  This file belong to the KMPlayer project, a movie player plugin for Konqueror
  Copyright (C) 2007  Koos Vriezen <koos.vriezen@gmail.com>

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
#include <tqslider.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqmap.h>

#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kshortcut.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include "kmplayerview.h"
#include "kmplayercontrolpanel.h"
#include "playlistview.h"
#include "viewarea.h"
# include <cairo-xlib.h>
# include <cairo-xlib-xrender.h>
#include "kmplayer_smil.h"
#include "kmplayer_rp.h"

using namespace KMPlayer;

extern const char * normal_window_xpm[];
extern const char * playlist_xpm[];


namespace KMPlayer {
    typedef TQMap <TQString, ImageDataPtrW> ImageDataMap;
    static KStaticDeleter <ImageDataMap> imageCacheDeleter;
    static ImageDataMap * image_data_map;

ImageData::ImageData( const TQString & img) :
    image (0L),
    url (img) {
        //if (img.isEmpty ())
        //    //kdDebug() << "New ImageData for " << this << endl;
        //    //kdDebug() << "New ImageData for " << img << endl;

ImageData::~ImageData() {
    if (!url.isEmpty ())
        image_data_map->erase (url);
    delete image;

static void copyImage (Surface *s, int w, int h, TQImage *img, cairo_surface_t *similar) {
    int iw = img->width ();
    int ih = img->height ();

    if (img->depth () < 24) {
        TQImage qi = img->convertDepth (32, 0);
        *img = qi;
    cairo_surface_t *sf = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (
            img->bits (),
            img->hasAlphaBuffer () ? CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 : CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
            iw, ih, img->bytesPerLine ());
    cairo_pattern_t *img_pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (sf);
    cairo_pattern_set_extend (img_pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
    if (w != iw && h != ih) {
        cairo_matrix_t mat;
        cairo_matrix_init_scale (&mat, 1.0 * iw/w, 1.0 * ih/h);
        cairo_pattern_set_matrix (img_pat, &mat);
    if (!s->surface)
        s->surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (similar,
                img->hasAlphaBuffer () ?
    cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (s->surface);
    cairo_set_source (cr, img_pat);
    cairo_paint (cr);
    cairo_destroy (cr);

    cairo_pattern_destroy (img_pat);
    cairo_surface_destroy (sf);

bool CachedImage::isEmpty () {
    return !data || !data->image;

void CachedImage::setUrl (const TQString & url) {
    if (url.isEmpty ()) {
        data = ImageDataPtr (new ImageData (url));
    } else {
        ImageDataMap::iterator i = image_data_map->find (url);
        if (i == image_data_map->end ()) {
            data = ImageDataPtr (new ImageData (url));
            image_data_map->insert (url, ImageDataPtrW (data));
        } else {
            ImageDataPtr safe = i.data ();
            data = safe;


namespace KMPlayer {

class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT ViewSurface : public Surface {
    ViewSurface (ViewArea * widget);
    ViewSurface (ViewArea * widget, NodePtr owner, const SRect & rect);
    ~ViewSurface ();

    void clear () { m_first_child = 0L; }

    SurfacePtr createSurface (NodePtr owner, const SRect & rect);
    IRect toScreen (Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h);
    void resize (const SRect & rect);
    void tqrepaint ();
    void tqrepaint (const SRect &rect);
    void video ();

    NodePtrW current_video;
    ViewArea * view_widget;

} // namespace

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ViewSurface::ViewSurface (ViewArea * widget)
  : Surface (NULL, SRect (0, 0, widget->width (), widget->height ())),
    view_widget (widget)

ViewSurface::ViewSurface (ViewArea * widget, NodePtr owner, const SRect & rect)
  : Surface (owner, rect), view_widget (widget) {}

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ViewSurface::~ViewSurface() {
    //kdDebug() << "~ViewSurface" << endl;

SurfacePtr ViewSurface::createSurface (NodePtr owner, const SRect & rect) {
    SurfacePtr surface = new ViewSurface (view_widget, owner, rect);
    appendChild (surface);
    return surface;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewSurface::resize (const SRect &r) {
    bounds = r;
    if (surface)
        cairo_xlib_surface_set_size (surface, (int)r.width(), (int)r.height ());
    /*if (rect == nrect)
    SRect pr = rect.unite (nrect); // for tqrepaint
    rect = nrect;*/

KDE_NO_EXPORT IRect ViewSurface::toScreen (Single x, Single y, Single w, Single h) {
    Matrix matrix (0, 0, xscale, yscale);
    matrix.translate (bounds.x (), bounds.y ());
    for (SurfacePtr s = parentNode(); s; s = s->parentNode()) {
        matrix.transform(Matrix (0, 0, s->xscale, s->yscale));
        matrix.translate (s->bounds.x (), s->bounds.y ());
    matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
    return IRect (x, y, w, h);

void ViewSurface::tqrepaint (const SRect &r) {
    markDirty ();
    view_widget->scheduleRepaint (toScreen (r.x (), r.y (), r.width (), r.height ()));
    //kdDebug() << "Surface::tqrepaint x:" << (int)x << " y:" << (int)y << " w:" << (int)w << " h:" << (int)h << endl;

void ViewSurface::tqrepaint () {
    markDirty ();
    view_widget->scheduleRepaint (toScreen (0, 0, bounds.width (), bounds.height ()));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewSurface::video () {
    view_widget->setAudioVideoNode (node);
    kdDebug() << "Surface::video:" << background_color << " " << (background_color & 0xff000000) << endl;
    xscale = yscale = 1; // either scale width/heigt or use bounds
    view_widget->setAudioVideoGeometry (toScreen (0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height ()),
            (background_color & 0xff000000 ? &background_color : 0));



static cairo_surface_t * cairoCreateSurface (Window id, int w, int h) {
    Display * display = qt_xdisplay ();
    return cairo_xlib_surface_create (display, id,
            DefaultVisual (display, DefaultScreen (display)), w, h);
    /*return cairo_xlib_surface_create_with_xrender_format (
            qt_xdisplay (),
            DefaultScreenOfDisplay (qt_xdisplay ()),
            XRenderFindVisualFormat (qt_xdisplay (),
                DefaultVisual (qt_xdisplay (),
                    DefaultScreen (qt_xdisplay ()))),
            w, h);*/

# define CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB(cr,c)           \
    cairo_set_source_rgb ((cr),               \
            1.0 * (((c) >> 16) & 0xff) / 255, \
            1.0 * (((c) >> 8) & 0xff) / 255,  \
            1.0 * (((c)) & 0xff) / 255)

class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT CairoPaintVisitor : public Visitor {
    IRect clip;
    cairo_surface_t * cairo_surface;
    Matrix matrix;
    // stack vars need for transitions
    SMIL::MediaType *cur_media;
    cairo_pattern_t * cur_pat;
    cairo_matrix_t cur_mat;
    float opacity;
    bool toplevel;

    void traverseRegion (SMIL::RegionBase * reg);
    void updateExternal (SMIL::MediaType *av, SurfacePtr s);
    void paint(SMIL::MediaType *, Surface *, int x, int y, const IRect &);
    cairo_t * cr;
    CairoPaintVisitor (cairo_surface_t * cs, Matrix m,
            const IRect & rect, TQColor c=TQColor(), bool toplevel=false);
    ~CairoPaintVisitor ();
    using Visitor::visit;
    void visit (Node * n);
    void visit (SMIL::Layout *);
    void visit (SMIL::Region *);
    void visit (SMIL::Transition *);
    void visit (SMIL::ImageMediaType *);
    void visit (SMIL::TextMediaType *);
    void visit (SMIL::Brush *);
    void visit (SMIL::RefMediaType *);
    void visit (SMIL::AVMediaType *);
    void visit (RP::Imfl *);
    void visit (RP::Fill *);
    void visit (RP::Fadein *);
    void visit (RP::Fadeout *);
    void visit (RP::Crossfade *);
    void visit (RP::Wipe *);
    void visit (RP::ViewChange *);

