/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Dag Andersen Copyright (C) 2006 Raphael Langerhorst This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KPTGANTTVIEW_H #define KPTGANTTVIEW_H #include "kptcontext.h" #include #include class TQLayout; class TQListViewItem; class TQPoint; class TQListView; class TQLineEdit; class TQSpinBox; class KDGanttViewSummaryItem; class KDGanttViewTaskItem; class KDGanttViewEventItem; class KDGanttViewItem; class KDGanttViewTaskLink; class KPrinter; namespace KPlato { class MyKDGanttView; class TaskAppointmentsView; class Node; class Task; class Project; class Relation; class GanttView : public TQSplitter { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: GanttView(TQWidget *tqparent, bool readWrite=true, const char* name = 0 ); //~GanttView(); void setZoom(double zoom); void draw(Project &project); void drawChanges(Project &project); /** * Call draw() or drawChanges() before calling this. */ void drawOnPainter(TQPainter* painter, const TQRect rect); Node *currentNode() const; void clear(); void print(KPrinter &prts); void addTaskLink(KDGanttViewTaskLink *link); bool exportGantt(TQIODevice* device); // testing virtual bool setContext(Context::Ganttview &context, Project &project); virtual void getContext(Context::Ganttview &context) const; void setReadWriteMode(bool on); bool isReadWriteMode() const { return m_readWrite; } KDGanttViewItem *currentItem() const { return m_currentItem; } bool showNoInformation() const { return m_showNoInformation; } signals: void enableActions(bool); void modifyRelation(Relation *rel) ; void addRelation(Node *par, Node *child); void modifyRelation(Relation *rel, int linkType) ; void addRelation(Node *par, Node *child, int linkType); void itemDoubleClicked(); void itemRenamed(Node*, const TQString&); /** * Requests a specific type of popup menu. * Usually a KPlato::View object is connected to this signal. */ void requestPopupMenu(const TQString& menuname, const TQPoint & pos); public slots: /** * Determines the correct type of popup menu and emits requestPopupMenu() */ void popupMenuRequested(KDGanttViewItem * item, const TQPoint & pos, int); void setShowExpected(bool on) { m_showExpected = on; } void setShowOptimistic(bool on) { m_showOptimistic = on; } void setShowPessimistic(bool on) { m_showPessimistic = on; } void setShowResources(bool on) { m_showResources = on; } void setShowTaskName(bool on) { m_showTaskName = on; } void setShowTaskLinks(bool on) { m_showTaskLinks = on; } void setShowProgress(bool on) { m_showProgress = on; } void setShowPositiveFloat(bool on) { m_showPositiveFloat = on; } void setShowCriticalTasks(bool on) { m_showCriticalTasks = on; } void setShowCriticalPath(bool on) { m_showCriticalPath = on; } void setShowNoInformation(bool on) { m_showNoInformation = on; } void setShowAppointments(bool on) { m_showAppointments = on; } private slots: void currentItemChanged(KDGanttViewItem *); void slotItemDoubleClicked(TQListViewItem*); void slotItemRenamed(KDGanttViewItem*, int, const TQString&); void slotLinkItems(KDGanttViewItem* from, KDGanttViewItem* to, int linkType); void slotGvItemClicked(KDGanttViewItem*); void slotModifyLink(KDGanttViewTaskLink* link); protected: int linkTypeToRelation(int linkType); void setRenameEnabled(TQListViewItem *item, bool on); private: KDGanttViewItem *findItem(Node *node); KDGanttViewItem *findItem(Node *node, KDGanttViewItem *item); Node *getNode(KDGanttViewItem *item) const; bool isDrawn(KDGanttViewItem *item); void setDrawn(KDGanttViewItem *item, bool state); void resetDrawn(KDGanttViewItem *_item); void removeNotDrawn(KDGanttViewItem *_item); void deleteItem(KDGanttViewItem *item); KDGanttViewItem *correctType(KDGanttViewItem *item, Node *node); void correctPosition(KDGanttViewItem *item, Node *node); KDGanttViewItem *correctParent(KDGanttViewItem *item, Node *node); void updateChildren(Node *node); void updateNode(Node *node); void modifyChildren(Node *node); void modifyNode(Node *node); void modifyProject(KDGanttViewItem *item, Node *node); void modifySummaryTask(KDGanttViewItem *item, Task *task); void modifyTask(KDGanttViewItem *item, Task *task); void modifyMilestone(KDGanttViewItem *item, Task *task); KDGanttViewItem *addNode(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Node *node,KDGanttViewItem *after=0); KDGanttViewItem *addProject(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Node *node, KDGanttViewItem *after=0); KDGanttViewItem *addSubProject(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Node *node, KDGanttViewItem *after=0); KDGanttViewItem *addSummaryTask(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Task *task, KDGanttViewItem *after=0); KDGanttViewItem *addTask(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Task *task, KDGanttViewItem *after=0); KDGanttViewItem *addMilestone(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Task *task, KDGanttViewItem *after=0); void drawChildren(KDGanttViewItem *item, Node &node); void drawProject(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Node *node); void drawSubProject(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Node *node); void drawSummaryTask(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Task *task); void drawTask(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Task *task); void drawMilestone(KDGanttViewItem *tqparentItem, Task *task); void drawRelations(); void drawRelations(KDGanttViewItem *item); void drawChildRelations(KDGanttViewItem *item); void getContextClosedNodes(Context::Ganttview &context, KDGanttViewItem *item) const; private: bool m_readWrite; int m_defaultFontSize; KDGanttViewItem *m_currentItem; MyKDGanttView *m_gantt; TaskAppointmentsView *m_taskView; bool m_showExpected; bool m_showOptimistic; bool m_showPessimistic; bool m_showResources; bool m_showTaskName; bool m_showTaskLinks; bool m_showProgress; bool m_showPositiveFloat; bool m_showCriticalTasks; bool m_showCriticalPath; bool m_showNoInformation; bool m_showAppointments; bool m_firstTime; TQPtrList m_taskLinks; Project *m_project; }; } //KPlato namespace #endif