/* * * $Id: k3bwriterselectionwidget.cpp 690635 2007-07-21 16:47:29Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bwriterselectionwidget.h" #include "k3bapplication.h" #include "k3bmediacache.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class K3bWriterSelectionWidget::MediaSelectionComboBox : public K3bMediaSelectionComboBox { public: MediaSelectionComboBox( QWidget* parent ) : K3bMediaSelectionComboBox( parent ), m_overrideDevice( 0 ) { } void setOverrideDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev, const QString& s, const QString& t ) { m_overrideDevice = dev; m_overrideString = s; m_overrideToolTip = t; updateMedia(); } K3bDevice::Device* overrideDevice() const { return m_overrideDevice; } protected: bool showMedium( const K3bMedium& m ) const { return ( m.device() == m_overrideDevice || K3bMediaSelectionComboBox::showMedium( m ) ); } QString mediumString( const K3bMedium& m ) const { if( m.device() == m_overrideDevice ) return m_overrideString; else return K3bMediaSelectionComboBox::mediumString( m ); } QString mediumToolTip( const K3bMedium& m ) const { if( m.device() == m_overrideDevice ) return m_overrideToolTip; else { QString s = K3bMediaSelectionComboBox::mediumToolTip( m ); if( !m.diskInfo().empty() && !(wantedMediumState() & m.diskInfo().diskState()) ) s.append( "

" + i18n("Medium will be overwritten.") + "" ); return s; } } private: K3bDevice::Device* m_overrideDevice; QString m_overrideString; QString m_overrideToolTip; }; class K3bWriterSelectionWidget::Private { public: bool forceAutoSpeed; bool haveIgnoreSpeed; bool haveManualSpeed; int supportedWritingApps; int lastSetSpeed; QMap indexSpeedMap; QMap speedIndexMap; }; K3bWriterSelectionWidget::K3bWriterSelectionWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { d = new Private; d->forceAutoSpeed = false; d->supportedWritingApps = K3b::CDRECORD|K3b::CDRDAO|K3b::GROWISOFS; d->lastSetSpeed = -1; QGroupBox* groupWriter = new QGroupBox( this ); groupWriter->setTitle( i18n( "Burn Medium" ) ); groupWriter->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); groupWriter->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); groupWriter->layout()->setMargin( 0 ); QGridLayout* groupWriterLayout = new QGridLayout( groupWriter->layout() ); groupWriterLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); groupWriterLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); groupWriterLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); QLabel* labelSpeed = new QLabel( groupWriter, "TextLabel1" ); labelSpeed->setText( i18n( "Speed:" ) ); m_comboSpeed = new KComboBox( false, groupWriter, "m_comboSpeed" ); m_comboSpeed->setAutoMask( false ); m_comboSpeed->setDuplicatesEnabled( false ); m_comboMedium = new MediaSelectionComboBox( groupWriter ); m_writingAppLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Writing app:"), groupWriter ); m_comboWritingApp = new KComboBox( groupWriter ); groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_comboMedium, 0, 0 ); groupWriterLayout->addWidget( labelSpeed, 0, 1 ); groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_comboSpeed, 0, 2 ); groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_writingAppLabel, 0, 3 ); groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_comboWritingApp, 0, 4 ); groupWriterLayout->setColStretch( 0, 1 ); QGridLayout* mainLayout = new QGridLayout( this ); mainLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); mainLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); mainLayout->setMargin( 0 ); mainLayout->addWidget( groupWriter, 0, 0 ); // tab order setTabOrder( m_comboMedium, m_comboSpeed ); setTabOrder( m_comboSpeed, m_comboWritingApp ); connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, SIGNAL(writerChanged()) ); connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, SIGNAL(writerChanged(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(newMedia()), this, SIGNAL(newMedia()) ); connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(newMedium(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, SIGNAL(newMedium(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(newMedium(K3bDevice::Device*)), this, SLOT(slotNewBurnMedium(K3bDevice::Device*)) ); connect( m_comboWritingApp, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotWritingAppSelected(int)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(writerChanged()), SLOT(slotWriterChanged()) ); connect( m_comboSpeed, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotSpeedChanged(int)) ); QToolTip::add( m_comboMedium, i18n("The medium that will be used for burning") ); QToolTip::add( m_comboSpeed, i18n("The speed at which to burn the medium") ); QToolTip::add( m_comboWritingApp, i18n("The external application to actually burn the medium") ); QWhatsThis::add( m_comboMedium, i18n("

