path: root/kmymoney2/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.cpp
diff options
authortpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
committertpearson <tpearson@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2011-07-04 22:38:03 +0000
commitdadc34655c3ab961b0b0b94a10eaaba710f0b5e8 (patch)
tree99e72842fe687baea16376a147619b6048d7e441 /kmymoney2/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.cpp
Added kmymoney
git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kmymoney2/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 843 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kmymoney2/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.cpp b/kmymoney2/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f122ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kmymoney2/dialogs/kfindtransactiondlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+ kfindtransactiondlg.cpp
+ -------------------
+ copyright : (C) 2003, 2007 by Thomas Baumgart
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// QT Includes
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qtabwidget.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// KDE Includes
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Project Includes
+#include "kfindtransactiondlg.h"
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneydateinput.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyedit.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneylineedit.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyaccountselector.h>
+#include <kmymoney/mymoneyfile.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneychecklistitem.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneyglobalsettings.h>
+#include <kmymoney/register.h>
+#include <kmymoney/transaction.h>
+#include <kmymoney/kmymoneycombo.h>
+#include "ksortoptiondlg.h"
+KFindTransactionDlg::KFindTransactionDlg(QWidget *parent, const char *name) :
+ KFindTransactionDlgDecl(parent, name, false),
+ m_needReload(false)
+ m_register->installEventFilter(this);
+ m_tabWidget->setTabEnabled(m_resultPage, false);
+ // 'cause we don't have a separate setupTextPage
+ connect(m_textEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ setupAccountsPage();
+ setupCategoriesPage();
+ setupDatePage();
+ setupAmountPage();
+ setupPayeesPage();
+ setupDetailsPage();
+ // We don't need to add the default into the list (see ::slotShowHelp() why)
+ // m_helpAnchor[m_textTab] = QString("");
+ m_helpAnchor[m_accountTab] = QString("");
+ m_helpAnchor[m_dateTab] = QString("");
+ m_helpAnchor[m_amountTab] = QString("");
+ m_helpAnchor[m_categoryTab] = QString("");
+ m_helpAnchor[m_payeeTab] = QString("");
+ m_helpAnchor[m_detailsTab] = QString("");
+ // setup the register
+ QValueList<KMyMoneyRegister::Column> cols;
+ cols << KMyMoneyRegister::DateColumn;
+ cols << KMyMoneyRegister::AccountColumn;
+ cols << KMyMoneyRegister::DetailColumn;
+ cols << KMyMoneyRegister::ReconcileFlagColumn;
+ cols << KMyMoneyRegister::PaymentColumn;
+ cols << KMyMoneyRegister::DepositColumn;
+ m_register->setupRegister(MyMoneyAccount(), cols);
+ m_register->setSelectionMode(QTable::Single);
+ connect(m_register, SIGNAL(editTransaction()), this, SLOT(slotSelectTransaction()));
+ connect(m_register, SIGNAL(headerClicked()), this, SLOT(slotSortOptions()));
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+ // setup the connections
+ connect(m_searchButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSearch()));
+ connect(m_resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotReset()));
+ connect(m_resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_accountsView, SLOT(slotSelectAllAccounts()));
+ connect(m_resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_categoriesView, SLOT(slotSelectAllAccounts()));
+ connect(m_closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
+ connect(m_helpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotShowHelp()));
+ // only allow searches when a selection has been made
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionEmpty(bool)), m_searchButton, SLOT(setDisabled(bool)));
+ // get signal about engine changes
+ connect(MyMoneyFile::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(slotRefreshView()));
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+ m_textEdit->setFocus();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotReset(void)
+ m_textEdit->setText(QString());
+ m_regExp->setChecked(false);
+ m_caseSensitive->setChecked(false);
+ m_textNegate->setCurrentItem(0);
+ m_amountEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_amountFromEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_amountToEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_amountEdit->loadText(QString());
+ m_amountFromEdit->loadText(QString());
+ m_amountToEdit->loadText(QString());
+ m_amountButton->setChecked(true);
+ m_amountRangeButton->setChecked(false);
+ m_emptyPayeesButton->setChecked(false);
+ selectAllItems(m_payeesView, true);
