SetupDialog SetupDialog 0 0 545 475 0 0 1024 768 0 0 KoolDock Configuration true false unnamed buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk &OK true true toReloadIcons 0 0 checkBox11 systray false 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enable System Tray (Experimental!) Enables KoolDock System Tray Support; it can be used instead of kicker's systray applet (its VERY experimental; do not use it unless you intend to help me get this working :P ) tabWidget Widget2 General unnamed groupBox3 1 5 0 0 General options: unnamed line15 HLine Sunken Horizontal line1_3 HLine Sunken Horizontal line1_3_2 HLine Sunken Horizontal chk1 Autohide false Start KoolDock hidden; if the mouse is not over KoolDock it will hide chk5 Enable Taskbar Enables KoolDock taskbar; it can be used instead of Kicker's taskbar chk6 Enable Taskbar notification Window icon in KoolDock's taskbar will blink when something happens on the given application chkGrouping Similar windows grouping Enables grouping similar task icons into one icon. chk7 Show K Menu Shows the KDE Menu in KoolDock's launcher. Steppy Don't scroll while mouse is on the same icon Makes the scrolling not smooth, but automatically centered on current icon. nav Navigation Menu Adds a clock into the Main Menu and a virtual desktop navigator. chkUseKBFX Use KBFX Makes that KoolDock don't use KMenu, but uses alternative KBFX menu (widget is necessary). cbMinimizedOnly Show only minimized That makes kooldock shows only the minimized application icons, and hides the other. chkSshot Screenshot of minimized windows When a window is minimized a screenshot of the application will be use as an icon in KoolDock's Taskbar. currentDesk Only Manage Current Desktop Only show in KoolDock's taskbar windows in the current desktop hideOnClick 1 0 0 0 Hide on click false Hide KoolDock after clicking on a Launcher or Window icon. cbStayBelow Stay below windows when not used Sends KoolDock before other windows, when it's collapsed. TabPage Icon text unnamed groupBox10 Icon text unnamed textLabel1_4 Text font: xosdFont textLabel1_2 Shadow offset: spinBox2 4 0 textLabel1 Text color: kColorCombo1 xosdSize 99 1 textLabel1_2_2 Font size: kColorCombo_shadow textLabel1_8 Shadow color: line9 HLine Sunken Horizontal cbCleaner Cleaner text (bigger memory and CPU usage) frame3 7 1 0 0 NoFrame Raised 0 unnamed xosdBold Bold false spacer10 Horizontal Expanding 16 21 chk2 Show text over icons Moving the mouse over KoolDock's launcher or TaskBar will show the window/launcher name on the screen spacer11 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 xosdItalic Italic false spacer12 Horizontal Expanding 81 20 TabPage Sizes unnamed groupBox9 Sizes unnamed textLabel2 Small icon size: iwSmall textLabel2_2 Big icon size: iwBig 160 textLabel1_13 0 5 0 0 Amount of big icons: fAmount 10 4 This box determines amout of zoomed icons. textLabel1_6 Space between icons sbSpace TabPage Application List unnamed textLabel1_3 3 5 0 0 Drag an application to add it or buttonadd 5 0 0 0 Manually &add Application Alt+A Click here to manually add an application to the Launcher applist 3 7 0 0 Select Drag and Drop here any executable or desktop file for which you want an entry in KoolDock's Launcher mLeft 0 0 0 0 Move Left Moves selected item left mRight 0 0 0 0 Move Right Moves selected item right spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 181 21 textLabel1_5 3 5 0 0 Right click opens the icon menu. TabPage Ignore list unnamed grabWin Grab Window Click here to start grabbing windows names; click Add for each window you click on textLabel1_7 3 5 0 0 Click "Grab Window" and click over a Window, then click "Add" to append it to the ignore list; you may also manually type or edit the window's name in the box below. To stop grabbing just click "Grabbing...", "Ok" or "Cancel". ignoreBox true TabPage Background unnamed chkSolid 1 1 0 0 Solid Background: true unnamed textLabel1_3_2_2 Border color: kColorCombo3 textLabel1_3_3 Dock opacity: textLabel1_3_2 Background color: kColorCombo2 chk4 Show borders When using a Solid Background you may tell KoolDock to draw its borders (rectangle) spinBox1 100 Solid background level of transparency (0 means fully transparent) groupBox6 1 1 0 0 Sunken 1 0 TaskBar Separator false unnamed kColorCombo4 1 0 0 0 The separator is a line drawed between KoolDock's Launcher and Taskbar textLabel1_3_2_2_2 5 5 0 0 Separator color: chkImg 1 1 0 0 Background Theme: false true false unnamed nWideBg Don't allow wider background than screen Mkaes that the background ends don't