"""This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Andrea Rizzi Ulrich Kuettler This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ from PyTQt.tqt import * class BasicElement: """The interface for every element.""" def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.size = TQSize() self.pos = TQPoint() def x(self): return self.pos.x() def y(self): return self.pos.y() def setX(self, x): self.pos.setX(x) def setY(self, y): self.pos.setY(y) def width(self): return self.size.width() def height(self): return self.size.height() def setWidth(self, w): self.size.setWidth(w) def setHeight(self, h): self.size.setHeight(h) def globalPos(self): """Returns the pos in global Coords.""" x = y = 0 element = self while element != None: x += element.x() y += element.y() element = element.parent return TQPoint(x, y) def elementAt(self, point, startPoint): """Returns the element that is at position point. `None' if there is no element there.""" x = point.x() - startPoint.x() if x >= 0 and x < self.width(): y = point.y() - startPoint.y() if y >= 0 and y < self.height(): return self def moveLeft(self, cursor, fromElement): """Enters this element while moving to the left from the element `fromElement'. Searched for cursor position inside this element of left of it.""" pass def moveRight(self, cursor, fromElement): """Enters this element while moving to the right from the element `fromElement'. Searched for cursor position inside this element of right of it.""" pass def moveUp(self, cursor, fromElement): pass def moveDown(self, cursor, fromElement): pass def formula(self): """Returns the FormulaElement we are a child of.""" return self.parent.formula() def draw(self, painter, styleContext, startPoint): """Draws the whole thing. Including its children.""" pass def calcSizes(self, styleContext): """Recalculates the size. position (relative our to parent), width and height will be stored in self.size, the midline offset in self.midline. Please note: It's up to a parent to store its children's position.""" pass def mainChild(self): """Returns the most important child. `None' if there is None child at all.""" return None def setMainChild(self, sequenceElement): """Defines the main child.""" pass def makeSequence(self): """Packs the element into a new SequenceElement.""" return SequenceElement(self) def removeChild(self, cursor, element): """Removes the given child. If this happens to be the main child we remove ourself, too. The cursor has to be inside the child which is going to be removed.""" pass class SequenceElement (BasicElement): """The element that contains a number of children. The children are aligned in one line.""" def __init__(self, parent): BasicElement.__init__(self, parent) self.children = [] def elementAtCursor(self, cursor): """Returns the element before the cursor.""" if cursor.pos() > 0: return self.children[cursor.pos()-1] def elementAt(self, point, startPoint): r = BasicElement.elementAt(self, point, startPoint) if r != None: for child in self.children: r = child.elementAt(point, TQPoint(startPoint.x()+child.x(), startPoint.y()+child.y())) if r != None: return r return self def moveLeft(self, cursor, fromElement): # Our parent asks us for a cursor position. Found. if fromElement == self.parent: cursor.set(self, len(self.children)) # We already owned the cursor. Ask next child then. elif fromElement == self: if cursor.pos() > 0: if cursor.isSelection(): cursor.set (self, cursor.pos()-1) else: self.children[cursor.pos()-1].moveLeft(cursor, self) else: # Needed because FormulaElement derives this. if self.parent != None: self.parent.moveLeft(cursor, self) # The cursor came from one of our children or # something is wrong. else: fromPos = self.children.index(fromElement) cursor.set(self, fromPos) if cursor.isSelection(): if not cursor.mouseMark(): cursor.setMarkPos(fromPos+1) def moveRight(self, cursor, fromElement): # Our parent asks us for a cursor position. Found. if fromElement == self.parent: cursor.set(self, 0) # We already owned the cursor. Ask next child then. elif fromElement == self: if cursor.pos() < len(self.children): if cursor.isSelection(): cursor.set (self, cursor.pos()+1) else: self.children[cursor.pos()].moveRight(cursor, self) else: # Needed because FormulaElement derives this. if self.parent != None: self.parent.moveRight(cursor, self) # The cursor came from one of our children or # something is wrong. else: fromPos = self.children.index(fromElement) cursor.set(self, fromPos+1) if cursor.isSelection(): if not cursor.mouseMark(): cursor.setMarkPos(fromPos) def moveUp(self, cursor, fromElement): if fromElement == self.parent: self.moveRight(cursor, self) else: if self.parent != None: self.parent.moveUp(cursor, self) def moveDown(self, cursor, fromElement): if fromElement == self.parent: self.moveRight(cursor, self) else: if self.parent != None: self.parent.moveDown(cursor, self) def moveHome(self, cursor): if cursor.isSelection(): element = cursor.element() if element != self: while element.parent != self: element = element.parent cursor.setMarkPos(self.children.index(element)+1) cursor.set(self, 0) def moveEnd(self, cursor): if cursor.isSelection(): element = cursor.element() if element != self: while element.parent != self: element = element.parent cursor.setMarkPos(self.children.index(element)) cursor.set(self, len(self.children)) def draw(self, painter, styleContext, startPoint): x, y = startPoint.x(), startPoint.y() if len(self.children) > 0: for child in self.children: cX = child.x() cY = child.y() child.draw(painter, styleContext, TQPoint(x+cX, y+cY)) # Debug #painter.setPen(TQt.green) #painter.drawRect(x, y, self.width(), self.height()) else: painter.setPen(TQt.blue) painter.drawRect(x, y, self.width(), self.height()) def calcSizes(self, styleContext): if len(self.children) > 0: x = self.x() y = self.y() width = toMidline = fromMidline = 0 for child in self.children: child.calcSizes(styleContext) child.setX(width) width += child.width() if child.midline > toMidline: toMidline = child.midline if child.height()-child.midline > fromMidline: fromMidline = child.height() - child.midline self.setWidth(width) self.setHeight(toMidline+fromMidline) self.midline = toMidline for child in self.children: child.setY(self.midline - child.midline) else: self.setWidth(10) self.setHeight(10) self.midline = 5 def mainChild(self): if len(self.children) > 0: return self.children[0] return None def setMainChild(self, sequenceElement): if len(self.children) > 0: self.children[0] = sequenceElement sequenceElement.parent = self else: self.addChild(sequenceElement) def makeSequence(self): return self def replaceCurrentSelection(self, cursor, element): """Replaces the currently selected sequence (the child before the cursor) with the given element. The replaced sequence becomes the main child of the new element.""" # it is essential to set up the parent pointer for # the notification to work. element.parent = self seq = element.makeSequence() if cursor.isSelection(): f = min(cursor.pos(), cursor.markPos()) t = max(cursor.pos(), cursor.markPos()) for i in range(f, t): child = self.children.pop(f) self.formula().elementRemoved(child) seq.addChild(child) self.children.insert(f, element) cursor.setMarkPos(-1) cursor.set(self, f+1) elif cursor.pos() > 0: seq.addChild(self.children[cursor.pos()-1]) self.replaceChild(cursor, element) else: self.insertChild(cursor, element) element.setMainChild(seq) def replaceElementByMainChild(self, cursor, element): """Replaces the given element with the content of its main child. (The main child is always a SequenceElement.)""" assert element.parent == self self.formula().elementRemoved(element) seq = element.mainChild() pos = self.children.index(element) self.children.remove(element) for child in seq.children: self.children.insert(pos, child) child.parent = self pos += 1 cursor.set(self, pos) self.formula().changed() def addChild(self, element): self.children.append(element) element.parent = self self.formula().changed() def insertChild(self, cursor, element): """Inserts the new element at the cursor position. The cursor is placed behind the new element.""" pos = cursor.pos() self.children.insert(pos, element) element.parent = self cursor.set(self, pos+1) self.formula().changed() def replaceChild(self, cursor, element): """Replaces the element before the cursor with the new one. No range checking. Be careful.""" self.children[cursor.pos()-1] = element element.parent = self self.formula().changed() def removeChild(self, cursor, element): self.formula().elementRemoved(element) cursor.set(self, self.children.index(element)) self.children.remove(element) if len(self.children) == 0: if self.parent != None: self.parent.removeChild(cursor, self) return self.formula().changed() def removeChildAt(self, cursor): pos = cursor.pos() if cursor.isSelection(): f = min(cursor.pos(), cursor.markPos()) t = max(cursor.pos(), cursor.markPos()) for i in range(f, t): child = self.children.pop(f) self.formula().elementRemoved(child) cursor.setMarkPos(-1) cursor.set(self, f) self.formula().changed() elif pos < len(self.children): self.children.pop(pos) self.formula().changed() else: if len(self.children) == 0: if self.parent != None: self.parent.removeChild(cursor, self) def removeChildBefore(self, cursor): pos = cursor.pos()-1 if cursor.isSelection(): f = min(cursor.pos(), cursor.markPos()) t = max(cursor.pos(), cursor.markPos()) for i in range(f, t): child = self.children.pop(f) self.formula().elementRemoved(child) cursor.setMarkPos(-1) cursor.set(self, f) self.formula().changed() elif pos >= 0: self.children.pop(pos) cursor.set(self, pos) self.formula().changed() else: if len(self.children) == 0: if self.parent != None: self.parent.removeChild(cursor, self) def globalCursorPos(self, pos): """Returns the position after the child at the position in global Coords.""" point = self.globalPos() if pos < len(self.children): d = self.children[pos].x() else: if len(self.children) > 0: d = self.width() else: d = 2 point.setX(point.x()+d) return point def countChildren(self): return len(self.children) class FormulaElement (SequenceElement): """The main element. A formula consists of a FormulaElement and its children. The only element that has no parent.""" def __init__(self, document): SequenceElement.