/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Dag Andersen Copyright (C) 2006 Raphael Langerhorst Copyright (C) 2006 Dag Andersen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kptpart.h" #include "kptview.h" #include "kptfactory.h" #include "kptproject.h" #include "kptprojectdialog.h" #include "kptresource.h" #include "kptcontext.h" #include "kptganttview.h" #include "KDGanttViewTaskLink.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION "0.5" namespace KPlato { Part::Part(TQWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName, TQObject *tqparent, const char *name, bool singleViewMode) : KoDocument(parentWidget, widgetName, tqparent, name, singleViewMode), m_project(0), m_projectDialog(0), m_parentWidget(parentWidget), m_view(0), m_embeddedGanttView(new GanttView(parentWidget)), m_embeddedContext(new Context()), m_embeddedContextInitialized(false), m_context(0), m_xmlLoader() { m_update = m_calculate = false; m_commandHistory = new KoCommandHistory(actionCollection()); setInstance(Factory::global()); setTemplateType("kplato_template"); m_config.setReadWrite(isReadWrite()|| !isEmbedded()); m_config.load(); delete m_project; m_project = new Project(); // after config is loaded connect(m_commandHistory, TQT_SIGNAL(commandExecuted()), TQT_SLOT(slotCommandExecuted())); connect(m_commandHistory, TQT_SIGNAL(documentRestored()), TQT_SLOT(slotDocumentRestored())); //FIXME the following is really dirty, we should make KPlato::Context a real class // with getter and setter and signals when content changes, thus we can keep track TQTimer* timer = new TQTimer(this,"context update timer"); connect(timer,TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotCopyContextFromView())); timer->start(500); } Part::~Part() { m_config.save(); delete m_commandHistory; // before project, in case of dependencies... delete m_project; delete m_projectDialog; if (m_embeddedGanttView) delete m_embeddedGanttView; if (m_embeddedContext) delete m_embeddedContext; } bool Part::initDoc(InitDocFlags flags, TQWidget* parentWidget) { bool result = true; if (flags==KoDocument::InitDocEmpty) { delete m_project; m_project = new Project(); setAutoSave(0); // disable setModified(false); return true; } TQString templateDoc; KoTemplateChooseDia::ReturnType ret; KoTemplateChooseDia::DialogType dlgtype; if (flags != KoDocument::InitDocFileNew ) dlgtype = KoTemplateChooseDia::Everything; else dlgtype = KoTemplateChooseDia::OnlyTemplates; ret = KoTemplateChooseDia::choose(Factory::global(), templateDoc, dlgtype, "kplato_template", parentWidget); if (ret == KoTemplateChooseDia::Template) { resetURL(); result = loadNativeFormat(templateDoc); if ( !result ) showLoadingErrorDialog(); } else if (ret == KoTemplateChooseDia::File) { KURL url(templateDoc); kdDebug() << "Part::initDoc opening URL " << url.prettyURL() <exec(); result = true; } else { result = false; } setAutoSave(0); // disable setModified(false); return result; } KoView *Part::createViewInstance(TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name) { m_view = new View(this, tqparent, name); connect(m_view,TQT_SIGNAL(destroyed()),this,TQT_SLOT(slotViewDestroyed())); // If there is a project dialog this should be deleted so it will // use the m_view as tqparent. If the dialog will be needed again, // it will be made at that point if (m_projectDialog != 0) { kdDebug() << "Deleting m_projectDialog because of new ViewInstance\n"; delete m_projectDialog; m_projectDialog = 0; } if (m_context) m_view->setContext( *m_context ); else if (m_embeddedContext && m_embeddedContextInitialized) m_view->setContext( *m_embeddedContext ); else { // Activate menu actions. Assumes ganttview, we don't get any // 'aboutToShow' signal. Need to redo action control. m_view->setTaskActionsEnabled(true); } //m_view->setBaselineMode(getProject().isBaselined()); FIXME: Removed for this release return m_view; } void Part::editProject() { TQWidget* tqparent = m_parentWidget; if (m_view) tqparent = m_view; if (m_projectDialog == 0) // Make the dialog m_projectDialog = new ProjectDialog(*m_project, tqparent); m_projectDialog->exec(); } bool Part::loadXML(TQIODevice *, const TQDomDocument &document) { TQTime dt; dt.start(); emit sigProgress( 0 ); TQString value; TQDomElement plan = document.documentElement(); // Check if this is the right app value = plan.attribute("mime", TQString()); if (value.isEmpty()) { kdError() << "No mime type specified!" << endl; setErrorMessage(i18n("Invalid document. No mimetype specified.")); return false; } else if (value != "application/x-vnd.kde.kplato") { kdError() << "Unknown mime type " << value << endl; setErrorMessage(i18n("Invalid document. Expected mimetype application/x-vnd.kde.kplato, got %1").tqarg(value)); return false; } TQString m_syntaxVersion = plan.attribute("version", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION); if (m_syntaxVersion > CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION) { int