/*************************************************************************** notes.cpp - description ------------------- begin : sob lis 16 2002 copyright : (C) 2002-2004 by Micha³ Rudolf email : mrudolf@tdewebdev.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "notes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #else #define VERSION "?" #endif void TNoteLink::save(TQTextStream& ts) const { if (!link.isEmpty()) { ts << "\\Link " << link << "\n"; if (!description.isEmpty()) ts << "\\Descr " << description << "\n"; } } TQString TNoteLink::text(int fmt) const { if (fmt == LinkOnly || description.isEmpty()) return link; else if (fmt == DescriptionOnly) return description; else if (fmt == LinkDescription) return TQString("%1 (%2)").tqarg(link).tqarg(description); else return TQString("%1 (%2)").tqarg(description).tqarg(link); } TQPixmap TNoteLink::icon() const { return KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(KMimeType::iconForURL(KURL(link)), KIcon::Small); } void TNoteLink::open() const { if (!isLocalReference()) new KRun(KURL(link), 0, false, true); } void TNoteLink::openWith() const { if (!isLocalReference()) KRun::displayOpenWithDialog(KURL(link)); } bool TNoteLink::isLocalReference() const { KURL url(link); return url.protocol() == "knowit"; } TNotesCollection::TNotesCollection() { Pixmaps[0] = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("ascii", KIcon::Small); Pixmaps[1] = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("txt", KIcon::Small); Pixmaps[2] = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("folder", KIcon::Small); Pixmaps[3] = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("folder_txt", KIcon::Small); modified = false; autoUpdate = true; } TNotesCollection::~TNotesCollection() {} void TNotesCollection::addNote(TQListViewItem* item) { insert(item, new TNote(item, this)); TQListViewItem* parent = item->parent(); if (parent) find(parent)->updateView(); modified = true; } void TNotesCollection::addNote(TQListViewItem* item, const TQString& s) { insert(item, new TNote(item, this, s)); TQListViewItem* parent = item->parent(); if (parent) find(parent)->updateView(); modified = true; } void TNotesCollection::removeNote(TQListViewItem* item) { TNote* note = find(item); if (!note) qWarning("Internal error while removing note\n"); else { TQListViewItem* parent = item->parent(); for (TQListViewItemIterator it(item); it.current() && (it.current() == item || it.current()->depth() > item->depth()); ++it) find(it.current())->destroy(); delete item; if (parent) find(parent)->updateView(); modified = true; } } bool TNotesCollection::changeNote(TQListViewItem* item, const TQString& s) { TNote* changed = find(item); if (!changed) { qWarning("Internal error while changing note\n"); return false; } if (changed->change(s)) return modified = true; else return false; } void TNotesCollection::clearNotes() { setAutoDelete(true); clear(); setAutoDelete(false); } const TQString& TNotesCollection::text(TQListViewItem* item) { TNote* note = find(item); if (!note) qFatal("Internal error while accessing note text\n"); return note->text; } void TNotesCollection::updateNotesView() { for (TQPtrDictIterator it(*this); it.current(); ++it) it.current()->updateView(); } TNote::TNote(TQListViewItem* i, TNotesCollection* coll) : text() { collection = coll; item = i; updateView(); } TNote::TNote(TQListViewItem* i, TNotesCollection* coll, const TQString& s) : text(s) { collection = coll; item = i; updateView(); } bool TNote::isEmpty() { return !text.length(); } bool TNote::contains(const TQString& sought, bool case_sensitive) { return text.contains(sought, case_sensitive); } TNote::~TNote() { } void TNote::destroy() { collection->remove(item); delete this; } bool TNote::change(const TQString& s) { if (text == s) return false; text = s; updateView(); return true; } TNote::State TNote::state() { if (text.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) return (item->childCount()) ? EmptyParent : Empty; else return (item->childCount()) ? TextParent : Text; } void TNote::updateView() { if (collection->autoUpdate) item->setPixmap(0, collection->Pixmaps[state()]); } bool TNote::saveHTML(const KURL& fname, const TQString& origname, const TQString& style, int flags) { TQFile file(fname.path()); if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly)) return false; TQTextStream ts(&file); if (flags & UseUTF8) ts.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); else ts.setEncoding(TQTextStream::Locale); ts << "\n" "\n\n " << i18n("KnowIt document") << TQString("\n \n").tqarg(ts.codec()->mimeName()); if (!style.isEmpty()) ts << " \n"; ts << "\n\n\n"; TQValueVector Depths; Depths.append(0); if (flags & TOC) { ts << TQString("


