gpod ) endif( ) if( WITH_OPENGL ) set( OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE LEGACY ) find_package( GLUT ) find_package( OpenGL ) ##### check for OpenGL support within tqt tde_save( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${TQT_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) foreach( _dirs ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "-L${_dirs}" ) endforeach() list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${TQT_LIBRARIES} ) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #include int main( int, char** ) { (void) new TQGLWidget( (TQWidget*)0, \"qgl\" ) ; return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }" HAVE_TQGLWIDGET ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) endif( WITH_OPENGL ) # konqsidebarplugin.h if( WITH_KONQSIDEBAR ) tde_save( CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS ${TQT_CFLAGS_OTHER} ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR};${TQT_INCLUDE_DIRS};${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} ) foreach( _dirs ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "-L${_dirs}" ) endforeach() list( APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${TQT_LIBRARIES} ) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include int main(int, char**) { return 0; } " HAVE_KONQSIDEBARPLUGIN_H ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) if( NOT HAVE_KONQSIDEBARPLUGIN_H ) tde_message_fatal( "Konqueror sidebar is requested, but konqsidebarplugin.h was not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( ) if( WITH_MP4V2 ) ##### check for mp4v2 check_include_file( "mp4v2/mp4v2.h" MP4V2_H_FOUND ) if( MP4V2_H_FOUND ) set( HAVE_MP4V2_H 1) find_path( MP4V2_INCLUDE_DIR "mp4v2/mp4v2.h" ) set( MP4V2_INCLUDE_DIRS "${MP4V2_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) find_library( MP4V2_LIBRARY mp4v2 ) set( MP4V2_LIBRARIES "${MP4V2_LIBRARY}" ) endif() check_include_file( "mp4.h" MP4_H_FOUND ) if( MP4_H_FOUND ) set( HAVE_MP4_H 1) find_path( MP4_INCLUDE_DIR "mp4.h" ) set( MP4V2_INCLUDE_DIRS "${MP4_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) find_library( MP4_LIBRARY mp4 ) set( MP4V2_LIBRARIES "${MP4_LIBRARY}" ) endif() if( HAVE_MP4V2_H OR HAVE_MP4_H ) set( HAVE_MP4V2 1 ) else() tde_message_fatal( "MP4V2 support was requested but was not found on your system" ) endif() endif( WITH_MP4V2 ) if( WITH_MYSQL ) #### check for MySql or Mariadb message( STATUS "Check for MariaDB or MySQL" ) find_program( MYSQL_CONFIG NAMES mariadb_config mysql_config ) if( NOT MYSQL_CONFIG ) tde_message_fatal( "MySql support is requested but neither MySql or Mariadb have been found on your system" ) else() macro( _mysql_config __type __var ) execute_process( COMMAND ${MYSQL_CONFIG} --${__type} OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${__var} RESULT_VARIABLE __result OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if( _result ) tde_message_fatal( "Unable to run ${MYSQL_CONFIG}!" ) endif() endmacro() _mysql_config( include MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS ) _mysql_config( libs MYSQL_LIBRARIES ) if( MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^| +)-I" ";" MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif() if( MYSQL_LIBRARIES ) string( REGEX REPLACE "(^| +)-l" ";" MYSQL_LIBRARIES "${MYSQL_LIBRARIES}" ) endif( ) set( MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE ) set( MYSQL_LIBRARIES "${MYSQL_LIBRARIES}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE ) message( STATUS " includes ${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ") message( STATUS " libraries ${MYSQL_LIBRARIES} ") set( USE_MYSQL 1 ) tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include typedef struct st_mysql MYSQL; int main(int, char**) { return 1; }" HAVE_STRUCT_ST_MYSQL ) if( HAVE_STRUCT_ST_MYSQL ) set( MYSQL_STRUCT "st_mysql" ) else() check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include typedef struct MYSQL MYSQL; int main() { return 1; }" HAVE_STRUCT_MYSQL ) if( HAVE_STRUCT_MYSQL ) set( MYSQL_STRUCT "MYSQL" ) else() tde_message_fatal( "MySQL is requested, but it is not possible to determine the type of MySQL structure" ) endif() endif() tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ) endif( NOT MYSQL_CONFIG ) endif( WITH_MYSQL ) if( WITH_POSTGRESQL ) ##### check for PostgreSQL message( STATUS "Check for PostgreSQL" ) find_package( PostgreSQL ) if( PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR AND PostgreSQL_LIBRARY ) message( STATUS " includes ${PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} ") message( STATUS " library ${PostgreSQL_LIBRARY} ") set( USE_POSTGRESQL 1 ) else() pkg_search_module( LIBPQ libpq ) if( NOT LIBPQ_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Postgresql support is requested but Postgresql was not found on your system." ) endif() set( PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR "${LIBPQ_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) set( PostgreSQL_LIBRARY "${LIBPQ_LIBRARIES}" ) set( PostgreSQL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${LIBPQ_LIBRARY_DIRS}" ) set( USE_POSTGRESQL 1 ) endif() endif( WITH_POSTGRESQL ) if( WITH_EMBEDDED_SQLITE ) set( SQLITE_LIBRARIES sqlite-static ) message( STATUS "sqlite3 linking: ${SQLITE_LIBRARIES}" ) endif() if( WITH_SYSTEM_SQLITE ) ##### check for sqlite3 pkg_search_module( SQLITE sqlite3 ) if( NOT SQLITE_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "sqlite3 is required, but not found on your system" ) else() message( STATUS "sqlite3 linking: ${SQLITE_LIBRARIES}" ) endif( ) endif( WITH_SYSTEM_SQLITE ) if( WITH_AMAZON ) set( AMAZON_SUPPORT 1 ) endif()