CairoPaintVisitor::CairoPaintVisitor (cairo_surface_t * cs, Matrix m,
        const IRect & rect, TQColor c, bool top)
 : clip (rect), cairo_surface (cs), matrix (m), toplevel (top) {
    cr = cairo_create (cs);
    if (toplevel) {
        cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
        cairo_clip (cr);
        //cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
        cairo_set_tolerance (cr, 0.5 );
        cairo_push_group (cr);
        cairo_set_source_rgb (cr,
           1.0 * c.red () / 255, 1.0 * c.green () / 255, 1.0 * c.blue () / 255);
        cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
        cairo_fill (cr);
    } else {
        cairo_save (cr);
        cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR);
        cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
        cairo_fill (cr);
        cairo_restore (cr);

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT CairoPaintVisitor::~CairoPaintVisitor () {
    if (toplevel) {
        cairo_pattern_t * pat = cairo_pop_group (cr);
        //cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
        cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
        cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
        cairo_fill (cr);
        cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);
    cairo_destroy (cr);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (Node * n) {
    kdWarning() << "Paint called on " << n->nodeName() << endl;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::traverseRegion (SMIL::RegionBase * reg) {
    // next visit listeners
    NodeRefListPtr nl = reg->listeners (mediatype_attached);
    if (nl) {
        for (NodeRefItemPtr c = nl->first(); c; c = c->nextSibling ())
            if (c->data)
                c->data->accept (this);
    // finally visit tqchildren, accounting for z-order FIXME optimize
    NodeRefList sorted;
    for (NodePtr n = reg->firstChild (); n; n = n->nextSibling ()) {
        if (n->id != SMIL::id_node_region)
        SMIL::Region * r = static_cast <SMIL::Region *> (n.ptr ());
        NodeRefItemPtr rn = sorted.first ();
        for (; rn; rn = rn->nextSibling ())
            if (r->z_order < convertNode <SMIL::Region> (rn->data)->z_order) {
                sorted.insertBefore (new NodeRefItem (n), rn);
        if (!rn)
            sorted.append (new NodeRefItem (n));
    for (NodeRefItemPtr r = sorted.first (); r; r = r->nextSibling ())
        r->data->accept (this);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::Layout * reg) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << reg->nodeName() << endl;
    SMIL::RegionBase *rb = convertNode <SMIL::RegionBase> (reg->rootLayout);
    if (reg->surface () && rb) {
        //cairo_save (cr);
        Matrix m = matrix;

        SRect rect = reg->region_surface->bounds;
        Single x, y, w = rect.width(), h = rect.height();
        matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);

        IRect clip_save = clip;
        clip = clip.intersect (IRect (x, y, w, h));

        rb->region_surface = reg->region_surface;
        rb->region_surface->background_color = rb->background_color;

        if (reg->region_surface->background_color & 0xff000000) {
            CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr, reg->region_surface->background_color);
            cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
            cairo_fill (cr);
        //cairo_rectangle (cr, xoff, yoff, w, h);
        //cairo_clip (cr);

        matrix = Matrix (0, 0, reg->region_surface->xscale, reg->region_surface->yscale);
        matrix.transform (m);
        traverseRegion (reg);
        //cairo_restore (cr);
        matrix = m;
        clip = clip_save;

        rb->region_surface = 0L;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::Region * reg) {
    Surface *s = reg->surface ();
    if (s) {
        SRect rect = s->bounds;

        Matrix m = matrix;
        Single x = rect.x(), y = rect.y(), w = rect.width(), h = rect.height();
        matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
        if (clip.intersect (IRect (x, y, w, h)).isEmpty ())
        matrix = Matrix (rect.x(), rect.y(), 1.0, 1.0);
        matrix.transform (m);
        IRect clip_save = clip;
        clip = clip.intersect (IRect (x, y, w, h));
        cairo_save (cr);
        if ((SMIL::RegionBase::ShowAlways == reg->show_background ||
                    reg->m_AttachedMediaTypes->first ()) &&
                (s->background_color & 0xff000000 ||
                 !reg->cached_img.isEmpty ())) {
            cairo_save (cr);
            if (s->background_color & 0xff000000) {
                CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr, s->background_color);
                cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
                cairo_fill (cr);
            if (!reg->cached_img.isEmpty ()) {
                Single x1, y1;
                Single w = reg->cached_img.data->image->width ();
                Single h = reg->cached_img.data->image->height();
                matrix.getXYWH (x1, y1, w, h);
                if (!s->surface)
                    copyImage (s, w, h, reg->cached_img.data->image, cairo_surface);
                cairo_pattern_t *pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (s->surface);
                cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
                cairo_matrix_t mat;
                cairo_matrix_init_translate (&mat, (int) -x, (int) -y);
                cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pat, &mat);
                cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
                cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
                cairo_fill (cr);
                cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);
            cairo_restore (cr);
        traverseRegion (reg);
        cairo_restore (cr);
        matrix = m;
        clip = clip_save;

#define CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr,pat,mat)                      \
    if (pat) {                                                  \
        cairo_pattern_set_extend (cur_pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);  \
        cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pat, &mat);                   \
        cairo_pattern_set_filter (pat, CAIRO_FILTER_FAST);      \
        cairo_set_source (cr, pat);                             \

