** Definition of internal rich text classes
** Created : 990124
** Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.TQPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as publish by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition or TQt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
**   information about TQt Commercial License Agreements.
** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for TQPL licensing information.
** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
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#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqrect.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqsize.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstylesheet.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include "KoComplexText.h"

#include <koffice_export.h>
class KoXmlWriter;
class KoGenStyles;
class KoTextParag;
class KoTextString;
class KoTextCursor;
class KoTextCustomItem;
class KoTextFlow;
class KoTextDocument;
//class KoTextPreProcessor;
class KoTextFormatterBase;
class KoTextFormat;
class KoTextFormatCollection;
struct KoBidiContext;

//// kotext additions (needed by the #included headers)
class KCommand;
class TQDomElement;
class KoTextZoomHandler;
class KoTextFormatter;
class KoParagVisitor;
class KoTextDocCommand;
class KoXmlWriter;
class KoSavingContext;

#include <tqmemarray.h>
#include "KoParagLayout.h"

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextStringChar
    friend class KoTextString;

    // this is never called, initialize variables in KoTextString::insert()!!!
    KoTextStringChar() : lineStart( 0 ), type( Regular ), startOfRun( 0 ) {d.format=0; }

    TQChar c;

    // this is the same struct as in qtextengine_p.h. Don't change!
    uchar softBreak      :1;     // Potential linebreak point
    uchar whiteSpace     :1;     // A unicode whitespace character, except NBSP, ZWNBSP
    uchar charStop       :1;     // Valid cursor position (for left/right arrow)
    uchar wordStop       :1;     // Valid cursor position (for ctrl + left/right arrow) (TODO: use)
    //uchar nobreak        :1;

    enum Type { Regular, Custom };
    uint lineStart : 1;
    Type type : 1;
    uint startOfRun : 1;
    uint rightToLeft : 1;

    // --- added for WYSIWYG ---
    TQ_INT8 pixelxadj; // adjustment to apply to lu2pixel(x)
    short int pixelwidth; // width in pixels
    short int width; // width in LU

    int x;
    int height() const;
    int ascent() const;
    int descent() const;
    bool isCustom() const { return type == Custom; }
    KoTextFormat *format() const;
    KoTextCustomItem *customItem() const;
    void setFormat( KoTextFormat *f,bool setFormatAgain=TRUE );
    void setCustomItem( KoTextCustomItem *i );
    void loseCustomItem();
    struct CustomData
	KoTextFormat *format;
	KoTextCustomItem *custom;

    union {
	KoTextFormat* format;
	CustomData* custom;
    } d;

    KoTextStringChar &operator=( const KoTextStringChar & ) {
	return *this;
    KoTextStringChar( const KoTextStringChar & ); // copy-constructor, forbidden
    friend class KoComplexText;
    friend class KoTextParag;

#if defined(TQ_TEMPLATEDLL)
template class TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar>;

class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextString

    KoTextString( const KoTextString &s );
    virtual ~KoTextString();

    TQString toString() const;
    static TQString toString( const TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> &data );
    TQString toReverseString() const;

    TQString stringToSpellCheck();

    KoTextStringChar &at( int i ) const;
    int length() const;

    //int width( int idx ) const; // moved to KoTextFormat

    void insert( int index, const TQString &s, KoTextFormat *f );
    void insert( int index, KoTextStringChar *c );
    void truncate( int index );
    void remove( int index, int len );
    void clear();

    void setFormat( int index, KoTextFormat *f, bool useCollection, bool setFormatAgain = FALSE );

    void setBidi( bool b ) { bidi = b; }
    bool isBidi() const;
    bool isRightToLeft() const;
    TQChar::Direction direction() const;
    void setDirection( TQChar::Direction d ) { dir = d; bidiDirty = TRUE; }

    /** Set dirty flag for background spell-checking */
    void setNeedsSpellCheck( bool b ) { bNeedsSpellCheck = b; }
    bool needsSpellCheck() const { return bNeedsSpellCheck; }

    TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> subString( int start = 0, int len = 0xFFFFFF ) const;
    TQString mid( int start = 0, int len = 0xFFFFFF ) const; // kotext addition
    TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> rawData() const { return data.copy(); }

    void operator=( const TQString &s ) { clear(); insert( 0, s, 0 ); }
    void operator+=( const TQString &s );
    void prepend( const TQString &s ) { insert( 0, s, 0 ); }

    // return next and previous valid cursor positions.
    bool validCursorPosition( int idx );
    int nextCursorPosition( int idx );
    int previousCursorPosition( int idx );

    void checkBidi() const;

    TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> data;
    uint bidiDirty : 1;
    uint bidi : 1; // true when the paragraph has right to left characters
    uint rightToLeft : 1;
    uint dir : 5;
    uint bNeedsSpellCheck : 1;

inline bool KoTextString::isBidi() const
    if ( bidiDirty )
    return bidi;

inline bool KoTextString::isRightToLeft() const
    if ( bidiDirty )
    return rightToLeft;

inline TQChar::Direction KoTextString::direction() const
    return (TQChar::Direction) dir;

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextCursor
    KoTextCursor( KoTextDocument *d );
    KoTextCursor( const KoTextCursor &c );
    KoTextCursor &operator=( const KoTextCursor &c );
    virtual ~KoTextCursor() {}

    bool operator==( const KoTextCursor &c ) const;
    bool operator!=( const KoTextCursor &c ) const { return !(*this == c); }

    KoTextDocument *document() const { return doc; }
    void setDocument( KoTextDocument *d );

    KoTextParag *parag() const;
    int index() const;
    void setParag( KoTextParag *s, bool restore = TRUE );

    void gotoLeft();
    void gotoRight();
    void gotoNextLetter();
    void gotoPreviousLetter();
    void gotoUp();
    void gotoDown();
    void gotoLineEnd();
    void gotoLineStart();
    void gotoHome();
    void gotoEnd();
    void gotoPageUp( int visibleHeight );
    void gotoPageDown( int visibleHeight );
    void gotoNextWord();
    void gotoPreviousWord();
    void gotoWordLeft();
    void gotoWordRight();

    void insert( const TQString &s, bool checkNewLine, TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> *formatting = 0 );
    void splitAndInsertEmptyParag( bool ind = TRUE, bool updateIds = TRUE );
    bool remove();
    bool removePreviousChar();
    void killLine();
    //void indent();

    bool atParagStart() const;
    bool atParagEnd() const;

    void setIndex( int i, bool restore = TRUE );

    //void checkIndex();

    //int offsetX() const { return ox; }
    //int offsetY() const { return oy; }

    bool place( const TQPoint &pos, KoTextParag *s, bool link = false, int *customItemIndex = 0 );

    int x() const;
    int y() const;
    void fixCursorPosition();

    KoTextParag *string;
    KoTextDocument *doc;
    int idx, tmpIndex;
    //int ox, oy;

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

class KoTextDocCommand
    enum Commands { Invalid, Insert, Delete, Format, Alignment, ParagType };

    KoTextDocCommand( KoTextDocument *d ) : doc( d ), cursor( d ) {}
    virtual ~KoTextDocCommand() {}
    virtual Commands type() const { return Invalid; };

    virtual KoTextCursor *execute( KoTextCursor *c ) = 0;
    virtual KoTextCursor *unexecute( KoTextCursor *c ) = 0;

    KoTextDocument *doc;
    KoTextCursor cursor;


#if defined(TQ_TEMPLATEDLL)
template class TQPtrList<KoTextDocCommand>;

class KoTextDocCommandHistory
    KoTextDocCommandHistory( int s ) : current( -1 ), steps( s ) { history.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); }
    virtual ~KoTextDocCommandHistory() { clear(); }

    void clear() { history.clear(); current = -1; }

    void addCommand( KoTextDocCommand *cmd );
    KoTextCursor *undo( KoTextCursor *c );
    KoTextCursor *redo( KoTextCursor *c );

    bool isUndoAvailable();
    bool isRedoAvailable();

    void setUndoDepth( int d ) { steps = d; }
    int undoDepth() const { return steps; }

    int historySize() const { return history.count(); }
    int currentPosition() const { return current; }

    TQPtrList<KoTextDocCommand> history;
    int current, steps;


// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

#include "KoTextCustomItem.h"

#if defined(TQ_TEMPLATEDLL)
template class TQMap<TQString, TQString>;

#if 0
class KoTextImage : public KoTextCustomItem
    KoTextImage( KoTextDocument *p, const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &attr, const TQString& context,
		TQMimeSourceFactory &factory );
    virtual ~KoTextImage();

    Placement placement() const { return place; }
    //void setPainter( TQPainter*, bool );
    int widthHint() const { return width; }
    int minimumWidth() const { return width; }

    TQString richText() const;

    void draw( TQPainter* p, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool selected );

