 * $Id: k3bmixedburndialog.cpp 627521 2007-01-26 22:39:53Z trueg $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This file is part of the K3b project.
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@k3b.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.

#include "k3bmixedburndialog.h"
#include "k3bmixeddoc.h"
#include "k3bmixedview.h"

#include <k3bdataimagesettingswidget.h>
#include <k3bdatadoc.h>
#include <k3baudiodoc.h>
#include <k3bdevice.h>
#include <k3bwriterselectionwidget.h>
#include <k3btempdirselectionwidget.h>
#include <k3bisooptions.h>
#include <k3bglobals.h>
#include <k3baudiocdtextwidget.h>
#include <k3bdatamodewidget.h>
#include <k3bmsf.h>
#include <k3bstdguiitems.h>
#include <k3bwritingmodewidget.h>
#include <k3bexternalbinmanager.h>
#include <k3bversion.h>
#include <k3bcore.h>
#include <k3baudiotrackplayer.h>
#include <k3bintmapcombobox.h>

#include <tqtabwidget.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqgroupbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqtoolbutton.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqbuttongroup.h>
#include <tqradiobutton.h>

#include <klocale.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>

K3bMixedBurnDialog::K3bMixedBurnDialog( K3bMixedDoc* doc, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal )
  : K3bProjectBurnDialog( doc, parent, name, modal ), m_doc(doc)

  setTitle( i18n("Mixed Project"), i18n("1 track (%1 minutes)",
					"%n tracks (%1 minutes)",
					m_doc->numOfTracks()).arg(m_doc->length().toString()) );


  // create cd-text page
  m_cdtextWidget = new K3bAudioCdTextWidget( this );
  addPage( m_cdtextWidget, i18n("CD-Text") );

  // create image settings tab
  m_imageSettingsWidget = new K3bDataImageSettingsWidget( this );
  addPage( m_imageSettingsWidget, i18n("Filesystem") );


  TQSpacerItem* spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Expanding );
  m_optionGroupLayout->addItem( spacer );

  connect( m_checkNormalize, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNormalizeToggled(bool)) );
  connect( m_checkCacheImage, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCacheImageToggled(bool)) );
  connect( m_writerSelectionWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(writingAppChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );
  connect( m_writingModeWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(writingModeChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAll()) );

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::setupSettingsPage()
  TQWidget* w = new TQWidget( this );

  TQGroupBox* groupDataMode = new TQGroupBox( 1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Datatrack Mode"), w );
  m_dataModeWidget = new K3bDataModeWidget( groupDataMode );

  TQGroupBox* groupNormalize = new TQGroupBox( 1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Misc"), w );
  m_checkNormalize = K3bStdGuiItems::normalizeCheckBox( groupNormalize );

  TQGroupBox* groupMixedType = new TQGroupBox( 1, Qt::Vertical, i18n("Mixed Mode Type"), w );
  m_comboMixedModeType = new K3bIntMapComboBox( groupMixedType );

  m_comboMixedModeType->insertItem( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION,
				    i18n("Data in second session (CD-Extra)"),
				    i18n("<em>Blue book CD</em>"
					 "<br>K3b will create a multisession CD with "
					 "2 sessions. The first session will contain all "
					 "audio tracks and the second session will contain "
					 "a mode 2 form 1 data track."
					 "<br>This mode is based on the <em>Blue book</em> "
					 "standard (also known as <em>Extended Audio CD</em>, "
					 "<em>CD-Extra</em>, or <em>CD Plus</em>) "
					 "and has the advantage that a hifi audio "
					 "CD player will only recognize the first session "
					 "and ignore the second session with the data track."
					 "<br>If the CD is intended to be used in a hifi audio CD player "
					 "this is the recommended mode."
					 "<br>Some older CD-ROMs may have problems reading "
					 "a blue book CD since it is a multisession CD.") );
  m_comboMixedModeType->insertItem( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK,
				    i18n("Data in first track"),
				    i18n("K3b will write the data track before all "
					 "audio tracks.") );
  m_comboMixedModeType->insertItem( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK,
				    i18n("Data in last track"),
				    i18n("K3b will write the data track after all "
					 "audio tracks.") );
  m_comboMixedModeType->addGlobalWhatsThisText( TQString(),
						i18n("<b>Caution:</b> The last two modes should only be used for CDs that are unlikely to "
						     "be played on a hifi audio CD player."
						     "<br>It could lead to problems with some older "
						     "hifi audio CD players that try to play the data track.") );
  TQGridLayout* grid = new TQGridLayout( w );
  grid->setMargin( marginHint() );
  grid->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
  grid->addWidget( groupMixedType, 0, 0 );
  grid->addWidget( groupDataMode, 1, 0 );
  grid->addWidget( groupNormalize, 2, 0 );
  grid->setRowStretch( 3, 1 );

  addPage( w, i18n("Misc") );

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::slotStartClicked()
  // FIXME: this should not be done via the doc. So remove all gui stuff from the doc

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::saveSettings()

  m_doc->setMixedType( (K3bMixedDoc::MixedType)m_comboMixedModeType->selectedValue() );

  m_cdtextWidget->save( m_doc->audioDoc() );

  m_doc->audioDoc()->setNormalize( m_checkNormalize->isChecked() );

  // save iso image settings
  K3bIsoOptions o = m_doc->dataDoc()->isoOptions();
  m_imageSettingsWidget->save( o );
  m_doc->dataDoc()->setIsoOptions( o );

  m_doc->dataDoc()->setDataMode( m_dataModeWidget->dataMode() );