__init__(self, None) self.document = document def formula(self): return self def changed(self): """Is called by its children if the formula changed in any way.""" self.document.changed() def elementRemoved(self, element): """Gets called just before the element is removed from the tree. We need this to ensure that no cursor is left in the leaf that gets cut off. Caution! The object tree must still contain the element by the time you call this methode.""" self.document.elementRemoved(element) class TextElement (BasicElement): """One char.""" def __init__(self, parent, char): BasicElement.__init__(self, parent) self.char = char def moveLeft(self, cursor, fromElement): self.parent.moveLeft(cursor, self) def moveRight(self, cursor, fromElement): self.parent.moveRight(cursor, self) def draw(self, painter, styleContext, startPoint): styleContext.setupPainter(painter) painter.drawText(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y()+self.baseline, self.char) #painter.drawRect(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y(), self.width(), self.height()) def calcSizes(self, styleContext): fm = styleContext.fontMetrics() self.setWidth(fm.width(self.char)) self.setHeight(fm.height()) self.midline = self.height() / 2 self.baseline = fm.ascent() class IndexElement (BasicElement): """Up to four indexes in the four corners.""" def __init__(self, contentElement): if contentElement != None: BasicElement.__init__(self, contentElement.parent) contentElement.parent = self else: BasicElement.__init__(self, None) self.content = contentElement self.upperLeft = self.upperRight = None self.lowerLeft = self.lowerRight = None def elementAt(self, point, startPoint): r = BasicElement.elementAt(self, point, startPoint) if r != None: x, y = startPoint.x(), startPoint.y() r = self.content.elementAt(point, TQPoint(x+self.content.x(), y+self.content.y())) if r != None: return r if self.upperRight != None: r = self.upperRight.elementAt(point, TQPoint(x+self.upperRight.x(), y+self.upperRight.y())) if r != None: return r if self.upperLeft != None: r = self.upperLeft.elementAt(point, TQPoint(x+self.upperLeft.x(), y+self.upperLeft.y())) if r != None: return r if self.lowerRight != None: r = self.lowerRight.elementAt(point, TQPoint(x+self.lowerRight.x(), y+self.lowerRight.y())) if r != None: return r if self.lowerLeft != None: r = self.lowerLeft.elementAt(point, TQPoint(x+self.lowerLeft.x(), y+self.lowerLeft.y())) if r != None: return r return self def moveLeft(self, cursor, fromElement): assert fromElement != None if cursor.isSelection(): self.parent.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.parent: if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.lowerRight: if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.upperRight: self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.content: if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveLeft(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.lowerLeft: if self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveLeft(cursor, self) def moveRight(self, cursor, fromElement): assert fromElement != None if cursor.isSelection(): self.parent.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.parent: if self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.moveRight(cursor, self) elif self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.moveRight(cursor, self) else: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.upperLeft: if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.moveRight(cursor, self) else: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.lowerLeft: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.content: if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.moveRight(cursor, self) elif self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.moveRight(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.upperRight: if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.moveRight(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveRight(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveRight(cursor, self) def moveUp(self, cursor, fromElement): assert fromElement != None if fromElement == self.parent: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.upperLeft or fromElement == self.upperRight: self.parent.moveUp(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.content: if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.moveRight(cursor, self) elif self.upperLeft != None: #self.upperLeft.moveRight(cursor, self) self.upperLeft.