+ m_typeBox->setCurrentItem(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allTypes);
+ m_stateBox->setCurrentItem(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allStates);
+ m_validityBox->setCurrentItem(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::anyValidity);
+ m_nrEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_nrFromEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_nrToEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_nrEdit->setText(QString());
+ m_nrFromEdit->setText(QString());
+ m_nrToEdit->setText(QString());
+ m_nrButton->setChecked(true);
+ m_nrRangeButton->setChecked(false);
+ m_tabWidget->setTabEnabled(m_resultPage, false);
+ m_tabWidget->setCurrentPage(m_tabWidget->indexOf(m_criteriaTab));
+ // the following call implies a call to slotUpdateSelections,
+ // that's why we call it last
+ m_dateRange->setCurrentItem(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates);
+ slotDateRangeChanged(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates);
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotUpdateSelections(void)
+ QString txt;
+ // Text tab
+ if(!m_textEdit->text().isEmpty()) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Text");
+ m_regExp->setEnabled(QRegExp(m_textEdit->text()).isValid());
+ } else
+ m_regExp->setEnabled(false);
+ m_caseSensitive->setEnabled(!m_textEdit->text().isEmpty());
+ m_textNegate->setEnabled(!m_textEdit->text().isEmpty());
+ // Account tab
+ if(!m_accountsView->allItemsSelected()) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Account");
+ }
+ // Date tab
+ if(m_dateRange->currentItem() != 0) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Date");
+ }
+ // Amount tab
+ if((m_amountButton->isChecked() && m_amountEdit->isValid())
+ || (m_amountRangeButton->isChecked()
+ && (m_amountFromEdit->isValid() || m_amountToEdit->isValid()))) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Amount");
+ }
+ // Categories tab
+ if(!m_categoriesView->allItemsSelected()) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Category");
+ }
+ // Payees tab
+ if(!allItemsSelected(m_payeesView)
+ || m_emptyPayeesButton->isChecked()) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Payees");
+ }
+ m_payeesView->setEnabled(!m_emptyPayeesButton->isChecked());
+ // Details tab
+ if(m_typeBox->currentItem() != 0
+ || m_stateBox->currentItem() != 0
+ || m_validityBox->currentItem() != 0
+ || (m_nrButton->isChecked() && m_nrEdit->text().length() != 0)
+ || (m_nrRangeButton->isChecked()
+ && (m_nrFromEdit->text().length() != 0 || m_nrToEdit->text().length() != 0))) {
+ if(!txt.isEmpty())
+ txt += ", ";
+ txt += i18n("Details");
+ }
+ //Show a warning about transfers if Categories are filtered - bug #1523508
+ if(!m_categoriesView->allItemsSelected()) {
+ m_transferWarning->setText( i18n("Warning: Filtering by Category will exclude all transfers from the results.") );
+ } else {
+ m_transferWarning->setText("");
+ }
+ // disable the search button if no selection is made
+ emit selectionEmpty(txt.isEmpty());
+ if(txt.isEmpty()) {
+ txt = i18n("(None)");
+ }
+ m_selectedCriteria->setText(i18n("Current selections: ") + txt);
+bool KFindTransactionDlg::allItemsSelected(const QListViewItem *item) const
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = item->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ QCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(!(it_c->isOn() && allItemsSelected(it_v)))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool KFindTransactionDlg::allItemsSelected(const QListView* view) const
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = view->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ QCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ if(!(it_c->isOn() && allItemsSelected(it_v)))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if(!allItemsSelected(it_v))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupAccountsPage(void)
+ m_accountsView->setSelectionMode(QListView::Multi);
+ AccountSet accountSet;
+ accountSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Asset);
+ accountSet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Liability);
+ //set the accountset to show closed account if the settings say so
+ accountSet.setHideClosedAccounts(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::hideClosedAccounts());
+ accountSet.load(m_accountsView);
+ connect(m_accountsView, SIGNAL(stateChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+void KFindTransactionDlg::selectAllItems(QListView* view, const bool state)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = view->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ QCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ it_c->setOn(state);
+ }
+ selectAllSubItems(it_v, state);
+ }
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::selectItems(QListView* view, const QStringList& list, const bool state)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = view->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox && list.contains(it_c->id())) {
+ it_c->setOn(state);