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::Transition *trans) {
    float perc = trans->start_progress + (trans->end_progress - trans->start_progress)*cur_media->trans_step / cur_media->trans_steps;
    if (cur_media->trans_out_active)
        perc = 1.0 - perc;
    if (SMIL::Transition::Fade == trans->type) {
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)
        cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
        opacity = perc;
    } else if (SMIL::Transition::BarWipe == trans->type) {
        IRect rect;
        if (SMIL::Transition::SubTopToBottom == trans->sub_type) {
            if (SMIL::Transition::dir_reverse == trans->direction) {
                int dy = (int) ((1.0 - perc) * clip.h);
                rect = IRect (clip.x, clip.y + dy, clip.w, clip.h - dy);
            } else {
                rect = IRect (clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, (int) (perc * clip.h));
        } else {
            if (SMIL::Transition::dir_reverse == trans->direction) {
                int dx = (int) ((1.0 - perc) * clip.w);
                rect = IRect (clip.x + dx, clip.y, clip.w - dx, clip.h);
            } else {
                rect = IRect (clip.x, clip.y, (int) (perc * clip.w), clip.h);
        cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)
    } else if (SMIL::Transition::PushWipe == trans->type) {
        int dx = 0, dy = 0;
        if (SMIL::Transition::SubFromTop == trans->sub_type)
            dy = -(int) ((1.0 - perc) * clip.h);
        else if (SMIL::Transition::SubFromRight == trans->sub_type)
            dx = (int) ((1.0 - perc) * clip.w);
        else if (SMIL::Transition::SubFromBottom == trans->sub_type)
            dy = (int) ((1.0 - perc) * clip.h);
        else //if (SMIL::Transition::SubFromLeft == trans->sub_type)
            dx = -(int) ((1.0 - perc) * clip.w);
        cairo_matrix_translate (&cur_mat, -dx, -dy);
        IRect rect = clip.intersect (IRect (clip.x + dx, clip.y + dy,
                    clip.w - dx, clip.h - dy));
        cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)
    } else if (SMIL::Transition::IrisWipe == trans->type) {
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)
        if (SMIL::Transition::SubDiamond == trans->sub_type) {
            cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
            cairo_clip (cr);
            int dx = (int) (perc * clip.w);
            int dy = (int) (perc * clip.h);
            int mx = clip.x + clip.w/2;
            int my = clip.y + clip.h/2;
            cairo_new_path (cr);
            cairo_move_to (cr, mx, my - dy);
            cairo_line_to (cr, mx + dx, my);
            cairo_line_to (cr, mx, my + dy);
            cairo_line_to (cr, mx - dx, my);
            cairo_close_path (cr);
        } else { // SubRectangle
            int dx = (int) (0.5 * (1 - perc) * clip.w);
            int dy = (int) (0.5 * (1 - perc) * clip.h);
            cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x + dx, clip.y + dy,
                    clip.w - 2 * dx, clip.h -2 * dy);
    } else if (SMIL::Transition::ClockWipe == trans->type) {
        cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
        cairo_clip (cr);
        int mx = clip.x + clip.w/2;
        int my = clip.y + clip.h/2;
        cairo_new_path (cr);
        cairo_move_to (cr, mx, my);
        float hw = 1.0 * clip.w/2;
        float hh = 1.0 * clip.h/2;
        float radius = sqrtf (hw * hw + hh * hh);
        float phi;
        switch (trans->sub_type) {
            case SMIL::Transition::SubClockwiseThree:
                phi = 0;
            case SMIL::Transition::SubClockwiseSix:
                phi = M_PI / 2;
            case SMIL::Transition::SubClockwiseNine:
                phi = M_PI;
            default: // Twelve
                phi = -M_PI / 2;
        if (SMIL::Transition::dir_reverse == trans->direction)
            cairo_arc_negative (cr, mx, my, radius, phi, phi - 2 * M_PI * perc);
            cairo_arc (cr, mx, my, radius, phi, phi + 2 * M_PI * perc);
        cairo_close_path (cr);
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)
    } else if (SMIL::Transition::BowTieWipe == trans->type) {
        cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
        cairo_clip (cr);
        int mx = clip.x + clip.w/2;
        int my = clip.y + clip.h/2;
        cairo_new_path (cr);
        cairo_move_to (cr, mx, my);
        float hw = 1.0 * clip.w/2;
        float hh = 1.0 * clip.h/2;
        float radius = sqrtf (hw * hw + hh * hh);
        float phi;
        switch (trans->sub_type) {
            case SMIL::Transition::SubHorizontal:
                phi = 0;
            default: //Qt::Vertical
                phi = -M_PI / 2;
        float dphi = 0.5 * M_PI * perc;
        cairo_arc (cr, mx, my, radius, phi - dphi, phi + dphi);
        cairo_close_path (cr);
        cairo_new_sub_path (cr);
        cairo_move_to (cr, mx, my);
        if (SMIL::Transition::SubHorizontal == trans->sub_type)
            cairo_arc (cr, mx, my, radius, M_PI + phi - dphi, M_PI + phi +dphi);
            cairo_arc (cr, mx, my, radius, -phi - dphi, -phi + dphi);
        cairo_close_path (cr);
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)
    } else if (SMIL::Transition::EllipseWipe == trans->type) {
        cairo_rectangle (cr, clip.x, clip.y, clip.w, clip.h);
        cairo_clip (cr);
        int mx = clip.x + clip.w/2;
        int my = clip.y + clip.h/2;
        float hw = (double) clip.w/2;
        float hh = (double) clip.h/2;
        float radius = sqrtf (hw * hw + hh * hh);
        cairo_save (cr);
        cairo_new_path (cr);
        cairo_translate (cr, (int) mx, (int) my);
        cairo_move_to (cr, - Single (radius), 0);
        if (SMIL::Transition::SubHorizontal == trans->sub_type)
            cairo_scale (cr, 1.0, 0.6);
        else if (SMIL::Transition::SubVertical == trans->sub_type)
            cairo_scale (cr, 0.6, 1.0);
        cairo_arc (cr, 0, 0, perc * radius, 0, 2 * M_PI);
        cairo_close_path (cr);
        cairo_restore (cr);
        CAIRO_SET_PATTERN_COND(cr, cur_pat, cur_mat)

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::RefMediaType *ref) {
    Surface *s = ref->surface ();
    if (s) {
        if (ref->external_tree)
            updateExternal (ref, s);
        else if (ref->needsVideoWidget ())
            s->video ();

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::paint (SMIL::MediaType *mt, Surface *s,
        int x, int y, const IRect &rect) {
    cairo_save (cr);
    opacity = 1.0;
    cairo_matrix_init_translate (&cur_mat, -x, -y);
    cur_pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (s->surface);
    if (mt->active_trans) {
        IRect clip_save = clip;
        clip = rect;
        cur_media = mt;
        mt->active_trans->accept (this);
        clip = clip_save;
    } else {
        cairo_pattern_set_extend (cur_pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
        cairo_pattern_set_matrix (cur_pat, &cur_mat);
        cairo_pattern_set_filter (cur_pat, CAIRO_FILTER_FAST);
        cairo_set_source (cr, cur_pat);
        cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
    opacity *= mt->opacity / 100.0;
    if (opacity < 0.99) {
        cairo_clip (cr);
        cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, opacity);
    } else {
        cairo_fill (cr);
    cairo_pattern_destroy (cur_pat);
    cairo_restore (cr);

void CairoPaintVisitor::updateExternal (SMIL::MediaType *av, SurfacePtr s) {
    SRect rect = s->bounds;
    Single x = rect.x ();
    Single y = rect.y ();
    Single w = rect.width();
    Single h = rect.height();
    matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
    IRect clip_rect = clip.intersect (IRect (x, y, w, h));
    if (!clip_rect.isValid ())
    if (!s->surface || s->dirty) {
        Matrix m = matrix;
        m.translate (-x, -y);
        IRect r (clip_rect.x - (int) x - 1, clip_rect.y - (int) y - 1,
                clip_rect.w + 3, clip_rect.h + 3);
        if (!s->surface) {
            s->surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_surface,
                    CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, (int) w, (int) h);
            r = IRect (0, 0, w, h);
        CairoPaintVisitor visitor (s->surface, m, r);
        av->external_tree->accept (&visitor);
        s->dirty = false;
    paint (av, s.ptr (), x, y, clip_rect);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::AVMediaType *av) {
    Surface *s = av->surface ();
    if (s) {
        if (av->external_tree)
            updateExternal (av, s);
        else if (av->needsVideoWidget ())
            s->video ();

