/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Bart Coppens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kis_tileddatamanager.h" #include "kis_tile.h" #include "kis_tilemanager.h" // Note: the cache file doesn't get deleted when we crash and so :( KisTileManager* KisTileManager::m_singleton = 0; static KStaticDeleter staticDeleter; KisTileManager::KisTileManager() { Q_ASSERT(KisTileManager::m_singleton == 0); KisTileManager::m_singleton = this; m_bytesInMem = 0; m_bytesTotal = 0; m_swapForbidden = false; // Hardcoded (at the moment only?): 4 pools of 1000 tiles each m_tilesPerPool = 1000; m_pools = new TQ_UINT8*[4]; m_poolPixelSizes = new TQ_INT32[4]; m_poolFreeList = new PoolFreeList[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_pools[i] = 0; m_poolPixelSizes[i] = 0; m_poolFreeList[i] = PoolFreeList(); } m_currentInMem = 0; KConfig * cfg = KGlobal::config(); cfg->setGroup(""); m_maxInMem = cfg->readNumEntry("maxtilesinmem", 4000); m_swappiness = cfg->readNumEntry("swappiness", 100); m_tileSize = KisTile::WIDTH * KisTile::HEIGHT; m_freeLists.resize(8); counter = 0; m_poolMutex = new TQMutex(true); m_swapMutex = new TQMutex(true); } KisTileManager::~KisTileManager() { if (!m_freeLists.empty()) { // See if there are any nonempty freelists FreeListList::iterator listsIt = m_freeLists.begin(); FreeListList::iterator listsEnd = m_freeLists.end(); while(listsIt != listsEnd) { if ( ! (*listsIt).empty() ) { FreeList::iterator it = (*listsIt).begin(); FreeList::iterator end = (*listsIt).end(); while (it != end) { delete *it; ++it; } (*listsIt).clear(); } ++listsIt; } m_freeLists.clear(); } for (FileList::iterator it = m_files.begin(); it != m_files.end(); ++it) { (*it).tempFile->close(); (*it).tempFile->unlink(); delete (*it).tempFile; } delete [] m_poolPixelSizes; delete [] m_pools; delete m_poolMutex; delete m_swapMutex; } KisTileManager* KisTileManager::instance() { if(KisTileManager::m_singleton == 0) { staticDeleter.setObject(KisTileManager::m_singleton, new KisTileManager()); Q_CHECK_PTR(KisTileManager::m_singleton); } return KisTileManager::m_singleton; } void KisTileManager::registerTile(KisTile* tile) { m_swapMutex->lock(); TileInfo* info = new TileInfo(); info->tile = tile; info->inMem = true; info->mmapped = false; info->onFile = false; info->file = 0; info->filePos = 0; info->size = tile->WIDTH * tile->HEIGHT * tile->m_pixelSize; info->fsize = 0; // the size in the file info->validNode = true; m_tileMap[tile] = info; m_swappableList.push_back(info); info->node = -- m_swappableList.end(); m_currentInMem++; m_bytesTotal += info->size; m_bytesInMem += info->size; doSwapping(); if (++counter % 50 == 0) printInfo(); m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::deregisterTile(KisTile* tile) { m_swapMutex->lock(); if (!m_tileMap.tqcontains(tile)) { m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } // Q_ASSERT(m_tileMap.tqcontains(tile)); TileInfo* info = m_tileMap[tile]; if (info->onFile) { // It was once mmapped // To freelist FreeInfo* freeInfo = new FreeInfo(); freeInfo->file = info->file; freeInfo->filePos = info->filePos; freeInfo->size = info->fsize; uint pixelSize = (info->size / m_tileSize); // It is still mmapped? if (info->mmapped) { // munmap it munmap(info->tile->m_data, info->size); m_bytesInMem -= info->size; m_currentInMem--; } if (m_freeLists.capacity() <= pixelSize) m_freeLists.resize(pixelSize + 1); m_freeLists[pixelSize].push_back(freeInfo); // the KisTile will attempt to delete its data. This is of course silly when // it was mmapped. So change the m_data to NULL, which is safe to delete tile->m_data = 0; } else { m_bytesInMem -= info->size; m_currentInMem--; } if (info->validNode) { m_swappableList.erase(info->node); info->validNode = false; } m_bytesTotal -= info->size; delete info; m_tileMap.erase(tile); doSwapping(); m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::ensureTileLoaded(const KisTile* tile) { m_swapMutex->lock(); TileInfo* info = m_tileMap[tile]; if (info->validNode) { m_swappableList.erase(info->node); info->validNode = false; } if (!info->inMem) { fromSwap(info); } m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::maySwapTile(const KisTile* tile) { m_swapMutex->lock(); TileInfo* info = m_tileMap[tile]; m_swappableList.push_back(info); info->validNode = true; info->node = -- m_swappableList.end(); doSwapping(); m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::fromSwap(TileInfo* info) { m_swapMutex->lock(); if (info->inMem) { m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } doSwapping(); Q_ASSERT(info->onFile); Q_ASSERT(info->file); Q_ASSERT(!info->mmapped); if (!chalkMmap(info->tile->m_data, 