/************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Jean-Michel Petit * * jm_petit@laposte.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kdecmpeg2.h" #include "mpeg2.h" #include "mpeg2convert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "k9decodethread.h" void k9DisplayThread::setImage( QImage _image) { if (m_mutex.tryLock()) { m_image=_image; m_raw=FALSE; start(); } } void k9DisplayThread::setRawImage(uchar *_buffer,int _width,int _height,int size) { if (m_mutex.tryLock()) { m_buffer=(uchar*) malloc(size); tc_memcpy(m_buffer,_buffer,size); m_size=size; m_width=_width; m_height=_height, m_raw=TRUE; start(); } } void k9DisplayThread::run() { if (qApp==NULL) return; if (m_raw) { m_dec->drawRaw( m_buffer,m_width,m_height,m_size); // free(m_buffer); }else m_dec->draw( &m_image); m_mutex.unlock(); } void kDecMPEG2::init() { demux_pid=0; m_thread=NULL; demux_track=0xe0; decoder = mpeg2_init (); m_opened=true; if (decoder == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate a decoder object.\n"); exit (1); } m_display=new k9DisplayThread(this); m_useGL=FALSE; } kDecMPEG2::kDecMPEG2(k9DecodeThread *_thread) { init(); m_thread=_thread; } kDecMPEG2::kDecMPEG2(){ init(); } #define DEMUX_PAYLOAD_START 1 int kDecMPEG2::demux (uint8_t * buf, uint8_t * end, int flags) { static int mpeg1_skip_table[16] = { 0, 0, 4, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* * the demuxer keeps some state between calls: * if "state" = DEMUX_HEADER, then "head_buf" contains the first * "bytes" bytes from some header. * if "state" == DEMUX_DATA, then we need to copy "bytes" bytes * of ES data before the next header. * if "state" == DEMUX_SKIP, then we need to skip "bytes" bytes * of data before the next header. * * NEEDBYTES makes sure we have the requested number of bytes for a * header. If we dont, it copies what we have into head_buf and returns, * so that when we come back with more data we finish decoding this header. * * DONEBYTES updates "buf" to point after the header we just parsed. */ #define DEMUX_HEADER 0 #define DEMUX_DATA 1 #define DEMUX_SKIP 2 static int state = DEMUX_SKIP; static int state_bytes = 0; static uint8_t head_buf[264]; uint8_t * header; int bytes; int len; #define NEEDBYTES(x) \ do { \ int missing; \ \ missing = (x) - bytes; \ if (missing > 0) { \ if (header == head_buf) { \ if (missing <= end - buf) { \ tc_memcpy (header + bytes, buf, missing); \ buf += missing; \ bytes = (x); \ } else { \ tc_memcpy (header + bytes, buf, end - buf); \ state_bytes = bytes + end - buf; \ return 0; \ } \ } else { \ tc_memcpy (head_buf, header, bytes); \ state = DEMUX_HEADER; \ state_bytes = bytes; \ return 0; \ } \ } \ } while (0) #define DONEBYTES(x) \ do { \ if (header != head_buf) \ buf = header + (x); \ } while (0) if (flags & DEMUX_PAYLOAD_START) goto payload_start; switch (state) { case DEMUX_HEADER: if (state_bytes > 0) { header = head_buf; bytes = state_bytes; goto continue_header; } break; case DEMUX_DATA: if (demux_pid || (state_bytes > end - buf)) { decode_mpeg2 (buf, end); state_bytes -= end - buf; return 0; } decode_mpeg2 (buf, buf + state_bytes); buf += state_bytes; break; case DEMUX_SKIP: if (demux_pid || (state_bytes > end - buf)) { state_bytes -= end - buf; return 0; } buf += state_bytes; break; } m_pause=false; while (!m_pause) { if (demux_pid) { state = DEMUX_SKIP; return 0; } payload_start: header = buf; bytes = end - buf; continue_header: NEEDBYTES (4); if (header[0] || header[1] || (header[2] != 1)) { if (demux_pid) { state = DEMUX_SKIP; return 0; } else if (header != head_buf) { buf++; goto payload_start; } else { header[0] = header[1]; header[1] = header[2]; header[2] = header[3]; bytes = 3; goto continue_header; } } if (demux_pid) { if ((header[3] >= 0xe0) && (header[3] <= 0xef)) goto pes; fprintf (stderr, "bad stream id %x\n", header[3]); exit (1); } switch (header[3]) { case 0xb9: /* program end code */ /* DONEBYTES (4); */ /* break; */ return 1; case 0xba: /* pack header */ NEEDBYTES (5); if ((header[4] & 0xc0) == 0x40) { /* mpeg2 */ NEEDBYTES (14); len = 14 + (header[13] & 7); NEEDBYTES (len); DONEBYTES (len); /* header points to the mpeg2 pack header */ } else if ((header[4] & 0xf0) == 0x20) { /* mpeg1 */ NEEDBYTES (12); DONEBYTES (12); /* header points to the mpeg1 pack header */ } else { fprintf (stderr, "weird pack header\n"); DONEBYTES (5); } break; default: if (header[3] == demux_track) { pes: NEEDBYTES (7); if ((header[6] & 0xc0) == 0x80) { /* mpeg2 */ NEEDBYTES (9); len = 9 + header[8]; NEEDBYTES (len); /* header points to the mpeg2 pes header */ if (header[7] & 0x80) { uint32_t pts, dts; pts = (((header[9] >> 1) << 30) | (header[10] << 22) | ((header[11] >> 1) << 15) | (header[12] << 7) | (header[13] >> 1)); dts = (!