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveUp(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.lowerLeft: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.lowerRight: self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: # should never happen. self.parent.moveUp(cursor, self) def moveDown(self, cursor, fromElement): assert fromElement != None if fromElement == self.parent: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.lowerLeft or fromElement == self.lowerRight: self.parent.moveDown(cursor, fromElement) elif fromElement == self.content: if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.moveRight(cursor, self) elif self.lowerLeft != None: #self.lowerLeft.moveRight(cursor, self) self.lowerLeft.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: self.parent.moveDown(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.upperLeft: self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) elif fromElement == self.upperRight: self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) else: # should never happen. self.parent.moveDown(cursor, self) def draw(self, painter, styleContext, startPoint): x, y = startPoint.x(), startPoint.y() self.content.draw(painter, styleContext, TQPoint(x+self.content.x(), y+self.content.y())) if self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.draw(painter, styleContext, TQPoint(x+self.upperLeft.x(), y+self.upperLeft.y())) if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.draw(painter, styleContext, TQPoint(x+self.upperRight.x(), y+self.upperRight.y())) if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.draw(painter, styleContext, TQPoint(x+self.lowerLeft.x(), y+self.lowerLeft.y())) if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.draw(painter, styleContext, TQPoint(x+self.lowerRight.x(), y+self.lowerRight.y())) # Debug painter.setPen(TQt.red) painter.drawRect(x, y, self.width(), self.height()) def calcSizes(self, styleContext): # get the indexes size if self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.calcSizes(styleContext) ulWidth = self.upperLeft.width() ulHeight = self.upperLeft.height() ulMidline = self.upperLeft.midline else: ulWidth = ulHeight = ulMidline = 0 if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.calcSizes(styleContext) urWidth = self.upperRight.width() urHeight = self.upperRight.height() urMidline = self.upperRight.midline else: urWidth = urHeight = urMidline = 0 if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.calcSizes(styleContext) llWidth = self.lowerLeft.width() llHeight = self.lowerLeft.height() llMidline = self.lowerLeft.midline else: llWidth = llHeight = llMidline = 0 if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.calcSizes(styleContext) lrWidth = self.lowerRight.width() lrHeight = self.lowerRight.height() lrMidline = self.lowerRight.midline else: lrWidth = lrHeight = lrMidline = 0 # get the contents size self.content.calcSizes(styleContext) width = self.content.width() toMidline = self.content.midline fromMidline = self.content.height() - toMidline # calculate the x offsets if ulWidth > llWidth: self.upperLeft.setX(0) if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.setX(ulWidth - llWidth) self.content.setX(ulWidth) width += ulWidth else: if self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.setX(llWidth - ulWidth) if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.setX(0) self.content.setX(llWidth) width += llWidth if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.setX(width) if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.setX(width) width += max(urWidth, lrWidth) # calculate the y offsets if ulHeight > urHeight: self.upperLeft.setY(0) if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.setY(ulHeight - urHeight) self.content.setY(max(ulHeight - toMidline/2, 0)) toMidline += self.content.y() else: if self.upperLeft != None: self.upperLeft.setY(urHeight - ulHeight) if self.upperRight != None: self.upperRight.setY(0) self.content.setY(max(urHeight - toMidline/2, 0)) toMidline += self.content.y() if self.lowerLeft != None: self.lowerLeft.setY(toMidline + fromMidline/2) if self.lowerRight != None: self.lowerRight.setY(toMidline + fromMidline/2) fromMidline += max(max(llHeight, lrHeight) - fromMidline/2, 0) # set the result self.setWidth(width) self.setHeight(toMidline+fromMidline) #self.midline = self.height()/2 self.midline = toMidline def mainChild(self): return self.content def setMainChild(self, sequenceElement): self.content = sequenceElement self.content.parent = self self.formula().changed() def removeChild(self, cursor, element): if element == self.upperLeft: self.formula().elementRemoved(self.upperLeft) self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) self.upperLeft = None elif element == self.lowerLeft: self.formula().elementRemoved(self.lowerLeft) self.content.moveRight(cursor, self) self.lowerLeft = None elif element == self.upperRight: self.formula().elementRemoved(self.upperRight) self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) self.upperRight = None elif element == self.lowerRight: self.formula().elementRemoved(self.lowerRight) self.content.moveLeft(cursor, self) self.lowerRight = None elif element == self.content: self.parent.removeChild(cursor, self) return if self.upperLeft == None and self.lowerLeft == None and \ self.upperRight == None and self.lowerRight == None: self.parent.replaceElementByMainChild(cursor, self) else: self.formula().changed() def requireUpperLeft(self): if self.upperLeft == None: self.upperLeft = SequenceElement(self) self.formula().changed() return self.upperLeft def requireUpperRight(self): if self.upperRight == None: self.upperRight = SequenceElement(self) self.formula().changed() return self.upperRight def requireLowerLeft(self): if self.lowerLeft == None: self.lowerLeft = SequenceElement(self) self.formula().changed() return self.lowerLeft def requireLowerRight(self): if self.lowerRight == None: self.lowerRight = SequenceElement(self) self.formula().changed() return self.lowerRight class Cursor: """The selection. This might be a one position selection or an area. Handles user input and object creation. Note that it is up to the elements to actually move the cursor. (The cursor has no chance to know how.)""" def __init__(self, formulaElement): self.sequenceElement = formulaElement self.currentPos = 0 self.currentMarkPos = -1 self.selectionFlag = 0 self.mouseMarkFlag = 0 def isSelection(self): return self.selectionFlag def mouseMark(self): return self.mouseMarkFlag def set(self, sequenceElement, pos): """Set the cursor to a new position.""" if self.isSelection(): if self.currentMarkPos == -1: self.currentMarkPos = self.currentPos if self.currentMarkPos == pos: self.selectionFlag = 0 else: self.currentMarkPos = -1 self.sequenceElement = sequenceElement self.currentPos = pos def markPos(self): return self.currentMarkPos def setMarkPos(self, markPos): """Gets called by elements if the cursor moves up to the parent.""" self.selectionFlag = (markPos != -1) self.currentMarkPos = markPos def pos(self): return self.currentPos def element(self): return self.sequenceElement def draw(self, painter): point = self.sequenceElement.globalCursorPos(self.pos()) height = self.sequenceElement.height() if self.isSelection(): markPoint = self.sequenceElement.globalCursorPos(self.markPos()) x = min(point.x(), markPoint.x()) width = abs(point.x() - markPoint.x()) painter.setRasterOp(TQt.XorROP) #painter.setRasterOp(TQt.OrROP) painter.fillRect(x, point.y(), width, height, TQBrush(TQt.white)) #painter.drawLine(point.x(), point.y()-2, # point.x(), point.y()+height+2) painter.setRasterOp(TQt.CopyROP) else: painter.setPen(TQt.blue) painter.drawLine(point.x(), point.y()-2, point.x(), point.y()+height+2) def findIndexElement(self): """Looks if we are just behind an IndexElement or at the last position of an IndexElement's content and returns the element then.""" element = self.sequenceElement.elementAtCursor(self) if isinstance(element, IndexElement): return element if self.pos() == self.sequenceElement.countChildren(): parent = self.sequenceElement.parent if isinstance(parent, IndexElement): if self.sequenceElement == parent.mainChild(): return parent def addUpperRightIndex(self): indexElement = self.findIndexElement() if indexElement == None: indexElement = IndexElement(None) self.sequenceElement.replaceCurrentSelection(self, indexElement) index = indexElement.requireUpperRight() index.moveRight(self, index.parent) def addLowerRightIndex(self): indexElement = self.findIndexElement() if indexElement == None: indexElement = IndexElement(None) self.sequenceElement.replaceCurrentSelection(self, indexElement) index = indexElement.requireLowerRight() index.moveRight(self, index.parent) def addTextElement(self, char): textElement = TextElement(self.sequenceElement, TQString(char)) self.sequenceElement.insertChild(self, textElement) def handleKey(self, keyEvent): action = keyEvent.key() state = keyEvent.state() char = keyEvent.text().at(0) self.mouseMarkFlag = 0 if char.isPrint(): #self.sequenceElement.handleKey(self, char) latin1 = char.latin1() if latin1 == '[': #addBracketElement("[]") pass elif latin1 == '(': #addBracketElement(DEFAULT_DELIMITER) pass elif latin1 == '|': #addBracketElement("||") pass elif latin1 == '/': #addFractionElement(DEFAULT_FRACTION) pass elif latin1 == '@': #addRootElement() pass elif latin1 == '^': self.addUpperRightIndex() elif latin1 == '_': self.addLowerRightIndex() elif