0, info->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, info->file->handle(), info->filePos)) { kdWarning() << "fromSwap failed!" << endl; m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } info->inMem = true; info->mmapped = true; m_currentInMem++; m_bytesInMem += info->size; m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::toSwap(TileInfo* info) { m_swapMutex->lock(); //Q_ASSERT(info->inMem); if (!info || !info->inMem) { m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } KisTile *tile = info->tile; if (!info->onFile) { // This tile is not yet in the file. Save it there uint pixelSize = (info->size / m_tileSize); bool foundFree = false; if (m_freeLists.capacity() > pixelSize) { if (!m_freeLists[pixelSize].empty()) { // found one FreeList::iterator it = m_freeLists[pixelSize].begin(); info->file = (*it)->file; info->filePos = (*it)->filePos; info->fsize = (*it)->size; delete *it; m_freeLists[pixelSize].erase(it); foundFree = true; } } if (!foundFree) { // No position found or free, create a new long pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); TempFile* tfile = 0; if (m_files.empty() || m_files.back().fileSize >= MaxSwapFileSize) { m_files.push_back(TempFile()); tfile = &(m_files.back()); tfile->tempFile = new KTempFile(); tfile->fileSize = 0; } else { tfile = &(m_files.back()); } off_t newsize = tfile->fileSize + info->size; newsize = newsize + newsize % pagesize; if (ftruncate(tfile->tempFile->handle(), newsize)) { // XXX make these maybe i18n()able and in an error box, but then through // some kind of proxy such that we don't pollute this with GUI code kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Resizing the temporary swapfile failed!" << endl; // Be somewhat pollite and try to figure out why it failed switch (errno) { case EIO: kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Error was E IO, " << "possible reason is a disk error!" << endl; break; case EINVAL: kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Error was E INVAL, " << "possible reason is that you are using more memory than " << "the filesystem or disk can handle" << endl; break; default: kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Errno was: " << errno << endl; } kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "The swapfile is: " << tfile->tempFile->name() << endl; kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Will try to avoid using the swap any further" << endl; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Failed ftruncate info: " << "tried adding " << info->size << " bytes " << "(rounded to pagesize: " << newsize << ") " << "from a " << tfile->fileSize << " bytes file" << endl; printInfo(); m_swapForbidden = true; m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } info->file = tfile->tempFile; info->fsize = info->size; info->filePos = tfile->fileSize; tfile->fileSize = newsize; } //memcpy(data, tile->m_data, info->size); TQFile* file = info->file->file(); if(!file) { kdWarning() << "Opening the file as TQFile failed" << endl; m_swapForbidden = true; m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } int fd = file->handle(); TQ_UINT8* data = 0; if (!chalkMmap(data, 0, info->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, info->filePos)) { kdWarning() << "Initial mmap failed" << endl; m_swapForbidden = true; m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } memcpy(data, info->tile->m_data, info->size); munmap(data, info->size); m_poolMutex->lock(); if (isPoolTile(tile->m_data, tile->m_pixelSize)) reclaimTileToPool(tile->m_data, tile->m_pixelSize); else delete[] tile->m_data; m_poolMutex->unlock(); tile->m_data = 0; } else { //madvise(info->tile->m_data, info->fsize, MADV_DONTNEED); Q_ASSERT(info->mmapped); // munmap it munmap(tile->m_data, info->size); tile->m_data = 0; } info->inMem = false; info->mmapped = false; info->onFile = true; m_currentInMem--; m_bytesInMem -= info->size; m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::doSwapping() { m_swapMutex->lock(); if (m_swapForbidden || m_currentInMem <= m_maxInMem) { m_swapMutex->unlock(); return; } #if 1 // enable this to enable swapping TQ_UINT32 count = TQMIN(m_swappableList.size(), m_swappiness); for (TQ_UINT32 i = 0; i < count && !m_swapForbidden; i++) { toSwap(m_swappableList.front()); m_swappableList.front()->validNode = false; m_swappableList.pop_front(); } #endif m_swapMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::printInfo() { kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << m_bytesInMem << " out of " << m_bytesTotal << " bytes in memory\n"; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << m_currentInMem << " out of " << m_tileMap.size() << " tiles in memory\n"; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << m_files.size() << " swap files in use" << endl; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << m_swappableList.size() << " elements in the swapable list\n"; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Freelists information\n"; for (uint i = 0; i < m_freeLists.capacity(); i++) { if ( ! m_freeLists[i].empty() ) { kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << m_freeLists[i].size() << " elements in the freelist for pixelsize " << i << "\n"; } } kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Pool stats (" << m_tilesPerPool << " tiles per pool)" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (m_pools[i]) { kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Pool " << i << ": Freelist count: " << m_poolFreeList[i].count() << ", pixelSize: " << m_poolPixelSizes[i] << endl; } } if (m_swapForbidden) kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Something was wrong with the swap, see above for details" << endl; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << endl; } TQ_UINT8* KisTileManager::requestTileData(TQ_INT32 pixelSize) { m_swapMutex->lock(); TQ_UINT8* data = findTileFor(pixelSize); if ( data ) { m_swapMutex->unlock(); return data; } m_swapMutex->unlock(); return new TQ_UINT8[m_tileSize * pixelSize]; } void KisTileManager::dontNeedTileData(TQ_UINT8* data, TQ_INT32 pixelSize) { m_poolMutex->lock(); if (isPoolTile(data, pixelSize)) { reclaimTileToPool(data, pixelSize); } else delete[] data; m_poolMutex->unlock(); } TQ_UINT8* KisTileManager::findTileFor(TQ_INT32 pixelSize) { m_poolMutex->lock(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (m_poolPixelSizes[i] == pixelSize) { if (!m_poolFreeList[i].isEmpty()) { TQ_UINT8* data = m_poolFreeList[i].front(); m_poolFreeList[i].pop_front(); m_poolMutex->unlock(); return data; } } if (m_pools[i] == 0) { // allocate new pool m_poolPixelSizes[i] = pixelSize; m_pools[i] = new TQ_UINT8[pixelSize * m_tileSize * m_tilesPerPool]; // j = 1 because we return the first element, so no need to add it to the freelist for (int j = 1; j < m_tilesPerPool; j++) m_poolFreeList[i].append(&m_pools[i][j * pixelSize * m_tileSize]); m_poolMutex->unlock(); return m_pools[i]; } } m_poolMutex->unlock(); return 0; } bool KisTileManager::isPoolTile(TQ_UINT8* data, TQ_INT32 pixelSize) { if (data == 0) return false; m_poolMutex->lock(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (m_poolPixelSizes[i] == pixelSize) { bool b = data >= m_pools[i] && data < m_pools[i] + pixelSize * m_tileSize * m_tilesPerPool; if (b) { m_poolMutex->unlock(); return true; } } } m_poolMutex->unlock(); return false; } void KisTileManager::reclaimTileToPool(TQ_UINT8* data, TQ_INT32 pixelSize) { m_poolMutex->lock(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (m_poolPixelSizes[i] == pixelSize) if (data >= m_pools[i] && data < m_pools[i] + pixelSize * m_tileSize * m_tilesPerPool) { m_poolFreeList[i].append(data); } } m_poolMutex->unlock(); } void KisTileManager::configChanged() { KConfig * cfg = KGlobal::config(); cfg->setGroup(""); m_maxInMem = cfg->readNumEntry("maxtilesinmem", 4000); m_swappiness = cfg->readNumEntry("swappiness", 100); m_swapMutex->lock(); doSwapping(); m_swapMutex->unlock(); } bool KisTileManager::chalkMmap(TQ_UINT8*& result, void *start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) { result = (TQ_UINT8*) mmap(start, length, prot, flags, fd, offset); // Same here for warning and GUI if (result == (TQ_UINT8*)-1) { kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "mmap failed: errno is " << errno << "; we're probably going to crash very soon now...\n"; // Try to ignore what happened and carry on, but unlikely that we'll get // much further, since the file resizing went OK and this is memory-related... if (errno == ENOMEM) { kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "mmap failed with E NOMEM! This means that " << "either there are no more memory mappings available for Chalk, " << "or that there is no more memory available!" << endl; } kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Trying to continue anyway (no guarantees)" << endl; kdWarning(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Will try to avoid using the swap any further" << endl; kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Failed mmap info: " << "tried mapping " << length << " bytes" << endl; if (!m_files.empty()) { kdDebug(DBG_AREA_TILES) << "Probably to a " << m_files.back().fileSize << " bytes file" << endl; } printInfo(); // Be nice result = 0; return false; } return true; }