Select the medium that you want to use for burning." "

In most cases there will only be one medium available which " "does not leave much choice.") ); QWhatsThis::add( m_comboSpeed, i18n("

Select the speed with which you want to burn." "

" "This will choose the maximum writing speed possible with the used " "medium. " "This is the recommended selection for most media.

" "

Ignore (DVD only)
" "This will leave the speed selection to the writer device. " "Use this if K3b is unable to set the writing speed." "

1x refers to 1385 KB/s for DVD and 175 KB/s for CD.

" "

Caution: Make sure your system is able to send the data " "fast enough to prevent buffer underruns.") ); QWhatsThis::add( m_comboWritingApp, i18n("

K3b uses the command line tools cdrecord, growisofs, and cdrdao " "to actually write a CD or DVD." "

Normally K3b chooses the best " "suited application for every task automatically but in some cases it " "may be possible that one of the applications does not work as intended " "with a certain writer. In this case one may select the " "application manually.") ); clearSpeedCombo(); slotConfigChanged(k3bcore->config()); slotWriterChanged(); } K3bWriterSelectionWidget::~K3bWriterSelectionWidget() { delete d; } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setWantedMediumType( int type ) { m_comboMedium->setWantedMediumType( type ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setWantedMediumState( int state ) { m_comboMedium->setWantedMediumState( state ); } int K3bWriterSelectionWidget::wantedMediumType() const { return m_comboMedium->wantedMediumType(); } int K3bWriterSelectionWidget::wantedMediumState() const { return m_comboMedium->wantedMediumState(); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotConfigChanged( KConfigBase* c ) { KConfigGroup g( c, "General Options" ); if( g.readBoolEntry( "Manual writing app selection", false ) ) { m_comboWritingApp->show(); m_writingAppLabel->show(); } else { m_comboWritingApp->hide(); m_writingAppLabel->hide(); } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotRefreshWriterSpeeds() { if( writerDevice() ) { QValueList speeds = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->writingSpeeds( writerDevice() ); int lastSpeed = writerSpeed(); clearSpeedCombo(); m_comboSpeed->insertItem( i18n("Auto") ); if( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( writerDevice() ).isDvdMedia() ) { m_comboSpeed->insertItem( i18n("Ignore") ); d->haveIgnoreSpeed = true; } else d->haveIgnoreSpeed = false; if( !d->forceAutoSpeed ) { if( speeds.isEmpty() || writerDevice() == m_comboMedium->overrideDevice() ) { // // In case of the override device we do not know which medium will actually be used // So this is the only case in which we need to use the device's max writing speed // // But we need to know if it will be a CD or DVD medium. Since the override device // is only used for CD/DVD copy anyway we simply reply on the inserted medium's type. // int i = 1; int speed = ( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( writerDevice() ).isDvdMedia() ? 1385 : 175 ); int max = writerDevice()->maxWriteSpeed(); while( i*speed <= max ) { insertSpeedItem( i*speed ); // a little hack to handle the stupid 2.4x DVD speed if( i == 2 && speed == 1385 ) insertSpeedItem( (int)(2.4*1385.0) ); i = ( i == 1 ? 