    TQRegion* reg;
    TQPixmap pm;
    Placement place;
    int tmpwidth, tmpheight;
    TQMap<TQString, TQString> attributes;
    TQString imgId;


class KoTextHorizontalLine : public KoTextCustomItem
    KoTextHorizontalLine( KoTextDocument *p, const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &attr, const TQString& context,
			 TQMimeSourceFactory &factory );
    virtual ~KoTextHorizontalLine();

    //void setPainter( TQPainter*, bool );
    void draw(TQPainter* p, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool selected );
    TQString richText() const;

    bool ownLine() const { return TRUE; }

    int tmpheight;
    TQColor color;


#if defined(TQ_TEMPLATEDLL)
template class TQPtrList<KoTextCustomItem>;

class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextFlow
    friend class KoTextDocument;
    friend class KoTextTableCell;

    virtual ~KoTextFlow();

    // Called by KoTextDocument::setWidth()
    virtual void setWidth( int width );

    // This is the value returned by KoTextDocument::width()
    int width() const { return w; }

    //virtual void setPageSize( int ps );
    //int pageSize() const { return pagesize; }

     * Called by the formatter to find out the left and right margin for a paragraph at ( yp, yp+h )
     * @param leftMargin returns the left margin
     * @param rightMargin returns the right margin (from the page width)
     * @param pageWidth returns the page width at that point
     * This method merges TQRichText's adjustLMargin and adjustRMargin for efficiency reasons
    virtual void adjustMargins( int yp, int h, int reqMinWidth, int& leftMargin, int& rightMargin, int& pageWidth, KoTextParag* parag );

    virtual void registerFloatingItem( KoTextCustomItem* item );
    virtual void unregisterFloatingItem( KoTextCustomItem* item );
    //virtual TQRect boundingRect() const;

    /// kotext addition. Allows the textformatter to stop when it goes too far.
    virtual int availableHeight() const;
    virtual void drawFloatingItems(TQPainter* p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool selected );

    virtual int adjustFlow( int y, int w, int h ); // adjusts y according to the defined pagesize. Returns the shift.

    virtual bool isEmpty();

    void clear();

    int w;
    //int pagesize;

    TQPtrList<KoTextCustomItem> leftItems;
    TQPtrList<KoTextCustomItem> rightItems;


class KoTextTable;

class KoTextTableCell : public TQLayoutItem
    friend class KoTextTable;

    KoTextTableCell( KoTextTable* table,
		    int row, int column,
		    const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &attr,
		    const TQStyleSheetItem* style,
		    const KoTextFormat& fmt, const TQString& context,
		    TQMimeSourceFactory &factory, TQStyleSheet *sheet, const TQString& doc );
    KoTextTableCell( KoTextTable* table, int row, int column );
    virtual ~KoTextTableCell();

    TQSize sizeHint() const ;
    TQSize minimumSize() const ;
    TQSize maximumSize() const ;
    TQSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const;
    bool isEmpty() const;
    void setGeometry( const TQRect& ) ;
    TQRect geometry() const;

    bool hasHeightForWidth() const;
    int heightForWidth( int ) const;

    void setPainter( TQPainter*, bool );

    int row() const { return row_; }
    int column() const { return col_; }
    int rowspan() const { return rowspan_; }
    int colspan() const { return colspan_; }
    int stretch() const { return stretch_; }

    KoTextDocument* richText()  const { return richtext; }
    KoTextTable* table() const { return parent; }

    void draw( int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch, const TQColorGroup& cg, bool selected );

    TQBrush *backGround() const { return background; }
    virtual void invalidate();

    int verticalAlignmentOffset() const;
    int horizontalAlignmentOffset() const;

    TQPainter* painter() const;
    TQRect geom;
    KoTextTable* parent;
    KoTextDocument* richtext;
    int row_;
    int col_;
    int rowspan_;
    int colspan_;
    int stretch_;
    int maxw;
    int minw;
    bool hasFixedWidth;
    TQBrush *background;
    int cached_width;
    int cached_sizehint;
    TQMap<TQString, TQString> attributes;
    int align;

#if defined(TQ_TEMPLATEDLL)
template class TQPtrList<KoTextTableCell>;
template class TQMap<KoTextCursor*, int>;

class KoTextTable: public KoTextCustomItem
    friend class KoTextTableCell;