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::ImageMediaType * img) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << img->nodeName() << " " << img->src << endl;
    Surface *s = img->surface ();
    if (!s)
    if (img->external_tree) {
        updateExternal (img, s);
    ImageRuntime * ir = static_cast <ImageRuntime *> (img->runtime ());
    ImageData * id = ir->cached_img.data.ptr ();
    if (!id || !id->image || img->width <= 0 || img->height <= 0) {
    SRect rect = s->bounds;
    Single x = rect.x ();
    Single y = rect.y ();
    Single w = rect.width();
    Single h = rect.height();
    matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
    IRect clip_rect = clip.intersect (IRect (x, y, w, h));
    if (clip_rect.isEmpty ())
    if (!s->surface || s->dirty)
        copyImage (s, w, h, id->image, cairo_surface);
    paint (img, s, x, y, clip_rect);
    s->dirty = false;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::TextMediaType * txt) {
    TextRuntime * td = static_cast <TextRuntime *> (txt->runtime ());
    Surface *s = txt->surface ();
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << txt->nodeName() << " " << td->text << endl;
    if (!s)
    SRect rect = s->bounds;
    Single x = rect.x (), y = rect.y(), w = rect.width(), h = rect.height();
    matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
    if (!s->surface) {
        //kdDebug() << "new txt surface " << td->text << endl;
        /* TQTextEdit * edit = new TQTextEdit;
        edit->setReadOnly (true);
        edit->setHScrollBarMode (TQScrollView::AlwaysOff);
        edit->setVScrollBarMode (TQScrollView::AlwaysOff);
        edit->setFrameShape (TQFrame::NoFrame);
        edit->setFrameShadow (TQFrame::Plain);
        edit->setGeometry (0, 0, w, h);
        if (edit->length () == 0)
            edit->setText (text);
        if (w0 > 0)
            font.setPointSize (int (1.0 * w * font_size / w0));
        edit->setFont (font);
        TQRect rect = p.clipRegion (TQPainter::CoordPainter).boundingRect ();
        rect = rect.intersect (TQRect (xoff, yoff, w, h));
        TQPixmap pix = TQPixmap::grabWidget (edit, rect.x () - (int) xoff,
                rect.y () - (int) yoff, rect.width (), rect.height ());*/

        float scale = 1.0 * w / rect.width (); // TODO: make an image
        cairo_set_font_size (cr, scale * td->font_size);
        cairo_font_extents_t txt_fnt;
        cairo_font_extents (cr, &txt_fnt);
        TQString str = td->text;
        struct Line {
            Line (const TQString & ln) : txt (ln), next(0) {}
            TQString txt;
            cairo_text_extents_t txt_ext;
            Single xoff;
            Line * next;
        } *lines = 0, *last_line = 0;
        Single y1 = y;
        Single max_width;
        int line_count = 0;
        Single min_xoff = w;
        while (!str.isEmpty ()) {
            int len = str.find (TQChar ('\n'));
            bool skip_cr = false;
            if (len > 1 && str[len-1] == TQChar ('\r')) {
                skip_cr = true;
            TQString para = len > -1 ? str.left (len) : str;
            Line * line = new Line (para);
            if (!lines)
                lines = line;
                last_line->next = line;
            last_line = line;
            int ppos = 0;
            while (true) {
                cairo_text_extents (cr, line->txt.utf8 ().data (), &line->txt_ext);
                float frag = line->txt_ext.width > 0.1
                    ? w / line->txt_ext.width : 1.1;
                if (frag < 1.0) {
                    int br_pos = int (line->txt.length () * frag); //educated guess
                    while (br_pos > 0) {
                        line->txt.truncate (br_pos);
                        br_pos = line->txt.findRev (TQChar (' '));
                        if (br_pos < 1)
                        line->txt.truncate (br_pos);
                        cairo_text_extents (cr, line->txt.utf8 ().data (), &line->txt_ext);
                        if (line->txt_ext.width < (double)w)
                if (line->txt_ext.width > (double)max_width)
                    max_width = line->txt_ext.width;

                if (td->halign == TextRuntime::align_center)
                    line->xoff = (w - Single (line->txt_ext.width)) / 2;
                else if (td->halign == TextRuntime::align_right)
                    line->xoff = w - Single (line->txt_ext.width);
                if (line->xoff < min_xoff)
                    min_xoff = line->xoff;

                y1 += Single (txt_fnt.height);
                ppos += line->txt.length () + 1;
                if (ppos >= para.length ())

                line->next = new Line (para.mid (ppos));
                line = line->next;
                last_line = line;
            if (len < 0)
            str = str.mid (len + (skip_cr ? 2 : 1));
        // new coord in screen space
        x += min_xoff;
        w = (double)max_width + txt_fnt.max_x_advance / 2;
        h = y1 - y /*txt_fnt.height + txt_fnt.descent*/;

        s->surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_surface,
                CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, (int) w, (int) h);
        cairo_t * cr_txt = cairo_create (s->surface);
        cairo_set_font_size (cr_txt, scale * td->font_size);
        if (td->bg_opacity) { // TODO real alpha
            CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr_txt, td->background_color);
            cairo_paint (cr_txt);
        CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr_txt, td->font_color);
        y1 = 0;
        while (lines) {
            Line * line = lines;
            line->xoff += Single (txt_fnt.max_x_advance / 4);
            cairo_move_to (cr_txt, line->xoff - min_xoff, y1 + Single (txt_fnt.ascent));
            cairo_show_text (cr_txt, line->txt.utf8 ().data ());
            y1 += Single (txt_fnt.height);
            lines = lines->next;
            delete line;
        //cairo_stroke (cr);
        cairo_destroy (cr_txt);

        // update bounds rect
        Single sx = x, sy = y, sw = w, sh = h;
        matrix.invXYWH (sx, sy, sw, sh);
        txt->width = sw;
        txt->height = sh;
        s->bounds = txt->calculateBounds ();