+ }
+ selectSubItems(it_v, list, state);
+ }
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupCategoriesPage(void)
+ m_categoriesView->setSelectionMode(QListView::Multi);
+ AccountSet categorySet;
+ categorySet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Income);
+ categorySet.addAccountGroup(MyMoneyAccount::Expense);
+ categorySet.load(m_categoriesView);
+ connect(m_categoriesView, SIGNAL(stateChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+void KFindTransactionDlg::selectAllSubItems(QListViewItem* item, const bool state)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = item->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ static_cast<QCheckListItem*>(it_v)->setOn(state);
+ selectAllSubItems(it_v, state);
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::selectSubItems(QListViewItem* item, const QStringList& list, const bool state)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = item->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(list.contains(it_c->id()))
+ it_c->setOn(state);
+ selectSubItems(it_v, list, state);
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupDatePage(void)
+ int i;
+ for(i = MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates; i < MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateOptionCount; ++i) {
+ MyMoneyTransactionFilter::translateDateRange(static_cast<MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateOptionE>(i), m_startDates[i], m_endDates[i]);
+ }
+ connect(m_dateRange, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), this, SLOT(slotDateRangeChanged(int)));
+ connect(m_fromDate, SIGNAL(dateChanged(const QDate&)), this, SLOT(slotDateChanged()));
+ connect(m_toDate, SIGNAL(dateChanged(const QDate&)), this, SLOT(slotDateChanged()));
+ slotDateRangeChanged(MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates);
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotDateRangeChanged(int idx)
+ switch(idx) {
+ case MyMoneyTransactionFilter::allDates:
+ case MyMoneyTransactionFilter::userDefined:
+ m_fromDate->loadDate(QDate());
+ m_toDate->loadDate(QDate());
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_fromDate->loadDate(m_startDates[idx]);
+ m_toDate->loadDate(m_endDates[idx]);
+ break;
+ }
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotDateChanged(void)
+ int idx;
+ for(idx = MyMoneyTransactionFilter::asOfToday; idx < MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateOptionCount; ++idx) {
+ if(m_fromDate->date() == m_startDates[idx]
+ && m_toDate->date() == m_endDates[idx]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //if no filter matched, set to user defined
+ if(idx == MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateOptionCount)
+ idx = MyMoneyTransactionFilter::userDefined;
+ m_dateRange->blockSignals(true);
+ m_dateRange->setCurrentItem(static_cast<MyMoneyTransactionFilter::dateOptionE>(idx));
+ m_dateRange->blockSignals(false);
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupAmountPage(void)
+ connect(m_amountButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAmountSelected()));
+ connect(m_amountRangeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAmountRangeSelected()));
+ connect(m_amountEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_amountFromEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_amountToEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ m_amountButton->setChecked(true);
+ slotAmountSelected();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotAmountSelected(void)
+ m_amountEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_amountFromEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_amountToEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotAmountRangeSelected(void)
+ m_amountEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_amountFromEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_amountToEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupPayeesPage(void)
+ m_payeesView->setSelectionMode(QListView::Single);
+ m_payeesView->header()->hide();
+ loadPayees();
+ m_emptyPayeesButton->setChecked(false);
+ connect(m_allPayeesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSelectAllPayees()));
+ connect(m_clearPayeesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDeselectAllPayees()));
+ connect(m_emptyPayeesButton, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+void KFindTransactionDlg::loadPayees(void)
+ MyMoneyFile* file = MyMoneyFile::instance();
+ QValueList<MyMoneyPayee> list;
+ QValueList<MyMoneyPayee>::Iterator it_l;
+ list = file->payeeList();
+ // load view
+ for(it_l = list.begin(); it_l != list.end(); ++it_l) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* item = new KMyMoneyCheckListItem(m_payeesView, (*it_l).name(), QString(), (*it_l).id());
+ connect(item, SIGNAL(stateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ item->setOn(true);
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotSelectAllPayees(void)
+ selectAllItems(m_payeesView, true);
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotDeselectAllPayees(void)