ret = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0, i18n("This document was created with a newer version of KPlato (syntax version: %1)\n" "Opening it in this version of KPlato will lose some information.").tqarg(m_syntaxVersion), i18n("File-Format Mismatch"), i18n("Continue") ); if (ret == KMessageBox::Cancel) { setErrorMessage("USER_CANCELED"); return false; } } emit sigProgress(5); TQDomNodeList list = plan.childNodes(); if (list.count() > 2) { // TODO: Make a proper bitching about this kdDebug() << "*** Error ***\n"; kdDebug() << " Children count should be 1 but is " << list.count() << "\n"; return false; } m_xmlLoader.startLoad(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) { if (list.item(i).isElement()) { TQDomElement e = list.item(i).toElement(); if (e.tagName() == "context") { delete m_context; m_context = new Context(); m_context->load(e); } else if (e.tagName() == "project") { Project *newProject = new Project(); if (newProject->load(e)) { // The load went fine. Throw out the old project delete m_project; m_project = newProject; delete m_projectDialog; m_projectDialog = 0; } else { delete newProject; m_xmlLoader.addMsg(XMLLoaderObject::Errors, "Loading of project failed"); //TODO add some ui here } } } } m_xmlLoader.stopLoad(); emit sigProgress(100); // the rest is only processing, not loading kdDebug() << "Loading took " << (float)(dt.elapsed()) / 1000 << " seconds" << endl; // do some sanity checking on document. emit sigProgress(-1); m_commandHistory->clear(); m_commandHistory->documentSaved(); setModified( false ); if (m_view) m_view->slotUpdate(false); return true; } TQDomDocument Part::saveXML() { TQDomDocument document("kplato"); document.appendChild(document.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")); TQDomElement doc = document.createElement("kplato"); doc.setAttribute("editor", "KPlato"); doc.setAttribute("mime", "application/x-vnd.kde.kplato"); doc.setAttribute("version", CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION); document.appendChild(doc); delete m_context; m_context = 0; if (m_view) { m_context = new Context(); m_view->getContext(*m_context); } if (m_context) { m_context->save(doc); } // Save the project m_project->save(doc); m_commandHistory->documentSaved(); return document; } void Part::slotDocumentRestored() { //kdDebug()<ganttview.ganttviewsize; int tasksize = m_embeddedContext->ganttview.taskviewsize; bool showtaskname = m_embeddedContext->ganttview.showTaskName; // m_embeddedContext->ganttview.ganttviewsize += m_embeddedContext->ganttview.taskviewsize; // m_embeddedContext->ganttview.taskviewsize = 0; //TODO this doesn't have any effect?! (bug?) m_embeddedContext->ganttview.showTaskName = true; //since task view is not shown(?), show name in the gantt itself m_embeddedGanttView->setContext( m_embeddedContext->ganttview, *m_project ); m_embeddedContext->ganttview.ganttviewsize = ganttsize; m_embeddedContext->ganttview.taskviewsize = tasksize; m_embeddedContext->ganttview.showTaskName = showtaskname; } else { kdWarning() << "Don't have any context to set!" << endl; } painter.setClipRect(rect, TQPainter::CoordPainter); // We don't support zoom yet, so use the painters scaling double d_zoom = 1.0; setZoomAndResolution(100, KoGlobal::dpiX(), KoGlobal::dpiY()); if ( m_zoomedResolutionX != zoomX ) { d_zoom *= ( zoomX / m_zoomedResolutionX ); painter.scale(d_zoom, d_zoom); } m_embeddedGanttView->clear(); m_embeddedGanttView->draw(*m_project); m_embeddedGanttView->drawOnPainter(&painter,rect); } // ####### handle transparency // Need to draw only the document rectangle described in the parameter rect. // int left = rect.left() / 20; // int right = rect.right() / 20 + 1; // int top = rect.top() / 20; // int bottom = rect.bottom() / 20 + 1; // for( int x = left; x < right; ++x ) // painter.drawLine( x * 40, top * 20, 40 * 20, bottom * 20 ); // for( int y = left; y < right; ++y ) // painter.drawLine( left * 20, y * 20, right * 20, y * 20 ); } void Part::addCommand(KCommand * cmd, bool execute) { m_commandHistory->addCommand(cmd, execute); } void Part::slotCommandExecuted() { //kdDebug()<slotUpdate(false/*config().behavior().calculationMode == Behavior::OnChange*/); else if (m_update) m_view->slotUpdate(false); if (m_baseline) m_view->setBaselineMode(getProject().isBaselined()); m_update = m_calculate = m_baseline = false; } void Part::slotCopyContextFromView() { if (m_view) { // kdDebug() << "Updating embedded context from view context." << endl; this->m_view->getContext( *m_embeddedContext ); this->m_embeddedContextInitialized = true; } // else // { // kdDebug() << "Not updating the context." << endl; // if (m_context) // kdDebug() << "Current View: " << m_context->currentView << endl; // } } void Part::slotViewDestroyed() { m_view = NULL; } void Part::setCommandType(int type) { //kdDebug()<generateWBS(1, m_wbsDefinition); } } //KPlato namespace #include "kptpart.moc"