2 : i+2 ); } // // Since we do not know the exact max writing speed if an override device is set (we can't becasue // the writer always returns the speed relative to the inserted medium) we allow the user to specify // the speed manually // m_comboSpeed->insertItem( i18n("More...") ); d->haveManualSpeed = true; } else { for( QValueList::iterator it = speeds.begin(); it != speeds.end(); ++it ) insertSpeedItem( *it ); } } // try to reload last set speed if( d->lastSetSpeed == -1 ) setSpeed( lastSpeed ); else setSpeed( d->lastSetSpeed ); } m_comboSpeed->setEnabled( writerDevice() != 0 ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::clearSpeedCombo() { m_comboSpeed->clear(); d->indexSpeedMap.clear(); d->speedIndexMap.clear(); d->haveManualSpeed = false; d->haveIgnoreSpeed = false; } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::insertSpeedItem( int speed ) { if( !d->speedIndexMap.contains( speed ) ) { d->indexSpeedMap[m_comboSpeed->count()] = speed; d->speedIndexMap[speed] = m_comboSpeed->count(); if( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( writerDevice() ).isDvdMedia() ) m_comboSpeed->insertItem( ( speed%1385 > 0 ? QString::number( (float)speed/1385.0, 'f', 1 ) // example: DVD+R(W): 2.4x : QString::number( speed/1385 ) ) + "x" ); else m_comboSpeed->insertItem( QString("%1x").arg(speed/175) ); } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotWritingAppSelected( int ) { emit writingAppChanged( selectedWritingApp() ); } K3bDevice::Device* K3bWriterSelectionWidget::writerDevice() const { return m_comboMedium->selectedDevice(); } QValueList K3bWriterSelectionWidget::allDevices() const { return m_comboMedium->allDevices(); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setWriterDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { m_comboMedium->setSelectedDevice( dev ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setSpeed( int s ) { d->lastSetSpeed = -1; if( d->haveIgnoreSpeed && s < 0 ) m_comboSpeed->setCurrentItem( 1 ); // Ignore else if( d->speedIndexMap.contains( s ) ) m_comboSpeed->setCurrentItem( d->speedIndexMap[s] ); else { m_comboSpeed->setCurrentItem( 0 ); // Auto d->lastSetSpeed = s; // remember last set speed } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setWritingApp( int app ) { switch( app ) { case K3b::CDRECORD: m_comboWritingApp->setCurrentItem( "cdrecord" ); break; case K3b::CDRDAO: m_comboWritingApp->setCurrentItem( "cdrdao" ); break; case K3b::DVDRECORD: m_comboWritingApp->setCurrentItem( "dvdrecord" ); break; case K3b::GROWISOFS: m_comboWritingApp->setCurrentItem( "growisofs" ); break; case K3b::DVD_RW_FORMAT: m_comboWritingApp->setCurrentItem( "dvd+rw-format" ); break; default: m_comboWritingApp->setCurrentItem( 0 ); // Auto break; } } int K3bWriterSelectionWidget::writerSpeed() const { if( m_comboSpeed->currentItem() == 0 ) return 0; // Auto else if( d->haveIgnoreSpeed && m_comboSpeed->currentItem() == 1 ) return -1; // Ignore else return d->indexSpeedMap[m_comboSpeed->currentItem()]; } int K3bWriterSelectionWidget::writingApp() const { KConfigGroup g( k3bcore->config(), "General Options" ); if( g.readBoolEntry( "Manual writing app selection", false ) ) { return selectedWritingApp(); } else return K3b::DEFAULT; } int K3bWriterSelectionWidget::selectedWritingApp() const { return K3b::writingAppFromString( m_comboWritingApp->currentText() ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotSpeedChanged( int s ) { // the last item is the manual speed selection item if( d->haveManualSpeed && s == m_comboSpeed->count() - 1 ) { slotManualSpeed(); } else { d->lastSetSpeed = d->indexSpeedMap[s]; if( K3bDevice::Device* dev = writerDevice() ) dev->setCurrentWriteSpeed( writerSpeed() ); } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotWriterChanged() { slotRefreshWriterSpeeds(); slotRefreshWritingApps(); // save last selected writer if( K3bDevice::Device* dev = writerDevice() ) { KConfigGroup g( k3bcore->config(), "General Options" ); g.writeEntry( "current_writer", dev->devicename() ); } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setSupportedWritingApps( int i ) { int oldApp = writingApp(); d->supportedWritingApps = i; slotRefreshWritingApps(); setWritingApp( oldApp ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotRefreshWritingApps() { int i = 0; // select the ones