+ selectAllItems(m_payeesView, false);
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupDetailsPage(void)
+ connect(m_typeBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_stateBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_validityBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_nrButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNrSelected()));
+ connect(m_nrRangeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNrRangeSelected()));
+ connect(m_nrEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_nrFromEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ connect(m_nrToEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateSelections()));
+ m_nrButton->setChecked(true);
+ slotNrSelected();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotNrSelected(void)
+ m_nrEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_nrFromEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_nrToEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotNrRangeSelected(void)
+ m_nrEdit->setEnabled(false);
+ m_nrFromEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ m_nrToEdit->setEnabled(true);
+ slotUpdateSelections();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::addItemToFilter(const opTypeE op, const QString& id)
+ switch(op) {
+ case addAccountToFilter:
+ m_filter.addAccount(id);
+ break;
+ case addCategoryToFilter:
+ m_filter.addCategory(id);
+ break;
+ case addPayeeToFilter:
+ m_filter.addPayee(id);
+ break;
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::scanCheckListItems(const QListViewItem* item, const opTypeE op)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = item->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ if(it_c->isOn())
+ addItemToFilter(op, (*it_c).id());
+ }
+ scanCheckListItems(it_v, op);
+ }
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::scanCheckListItems(const QListView* view, const opTypeE op)
+ QListViewItem* it_v;
+ for(it_v = view->firstChild(); it_v != 0; it_v = it_v->nextSibling()) {
+ if(it_v->rtti() == 1) {
+ KMyMoneyCheckListItem* it_c = static_cast<KMyMoneyCheckListItem*>(it_v);
+ if(it_c->type() == QCheckListItem::CheckBox) {
+ if(it_c->isOn())
+ addItemToFilter(op, (*it_c).id());
+ }
+ scanCheckListItems(it_v, op);
+ }
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::setupFilter(void)
+ m_filter.clear();
+ // Text tab
+ if(!m_textEdit->text().isEmpty()) {
+ QRegExp exp(m_textEdit->text(), m_caseSensitive->isChecked(), !m_regExp->isChecked());
+ m_filter.setTextFilter(exp, m_textNegate->currentItem() != 0);
+ }
+ // Account tab
+ if(!m_accountsView->allItemsSelected()) {
+ // retrieve a list of selected accounts
+ QStringList list;
+ m_accountsView->selectedItems(list);
+ // if we're not in expert mode, we need to make sure
+ // that all stock accounts for the selected investment
+ // account are also selected
+ if(!KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::expertMode()) {
+ QStringList missing;
+ QStringList::const_iterator it_a, it_b;
+ for(it_a = list.begin(); it_a != list.end(); ++it_a) {
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(*it_a);
+ if(acc.accountType() == MyMoneyAccount::Investment) {
+ for(it_b = acc.accountList().begin(); it_b != acc.accountList().end(); ++it_b) {
+ if(!list.contains(*it_b)) {
+ missing.append(*it_b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ list += missing;
+ }
+ m_filter.addAccount(list);
+ }
+ // Date tab
+ if(m_dateRange->currentItem() != 0) {
+ m_filter.setDateFilter(m_fromDate->date(), m_toDate->date());
+ }
+ // Amount tab
+ if((m_amountButton->isChecked() && m_amountEdit->isValid())) {
+ m_filter.setAmountFilter(m_amountEdit->value(), m_amountEdit->value());
+ } else if((m_amountRangeButton->isChecked()
+ && (m_amountFromEdit->isValid() || m_amountToEdit->isValid()))) {
+ MyMoneyMoney from(MyMoneyMoney::minValue), to(MyMoneyMoney::maxValue);
+ if(m_amountFromEdit->isValid())
+ from = m_amountFromEdit->value();
+ if(m_amountToEdit->isValid())
+ to = m_amountToEdit->value();
+ m_filter.setAmountFilter(from, to);
+ }
+ // Categories tab
+ if(!m_categoriesView->allItemsSelected()) {
+ m_filter.addCategory(m_categoriesView->selectedItems());
+ }
+ // Payees tab
+ if(m_emptyPayeesButton->isChecked()) {
+ m_filter.addPayee(QString());
+ } else if(!allItemsSelected(m_payeesView)) {
+ scanCheckListItems(m_payeesView, addPayeeToFilter);
+ }
+ // Details tab
+ if(m_typeBox->currentItem() != 0)
+ m_filter.addType(m_typeBox->currentItem());
+ if(m_stateBox->currentItem() != 0)
+ m_filter.addState(m_stateBox->currentItem());
+ if(m_validityBox->currentItem() != 0)
+ m_filter.addValidity(m_validityBox->currentItem());
+ if(m_nrButton->isChecked() && !m_nrEdit->text().isEmpty())
+ m_filter.setNumberFilter(m_nrEdit->text(), m_nrEdit->text());
+ if(m_nrRangeButton->isChecked()
+ && (!m_nrFromEdit->text().isEmpty() || !m_nrToEdit->text().isEmpty())) {
+ m_filter.setNumberFilter(m_nrFromEdit->text(), m_nrToEdit->text());
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotSearch(void)
