/* * This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (c) 2005 Cyrille Berger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kis_basic_math_toolbox.h" KisBasicMathToolbox::KisBasicMathToolbox() : KisMathToolbox(KisID("Basic")) { } KisBasicMathToolbox::~KisBasicMathToolbox() { } void KisBasicMathToolbox::wavetrans(KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* wav, KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* buff, uint halfsize) { uint l = (2*halfsize)*wav->depth*sizeof(float); for(uint i = 0; i < halfsize; i++) { float * itLL = buff->coeffs + i*buff->size*buff->depth; float * itHL = buff->coeffs + (i*buff->size + halfsize)*buff->depth; float * itLH = buff->coeffs + (halfsize+i)*buff->size*buff->depth; float * itHH = buff->coeffs + ( (halfsize+i)*buff->size + halfsize)*buff->depth; float * itS11 = wav->coeffs + 2*i*wav->size*wav->depth; float * itS12 = wav->coeffs + (2*i*wav->size+1)*wav->depth; float * itS21 = wav->coeffs + (2*i+1)*wav->size*wav->depth; float * itS22 = wav->coeffs + ((2*i+1)*wav->size+1)*wav->depth; for(uint j = 0; j < halfsize; j++) { for( uint k = 0; k < wav->depth; k++) { *(itLL++) = (*itS11 + *itS12 + *itS21 + *itS22) * M_SQRT1_2; *(itHL++) = (*itS11 - *itS12 + *itS21 - *itS22) * M_SQRT1_2; *(itLH++) = (*itS11 + *itS12 - *itS21 - *itS22) * M_SQRT1_2; *(itHH++) = (*(itS11++) - *(itS12++) - *(itS21++) + *(itS22++)) * M_SQRT1_2; } itS11 += wav->depth; itS12 += wav->depth; itS21 += wav->depth; itS22 += wav->depth; } emit nextStep(); } for(uint i = 0; i < halfsize; i++) { uint p = i*wav->size*wav->depth; memcpy(wav->coeffs + p, buff->coeffs + p, l); p = (i + halfsize )*wav->size*wav->depth; memcpy(wav->coeffs + p, buff->coeffs + p, l); } if(halfsize != 1) { wavetrans(wav, buff, halfsize/2); } } void KisBasicMathToolbox::waveuntrans(KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* wav, KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* buff, uint halfsize) { uint l = (2*halfsize)*wav->depth*sizeof(float); for(uint i = 0; i < halfsize; i++) { float * itLL = wav->coeffs + i*buff->size*buff->depth; float * itHL = wav->coeffs + (i*buff->size + halfsize)*buff->depth; float * itLH = wav->coeffs + (halfsize+i)*buff->size*buff->depth; float * itHH = wav->coeffs + ( (halfsize+i)*buff->size + halfsize)*buff->depth; float * itS11 = buff->coeffs + 2*i*wav->size*wav->depth; float * itS12 = buff->coeffs + (2*i*wav->size+1)*wav->depth; float * itS21 = buff->coeffs + (2*i+1)*wav->size*wav->depth; float * itS22 = buff->coeffs + ((2*i+1)*wav->size+1)*wav->depth; for(uint j = 0; j < halfsize; j++) { for( uint k = 0; k < wav->depth; k++) { *(itS11++) = (*itLL + *itHL + *itLH + *itHH)*0.25*M_SQRT2; *(itS12++) = (*itLL - *itHL + *itLH - *itHH)*0.25*M_SQRT2; *(itS21++) = (*itLL + *itHL - *itLH - *itHH)*0.25*M_SQRT2; *(itS22++) = (*(itLL++) - *(itHL++) - *(itLH++) + *(itHH++))*0.25*M_SQRT2; } itS11 += wav->depth; itS12 += wav->depth; itS21 += wav->depth; itS22 += wav->depth; } emit nextStep(); } for(uint i = 0; i < halfsize; i++) { uint p = i*wav->size*wav->depth; memcpy(wav->coeffs + p, buff->coeffs + p, l); p = (i + halfsize )*wav->size*wav->depth; memcpy(wav->coeffs + p, buff->coeffs + p, l); } if(halfsize != wav->size/2) { waveuntrans(wav, buff, halfsize*2); } } KisMathToolbox::KisWavelet* KisBasicMathToolbox::fastWaveletTransformation(KisPaintDeviceSP src, const QRect& rect, KisWavelet* buff) { if(buff == 0) { buff = initWavelet( src, rect ); } KisWavelet* wav = initWavelet( src, rect ); transformToFR(src, wav, rect); wavetrans(wav, buff, wav->size / 2); return wav; } void KisBasicMathToolbox::fastWaveletUntransformation(KisPaintDeviceSP dst, const QRect& rect, KisWavelet* wav, KisWavelet* buff) { if(buff == 0) { buff = initWavelet( dst, rect ); } waveuntrans(wav, buff, 1 ); transformFromFR(dst, wav, rect); }