that make sense if( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( writerDevice() ).isDvdMedia() ) i = K3b::GROWISOFS|K3b::DVD_RW_FORMAT|K3b::DVDRECORD; else i = K3b::CDRDAO|K3b::CDRECORD; // now strip it down to the ones we support i &= d->supportedWritingApps; m_comboWritingApp->clear(); m_comboWritingApp->insertItem( i18n("Auto") ); if( i & K3b::CDRDAO ) m_comboWritingApp->insertItem( "cdrdao" ); if( i & K3b::CDRECORD ) m_comboWritingApp->insertItem( "cdrecord" ); if( i & K3b::DVDRECORD ) m_comboWritingApp->insertItem( "dvdrecord" ); if( i & K3b::GROWISOFS ) m_comboWritingApp->insertItem( "growisofs" ); if( i & K3b::DVD_RW_FORMAT ) m_comboWritingApp->insertItem( "dvd+rw-format" ); m_comboWritingApp->setEnabled( writerDevice() != 0 ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::loadConfig( KConfigBase* c ) { setWriterDevice( k3bcore->deviceManager()->findDevice( c->readEntry( "writer_device" ) ) ); setSpeed( c->readNumEntry( "writing_speed", 0 ) ); setWritingApp( K3b::writingAppFromString( c->readEntry( "writing_app" ) ) ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::saveConfig( KConfigBase* c ) { c->writeEntry( "writing_speed", writerSpeed() ); c->writeEntry( "writer_device", writerDevice() ? writerDevice()->devicename() : QString::null ); c->writeEntry( "writing_app", m_comboWritingApp->currentText() ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::loadDefaults() { // ignore the writer m_comboSpeed->setCurrentItem( 0 ); // Auto setWritingApp( K3b::DEFAULT ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setForceAutoSpeed( bool b ) { d->forceAutoSpeed = b; slotRefreshWriterSpeeds(); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setOverrideDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev, const QString& overrideString, const QString& tooltip ) { m_comboMedium->setOverrideDevice( dev, overrideString, tooltip ); } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotNewBurnMedium( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { // // Try to select a medium that is better suited than the current one // if( dev && dev != writerDevice() ) { K3bMedium medium = k3bappcore->mediaCache()->medium( dev ); // // Always prefer newly inserted media over the override device // if( writerDevice() == m_comboMedium->overrideDevice() ) { setWriterDevice( dev ); } // // Prefer an empty medium over one that has to be erased // else if( wantedMediumState() & K3bDevice::STATE_EMPTY && !k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( writerDevice() ).empty() && medium.diskInfo().empty() ) { setWriterDevice( dev ); } } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::slotManualSpeed() { // // We need to know if it will be a CD or DVD medium. Since the override device // is only used for CD/DVD copy anyway we simply reply on the inserted medium's type. // int speedFactor = ( k3bappcore->mediaCache()->diskInfo( writerDevice() ).isDvdMedia() ? 1385 : 175 ); bool ok = true; int newSpeed = KInputDialog::getInteger( i18n("Set writing speed manually"), i18n("

K3b is not able to perfectly determine the maximum " "writing speed of an optical writer. Writing speed is always " "reported subject to the inserted medium." "

Please enter the writing speed here and K3b will remember it " "for future sessions (Example: 16x)."), writerDevice()->maxWriteSpeed()/speedFactor, 1, 10000, 1, 10, &ok, this ) * speedFactor; if( ok ) { writerDevice()->setMaxWriteSpeed( QMAX( newSpeed, writerDevice()->maxWriteSpeed() ) ); slotRefreshWriterSpeeds(); setSpeed( newSpeed ); } else { if( d->lastSetSpeed == -1 ) m_comboSpeed->setCurrentItem( 0 ); // Auto else setSpeed( d->lastSetSpeed ); } } void K3bWriterSelectionWidget::setIgnoreDevice( K3bDevice::Device* dev ) { m_comboMedium->setIgnoreDevice( dev ); } #include "k3bwriterselectionwidget.moc"