  // save image file path
  m_doc->setTempDir( m_tempDirSelectionWidget->tempPath() );

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::readSettings()

  m_checkNormalize->setChecked( m_doc->audioDoc()->normalize() );

  if( !m_doc->tempDir().isEmpty() )
    m_tempDirSelectionWidget->setTempPath( m_doc->tempDir() );

  m_comboMixedModeType->setSelectedValue( m_doc->mixedType() );

  m_cdtextWidget->load( m_doc->audioDoc() );

  m_imageSettingsWidget->load( m_doc->dataDoc()->isoOptions() );

  m_dataModeWidget->setDataMode( m_doc->dataDoc()->dataMode() );


void K3bMixedBurnDialog::loadK3bDefaults()

  m_cdtextWidget->setChecked( false );
  m_checkNormalize->setChecked( false );

  m_comboMixedModeType->setSelectedValue( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION );

  m_dataModeWidget->setDataMode( K3b::DATA_MODE_AUTO );

  m_imageSettingsWidget->load( K3bIsoOptions::defaults() );


void K3bMixedBurnDialog::loadUserDefaults( KConfigBase* c )
  K3bProjectBurnDialog::loadUserDefaults( c );

  m_cdtextWidget->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "cd_text", false ) );
  m_checkNormalize->setChecked( c->readBoolEntry( "normalize", false ) );

  // load mixed type
  if( c->readEntry( "mixed_type" ) == "last_track" )
    m_comboMixedModeType->setSelectedValue( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK );
  else if( c->readEntry( "mixed_type" ) == "first_track" )
    m_comboMixedModeType->setSelectedValue( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK );
    m_comboMixedModeType->setSelectedValue( K3bMixedDoc::DATA_SECOND_SESSION );


  K3bIsoOptions o = K3bIsoOptions::load( c );
  m_imageSettingsWidget->load( o );


void K3bMixedBurnDialog::saveUserDefaults( KConfigBase* c )

  c->writeEntry( "cd_text", m_cdtextWidget->isChecked() );
  c->writeEntry( "normalize", m_checkNormalize->isChecked() );

  // save mixed type
  switch( m_comboMixedModeType->selectedValue() ) {
  case K3bMixedDoc::DATA_LAST_TRACK:
   c->writeEntry( "mixed_type", "last_track" );
  case K3bMixedDoc::DATA_FIRST_TRACK:
    c->writeEntry( "mixed_type", "first_track" );
   c->writeEntry( "mixed_type", "second_session" );


  K3bIsoOptions o;
  m_imageSettingsWidget->save( o );
  o.save( c );

  if( m_tempDirSelectionWidget->isEnabled() ) {

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::toggleAll()

  bool cdrecordOnTheFly = false;
  bool cdrecordCdText = false;
  if ( k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord") ) {
    cdrecordOnTheFly = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord")->hasFeature( "audio-stdin" );
    cdrecordCdText = k3bcore->externalBinManager()->binObject("cdrecord")->hasFeature( "cdtext" );

  // cdrdao always knows onthefly and cdtext
  bool onTheFly = true;
  bool cdText = true;
  if( m_writingModeWidget->writingMode() == K3b::TAO ||
      m_writingModeWidget->writingMode() == K3b::RAW ||
      m_writerSelectionWidget->writingApp() == K3b::CDRECORD ) {
    onTheFly = cdrecordOnTheFly;
    cdText = cdrecordCdText;

  m_checkCacheImage->setEnabled( !m_checkOnlyCreateImage->isChecked() && 
				 onTheFly );
  if( !onTheFly )
    m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( true );

  m_cdtextWidget->setEnabled( !m_checkOnlyCreateImage->isChecked() &&
			      cdText && 
			      m_writingModeWidget->writingMode() != K3b::TAO );
  if( !cdText || m_writingModeWidget->writingMode() == K3b::TAO  )
    m_cdtextWidget->setChecked( false );

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::slotNormalizeToggled( bool on )
  if( on ) {
    // we are not able to normalize in on-the-fly mode
    if( !k3bcore->externalBinManager()->foundBin( "normalize" ) ) {
      KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("<p><b>External program <em>normalize-audio</em> is not installed.</b>"
				     "<p>K3b uses <em>normalize-audio</em> (http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~cvaill/normalize/) "
				     "to normalize audio tracks. In order to "
				     "use this functionality, please install it first (sudo apt-get install normalize-audio.") );
      m_checkNormalize->setChecked( false );
    else if( !m_checkCacheImage->isChecked() && !m_checkOnlyCreateImage->isChecked() ) {
      if( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("<p>K3b is not able to normalize audio tracks when burning on-the-fly. "
						"The external program used for this task only supports normalizing a set "
						"of audio files."),
				     i18n("Disable normalization"),
				     i18n("Disable on-the-fly burning"),
				     "audioProjectNormalizeOrOnTheFly" ) == KMessageBox::Yes )
	m_checkNormalize->setChecked( false );
	m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( true );

void K3bMixedBurnDialog::slotCacheImageToggled( bool on )
  if( on ) {
    if( m_checkNormalize->isChecked() ) {
      if( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n("<p>K3b is not able to normalize audio tracks when burning on-the-fly. "
						"The external program used for this task only supports normalizing a set "
						"of audio files."),
				     i18n("Disable normalization"),
				     i18n("Disable on-the-fly burning"),
				     "audioProjectNormalizeOrOnTheFly" ) == KMessageBox::Yes )
	m_checkNormalize->setChecked( false );
	m_checkCacheImage->setChecked( true );

#include "k3bmixedburndialog.moc"