        // update coord. for painting below
        x = s->bounds.x ();
        y = s->bounds.y();
        w = s->bounds.width();
        h = s->bounds.height();
        matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
    IRect clip_rect = clip.intersect (IRect (x, y, w, h));
    if (!clip_rect.isEmpty ())
        paint (txt, s, x, y, clip_rect);
    s->dirty = false;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (SMIL::Brush * brush) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << brush->nodeName() << endl;
    Surface *s = brush->surface ();
    if (s) {
        cairo_save (cr);
        opacity = 1.0;
        SRect rect = s->bounds;
        Single x, y, w = rect.width(), h = rect.height();
        matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
        unsigned int color = TQColor (brush->param ("color")).rgb ();
        if (brush->active_trans) {
            cur_media = brush;
            cur_pat = NULL;
            brush->active_trans->accept (this);
        } else {
            cairo_rectangle (cr, (int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h);
        opacity *= brush->opacity / 100.0;
        if (opacity < 0.99)
            cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,
                    1.0 * ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255,
                    1.0 * ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255,
                    1.0 * (color & 0xff) / 255,
            CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr, color);
        cairo_fill (cr);
        s->dirty = false;
        cairo_restore (cr);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::Imfl * imfl) {
    if (imfl->surface ()) {
        cairo_save (cr);
        Matrix m = matrix;
        Single x, y;
        Single w = imfl->rp_surface->bounds.width();
        Single h = imfl->rp_surface->bounds.height();
        matrix.getXYWH (x, y, w, h);
        cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, w, h);
        //cairo_clip (cr);
        cairo_translate (cr, x, y);
        cairo_scale (cr, w/imfl->width, h/imfl->height);
        if (imfl->needs_scene_img)
            cairo_push_group (cr);
        for (NodePtr n = imfl->firstChild (); n; n = n->nextSibling ())
            if (n->state >= Node::state_began &&
                    n->state < Node::state_deactivated) {
                RP::TimingsBase * tb = convertNode<RP::TimingsBase>(n);
                switch (n->id) {
                    case RP::id_node_viewchange:
                        if (!(int)tb->srcw)
                            tb->srcw = imfl->width;
                        if (!(int)tb->srch)
                            tb->srch = imfl->height;
                        // fall through
                    case RP::id_node_crossfade:
                    case RP::id_node_fadein:
                    case RP::id_node_fadeout:
                    case RP::id_node_fill:
                    case RP::id_node_wipe:
                        if (!(int)tb->w)
                            tb->w = imfl->width;
                        if (!(int)tb->h)
                            tb->h = imfl->height;
                        n->accept (this);
        if (imfl->needs_scene_img) {
            cairo_pattern_t * pat = cairo_pop_group (cr);
            cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
            cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
            cairo_paint (cr);
            cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);
        cairo_restore (cr);
        matrix = m;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::Fill * fi) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << fi->nodeName() << endl;
    CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr, fi->color);
    if ((int)fi->w && (int)fi->h) {
        cairo_rectangle (cr, fi->x, fi->y, fi->w, fi->h);
        cairo_fill (cr);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::Fadein * fi) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << fi->nodeName() << endl;
    if (fi->target && fi->target->id == RP::id_node_image) {
        RP::Image *img = convertNode <RP::Image> (fi->target);
        if (img->surface ()) {
            Single sx = fi->srcx, sy = fi->srcy, sw = fi->srcw, sh = fi->srch;
            if (!(int)sw)
                sw = img->width;
            if (!(int)sh)
                sh = img->height;
            if ((int)fi->w && (int)fi->h && (int)sw && (int)sh) {
                if (!img->img_surface->surface)
                    copyImage (img->img_surface, img->width, img->height, img->cached_img.data->image, cairo_surface);
                cairo_matrix_t matrix;
                cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix);
                float scalex = 1.0 * sw / fi->w;
                float scaley = 1.0 * sh / fi->h;
                cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, scalex, scaley);
                cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix,
                        1.0*sx/scalex - (double)fi->x,
                        1.0*sy/scaley - (double)fi->y);
                cairo_save (cr);
                cairo_rectangle (cr, fi->x, fi->y, fi->w, fi->h);
                cairo_pattern_t *pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (img->img_surface->surface);
                cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
                cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pat, &matrix);
                cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
                cairo_clip (cr);
                cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, 1.0 * fi->progress / 100);
                cairo_restore (cr);
                cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::Fadeout * fo) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << fo->nodeName() << endl;
    if (fo->progress > 0) {
        CAIRO_SET_SOURCE_RGB (cr, fo->to_color);
        if ((int)fo->w && (int)fo->h) {
            cairo_save (cr);
            cairo_rectangle (cr, fo->x, fo->y, fo->w, fo->h);
            cairo_clip (cr);
            cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, 1.0 * fo->progress / 100);
            cairo_restore (cr);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::Crossfade * cf) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << cf->nodeName() << endl;
    if (cf->target && cf->target->id == RP::id_node_image) {
        RP::Image *img = convertNode <RP::Image> (cf->target);
        if (img->surface ()) {
            Single sx = cf->srcx, sy = cf->srcy, sw = cf->srcw, sh = cf->srch;
            if (!(int)sw)
                sw = img->width;
            if (!(int)sh)
                sh = img->height;
            if ((int)cf->w && (int)cf->h && (int)sw && (int)sh) {
                if (!img->img_surface->surface)
                    copyImage (img->img_surface, img->width, img->height, img->cached_img.data->image, cairo_surface);
                cairo_save (cr);
                cairo_matrix_t matrix;
                cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix);
                float scalex = 1.0 * sw / cf->w;
                float scaley = 1.0 * sh / cf->h;
                cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, scalex, scaley);
                cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix,
                        1.0*sx/scalex - (double)cf->x,
                        1.0*sy/scaley - (double)cf->y);
                cairo_rectangle (cr, cf->x, cf->y, cf->w, cf->h);
                cairo_pattern_t *pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (img->img_surface->surface);
                cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
                cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pat, &matrix);
                cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
                cairo_clip (cr);
                cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, 1.0 * cf->progress / 100);
                cairo_restore (cr);
                cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::Wipe * wipe) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << wipe->nodeName() << endl;
    if (wipe->target && wipe->target->id == RP::id_node_image) {
        RP::Image *img = convertNode <RP::Image> (wipe->target);
        if (img->surface ()) {
            Single x = wipe->x, y = wipe->y;
            Single tx = x, ty = y;
            Single w = wipe->w, h = wipe->h;
            Single sx = wipe->srcx, sy = wipe->srcy, sw = wipe->srcw, sh = wipe->srch;
            if (!(int)sw)
                sw = img->width;
            if (!(int)sh)
                sh = img->height;
            if (wipe->direction == RP::Wipe::dir_right) {
                Single dx = w * 1.0 * wipe->progress / 100;
                tx = x -w + dx;
                w = dx;
            } else if (wipe->direction == RP::Wipe::dir_left) {
                Single dx = w * 1.0 * wipe->progress / 100;
                tx = x + w - dx;
                x = tx;
                w = dx;
            } else if (wipe->direction == RP::Wipe::dir_down) {
                Single dy = h * 1.0 * wipe->progress / 100;
                ty = y - h + dy;
                h = dy;
            } else if (wipe->direction == RP::Wipe::dir_up) {
                Single dy = h * 1.0 * wipe->progress / 100;
                ty = y + h - dy;
                y = ty;
                h = dy;

