Mike McBride AndrewColes
Conversion to British English
Formatting Paragraphs paragraphformatting This section will detail all the options available to format paragraphs. To format a paragraph, place the cursor in the paragraph. To format more than one paragraph at a time, simply select the paragraphs with the mouse or keyboard. You can format one or more paragraphs one of three ways: Select FormatParagraph... from the menubar Type &Alt;&Ctrl;P Place the mouse pointer in the paragraph and click once with the &RMB;. A small menu will appear. Select Paragraph.... A dialogue will appear. The Paragraph Settings dialogue consists of six tabbed sections labelled Indent and Spacing, Aligns, Borders, Bullets/Numbering, Tabulators, and Shadow. Indents and Spaces paragraphindent lines paragraphchange line spacing paragraphkeep lines and paragraphs together With this dialogue box the spacing between lines, and the spacing between paragraphs can be specified. The first section of this dialogue box is labelled Indent, and consists of three parts: Left Enter a value in this box to indent the lines of the selected paragraphs away from the left margin. The first line is unaffected by this box. To alter the first line, specify that value in the text box labelled First Line. Right Enter a value in this box to indent all lines of the selected paragraph (including the first line) away from the right margin. First Line Enter a number in this box to indent the first line of a paragraph away from the left margin. The next section controls how &kword; divides paragraphs when a paragraph will not fit entirely within the current frame or page. The first option is labelled Keep lines together. If this option is selected, then all of the lines of the paragraph will remain on the same page. If this is not selected, &kword; may choose to move part of a paragraph to a new page or frame. For most work, this option is usually left unchecked. The next two options are labelled Insert Break Before Paragraph and Insert Break After Paragraph. When one of these options is checked, and the paragraph moves to the next frame in the frame set, a hard frame break will be inserted in front of the current paragraph or after the previous paragraph (depending on the option selected). This will serve to keep the paragraph in the next frame, even if text prior to that frame is deleted. This option is often used in conjunction with Keep lines together, to ensure that the paragraph does not creep back onto the page during editing. The next section is labelled Line Spacing. It consists of two elements: combo box The combo box determines the spacing between lines. There are three predefined line spacing choices: Single, 1.5 lines and Double. You can also select Custom which will allow you to enter a specific line spacing. The values selected here will be applied to all lines within the selected paragraphs. Text box Enter a value in this text box to specify the spacing between paragraphs. This value only changes the spacing when Custom is selected in the combo box to the left. Changes to this entry do not affect the line spacing between lines of different paragraphs. The last section is labelled Paragraph Space. It consists of two entries: Before By entering a value here, additional spacing is added before each paragraph. After By entering a value here, additional spacing is added after each paragraph. On the right of the dialogue box, is a preview box, which will approximate the final layout of your document. Aligns paragraphjustification paragraphcentre paragraph paragraphleft/right aligns paragraphhorizontally align paragraphs This section determines how the text is placed within the line. With other applications, you may have referred to this as alignment, or justification. There are only 4 choices. If Left, Right or Centre are selected, the text will be moved on the line so that it aligns with the left margin, aligns with the right margin, or is centred between the margins respectively. If Justify is selected, &kword; will increase the space between words, so that each line (with the exception of the last line in a paragraph), reaches both the left and right margins. You can use toolbar buttons to quickly change the justification of one or more paragraphs ButtonCommand Left Align Centre Align Right Align Justify Text On the right of the dialogue box, is a preview box, which will approximate the final layout of your document. Borders paragraphborders The next section is used to define and configure graphical borders around your paragraphs. &kword; can surround (on some or all sides) a paragraph with a border. This border can be solid or not, of any colour and of any size. This dialogue panel is used to adjust the borders. Style Use this combo box to select the overall type of the new border. The choices are previewed in each selection. Width This will determine how wide the resulting border will be. It is measured in points. Colour Clicking on the colour bar will allow you to select a colour using the colour selection dialogue box. Now that it is determined how the borders should look, specify which edges of the paragraphs need borders. Select/Unselect Left Border. Clicking this button will apply the current options to the left paragraph border. Clicking a second time will remove the left paragraph border. Select/Unselect Right Border. Clicking this button will apply the current options to the right paragraph border. Clicking a second time will remove the right paragraph border. Select/Unselect Top Border. Clicking this button will apply the current options to the top paragraph border. Clicking a second time will remove the top paragraph border. Select/Unselect Bottom Border. Clicking this button will apply the current options to the bottom paragraph border. Clicking a second time will remove the bottom paragraph border. It is possible to mix and match border styles, widths and colours in one paragraph. Simply determine the border style, width and colour for one border edge, and select the border using the border buttons. Now alter the style width or colour to create a new border look and select the new border button. The Preview window will show you how your paragraph borders will look. Bullets and Numbering paragraphbulleted paragraphnumbered lists A very common element of a document, is a list of items. The list contains several elements which may be numbered, for easy reference. Alternatively, the list elements may be simply set off from the rest of the text with a special character preceding each element. These special characters are called bullets. This dialogue box is used to define your bullets or the numbering method of lists in the document.. This dialogue box can also be used to number chapters and sections. The top section of the dialogue box has three options: None, List and Chapter. If None is selected, the text is not marked as either a list or a chapter. No other features of this dialogue box will alter the text when this option is chosen. List is used to create lists in the document. These lists are automatically numbered and formatted to appear similar. For more information on lists, see the section entitled Lists. Chapter is used to number chapters and sections of a document. Tabulators This dialogue is used to adjust the tab stops. For more details, see Using Tab Stops. Shadows paragraphshadows textshadowing This tab is used to create an artificial shadow of the text in the paragraph. On the right of the dialogue is a preview box. This box can be used to approximate the final look of the text. The colour of the shadow can be adjusted by clicking on the button labelled Colour. &kword; will use the colour selection dialogue box to change the colour of the shadow. Use the spinbox labelled Distance to select the distance the shadow moves away from the text. A distance of zero will hide the shadow behind the original text. Select one of the 8 direction buttons to determine which direction the shadow will move in. When you are happy with your selections, click OK to apply your changes.