\n").tqarg(i18n("Table of contents")); saveHTMLTocEntry(ts, Depths, flags); ts << "\n\n"; } Depths.clear(); Depths.append(0); saveHTMLBuf(ts, Depths, flags); TQString epilog = i18n("Exported from %1 by KnowIt %2, %3."); ts << "

" << epilog.tqarg(origname) .tqarg(VERSION) .tqarg(TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString()) << "\n\n"; ts << "\n\n\n"; return true; } bool TNote::saveHTMLBuf(TQTextStream& ts, TQValueVector& depths, int flags) { int hlevel = depths.count(); depths.last() = depths.last()+1; if (hlevel < 1) hlevel = 1; else if (hlevel > 3) hlevel = 3; TQString id, number; for (uint i=0; i%3%4").tqarg(hlevel).tqarg(id).tqarg(number) .tqarg(item->text(0)).tqarg(hlevel); TQString htmltext = text; int begin = htmltext.find("= 0) begin = htmltext.find(">", begin); int end = htmltext.find(""); if (begin < 0) begin = 0; if (end <= begin) end = htmltext.length(); ts << htmltext.mid(begin+1, end-begin-1); /* save links */ for (TQValueList::Iterator LinkList = links.begin(); LinkList != links.end(); ++LinkList) ts << TQString("%2
\n").tqarg((*LinkList).link) .tqarg((*LinkList).text(TNoteLink::DescriptionOnly)); /* save rule */ if (flags & AddRule) ts << "
\n\n"; else ts << "\n\n"; /* save tqchildren */ if ((SaveSubnotes | SaveAll) & flags && item->childCount()) { depths.append(0); collection->find(item->firstChild())->saveHTMLBuf(ts, depths, flags); } if ((SaveSubnotes | SaveAll) & flags && item->nextSibling()) collection->find(item->nextSibling())->saveHTMLBuf(ts, depths, flags); if (!item->nextSibling()) depths.pop_back(); return true; } bool TNote::saveHTMLTocEntry(TQTextStream& ts, TQValueVector& depths, int flags) { TQString space; space.fill(' ', depths.count()); depths.last() = depths.last()+1; if (depths.last() == 1) { ts << space; if (depths.count() != 1) ts << "
"; ts << "
\n"; } TQString id, number; for (uint i=0; i%2%3\n").tqarg(id).tqarg(number). arg(item->text(0)); if ((SaveSubnotes | SaveAll) & flags && item->childCount()) { depths.append(0); collection->find(item->firstChild())->saveHTMLTocEntry(ts, depths, flags); } if ((SaveSubnotes | SaveAll) & flags && item->nextSibling()) collection->find(item->nextSibling())->saveHTMLTocEntry(ts, depths, flags); if (!item->nextSibling()) { depths.pop_back(); ts << space; ts << "
"; if (depths.count()) ts << "
"; ts << "\n"; } return true; } void TNote::addLink(const TQString& s) { links.append(TNoteLink(s)); collection->modified = true; } void TNote::addLink(const TNoteLink& l) { links.append(l); collection->modified = true; } void TNote::removeLink(int i) { links.remove(links[i]); collection->modified = true; } void TNote::modifyLink(int i, const TQString& s) { links[i].link = s; collection->modified = true; } void TNote::modifyLink(int i, TNoteLink& l) { if (l != links[i]) collection->modified = true; links[i] = l; } void TNote::modifyLinkDescription(int i, const TQString& s) { links[i].description = s; collection->modified = true; } int TNote::linkCount() const { return links.count(); } const TNoteLink& TNote::link(int i) const { return links[i]; } void TNote::save(TQTextStream& ts, bool current) { const TQString header = "\\NewEntry %1 %2\n"; const TQString activeheader = "\\CurrentEntry %1 %2\n"; if (current) ts << activeheader.tqarg(item->depth()).tqarg(item->text(0)); else ts << header.tqarg(item->depth()).tqarg(item->text(0)); for (TQValueList::Iterator LinkList = links.begin(); LinkList != links.end(); ++LinkList) (*LinkList).save(ts); ts << text; if (!text.isEmpty()) ts << '\n'; ts << '\n'; } void TNote::open(TQTextStream& ts) { TQString s; text = ""; links.clear(); while (true) { s = ts.readLine(); if (s.isNull() || s.isEmpty()) break; if (s.left(6) == "\\Link ") addLink(s.mid(6)); else if (s.left(7) == "\\Descr " && links.count()) modifyLinkDescription(links.count()-1, s.mid(7)); else { if (text.length()) text += '\n'; text += s; } } }