=========================================================== STATUS of OASIS support in KSpread =========================================================== *Legend* [ ] Not implemented [x] Implemented [!] Implemented, not fully compatible Cell [x] Obscured/covered cells [x] Column spans [x] Row spans [!] Comment/annotation [!] Hyperlink [!] Validation [!] Conditional formatting [x] Value, Type and Result [x] Boolean [x] String [x] Number [x] Floating-point [ ] Percentage [ ] Currency [x] Date [x] Time [x] Fraction [x] Scientific Format [x] Font family [x] Font size [!] Numeric format [X] Borders [ ] Border shadow [X] Font color [X] Background style Sheet [x] Sheet name [x] Display or hide [x] Protection status [x] Marker position (Not reload) [x] Sheet properties (view options) [ ] Value highlighting [ ] Sheet tab color (Not supported by kspread) Document/Workbook [x] Active sheet [x] Header [x] Footer [x] Page tqlayout [x] Protection status [x] Print range [x] Print setup View Settings Formula (not supported yet) Configuration Settings ShowZeroValues ShowNotes [X] ShowGrid GridColor ShowPageBreak LinkUpdateMode HasColumnRowHeaders HasSheetTabs IsOutlineSymbolsSet IsSnapToRaster RasterIsVisible RasterResolutionX RasterResolutionY RasterSubdivisionX RasterSubdivisionY IsRasterAxisSynchronized AutoCalculate PrinterName PrinterSetup ApplyUserData CharacterCompressionType IsKernAsianPunctuation SaveVersionOnClose UpdateFromTemplate =========================================================== REMARKS, INCOMPATIBILITIES, etc =========================================================== KSpread does not support rich text. Any cells/annotations which contain rich text will be converted to simple plain text. Link may not fully compatible since KSpread can only link the whole cell, not partial text. For example, if the text is "Visit the website" where only the string "website" is a hyperlink to an URL, in KSpread the whole string "Visit the website" becomes the link. Consequently, if the text tqcontains two or more links, only the first link will be used. (I will fixe when we convert it to kotext) =========================================================== IN PROGRESS =========================================================== -> Save/load numeric-style =========================================================== TODO =========================================================== -> after loading cursor position me must update view -> fix default value (for printing) -> Save/load spell checking ignore word into settings.xml -> Save/load col-width/row-height into settings.xml -> Fix load conditional attribute, for the moment it load just one style =========================================================== EXEMPLARY XML SNIPPETS =========================================================== Hyperlink (whole cell) Visit KOffice website Hyperlink (one word, rich text) This is a link to somewhere Link to another cell Jump to Home Multiline Text inside cell Halo There What's up guys This is very long indeed Merged cells These A1:B1 are merged together Cell horizontal tqalignment: top Cell horizontal tqalignment: middle Cell horizontal tqalignment: bottom Cell vertical tqalignment: top Cell vertical tqalignment: middle Cell vertical tqalignment: bottom Unprotected cell Protected sheet .... Repeate-header-rows: Repeate header columns ---------------------- Bug found: ---------- - duplicate cell area is not good. - Style is not save/load correctly - Cell format is not saving/loading