    KoTextTable( KoTextDocument *p, const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &attr );
    virtual ~KoTextTable();

    void setPainter( TQPainter *p, bool adjust );
    void pageBreak( int  y, KoTextFlow* flow );
    void draw( TQPainter* p, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch,
	       const TQColorGroup& cg, bool selected );

    bool noErase() const { return TRUE; }
    bool ownLine() const { return TRUE; }
    Placement placement() const { return place; }
    bool isNested() const { return TRUE; }
    void resize( int nwidth );
    virtual void invalidate();
    /// ## TQString anchorAt( TQPainter* p, int x, int y );

    virtual bool enter( KoTextCursor *c, KoTextDocument *&doc, KoTextParag *&parag, int &idx, int &ox, int &oy, bool atEnd = FALSE );
    virtual bool enterAt( KoTextCursor *c, KoTextDocument *&doc, KoTextParag *&parag, int &idx, int &ox, int &oy, const TQPoint &pos );
    virtual bool next( KoTextCursor *c, KoTextDocument *&doc, KoTextParag *&parag, int &idx, int &ox, int &oy );
    virtual bool prev( KoTextCursor *c, KoTextDocument *&doc, KoTextParag *&parag, int &idx, int &ox, int &oy );
    virtual bool down( KoTextCursor *c, KoTextDocument *&doc, KoTextParag *&parag, int &idx, int &ox, int &oy );
    virtual bool up( KoTextCursor *c, KoTextDocument *&doc, KoTextParag *&parag, int &idx, int &ox, int &oy );

    TQString richText() const;

    int minimumWidth() const { return layout ? layout->minimumSize().width() : 0; }
    int widthHint() const { return ( layout ? layout->sizeHint().width() : 0 ) + 2 * outerborder; }

    TQPtrList<KoTextTableCell> tableCells() const { return cells; }

    TQRect geometry() const { return layout ? layout->geometry() : TQRect(); }
    bool isStretching() const { return stretch; }

    void format( int &w );
    void addCell( KoTextTableCell* cell );

    TQGridLayout* layout;
    TQPtrList<KoTextTableCell> cells;
    TQPainter* painter;
    int cachewidth;
    int fixwidth;
    int cellpadding;
    int cellspacing;
    int border;
    int outerborder;
    int stretch;
    int innerborder;
    int us_cp, us_ib, us_b, us_ob, us_cs;
    TQMap<TQString, TQString> attributes;
    TQMap<KoTextCursor*, int> currCell;
    Placement place;
    void adjustCells( int y , int shift );
    int pageBreakFor;

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

class KoTextTableCell;

struct KoTextDocumentSelection
    KoTextCursor startCursor, endCursor;
    bool swapped;

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextDocDeleteCommand : public KoTextDocCommand
    KoTextDocDeleteCommand( KoTextDocument *d, int i, int idx, const TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> &str );
    //KoTextDocDeleteCommand( KoTextParag *p, int idx, const TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> &str );
    virtual ~KoTextDocDeleteCommand();

    Commands type() const { return Delete; }
    KoTextCursor *execute( KoTextCursor *c );
    KoTextCursor *unexecute( KoTextCursor *c );

    int id, index;
    KoTextParag *parag;
    TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> text;


#if 0
class KoTextDocInsertCommand : public KoTextDocDeleteCommand
    KoTextDocInsertCommand( KoTextDocument *d, int i, int idx, const TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> &str )
	: KoTextDocDeleteCommand( d, i, idx, str ) {}
    KoTextDocInsertCommand( KoTextParag *p, int idx, const TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> &str )
	: KoTextDocDeleteCommand( p, idx, str ) {}
    virtual ~KoTextDocInsertCommand() {}

    Commands type() const { return Insert; }
    KoTextCursor *execute( KoTextCursor *c ) { return KoTextDocDeleteCommand::unexecute( c ); }
    KoTextCursor *unexecute( KoTextCursor *c ) { return KoTextDocDeleteCommand::execute( c ); }


class KoTextDocFormatCommand : public KoTextDocCommand
    KoTextDocFormatCommand( KoTextDocument *d, int sid, int sidx, int eid, int eidx, const TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> &old, const KoTextFormat *f, int fl );
    virtual ~KoTextDocFormatCommand();

    Commands type() const { return Format; }
    KoTextCursor *execute( KoTextCursor *c );
    KoTextCursor *unexecute( KoTextCursor *c );

    int startId, startIndex, endId, endIndex;
    KoTextFormat *format;
    TQMemArray<KoTextStringChar> oldFormats;
    int flags;


class KoTextAlignmentCommand : public KoTextDocCommand
    KoTextAlignmentCommand( KoTextDocument *d, int fParag, int lParag, int na, const TQMemArray<int> &oa );
    virtual ~KoTextAlignmentCommand() {}