            if ((int)w && (int)h) {
                if (!img->img_surface->surface)
                    copyImage (img->img_surface, img->width, img->height, img->cached_img.data->image, cairo_surface);
                cairo_matrix_t matrix;
                cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix);
                float scalex = 1.0 * sw / wipe->w;
                float scaley = 1.0 * sh / wipe->h;
                cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, scalex, scaley);
                cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix,
                        1.0*sx/scalex - (double)tx,
                        1.0*sy/scaley - (double)ty);
                cairo_pattern_t *pat = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (img->img_surface->surface);
                cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
                cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pat, &matrix);
                cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
                cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, w, h);
                cairo_fill (cr);
                cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void CairoPaintVisitor::visit (RP::ViewChange * vc) {
    //kdDebug() << "Visit " << vc->nodeName() << endl;
    if (vc->unfinished () || vc->progress < 100) {
        cairo_pattern_t * pat = cairo_pop_group (cr); // from imfl
        cairo_pattern_set_extend (pat, CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE);
        cairo_push_group (cr);
        cairo_save (cr);
        cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
        cairo_paint (cr);
        if ((int)vc->w && (int)vc->h && (int)vc->srcw && (int)vc->srch) {
            cairo_matrix_t matrix;
            cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix);
            float scalex = 1.0 * vc->srcw / vc->w;
            float scaley = 1.0 * vc->srch / vc->h;
            cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, scalex, scaley);
            cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix,
                    1.0*vc->srcx/scalex - (double)vc->x,
                    1.0*vc->srcy/scaley - (double)vc->y);
            cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pat, &matrix);
            cairo_set_source (cr, pat);
            cairo_rectangle (cr, vc->x, vc->y, vc->w, vc->h);
            cairo_fill (cr);
        cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);
        cairo_restore (cr);



namespace KMPlayer {

class KMPLAYER_NO_EXPORT MouseVisitor : public Visitor {
    Matrix matrix;
    NodePtr node;
    unsigned int event;
    int x, y;
    bool handled;
    bool bubble_up;
    MouseVisitor (unsigned int evt, int x, int y);
    KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ~MouseVisitor () {}
    using Visitor::visit;
    void visit (Node * n);
    void visit (SMIL::Layout *);
    void visit (SMIL::Region *);
    void visit (SMIL::TimedMrl * n);
    void visit (SMIL::MediaType * n);
    void visit (SMIL::Anchor *);
    void visit (SMIL::Area *);
    TQCursor cursor;

} // namespace

MouseVisitor::MouseVisitor (unsigned int evt, int a, int b)
    : event (evt), x (a), y (b), handled (false), bubble_up (false) {

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (Node * n) {
    kdDebug () << "Mouse event ignored for " << n->nodeName () << endl;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::Layout * tqlayout) {
    if (tqlayout->surface ()) {
        Matrix m = matrix;
        SRect rect = tqlayout->region_surface->bounds;
        matrix = Matrix (rect.x(), rect.y(),
                tqlayout->region_surface->xscale, tqlayout->region_surface->yscale);
        matrix.transform (m);

        NodePtr node_save = node;
        node = tqlayout;
        for (NodePtr r = tqlayout->firstChild (); r; r = r->nextSibling ()) {
            if (r->id == SMIL::id_node_region)
                r->accept (this);
            if (!node->active ())
        node = node_save;

        matrix = m;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::Region * region) {
    if (region->surface ()) {
        SRect rect = region->region_surface->bounds;
        Single rx = rect.x(), ry = rect.y(), rw = rect.width(), rh = rect.height();
        matrix.getXYWH (rx, ry, rw, rh);
        handled = false;
        bool inside = x > rx && x < rx+rw && y > ry && y< ry+rh;
        if (!inside && (event == event_pointer_clicked || !region->has_mouse))
        Matrix m = matrix;
        matrix = Matrix (rect.x(), rect.y(), 1.0, 1.0);
        matrix.transform (m);
        bubble_up = false;

        bool child_handled = false;
        if (inside)
            for (NodePtr r = region->firstChild (); r; r = r->nextSibling ()) {
                r->accept (this);
                child_handled |= handled;
                if (!node->active ())
        child_handled &= !bubble_up;
        bubble_up = false;

        int saved_event = event;
        if (node->active ()) {
            bool propagate_listeners = !child_handled;
            if (event == event_pointer_moved) {
                propagate_listeners = true; // always pass move events
                if (region->has_mouse && (!inside || child_handled)) {
                    region->has_mouse = false;
                    event = event_outbounds;
                } else if (inside && !child_handled && !region->has_mouse) {
                    region->has_mouse = true;
                    event = event_inbounds;
            }// else // event_pointer_clicked
            if (propagate_listeners) {
                NodeRefListPtr nl = region->listeners (
                        event == event_pointer_moved ? mediatype_attached : event);
                if (nl) {
                    for (NodeRefItemPtr c = nl->first(); c; c = c->nextSibling ()) {
                        if (c->data)
                            c->data->accept (this);
                        if (!node->active ())
        event = saved_event;
        handled = inside;
        matrix = m;

static void followLink (SMIL::LinkingBase * link) {
    kdDebug() << "link to " << link->href << " clicked" << endl;
    NodePtr n = link;
    if (link->href.startsWith ("#")) {
        SMIL::Smil * s = SMIL::Smil::findSmilNode (link);
        if (s)
            s->jump (link->href.mid (1));
            kdError() << "In document jumps smil not found" << endl;
    } else
        for (NodePtr p = link->parentNode (); p; p = p->parentNode ()) {
            if (n->mrl () && n->mrl ()->opener == p) {
                p->setState (Node::state_deferred);
                p->mrl ()->setParam (StringPool::attr_src, link->href, 0L);
                p->activate ();
            n = p;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::Anchor * anchor) {
    if (event == event_pointer_moved)
        cursor.setShape (Qt::PointingHandCursor);
    else if (event == event_pointer_clicked)
        followLink (anchor);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::Area * area) {
    NodePtr n = area->parentNode ();
    if (n->id >= SMIL::id_node_first_mediatype &&
            n->id < SMIL::id_node_last_mediatype) {
        SMIL::MediaType * mt = convertNode <SMIL::MediaType> (n);
        Surface *s = mt->surface ();
        if (s) {
            SRect rect = s->bounds;
            Single x1 = rect.x (), x2 = rect.y ();
            Single w = rect.width (), h = rect.height ();
            matrix.getXYWH (x1, x2, w, h);
            if (area->nr_coords > 1) {
                Single left = area->coords[0].size (rect.width ());
                Single top = area->coords[1].size (rect.height ());
                matrix.getXY (left, top);
                if (x < left || x > left + w || y < top || y > top + h)
                if (area->nr_coords > 3) {
                    Single right = area->coords[2].size (rect.width ());
                    Single bottom = area->coords[3].size (rect.height ());
                    matrix.getXY (right, bottom);
                    if (x > right || y > bottom)
            if (event == event_pointer_moved)
                cursor.setShape (Qt::PointingHandCursor);
            else {
                NodeRefListPtr nl = area->listeners (event);
                if (nl)
                    for (NodeRefItemPtr c = nl->first(); c; c = c->nextSibling ()) {
                        if (c->data)
                            c->data->accept (this);
                        if (!node->active ())
                if (event == event_pointer_clicked && !area->href.isEmpty ())
                    followLink (area);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::TimedMrl * timedmrl) {
    timedmrl->runtime ()->processEvent (event);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void MouseVisitor::visit (SMIL::MediaType * mediatype) {
    if (mediatype->sensitivity == SMIL::MediaType::sens_transparent) {
        bubble_up = true;
    Surface *s = mediatype->surface ();
    if (!s)
    if (s->node && s->node.ptr () != mediatype) {
        s->node->accept (this);
    SRect rect = s->bounds;
    Single rx = rect.x(), ry = rect.y(), rw = rect.width(), rh = rect.height();
    matrix.getXYWH (rx, ry, rw, rh);
    bool inside = x > rx && x < rx+rw && y > ry && y< ry+rh;
    if (!inside && event == event_pointer_clicked)
        return; // FIXME, also in/outbounds are bounds related

