// // C++ Implementation: apppropprg // // Description: // // // Author: KoolDock team , (C) 2004 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include "apppropprg.h" #include "appProp.h" #include "kooldock.h" appPropPrg::appPropPrg(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : appProp(parent, name) { } appPropPrg::~appPropPrg() { } void appPropPrg::accept() { TQString icon; TQString desktop; TQString path; TQString puser; icon=iconbutton->icon(); desktop=cmdname->text(); path=cmdpath->text(); puser=user->text(); if(icon.length() == 0) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must select an icon!"), i18n("Error"), 1); return; } if(desktop.length() == 0) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must enter a name!"), i18n("Error"), 1); return; } if(path.length() == 0) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must enter a command or path!"), i18n("Error"), 1); return; } if((cuser->isChecked()==true) && (puser.length()==0)) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("You must provide a username!"), i18n("Error"), 1); return; } // Now we modify desktop (lowercase, no spaces) desktop.remove(" ", TRUE); desktop=desktop.lower(); desktop.append(".desktop"); //To handle position TQString progPath = locateLocal("data", "kooldock"); TQDir dir(progPath + TQString("/menu/")); TQString preffix; TQStringList fileList = dir.entryList("*.desktop"); int pos=fileList.count(); if(pos<10) preffix=TQString("0%1_").arg(pos); if(pos>=10) preffix=TQString("%1_").arg(pos); desktop.prepend(preffix); //End handling position /* Here we add the .desktop file to the menuPath */ KoolDock::addFile(desktop, icon, cmdpath->text(), cmdname->text(), true, terminal->isChecked(), tclose->isChecked(), cuser->isChecked(), user->text()); user->setEnabled(false); cuser->setChecked(false); terminal->setChecked(false); tclose->setChecked(false); tclose->setEnabled(false); this->hide(); emit apply(); } void appPropPrg::reject() { user->setEnabled(false); cuser->setChecked(false); terminal->setChecked(false); tclose->setChecked(false); tclose->setEnabled(false); this->hide(); } void appPropPrg::closeEvent( TQCloseEvent *e ) { e->ignore(); reject(); } void appPropPrg::cmdfile_clicked() { TQString tmp; TQString fileToOpen=KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(TQDir::currentDirPath(), "*.*", this, i18n("Open File")); if (!fileToOpen.isEmpty()) { cmdpath->setText(fileToOpen); //Lets set a default icon based on the program name tmp=fileToOpen; int pos=tmp.findRev("/", -1); if(pos!=-1) { tmp.remove(1, pos); tmp.remove("/", TRUE); } iconbutton->setIcon(tmp); cmdname->setText(tmp); } } void appPropPrg::cuserchk() { if(cuser->isChecked()==true) { user->setEnabled(true); } else { user->setEnabled(false); } } void appPropPrg::terminalchk() { if(terminal->isChecked()==true) { tclose->setEnabled(true); } else { tclose->setChecked(false); tclose->setEnabled(false); } } #include "apppropprg.moc"