/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Lucijan Busch <lucijan@gmx.at>
   Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <js@iidea.pl>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <klistview.h>
#include <qasciidict.h>
#include <qintdict.h>

class QListViewItem;
class KIconLoader;
class KPopupMenu;
class KAction;
class KActionMenu;
class KActionCollection;
class KListView;
class KToolBar;
class KexiBrowserItem;
class KexiView;
class KexiMainWindow;
class KexiSmallToolButton;
class KexiBrowserListView;

namespace KexiPart
	class Info;
	class Item;
	class Part;
class KexiProject;

//! @short The Main Kexi navigator widget
class KEXIEXTWIDGETS_EXPORT KexiBrowser : public QWidget

		enum Features {
			Writable = 1, //!< the browser supports actions that modify the project (e.g. delete, rename)
			ContextMenus = 2, //!< the browser supports context menu
			Toolbar = 4, //!< the browser displays 
			SingleClickOpensItemOptionEnabled = 8, //!< enables "SingleClickOpensItem" option
			DefaultFeatures = Writable | ContextMenus | Toolbar 
				| SingleClickOpensItemOptionEnabled //!< the default

		KexiBrowser(QWidget* parent, KexiMainWindow *mainWin, int features = DefaultFeatures);
		virtual ~KexiBrowser(); 

		/*! Sets project \a prj for this browser. If \a partManagerErrorMessages is not NULL
		 it will be set to error message if there's a problem with loading any KexiPart.
		 If \a itemsMimeType is empty (the default), items of all mime types are displayed,
		 items for only one mime type are displayed. In the latter case, no group (parent) 
		 items are displayed.
		 Previous items are removed. */
		void setProject(KexiProject* prj, const QString& itemsMimeType = QString::null, 
			QString* partManagerErrorMessages = 0);

		/*! \return items' mime type previously set by setProject. Returns empty string 
		 if setProject() was not executed yet or itemsMimeType argument of setProject() was 
		 empty (i.e. all mime types are displayed). */
		QString itemsMimeType() const;

		KexiPart::Item* selectedPartItem() const;

		void installEventFilter ( const QObject * filterObj );
		virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject *o, QEvent * e );

		bool actionEnabled(const QCString& actionName) const;

	public slots:
		KexiBrowserItem* addGroup(KexiPart::Info& info);
		KexiBrowserItem* addItem(KexiPart::Item& item);
		void slotRemoveItem(const KexiPart::Item &item);
		virtual void setFocus();
		void updateItemName(KexiPart::Item& item, bool dirty);
		void selectItem(KexiPart::Item& item);
		void clearSelection();
		void clear();

		//! Sets by main window to disable actions that may try to modify the project.
		//! Does not disable actions like opening objects.
		void setReadOnly(bool set);

		bool isReadOnly() const;

		void openItem( KexiPart::Item*, int viewMode );

		/*! this signal is emmited when user double clicked (or single -depending on settings)
		 or pressed return ky on the part item.
		 This signal differs from openItem() signal in that if the object is already opened
		 in view mode other than \a viewMode, the mode is not changed. */
		void openOrActivateItem( KexiPart::Item*, int viewMode );

		void newItem( KexiPart::Info* );

		void removeItem( KexiPart::Item* );

		void renameItem( KexiPart::Item *item, const QString& _newName, bool &succes );

		void selectionChanged( KexiPart::Item* item );

		void executeItem( KexiPart::Item* );

		void exportItemAsDataTable( KexiPart::Item* );

		void printItem( KexiPart::Item* );

		void pageSetupForItem( KexiPart::Item* );

	protected slots:
		void slotContextMenu(KListView*, QListViewItem *i, const QPoint &point);
		void slotExecuteItem(QListViewItem *item);
		void slotSelectionChanged(QListViewItem* i);
		void slotSettingsChanged(int);
		void slotNewObjectPopupAboutToShow();

		void slotNewObject();
		void slotOpenObject();
		void slotDesignObject();
		void slotEditTextObject();
		void slotRemove();
		void slotCut();
		void slotCopy();
		void slotPaste();
		void slotRename();
		void slotExecuteObject();
		void slotExportAsDataTable();
		void slotPrintItem();
		void slotPageSetupForItem();

		void itemRenameDone();
		KexiBrowserItem* addItem(KexiPart::Item& item, KexiBrowserItem *parent, KexiPart::Info* info);

		KexiMainWindow *m_mainWin;
		int m_features;
		KexiBrowserListView *m_list;
		KActionCollection *m_actions;
		QAsciiDict<KexiBrowserItem> m_baseItems;
		QIntDict<KexiBrowserItem> m_normalItems;
		KPopupMenu *m_itemPopup, *m_partPopup;
		KAction *m_deleteAction, *m_renameAction, 
			*m_newObjectAction, // *m_newObjectToolbarAction,
			*m_openAction, *m_designAction, *m_editTextAction,
			*m_dataExportAction, *m_printAction, *m_pageSetupAction;
		KActionMenu* m_exportActionMenu;
		KPopupMenu* m_newObjectPopup;
		int m_itemPopupTitle_id, m_partPopupTitle_id, 
			m_openAction_id, m_designAction_id, m_editTextAction_id,
			m_exportActionMenu_id, m_exportActionMenu_id_sep,
			m_printAction_id, m_pageSetupAction_id, m_pageSetupAction_id_sep;

		KexiPart::Part *m_prevSelectedPart;
		KToolBar *m_toolbar;
		KexiSmallToolButton *m_newObjectToolButton, *m_deleteObjectToolButton;
		QString m_itemsMimeType;
		bool m_singleClick : 1;
		bool m_readOnly : 1;