go over the screen edges. textLabel1_9 1 5 0 0 Background Theme: theme 7 0 0 0 buttonGroup2_2 5 1 0 0 NoFrame Plain 0 false false false false true unnamed opScale1 1 0 0 0 Corner scale: free spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 146 20 opScale2 3 0 0 0 Corner scale: min spacer9 Horizontal Expanding 40 21 TabPage Placement unnamed groupBox5 3 3 0 0 Window placement unnamed textLabel1_11 Window position on edge (%): percentPos 100 5 50 Determines the position of expanded KoolDock's window on the selected screen edge. xrma Xinerama Support false If you are using xinerama you should enable this option for proper behaviour. line4 HLine Sunken Horizontal textLabel1_10 Desired Monitor Width textLabel1_12 Desired Monitor Height SleftRes 32768 0 1 Width of monitor on which KoolDock should be shown. SHeight 32767 200 Height of monitor on which kooldock should be shown. PWidth 32768 Sum of widths of monitors before the desired one. textLabel2_4 Previous Monitors Width textLabel2_5 Window position: buttonGroup2 1 0 0 0 GroupBoxPanel unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 31 21 op3 0 0 0 0 false Left Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on left screen edge. op1 0 0 0 0 false Right Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on right screen edge. spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 41 20 spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 21 21 op2 0 0 0 0 false Top Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on top screen edge. op0 0 0 0 0 false Bottom Makes that KoolDock's window will appear on bottom screen edge. spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 31 21 spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 21 21 TabPage Other unnamed groupBox7 CPU unnamed textLabel2_3 Priority (0=max, 19=min) Priority 19 0 5 groupBox8 Desktop clipping unnamed chClipping Clip desktop workspace Makes desktop smaller that maximized windows don't cover KoolDock's window. chClipIcons Clip icon area (DCOP) Makes KDE desktop smaller, that KoolDock's window don't cover the icons. groupBox6_2 Speed unnamed sejtanwodbycie Zooming speed (ms) zoomSpeed false UpDownArrows 1000 1 100 Determines the speen of zooming animation textLabel1_6_2 Show after hideTimer msec 5000 Time before showing KoolDock if mouse reaches bottom of the screen chkSpeed Speed control spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 300 21 btnApply 1 0 0 0 Apply applist dropped(QDropEvent*,const QValueList<QIconDragItem>&) SetupDialog applist_dropped(QDropEvent*,const QValueList<QIconDragItem>&) buttonadd clicked() SetupDialog buttonadd_clicked() buttonOk clicked() SetupDialog configOK() buttonCancel clicked() SetupDialog configCancel() grabWin clicked() SetupDialog grabWin_clicked() applist contextMenuRequested(QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&) SetupDialog applist_contextMenuRequested(QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&) mLeft clicked() SetupDialog left() mRight clicked() SetupDialog right() applist clicked(QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&) SetupDialog applist_clicked(QIconViewItem*,const QPoint&) xrma clicked() SetupDialog xrma_clicked() chk1 toggled(bool) SetupDialog chkHidden() chk5 clicked() SetupDialog chkTask() btnApply clicked() SetupDialog configApply() cbMinimizedOnly clicked() SetupDialog iconsChanged() currentDesk clicked() SetupDialog iconsChanged() chk6 clicked() SetupDialog iconsChanged() chk7 clicked() SetupDialog iconsChanged() iwSmall valueChanged(int) SetupDialog iconsChanged() iwBig valueChanged(int) SetupDialog iconsChanged() ignoreBox changed() SetupDialog iconsChanged() chkUseKBFX clicked() SetupDialog iconsChanged() chkGrouping clicked() SetupDialog iconsChanged() chkImg toggled(bool) SetupDialog chkImgSlot() chkSolid toggled(bool) SetupDialog chkSolidSlot() kiconview.h configOK() configCancel() chooseFont() SelectLeftClicked() SelectCenterClicked() SelectRightClicked() applist_dropped( QDropEvent *, const QValueList<QIconDragItem> & ) applist_clicked( QIconViewItem *, const QPoint & ) buttonadd_clicked() chk1_toggled( bool ) chkHidden( bool ) chkHidden() buttonDefault_clicked() configDefault() chkFont() chkTask() grabWin_clicked() applist_contextMenuRequested( QIconViewItem *, const QPoint & ) xrma_clicked() groupBox7_destroyed( QObject * ) left() right() configApply() iconsChanged() appClear() appFill() chkImgSlot() chkSolidSlot() kfontcombo.h klineedit.h kcolorcombo.h kcolorcombo.h kiconview.h keditlistbox.h klineedit.h kcolorcombo.h kcolorcombo.h kcolorcombo.h