/* * Copyright (C) 2002 - 2004 Tomasz Kojm <tkojm@clamav.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "options.h" #include "cfgparser.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "str.h" #include "memory.h" static int isnumb(const char *str) { int i; for(i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) if(!isdigit(str[i])) return 0; return 1; } struct cfgstruct *parsecfg(const char *cfgfile) { char buff[LINE_LENGTH], *name, *arg; FILE *fs; int line = 0, i, found, ctype, calc; struct cfgstruct *copt = NULL; struct cfgoption *pt; struct cfgoption cfg_options[] = { {"LogFile", OPT_STR}, {"LogFileUnlock", OPT_NOARG}, {"LogFileMaxSize", OPT_COMPSIZE}, {"LogTime", OPT_NOARG}, {"LogClean", OPT_NOARG}, {"LogVerbose", OPT_NOARG}, /* clamd + freshclam */ {"LogSyslog", OPT_NOARG}, {"LogFacility", OPT_STR}, {"PidFile", OPT_STR}, {"TemporaryDirectory", OPT_STR}, {"MaxFileSize", OPT_COMPSIZE}, {"ScanMail", OPT_NOARG}, {"ScanOLE2", OPT_NOARG}, {"ScanArchive", OPT_NOARG}, {"ScanRAR", OPT_NOARG}, {"ArchiveMaxFileSize", OPT_COMPSIZE}, {"ArchiveMaxRecursion", OPT_NUM}, {"ArchiveMaxFiles", OPT_NUM}, {"ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio", OPT_NUM}, {"ArchiveLimitMemoryUsage", OPT_NOARG}, {"ArchiveBlockEncrypted", OPT_NOARG}, {"DataDirectory", OPT_STR}, /* obsolete */ {"DatabaseDirectory", OPT_STR}, /* clamd + freshclam */ {"TCPAddr", OPT_STR}, {"TCPSocket", OPT_NUM}, {"LocalSocket", OPT_STR}, {"MaxConnectionQueueLength", OPT_NUM}, {"StreamSaveToDisk", OPT_NOARG}, {"StreamMaxLength", OPT_COMPSIZE}, {"MaxThreads", OPT_NUM}, {"ReadTimeout", OPT_NUM}, {"MaxDirectoryRecursion", OPT_NUM}, {"FollowDirectorySymlinks", OPT_NOARG}, {"FollowFileSymlinks", OPT_NOARG}, {"Foreground", OPT_NOARG}, {"Debug", OPT_NOARG}, {"LeaveTemporaryFiles", OPT_NOARG}, {"FixStaleSocket", OPT_NOARG}, {"User", OPT_STR}, {"AllowSupplementaryGroups", OPT_NOARG}, {"SelfCheck", OPT_NUM}, {"VirusEvent", OPT_FULLSTR}, {"ClamukoScanOnLine", OPT_NOARG}, /* old name */ {"ClamukoScanOnAccess", OPT_NOARG}, {"ClamukoScanOnOpen", OPT_NOARG}, {"ClamukoScanOnClose", OPT_NOARG}, {"ClamukoScanOnExec", OPT_NOARG}, {"ClamukoIncludePath", OPT_STR}, {"ClamukoExcludePath", OPT_STR}, {"ClamukoMaxFileSize", OPT_COMPSIZE}, {"ClamukoScanArchive", OPT_NOARG}, {"DatabaseOwner", OPT_STR}, /* freshclam */ {"Checks", OPT_NUM}, /* freshclam */ {"UpdateLogFile", OPT_STR}, /* freshclam */ {"DatabaseMirror", OPT_STR}, /* freshclam */ {"MaxAttempts", OPT_NUM}, /* freshclam */ {"HTTPProxyServer", OPT_STR}, /* freshclam */ {"HTTPProxyPort", OPT_NUM}, /* freshclam */ {"HTTPProxyUsername", OPT_STR}, /* freshclam */ {"HTTPProxyPassword", OPT_STR}, /* freshclam */ {"NotifyClamd", OPT_OPTARG}, /* freshclam */ {"OnUpdateExecute", OPT_FULLSTR}, /* freshclam */ {"OnErrorExecute", OPT_FULLSTR}, /* freshclam */ {0, 0} }; if((fs = fopen(cfgfile, "r")) == NULL) { return NULL; } while(fgets(buff, LINE_LENGTH, fs)) { line++; if(buff[0] == '#') continue; if(!strncmp("Example", buff, 7)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Please edit the example config file %s.\n", cfgfile); return NULL; } if((name = cli_strtok(buff, 0, " \r\n"))) { arg = cli_strtok(buff, 1, " \r\n"); found = 0; for(i = 0; ; i++) { pt = &cfg_options[i]; if(pt->name) { if(!strcmp(name, pt->name)) { found = 1; switch(pt->argtype) { case OPT_STR: if(!arg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s requires string as argument.