latin1 == ' ': # no space allowed. pass else: self.addTextElement(char) else: if TQt.Key_BackSpace == action: self.sequenceElement.removeChildBefore(self) return elif TQt.Key_Delete == action: self.sequenceElement.removeChildAt(self) return self.selectionFlag = state & TQt.ShiftButton if TQt.Key_Left == action: if state & TQt.ControlButton: self.sequenceElement.moveHome(self) else: self.sequenceElement.moveLeft(self, self.sequenceElement) elif TQt.Key_Right == action: if state & TQt.ControlButton: self.sequenceElement.moveEnd(self) else: self.sequenceElement.moveRight(self, self.sequenceElement) elif TQt.Key_Up == action: self.sequenceElement.moveUp(self, self.sequenceElement) elif TQt.Key_Down == action: self.sequenceElement.moveDown(self, self.sequenceElement) elif TQt.Key_Home == action: self.sequenceElement.formula().moveHome(self) elif TQt.Key_End == action: self.sequenceElement.formula().moveEnd(self) # TQt.Key_PageUp, TQt.Key_PageDown, def handleMousePress(self, mouseEvent): formula = self.sequenceElement.formula() element = formula.elementAt(mouseEvent.pos(), TQPoint(0, 0)) if element != None: if element.parent != None: element.moveLeft(self, element.parent) self.selectionFlag = 0 self.mouseMarkFlag = 1 self.setMarkPos(self.pos()) #else: # self.set(formula, 0) def handleMouseRelease(self, mouseEvent): self.mouseMarkFlag = 0 def handleMouseMove(self, mouseEvent): self.selectionFlag = 1 formula = self.sequenceElement.formula() element = formula.elementAt(mouseEvent.pos(), TQPoint(0, 0)) if element != None: if element.parent != None: element.parent.moveLeft(self, element) def elementRemoved(self, element): """The cursor must not be inside a leaf which gets cut off. We assume the FormulaElement will never be removed.""" e = self.sequenceElement while e != None: if e == element: # This is meant to catch all cursors that did not # cause the deletion. e.parent.moveRight(self, e) self.sequenceElement.moveHome(self) return e = e.parent class StyleContext: """Contains all variable information that are needed to draw a formula.""" def __init__(self): self.font = TQFont("helvetica", 18) def setupPainter(self, painter): painter.setFont(self.font) painter.setPen(TQt.black) def fontMetrics(self): return TQFontMetrics(self.font) class Widget(TQWidget): """The widget that contains a formula.""" def __init__(self): TQWidget.__init__(self) f = self.formula = FormulaElement(self) self.cursor = Cursor(self.formula) self.styleContext = StyleContext() # Test data f.addChild(TextElement(f, "y")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "=")) s1 = SequenceElement(f) s1.addChild(TextElement(s1, "e")) i1 = IndexElement(s1) f.addChild(i1) s2 = i1.requireUpperRight() s2.addChild(TextElement(s2, "-")) s2.addChild(TextElement(s2, "o")) s2.addChild(TextElement(s2, "t")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "(")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "s")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "i")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "n")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "(")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "x")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, ")")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, ")")) s3 = SequenceElement(f) s3.addChild(TextElement(s3, "+")) s3.addChild(TextElement(s3, "f")) s3.addChild(TextElement(s3, "u")) s3.addChild(TextElement(s3, "n")) i2 = IndexElement(s3) i2.requireUpperLeft() i2.requireUpperRight() i2.requireLowerLeft() i2.requireLowerRight() f.addChild(i2) f.addChild(TextElement(f, ":")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, "-")) f.addChild(TextElement(f, ")")) s4 = SequenceElement(f) s4.addChild(TextElement(s4, "#")) i3 = IndexElement(s4) s5 = i3.requireUpperLeft() s5.addChild(TextElement(s5, "u")) s6 = i3.requireLowerLeft() s6.addChild(TextElement(s6, "d")) f.addChild(i3) self.changedFlag = 1 def changed(self): """Gets called each time the formula changes.""" self.changedFlag = 1 def elementRemoved(self, element): """The element is going to go real soon.""" self.cursor.elementRemoved(element) def paintEvent (self, e): if self.changedFlag: # You need to use the same StyleContext you use for drawing. self.formula.calcSizes(self.styleContext) self.changedFlag = 0 painter = TQPainter() painter.begin(self) try: self.formula.draw(painter, self.styleContext, TQPoint(0, 0)) self.cursor.draw(painter) finally: painter.end() def keyPressEvent(self, e): self.cursor.handleKey(e) self.update() def mousePressEvent(self, e): self.cursor.handleMousePress(e) self.update() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): self.cursor.handleMouseRelease(e) self.update() def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e): pass def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): self.cursor.handleMouseMove(e) self.update()