    NodeRefListPtr nl = mediatype->listeners (
            event == event_pointer_moved ? mediatype_attached : event);
    if (nl)
        for (NodeRefItemPtr c = nl->first(); c; c = c->nextSibling ()) {
            if (c->data)
                c->data->accept (this);
            if (!node->active ())
    if (event != event_pointer_moved)
        visit (static_cast <SMIL::TimedMrl *> (mediatype));
    if (event != event_inbounds && event != event_outbounds) {
      SMIL::RegionBase *r=convertNode<SMIL::RegionBase>(mediatype->region_node);
      if (r && r->surface () &&
              r->id != SMIL::id_node_smil &&
              r->region_surface->node && r != r->region_surface->node.ptr ())
          return r->region_surface->node->accept (this);


KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ViewArea::ViewArea (TQWidget * parent, View * view)
 : TQWidget (parent, "kde_kmplayer_viewarea", WResizeNoErase | WRepaintNoErase),
   m_parent (parent),
   m_view (view),
   m_collection (new KActionCollection (this)),
   surface (new ViewSurface (this)),
   m_mouse_invisible_timer (0),
   m_repaint_timer (0),
   m_fullscreen_scale (100),
   scale_lbl_id (-1),
   scale_slider_id (-1),
   m_fullscreen (false),
   m_minimal (false) {
    setEraseColor (TQColor (0, 0, 0));
    setAcceptDrops (true);
    new KAction (i18n ("Fullscreen"), KShortcut (TQt::Key_F), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT (accelActivated ()), m_collection, "view_fullscreen_toggle");
    setMouseTracking (true);
    if (!image_data_map)
        imageCacheDeleter.setObject (image_data_map, new ImageDataMap);

KDE_NO_CDTOR_EXPORT ViewArea::~ViewArea () {

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::fullScreen () {
    TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->killTimers ();
    m_mouse_invisible_timer = m_repaint_timer = 0;
    if (m_fullscreen) {
        showNormal ();
        reparent (m_parent, 0, TQPoint (0, 0), true);
        static_cast <KDockWidget *> (m_parent)->setWidget (this);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_collection->count (); ++i)
            m_collection->action (i)->setEnabled (false);
        if (scale_lbl_id != -1) {
            m_view->controlPanel ()->popupMenu ()->removeItem (scale_lbl_id);
            m_view->controlPanel ()->popupMenu ()->removeItem (scale_slider_id);
            scale_lbl_id = scale_slider_id = -1;
        m_view->controlPanel ()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (playlist_xpm)));
    } else {
        m_topwindow_rect = tqtopLevelWidget ()->tqgeometry ();
        reparent (0L, 0, tqApp->desktop()->screenGeometry(this).topLeft(), true);
        showFullScreen ();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_collection->count (); ++i)
            m_collection->action (i)->setEnabled (true);
        TQPopupMenu * menu = m_view->controlPanel ()->popupMenu ();
        TQLabel * lbl = new TQLabel (i18n ("Scale:"), menu);
        scale_lbl_id = menu->insertItem (lbl, -1, 4);
        TQSlider * slider = new TQSlider (50, 150, 10, m_fullscreen_scale, Qt::Horizontal, menu);
        connect (slider, TQT_SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (scale (int)));
        scale_slider_id = menu->insertItem (slider, -1, 5);
        m_view->controlPanel ()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (normal_window_xpm)));
    m_fullscreen = !m_fullscreen;
    m_view->controlPanel()->popupMenu ()->setItemChecked (ControlPanel::menu_fullscreen, m_fullscreen);

    if (surface->surface) {
        cairo_surface_destroy (surface->surface);
        surface->surface = 0L;
    if (m_fullscreen) {
        m_mouse_invisible_timer = startTimer(MOUSE_INVISIBLE_DELAY);
    } else {
        if (m_mouse_invisible_timer) {
            killTimer (m_mouse_invisible_timer);
            m_mouse_invisible_timer = 0;

void ViewArea::minimalMode () {
    m_minimal = !m_minimal;
    TQT_TQOBJECT(this)->killTimers ();
    m_mouse_invisible_timer = m_repaint_timer = 0;
    if (m_minimal) {
        m_view->setViewOnly ();
        m_view->setControlPanelMode (KMPlayer::View::CP_AutoHide);
        m_view->setNoInfoMessages (true);
        m_view->controlPanel ()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (normal_window_xpm)));
    } else {
        m_view->setControlPanelMode (KMPlayer::View::CP_Show);
        m_view->setNoInfoMessages (false);
        m_view->controlPanel ()->button (ControlPanel::button_playlist)->setIconSet (TQIconSet (TQPixmap (playlist_xpm)));
    m_topwindow_rect = tqtopLevelWidget ()->tqgeometry ();

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::accelActivated () {
    m_view->controlPanel()->popupMenu ()->activateItemAt (m_view->controlPanel()->popupMenu ()->indexOf (ControlPanel::menu_fullscreen)); 

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::mousePressEvent (TQMouseEvent * e) {
    if (surface->node) {
        MouseVisitor visitor (event_pointer_clicked, e->x(), e->y());
        surface->node->accept (&visitor);
    e->accept ();

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::mouseDoubleClickEvent (TQMouseEvent *) {
    m_view->fullScreen (); // screensaver stuff

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent * e) {
    if (e->state () == Qt::NoButton) {
        int vert_buttons_pos = height () - m_view->statusBarHeight ();
        int cp_height = m_view->controlPanel ()->tqmaximumSize ().height ();
        m_view->delayedShowButtons (e->y() > vert_buttons_pos-cp_height &&
                                    e->y() < vert_buttons_pos);
    if (surface->node) {
        MouseVisitor visitor (event_pointer_moved, e->x(), e->y());
        surface->node->accept (&visitor);
        setCursor (visitor.cursor);
    e->accept ();
    mouseMoved (); // for m_mouse_invisible_timer

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::syncVisual (const IRect & rect) {
    int ex = rect.x;
    if (ex > 0)
    int ey = rect.y;
    if (ey > 0)
    int ew = rect.w + 2;
    int eh = rect.h + 2;
    if (!surface->surface)
        surface->surface = cairoCreateSurface (winId (), width (), height ());
    if (surface->node && (!video_node ||
            !convertNode <SMIL::MediaType> (video_node)->needsVideoWidget()))
        setAudioVideoGeometry (IRect (), NULL);
    CairoPaintVisitor visitor (surface->surface,
            Matrix (surface->bounds.x(), surface->bounds.y(), 1.0, 1.0),
            IRect (ex, ey, ew, eh), paletteBackgroundColor (), true);
    if (surface->node)
        surface->node->accept (&visitor);
    tqrepaint (TQRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h), false);
    if (m_repaint_timer) {
        killTimer (m_repaint_timer);
        m_repaint_timer = 0;
    //XFlush (qt_xdisplay ());

