                          kmymoneycalculator.h  -  description
    begin                : Sat Oct 19 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2000-2002 by Michael Edwardes
    email                : mte@users.sourceforge.net
                           Javier Campos Morales <javi_c@users.sourceforge.net>
                           Felix Rodriguez <frodriguez@users.sourceforge.net>
                           John C <thetacoturtle@users.sourceforge.net>
                           Thomas Baumgart <ipwizard@users.sourceforge.net>
                           Kevin Tambascio <ktambascio@users.sourceforge.net>

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QT Includes

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqgrid.h>
#include <tqlcdnumber.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KDE Includes

#include <kpushbutton.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Project Includes

  *@author Thomas Baumgart

  * This class implements a simple electronic calculator with the
  * ability of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  * and percentage calculation. Memory locations are not available.
  * The first operand and operation can be loaded from an external
  * source to switch from an edit-widget to the calculator widget
  * without having the user to re-type the data. See setInitialValues()
  * for details.
class kMyMoneyCalculator : public TQFrame  {
  kMyMoneyCalculator(TQWidget* parent = 0, const char *name = 0);

    * This methods is used to extract the result of the last
    * calculation. The fractional part is separated from the
    * integral part by the character setup using setComma().
    * @return TQString representing the result of the
    *         last operation
  const TQString result(void) const;

    * This method is used to set the character to be used
    * as the separator between the integer and fractional part
    * of an operand. Upon creation of the object, m_comma is
    * set to the current locale setting of KDE's decimalSymbol.
    * @param ch TQChar representing the character to be used
  void setComma(const TQChar ch) { m_comma = ch; };

    * This method is used to preset the first operand and start
    * execution of an operation. This method is currently used
    * by kMyMoneyEdit. If @p ev is 0, then no operation will be
    * started.
    * @param value reference to TQString representing the operands value
    * @param ev    pointer to TQKeyEvent representing the operation's key
  void setInitialValues(const TQString& value, TQKeyEvent* ev);

    * This signal is emitted, when a new result is available
  void signalResultAvailable();

  void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent* ev);

    * This method is used to transform a double into a TQString
    * and removing any trailing 0's and decimal seperators
    * @param val reference to double value to be converted
    * @return TQString object containing the converted value
  TQString normalizeString(const double& val);

protected slots:
    * This method appends the digit represented by the parameter
    * to the current operand
    * @param button integer value of the digit to be added in the
    *               range [0..9]
  void digitClicked(int button);

    * This methods starts the operation contained in the parameter
    * @param button The TQt::Keycode for the button pressed or clicked
  void calculationClicked(int button);

    * This method appends a period (comma) to initialize the fractional
    * part of an operand. The period is only appended once.
  void commaClicked(void);

    * This method reverses the sign of the current operand
  void plusminusClicked(void);

    * This method clears the current operand
  void clearClicked(void);

    * This method clears all registers
  void clearAllClicked(void);

    * This method executes the percent operation
  void percentClicked(void);

    * This method updates the display of the calculator with
    * the text passed as argument
    * @param str reference to TQString containing the new display contents
  void changeDisplay(const TQString& str);

    * This member variable stores the current (second) operand
  TQString operand;

    * This member variable stores the last result
  TQString m_result;

    * This member variable stores the representation of the
    * character to be used to separate the integer and fractional
    * part of numbers. The internal representation is always a period.
  TQChar m_comma;

    * The numeric representation of a stacked first operand
  double op0;

    * The numeric representation of the first operand
  double op1;

    * This member stores the operation to be performed between
    * the first and the second operand.
  int op;

   * This member stores a pending addition operation
  int stackedOp;

    * This member stores a pointer to the display area
  TQLabel *display;

    * This member array stores the pointers to the various
    * buttons of the calculator. It is setup during the
    * constructor of this object
  KPushButton *buttons[20];

    * This enumeration type stores the values used for the
    * various keys internally
  enum {
    /* 0-9 are used by digits */
    COMMA = 10,
     * make sure, that PLUS through EQUAL remain in
     * the order they are. Otherwise, check the calculation
     * signal mapper
    /* insert new buttons before this line */

    * This flag signals, if the operand should be replaced upon
    * a digit key pressure. Defaults to false and will be set, if
    * setInitialValues() is called without an operation.
  bool m_clearOperandOnDigit;
