 *  Copyright (c) 2005 Casper Boemann <cbr@boemann.dk>
 *  this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by
 *  the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
 *  merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  see the
 *  gnu general public license for more details.
 *  you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the free software
 *  foundation, inc., 675 mass ave, cambridge, ma 02139, usa.

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>

#include "kis_types.h"
#include "kis_layer.h"
#include "kis_group_layer.h"
#include "kis_layer_visitor.h"
#include "kis_debug_areas.h"
#include "kis_image.h"
#include "kis_paint_device.h"
#include "kis_merge_visitor.h"
#include "kis_fill_painter.h"

KisGroupLayer::KisGroupLayer(KisImage *img, const QString &name, Q_UINT8 opacity) :
    super(img, name, opacity),
    m_projection = new KisPaintDevice(this, img->colorSpace(), name.latin1());

KisGroupLayer::KisGroupLayer(const KisGroupLayer &rhs) :
    for(vKisLayerSP_cit it = rhs.m_layers.begin(); it != rhs.m_layers.end(); ++it)
        this->addLayer(it->data()->clone(), 0);
    m_projection = new KisPaintDevice(*rhs.m_projection.data());

KisLayerSP KisGroupLayer::clone() const
    return new KisGroupLayer(*this);


void KisGroupLayer::setDirty(bool propagate)
    if (propagate) emit (sigDirty(m_dirtyRect));

void KisGroupLayer::setDirty(const QRect & rc, bool propagate)
    KisLayer::setDirty(rc, propagate);
    if (propagate) emit sigDirty(rc);

void KisGroupLayer::resetProjection(KisPaintDevice* to)
    if (to)
        m_projection = new KisPaintDevice(*to); /// XXX ### look into Copy on Write here (CoW)
        m_projection = new KisPaintDevice(this, image()->colorSpace(), name().latin1());

bool KisGroupLayer::paintLayerInducesProjectionOptimization(KisPaintLayer* l) {
    return l && l->paintDevice()->colorSpace() == m_image->colorSpace() && l->visible()
             && l->opacity() == OPACITY_OPAQUE && !l->temporaryTarget() && !l->hasMask();

KisPaintDeviceSP KisGroupLayer::projection(const QRect & rect)
    // We don't have a parent, and we've got only one child: abuse the child's
    // paint device as the projection if the child is visible and 100% opaque
    if (parent() == 0 && childCount() == 1) {
        KisPaintLayerSP l = dynamic_cast<KisPaintLayer*>(firstChild().data());
        if (paintLayerInducesProjectionOptimization(l)) {
            return l->paintDevice();
    // No need for updates, we're clean
    if (!dirty()) {
        return m_projection;
    // No need for updates -- the desired area wasn't dirty
    if (!rect.intersects(m_dirtyRect)) {
        return m_projection;

    // Okay, we need to update the intersection between
    // what's dirty and what's asked us to be updated.
    // XXX Nooo, that doesn't work, since the call to setClean following this, is actually:
    // m_dirtyRect = QRect(); So the non-intersecting part gets brilliantly lost otherwise.
    const QRect rc = m_dirtyRect;//rect.intersect(m_dirtyRect);


    return m_projection;

uint KisGroupLayer::childCount() const
    return m_layers.count();

KisLayerSP KisGroupLayer::firstChild() const
    return at(0);

KisLayerSP KisGroupLayer::lastChild() const
    return at(childCount() - 1);

KisLayerSP KisGroupLayer::at(int index) const
    if (childCount() && index >= 0 && kClamp(uint(index), uint(0), childCount() - 1) == uint(index))
        return m_layers.at(reverseIndex(index));
    return 0;

int KisGroupLayer::index(KisLayerSP layer) const
    if (layer->parent().data() == this)
        return layer->index();
    return -1;

void KisGroupLayer::setIndex(KisLayerSP layer, int index)
    if (layer->parent().data() != this)
    //TODO optimize
    addLayer(layer, index);

bool KisGroupLayer::addLayer(KisLayerSP newLayer, int x)
    if (x < 0 || kClamp(uint(x), uint(0), childCount()) != uint(x) ||
        newLayer->parent() || m_layers.contains(newLayer))
        kdWarning() << "invalid input to KisGroupLayer::addLayer(KisLayerSP newLayer, int x)!" << endl;
        return false;
    uint index(x);
    if (index == 0)
        m_layers.insert(m_layers.begin() + reverseIndex(index) + 1, newLayer);
    for (uint i = childCount() - 1; i > index; i--)
    newLayer->m_parent = this;
    newLayer->m_index = index;
    return true;

bool KisGroupLayer::addLayer(KisLayerSP newLayer, KisLayerSP aboveThis)
    if (aboveThis && aboveThis->parent().data() != this)
        kdWarning() << "invalid input to KisGroupLayer::addLayer(KisLayerSP newLayer, KisLayerSP aboveThis)!" << endl;
        return false;
    return addLayer(newLayer, aboveThis ? aboveThis->index() : childCount());

bool KisGroupLayer::removeLayer(int x)
    if (x >= 0 && kClamp(uint(x), uint(0), childCount() - 1) == uint(x))
        uint index(x);
        for (uint i = childCount() - 1; i > index; i--)
        KisLayerSP removedLayer = at(index);

        removedLayer->m_parent = 0;
        removedLayer->m_index = -1;
        m_layers.erase(m_layers.begin() + reverseIndex(index));
        if (childCount() < 1) {
            // No children, nothing to show for it.
        return true;
    kdWarning() << "invalid input to KisGroupLayer::removeLayer()!" << endl;
    return false;

bool KisGroupLayer::removeLayer(KisLayerSP layer)
    if (layer->parent().data() != this)
        kdWarning() << "invalid input to KisGroupLayer::removeLayer()!" << endl;
        return false;

    return removeLayer(layer->index());

void KisGroupLayer::setImage(KisImage *image)
    for (vKisLayerSP_it it = m_layers.begin(); it != m_layers.end(); ++it)