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::paintEvent (TQPaintEvent * pe) {
    if (surface->node)
        scheduleRepaint (IRect (pe->rect ().x (), pe->rect ().y (), pe->rect ().width (), pe->rect ().height ()));
        TQWidget::paintEvent (pe);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::scale (int val) {
    m_fullscreen_scale = val;
    resizeEvent (0L);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::updateSurfaceBounds () {
    Single x, y, w = width (), h = height ();
    h -= m_view->statusBarHeight ();
    h -= m_view->controlPanel ()->isVisible ()
        ? (m_view->controlPanelMode () == View::CP_Only
                ? h
                : (Single) m_view->controlPanel()->tqmaximumSize ().height ())
        : Single (0);
    surface->resize (SRect (x, y, w, h));
    Mrl *mrl = surface->node ? surface->node->mrl () : NULL;
    if (m_view->keepSizeRatio () &&
            w > 0 && h > 0 &&
            mrl && mrl->width > 0 && mrl->height > 0) {
        double wasp = (double) w / h;
        double masp = (double) mrl->width / mrl->height;
        if (wasp > masp) {
            Single tmp = w;
            w = masp * h;
            x += (tmp - w) / 2;
        } else {
            Single tmp = h;
            h = Single (w / masp);
            y += (tmp - h) / 2;
        surface->xscale = 1.0 * w / mrl->width;
        surface->yscale = 1.0 * h / mrl->height;
    } else {
        surface->xscale = 1.0;
        surface->yscale = 1.0;
    surface->bounds = SRect (x, y, w, h);
    scheduleRepaint (IRect (0, 0, width (), height ()));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::resizeEvent (TQResizeEvent *) {
    if (!m_view->controlPanel ()) return;
    Single x, y, w = width (), h = height ();
    Single hsb = m_view->statusBarHeight ();
    Single hcp = m_view->controlPanel ()->isVisible ()
        ? (m_view->controlPanelMode () == View::CP_Only
                ? h-hsb
                : (Single) m_view->controlPanel()->tqmaximumSize ().height ())
        : Single (0);
    Single wws = w;
    // move controlpanel over video when autohiding and playing
    Single hws = h - (m_view->controlPanelMode () == View::CP_AutoHide &&
            m_view->widgetStack ()->visibleWidget () == m_view->viewer ()
            ? Single (0)
            : hcp) - hsb;
    // now scale the regions and check if video region is already sized
    if (surface->node) {
        NodePtr n = surface->node;
        surface = new ViewSurface (this);
        surface->node = n;
    updateSurfaceBounds ();

    // finally resize controlpanel and video widget
    if (m_view->controlPanel ()->isVisible ())
        m_view->controlPanel ()->setGeometry (0, h-hcp-hsb, w, hcp);
    if (m_view->statusBar ()->isVisible ())
        m_view->statusBar ()->setGeometry (0, h-hsb, w, hsb);
    if (m_fullscreen && wws == w && hws == h) {
        wws = wws * m_fullscreen_scale / 100;
        hws = hws * m_fullscreen_scale / 100;
        x += (w - wws) / 2;
        y += (h - hws) / 2;
    if (!surface->node)
        setAudioVideoGeometry (IRect (x, y, wws, hws), 0L);

void ViewArea::setAudioVideoGeometry (const IRect &rect, unsigned int * bg_color) {
    int x = rect.x, y = rect.y, w = rect.w, h = rect.h;
    if (m_view->controlPanelMode() == View::CP_Only) {
        w = h = 0;
    } else if (!surface->node && m_view->keepSizeRatio ()) { // scale video widget inside region
        int hfw = m_view->viewer ()->heightForWidth (w);
        if (hfw > 0)
            if (hfw > h) {
                int old_w = w;
                w = int ((1.0 * h * w)/(1.0 * hfw));
                x += (old_w - w) / 2;
            } else {
                y += (h - hfw) / 2;
                h = hfw;
    m_av_tqgeometry = TQRect (x, y, w, h);
    TQRect wrect = m_view->widgetStack ()->tqgeometry ();
    if (m_av_tqgeometry != wrect &&
            !(m_av_tqgeometry.width() <= 0 &&
                wrect.width() <= 1 && wrect.height() <= 1)) {
        m_view->widgetStack ()->setGeometry (x, y, w, h);
        wrect.unite (m_av_tqgeometry);
        scheduleRepaint (IRect (wrect.x (), wrect.y (), wrect.width (), wrect.height ()));
    if (bg_color)
        if (TQColor (TQRgb (*bg_color)) != (m_view->viewer ()->paletteBackgroundColor ())) {
            m_view->viewer()->setCurrentBackgroundColor (TQColor (TQRgb (*bg_color)));
            scheduleRepaint (IRect (x, y, w, h));

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::setAudioVideoNode (NodePtr n) {
    video_node = n;

KDE_NO_EXPORT SurfacePtr ViewArea::getSurface (NodePtr node) {
    static_cast <ViewSurface *> (surface.ptr ())->clear ();
    surface->node = node;
    m_view->viewer()->resetBackgroundColor ();
    if (node) {
        updateSurfaceBounds ();
        return surface;
    scheduleRepaint (IRect (0, 0, width (), height ()));
    return 0L;

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::showEvent (TQShowEvent *) {
    resizeEvent (0L);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::dropEvent (TQDropEvent * de) {
    m_view->dropEvent (de);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::dragEnterEvent (TQDragEnterEvent* dee) {
    m_view->dragEnterEvent (dee);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::contextMenuEvent (TQContextMenuEvent * e) {
    m_view->controlPanel ()->popupMenu ()->exec (e->globalPos ());

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::mouseMoved () {
    if (m_fullscreen) {
        if (m_mouse_invisible_timer)
            killTimer (m_mouse_invisible_timer);
        unsetCursor ();
        m_mouse_invisible_timer = startTimer (MOUSE_INVISIBLE_DELAY);

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::scheduleRepaint (const IRect &rect) {
    if (m_repaint_timer) {
        m_repaint_rect = m_repaint_rect.unite (rect);
    } else {
        m_repaint_rect = rect;
        m_repaint_timer = startTimer (10); // 100 per sec should do

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::timerEvent (TQTimerEvent * e) {
    if (e->timerId () == m_mouse_invisible_timer) {
        killTimer (m_mouse_invisible_timer);
        m_mouse_invisible_timer = 0;
        if (m_fullscreen)
            setCursor (BlankCursor);
    } else if (e->timerId () == m_repaint_timer) {
        killTimer (m_repaint_timer);
        m_repaint_timer = 0;
        //tqrepaint (m_repaint_rect, false);
        syncVisual (m_repaint_rect.intersect (IRect (0, 0, width (), height ())));
    } else {
        kdError () << "unknown timer " << e->timerId () << " " << m_repaint_timer << endl;
        killTimer (e->timerId ());

KDE_NO_EXPORT void ViewArea::closeEvent (TQCloseEvent * e) {
    //kdDebug () << "closeEvent" << endl;
    if (m_fullscreen) {
        fullScreen ();
        if (!m_parent->tqtopLevelWidget ()->isVisible ())
            m_parent->tqtopLevelWidget ()->show ();
        e->ignore ();
    } else
        TQWidget::closeEvent (e);

#include "viewarea.moc"