(header[7] & 0x40) ? pts : (((header[14] >> 1) << 30) | (header[15] << 22) | ((header[16] >> 1) << 15) | (header[17] << 7) | (header[18] >> 1))); mpeg2_tag_picture (decoder, pts, dts); } } else { /* mpeg1 */ int len_skip; uint8_t * ptsbuf; len = 7; while (header[len - 1] == 0xff) { len++; NEEDBYTES (len); if (len > 23) { fprintf (stderr, "too much stuffing\n"); break; } } if ((header[len - 1] & 0xc0) == 0x40) { len += 2; NEEDBYTES (len); } len_skip = len; len += mpeg1_skip_table[header[len - 1] >> 4]; NEEDBYTES (len); /* header points to the mpeg1 pes header */ ptsbuf = header + len_skip; if ((ptsbuf[-1] & 0xe0) == 0x20) { uint32_t pts, dts; pts = (((ptsbuf[-1] >> 1) << 30) | (ptsbuf[0] << 22) | ((ptsbuf[1] >> 1) << 15) | (ptsbuf[2] << 7) | (ptsbuf[3] >> 1)); dts = (((ptsbuf[-1] & 0xf0) != 0x30) ? pts : (((ptsbuf[4] >> 1) << 30) | (ptsbuf[5] << 22) | ((ptsbuf[6] >> 1) << 15) | (ptsbuf[7] << 7) | (ptsbuf[18] >> 1))); mpeg2_tag_picture (decoder, pts, dts); } } DONEBYTES (len); bytes = 6 + (header[4] << 8) + header[5] - len; if (demux_pid || (bytes > end - buf)) { decode_mpeg2 (buf, end); state = DEMUX_DATA; state_bytes = bytes - (end - buf); return 0; } else if (bytes > 0) { decode_mpeg2 (buf, buf + bytes); buf += bytes; } } else if (header[3] < 0xb9) { fprintf (stderr,"looks like a video stream, not system stream\n"); DONEBYTES (4); } else { NEEDBYTES (6); DONEBYTES (6); bytes = (header[4] << 8) + header[5]; if (bytes > end - buf) { state = DEMUX_SKIP; state_bytes = bytes - (end - buf); return 0; } buf += bytes; } } } } void kDecMPEG2::sync() { int t=40- m_timer.elapsed(); if (t>0 && m_thread!=NULL) { m_thread->sleepms(t); } m_timer.restart(); } void kDecMPEG2::save_ppm (int width, int height, uint8_t * buf, int num) { int len; if (!m_useGL) { len =(int) (3*width*height); char c[255]; sprintf(c,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height); char *s; s= (char*) malloc(len+strlen(c)); tc_memcpy(s,c,strlen(c)); tc_memcpy(s+strlen(c),buf, len); pix.loadFromData((uchar*)s,strlen(c)+len); free(s); sync(); if (m_thread !=NULL) m_display->setImage( pix); else draw( &pix); } else { len =(int) (4*width*height); sync(); m_display->setRawImage( (uchar*)buf,width,height,len); } } void kDecMPEG2::decode_mpeg2(uint8_t * current, uint8_t * end) { const mpeg2_info_t * info; mpeg2_state_t state; int framenum = 0; mpeg2_buffer (decoder, current, end); info = mpeg2_info (decoder); while (1) { state = mpeg2_parse (decoder); switch (state) { case STATE_BUFFER: return; case STATE_SEQUENCE: if (! m_useGL) mpeg2_convert (decoder, mpeg2convert_rgb (MPEG2CONVERT_RGB,24), NULL); else mpeg2_convert (decoder, mpeg2convert_rgb (MPEG2CONVERT_BGR,32), NULL); break; case STATE_PICTURE: break; case STATE_SLICE: case STATE_END: case STATE_INVALID_END: if (info->display_fbuf ) save_ppm (info->sequence->width, info->sequence->height,info->display_fbuf->buf[0], framenum++); break; default: break; } } } int kDecMPEG2::decode (uint8_t * buf, uint8_t * end, int flags) { mutex.lock(); demux (buf,end,0); mutex.unlock(); return 0; } kDecMPEG2::~kDecMPEG2(){ m_display->wait(); delete m_display; if (m_opened) mpeg2_close (decoder); } void kDecMPEG2::restart() { mutex.lock(); if (m_opened) mpeg2_close (decoder); decoder = mpeg2_init (); m_opened=true; if (decoder == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate a decoder object.\n"); } mutex.unlock(); } void kDecMPEG2::start() { m_timer.start(); decoder = mpeg2_init (); m_opened=true; if (decoder == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate a decoder object.\n"); exit (1); } } void kDecMPEG2::stop() { if (m_opened) mpeg2_close(decoder); m_opened=false; } void kDecMPEG2::pause() { m_pause=true; }