QRect KisGroupLayer::extent() const
    QRect groupExtent;

    for (vKisLayerSP_cit it = m_layers.begin(); it != m_layers.end(); ++it)
        groupExtent |= (*it)->extent();

    return groupExtent;

QRect KisGroupLayer::exactBounds() const
    QRect groupExactBounds;

    for (vKisLayerSP_cit it = m_layers.begin(); it != m_layers.end(); ++it)
        groupExactBounds |= (*it)->exactBounds();

    return groupExactBounds;

Q_INT32 KisGroupLayer::x() const
    return m_x;

void KisGroupLayer::setX(Q_INT32 x)
    Q_INT32 delta = x - m_x;

    for (vKisLayerSP_cit it = m_layers.begin(); it != m_layers.end(); ++it)
        KisLayerSP layer = *it;
        layer->setX(layer->x() + delta);
    m_x = x;

Q_INT32 KisGroupLayer::y() const
    return m_y;

void KisGroupLayer::setY(Q_INT32 y)
    Q_INT32 delta = y - m_y;

    for (vKisLayerSP_cit it = m_layers.begin(); it != m_layers.end(); ++it)
        KisLayerSP layer = *it;
        layer->setY(layer->y() + delta);

    m_y = y;

QImage KisGroupLayer::createThumbnail(Q_INT32 w, Q_INT32 h)
    return m_projection->createThumbnail(w, h);

void KisGroupLayer::updateProjection(const QRect & rc)
    if (!m_dirtyRect.isValid()) return;

    // Get the first layer in this group to start compositing with
    KisLayerSP child = lastChild();

    // No child -- clear the projection. Without children, a group layer is empty.
    if (!child) m_projection->clear();

    KisLayerSP startWith = 0;
    KisAdjustmentLayerSP adjLayer = 0;
    KisLayerSP tmpPaintLayer = 0;

    // If this is the rootlayer, don't do anything with adj. layers that are below the
    // first paintlayer
    bool gotPaintLayer = (parent() != 0);

    // Look through all the child layers, searching for the first dirty layer
    // if it's found, and if we have found an adj. layer before the the dirty layer,
    // composite from the first adjustment layer searching back from the first dirty layer
    while (child) {
        KisAdjustmentLayerSP tmpAdjLayer = dynamic_cast<KisAdjustmentLayer*>(child.data());
        if (tmpAdjLayer) {
            if (gotPaintLayer) {
                // If this adjustment layer is dirty, start compositing with the
                // previous layer, if there's one.
                if (tmpAdjLayer->dirty(rc) && adjLayer != 0 && adjLayer->visible()) {
                    startWith = adjLayer->prevSibling();
                else if (tmpAdjLayer->visible() && !tmpAdjLayer->dirty(rc)) {
                    // This is the first adj. layer that is not dirty -- the perfect starting point
                    adjLayer = tmpAdjLayer;
                else {
                    startWith = tmpPaintLayer;
        else {
            tmpPaintLayer = child;
            gotPaintLayer = true;
            // A non-adjustmentlayer that's dirty; if there's an adjustmentlayer
            // with a cache, we'll start from there.
            if (child->dirty(rc)) {
                if (adjLayer != 0 && adjLayer->visible()) {
                    // the first layer on top of the adj. layer
                    startWith = adjLayer->prevSibling();
                else {
                    startWith = child;
                // break here: if there's no adj layer, we'll start with the layer->lastChild
        child = child->prevSibling();

    if (adjLayer != 0 && startWith == 0 && gotPaintLayer && adjLayer->prevSibling()) {
        startWith = adjLayer->prevSibling();

    // No adj layer -- all layers inside the group must be recomposited
    if (adjLayer == 0) {
        startWith = lastChild();

    if (startWith == 0) {

    bool first = true; // The first layer in a stack needs special compositing

    // Fill the projection either with the cached data, or erase it.
    KisFillPainter gc(m_projection);
    if (adjLayer != 0) {
        gc.bitBlt(rc.left(), rc.top(),
                  COMPOSITE_COPY, adjLayer->cachedPaintDevice(), OPACITY_OPAQUE,
                  rc.left(), rc.top(), rc.width(), rc.height());
        first = false;
    else {
        first = true;

    KisMergeVisitor visitor(m_projection, rc);

    child = startWith;

            // Copy the lowest layer rather than compositing it with the background
            // or an empty image. This means the layer's composite op is ignored,
            // which is consistent with Photoshop and gimp.
            const KisCompositeOp cop = child->compositeOp();
            const bool block = child->signalsBlocked();
            // Composite op copy doesn't take a mask/selection into account, so we need
            // to make a difference between a paintlayer with a mask, and one without
            KisPaintLayer* l = dynamic_cast<KisPaintLayer*>(child.data());
            if (l && l->hasMask())
                child->m_compositeOp = COMPOSITE_OVER;
                child->m_compositeOp = COMPOSITE_COPY;
            child->m_compositeOp = cop;
            first = false;

        child = child->prevSibling();

#include "kis_group_layer.moc"