    Commands type() const { return Alignment; }
    KoTextCursor *execute( KoTextCursor *c );
    KoTextCursor *unexecute( KoTextCursor *c );

    int firstParag, lastParag;
    int newAlign;
    TQMemArray<int> oldAligns;


// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

struct KoTextParagLineStart
    KoTextParagLineStart() : y( 0 ), baseLine( 0 ), h( 0 ), lineSpacing( 0 ), hyphenated( false )
	, bidicontext( 0 )
    {  }
    KoTextParagLineStart( ushort y_, ushort bl, ushort h_ ) : y( y_ ), baseLine( bl ), h( h_ ),
                                                              lineSpacing( 0 ), hyphenated( false ),
	w( 0 )
	, bidicontext( 0 )
    {  }
    KoTextParagLineStart( KoBidiContext *c, KoBidiStatus s ) : y(0), baseLine(0), h(0),
                                                               lineSpacing( 0 ), hyphenated( false ),
	status( s ), bidicontext( c ) { if ( bidicontext ) bidicontext->ref(); }

    virtual ~KoTextParagLineStart()
	if ( bidicontext && bidicontext->deref() )
	    delete bidicontext;

    void setContext( KoBidiContext *c ) {
	if ( c == bidicontext )
	if ( bidicontext && bidicontext->deref() )
	    delete bidicontext;
	bidicontext = c;
	if ( bidicontext )
    KoBidiContext *context() const { return bidicontext; }

    ushort y, baseLine, h;
    short lineSpacing;
    bool hyphenated;
    KoBidiStatus status;
    int w;

    KoBidiContext *bidicontext;

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextFormatterBase
    virtual ~KoTextFormatterBase() {}
    virtual bool format( KoTextDocument *doc, KoTextParag *parag, int start, const TQMap<int, KoTextParagLineStart*> &oldLineStarts, int& y, int& widthUsed ) = 0;
    virtual int formatVertically( KoTextDocument* doc, KoTextParag* parag );

    // Called after formatting a paragraph
    virtual void postFormat( KoTextParag* parag ) = 0;

    int wrapAtColumn() const { return wrapColumn;}
    //virtual void setWrapEnabled( bool b ) { wrapEnabled = b; }
    virtual void setWrapAtColumn( int c ) { wrapColumn = c; }
    virtual void setAllowBreakInWords( bool b ) { biw = b; }
    bool allowBreakInWords() const { return biw; }

    // This setting is passed to KoTextParag::fixParagWidth by postFormat()
    void setViewFormattingChars( bool b ) { m_bViewFormattingChars = b; }
    bool viewFormattingChars() const { return m_bViewFormattingChars; }

    /*virtual*/ bool isBreakable( KoTextString *string, int pos ) const;
    /*virtual*/ bool isStretchable( KoTextString *string, int pos ) const;

    //virtual KoTextParagLineStart *formatLine( KoTextParag *parag, KoTextString *string, KoTextParagLineStart *line, KoTextStringChar *start,
    //					       KoTextStringChar *last, int align = AlignAuto, int space = 0 );

    virtual KoTextParagLineStart *bidiReorderLine( KoTextParag *parag, KoTextString *string, KoTextParagLineStart *line, KoTextStringChar *start,
						    KoTextStringChar *last, int align, int space );

    int wrapColumn;
    //bool wrapEnabled;
    bool m_bViewFormattingChars;
    bool biw;
    bool unused; // for future extensions

    static TQCString *thaiCache;
    static KoTextString *cachedString;
    static ThBreakIterator *thaiIt;

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

inline int KoTextString::length() const
    return data.size();

inline void KoTextString::operator+=( const TQString &s )
    insert( length(), s, 0 );

inline KoTextParag *KoTextCursor::parag() const
    return string;

inline int KoTextCursor::index() const
    return idx;

inline void KoTextCursor::setParag( KoTextParag *s, bool /*restore*/ )
    idx = 0;
    string = s;
    tmpIndex = -1;

//inline void KoTextCursor::checkIndex()
//    if ( idx >= string->length() )
//	idx = string->length() - 1;

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

inline KoTextStringChar &KoTextString::at( int i ) const
    return data[ i ];

inline TQString KoTextString::toString() const
    return toString( data );

// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

inline KoTextFormat *KoTextStringChar::format() const
    return (type == Regular) ? d.format : d.custom->format;

inline KoTextCustomItem *KoTextStringChar::customItem() const
    return isCustom() ? d.custom->custom : 0;