+ // setup the filter from the dialog widgets
+ setupFilter();
+ // filter is setup, now fill the register
+ slotRefreshView();
+ m_register->setFocus();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotRefreshView(void)
+ m_needReload = true;
+ if(isVisible()) {
+ loadView();
+ m_needReload = false;
+ }
+void KFindTransactionDlg::show(void)
+ if(m_needReload) {
+ loadView();
+ m_needReload = false;
+ }
+ KFindTransactionDlgDecl::show();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::loadView(void)
+ // setup sort order
+ m_register->setSortOrder(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::sortSearchView());
+ // clear out old data
+ m_register->clear();
+ // retrieve the list from the engine
+ MyMoneyFile::instance()->transactionList(m_transactionList, m_filter);
+ // create the elements for the register
+ QValueList<QPair<MyMoneyTransaction, MyMoneySplit> >::const_iterator it;
+ QMap<QString, int>uniqueMap;
+ MyMoneyMoney deposit, payment;
+ int splitCount = 0;
+ for(it = m_transactionList.begin(); it != m_transactionList.end(); ++it) {
+ const MyMoneySplit& split = (*it).second;
+ MyMoneyAccount acc = MyMoneyFile::instance()->account(split.accountId());
+ ++splitCount;
+ uniqueMap[(*it)]++;
+ KMyMoneyRegister::Register::transactionFactory(m_register, (*it).first, (*it).second, uniqueMap[(*it)]);
+ { // debug stuff
+ if(split.shares().isNegative()) {
+ payment += split.shares().abs();
+ } else {
+ deposit += split.shares().abs();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // add the group markers
+ m_register->addGroupMarkers();
+ // sort the transactions according to the sort setting
+ m_register->sortItems();
+ // remove trailing and adjacent markers
+ m_register->removeUnwantedGroupMarkers();
+ // turn on the ledger lens for the register
+ m_register->setLedgerLensForced();
+ m_register->updateRegister(true);
+ m_register->setFocusToTop();
+ m_register->selectItem(m_register->focusItem());
+ m_foundText->setText(i18n("Found %1 matching transactions (D %2 / P %3 = %4)")
+ .arg(splitCount).arg(deposit.formatMoney("", 2)).arg(payment.formatMoney("", 2)).arg((deposit-payment).formatMoney("", 2)));
+ m_foundText->setText(i18n("Found %1 matching transactions") .arg(splitCount));
+ m_tabWidget->setTabEnabled(m_resultPage, true);
+ m_tabWidget->setCurrentPage(m_tabWidget->indexOf(m_resultPage));
+ QTimer::singleShot(10, this, SLOT(slotRightSize()));
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotRightSize(void)
+ m_register->updateContents();
+void KFindTransactionDlg::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* ev)
+ // Columns
+ // 1 = Date
+ // 2 = Account
+ // 4 = Detail
+ // 5 = C
+ // 6 = Payment
+ // 7 = Deposit
+ // don't forget the resizer
+ KFindTransactionDlgDecl::resizeEvent(ev);
+ if(!m_register->isVisible())
+ return;
+ // resize the register
+ int w = m_register->visibleWidth();
+ int m_debitWidth = 80;
+ int m_creditWidth = 80;
+ m_register->adjustColumn(1);
+ m_register->adjustColumn(2);
+ m_register->adjustColumn(5);
+ m_register->setColumnWidth(6, m_debitWidth);
+ m_register->setColumnWidth(7, m_creditWidth);
+ for(int i = 0; i < m_register->numCols(); ++i) {
+ switch(i) {
+ case 4: // skip the one, we want to set
+ break;
+ default:
+ w -= m_register->columnWidth(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_register->setColumnWidth(4, w);
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotSelectTransaction(void)
+ QValueList<KMyMoneyRegister::RegisterItem*> list = m_register->selectedItems();
+ if(!list.isEmpty()) {
+ KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction* t = dynamic_cast<KMyMoneyRegister::Transaction*>(list[0]);
+ if(t) {
+ emit transactionSelected(t->split().accountId(), t->transaction().id());
+ hide();
+ }
+ }
+bool KFindTransactionDlg::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e)
+ bool rc = false;
+ if(o->isWidgetType()) {
+ if(e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
+ const QWidget* w = dynamic_cast<const QWidget*>(o);
+ QKeyEvent *k = static_cast<QKeyEvent *> (e);
+ if(w == m_register) {
+ switch(k->key()) {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Return:
+ case Qt::Key_Enter:
+ rc = true;
+ slotSelectTransaction();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotShowHelp(void)
+ QString anchor = m_helpAnchor[m_criteriaTab->currentPage()];
+ if(anchor.isEmpty())
+ anchor = QString("");
+ kapp->invokeHelp(anchor);
+void KFindTransactionDlg::slotSortOptions(void)
+ KSortOptionDlg* dlg = new KSortOptionDlg(this);
+ dlg->setSortOption(KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::sortSearchView(), QString());
+ dlg->hideDefaultButton();
+ if(dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ QString sortOrder = dlg->sortOption();
+ if(sortOrder != KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::sortSearchView()) {
+ KMyMoneyGlobalSettings::setSortSearchView(sortOrder);
+ slotRefreshView();
+ }
+ }
+ delete dlg;
+// vim:cin:si:ai:et:ts=2:sw=2:
+#include "kfindtransactiondlg.moc"