#ifndef KDCHART_EXPORT_H #define KDCHART_EXPORT_H #include <tqglobal.h> #if 0 #include <koffice_export.h> #else #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) && defined(KDCHART_DLL) #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #define DLL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) #else #define DLL_EXPORT #define DLL_IMPORT #endif #if defined(KDCHART_DLL) #define KDCHART_EXPORT DLL_EXPORT #else #define KDCHART_EXPORT DLL_IMPORT #endif #endif #endif // #if 1 /* How to make a KD Chart DLL rather than linking statically: 1. We have an #include <kdchart_export.h> statement in all of our public KD Chart header files 2. We have the KDCHART_EXPORT macro added to all of our public classes. So e.g. the class header reads: class KDCHART_EXPORT KDChartWidget : public QWidget { } 3. In order to create a DLL just add "CONFIG += dll" to the qmake command line or to the [KD Chart directory]/src/src.pro file */