\n", line, name); return NULL; } copt = regcfg(copt, name, arg, 0); break; case OPT_FULLSTR: if(!arg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s requires string as argument.\n", line, name); return NULL; } /* FIXME: this one is an ugly hack of the above case */ free(arg); arg = strstr(buff, " "); arg = strdup(++arg); copt = regcfg(copt, name, arg, 0); break; case OPT_NUM: if(!arg || !isnumb(arg)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s requires numerical argument.\n", line, name); return NULL; } copt = regcfg(copt, name, NULL, atoi(arg)); free(arg); break; case OPT_COMPSIZE: if(!arg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s requires argument.\n", line, name); return NULL; } ctype = tolower(arg[strlen(arg) - 1]); if(ctype == 'm' || ctype == 'k') { char *cpy = (char *) mcalloc(strlen(arg), sizeof(char)); strncpy(cpy, arg, strlen(arg) - 1); if(!isnumb(cpy)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s requires numerical (raw/K/M) argument.\n", line, name); return NULL; } if(ctype == 'm') calc = atoi(cpy) * 1024 * 1024; else calc = atoi(cpy) * 1024; free(cpy); } else { if(!isnumb(arg)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s requires numerical (raw/K/M) argument.\n", line, name); return NULL; } calc = atoi(arg); } copt = regcfg(copt, name, NULL, calc); free(arg); break; case OPT_NOARG: if(arg) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s doesn't support arguments (got '%s').\n", line, name, arg); return NULL; } copt = regcfg(copt, name, NULL, 0); break; case OPT_OPTARG: copt = regcfg(copt, name, arg, 0); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Option %s is of unknown type %d\n", line, name, pt->argtype); free(name); free(arg); break; } } } else break; } if(!found) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Parse error at line %d: Unknown option %s.\n", line, name); return NULL; } } } fclose(fs); return copt; } void freecfg(struct cfgstruct *copt) { struct cfgstruct *handler; struct cfgstruct *arg; while (copt) { arg = copt->nextarg; while (arg) { if(arg->strarg) { free(arg->optname); free(arg->strarg); handler = arg; arg=arg->nextarg; free(handler); } } if(copt->optname) { free(copt->optname); } if(copt->strarg) { free(copt->strarg); } handler = copt; copt = copt->next; free(handler); } return; } struct cfgstruct *regcfg(struct cfgstruct *copt, char *optname, char *strarg, int numarg) { struct cfgstruct *newnode, *pt; newnode = (struct cfgstruct *) mmalloc(sizeof(struct cfgstruct)); newnode->optname = optname; newnode->nextarg = NULL; newnode->next = NULL; if(strarg) newnode->strarg = strarg; else { newnode->strarg = NULL; newnode->numarg = numarg; } if((pt = cfgopt(copt, optname))) { while(pt->nextarg) pt = pt->nextarg; pt->nextarg = newnode; return copt; } else { newnode->next = copt; return newnode; } } struct cfgstruct *cfgopt(const struct cfgstruct *copt, const char *optname) { struct cfgstruct *handler; handler = (struct cfgstruct *) copt; while(1) { if(handler) { if(handler->optname) if(!strcmp(handler->optname, optname)) return handler; } else break; handler = handler->next; } return NULL; }