TroubleshootingGetting supportThere are several ways to get help with &kplayer;. If you want to ask a
question, go to the #kplayer
channel on FreeNode IRC or post it on the user
forum where other users will be able to see it, as well as the developer
who is of course subscribed to receive e-mail when a message is posted there.
The IRC channel and the user forum are also good places to
get help with a problem.Bugs should be reported through the bug
tracking system, following the instructions in the
Bug reporting micro-HOWTO. Also there
are special sections at the
&kplayer; project
on SourceForge for support
requests, feature
requests and code
patches.Common problemsMost commands on the menu and on the toolbar are missingThe kplayerui.rc file was misplaced during
installation, and &kplayer; cannot find it. If you installed using a binary
package, complain to the package maintainer. When compiling from source, be sure
to follow the instructions in the Compilation
micro-HOWTO, especially the part about kde-config.
Before starting, runkde-configfrom the command line to make sure that it returns the &kde; prefix
path.After a &kplayer; upgrade new features are missingYou may have a file called kplayerui.rc in
~/.kde/share/apps/kplayer. Removing it will get you the new
menus, but it will also reset any keyboard shortcuts you may have changed in
the Key Bindings dialog.&kplayer; is not showing up on the Multimedia
submenu of the &kmenu;The kplayer.desktop file needs to be installed in the
correct place, under either share/applnk/Multimedia or
share/applications/kde in the global &kde;
directory.There also may be a file called kde-kplayer.desktop
in ~/.local/share/applications. Removing it will get the
Multimedia menu updated automatically again when you
install or uninstall &kplayer;, but it will also reset changes you made to
&kplayer; associations with media types on the File
Associations page in &konqueror; configuration dialog or in
&kcontrolcenter;.The Contents tab in &khelpcenter; should also list
&kplayer; in the Multimedia section under
Application Manuals.Could not start &mplayer;If you get this error when trying to play a file, you need to install
&mplayer; before you can use &kplayer;. This error can also happen if the name
of your &mplayer; executable is not mplayer or it is not in
the current path. In that case go to the
Advanced page in
&kplayer; Settings and give the executable name or the
full path in the Executable path field.configure: error: Can't find X includesThat means that you are missing the X include files, which normally come
with the X development package. So look for a package in your distribution that
has files like X.h and XEvent.h. For example, on Debian it is called
xlibs-dev.Similarly, if configure complains about missing Qt
files, you need to find and install the Qt development package. If you look
in the config.log, it will probably tell you the exact
name of the file it couldn't find, somewhere near the bottom. The
config.log file is quite verbose, so you would have to
scroll a few pages up from the bottom to find the place where it reports the
error.Cannot play any filesLook at the end of the message log to see what errors &mplayer; gives when
trying to play the files. Hit
&Ctrl;G if &kplayer; does
not show the log automatically.Try playing the files with mplayer from the command
line. If &mplayer; can play them, compare the options you used on the command
line to the ones &kplayer; passed to &mplayer;. Set the required options in
&kplayer; Settings. The most important ones are
the Driver options on the
Video and
Audio pages. On the
Advanced page
check the Executable path option to make sure &kplayer;
will be able to find the &mplayer; executable, and if there are any options
that are not found anywhere in the &kplayer; Settings
dialog, put them in the Additional command line arguments
field.Cannot play a specific fileLook at the end of the message log to see what errors &mplayer; gives when
trying to play the file. Hit
&Ctrl;G if &kplayer; does
not show the log automatically.Try playing the file with mplayer from the command
line. If &mplayer; can play it, but requires special option to play this
particular file, put them in the File
Properties for that file. Two options that sometimes help &mplayer; when
it cannot detect the file type automatically are and
, which correspond to the Codec options
on the Video and
Audio pages in File
Properties. If there are any options that are not found anywhere
in the File Properties dialog, put them in the
Additional command line arguments field.If it is a playlist file but it does not have one of the standard playlist
file extensions, go to the
General page in the File
Properties and set the Playlist option to
yes. In rare cases a file that is not a playlist may have a
playlist extension. Then you will need to set the Playlist
property to no. For more details see the
Playlist files section in the
Playlist micro-HOWTO.Cannot play any video filesIf &kplayer; only plays audio files but not video files, there may be a
problem with the video output. By default &kplayer; uses
XVideo extension for video
output. If the extension is not enabled or is being used by another program like
Kino, &kplayer; may not be able to use a different
video output. You can either enable the XVideo extension or tell &kplayer; to
use another video output. See the
Configuration micro-HOWTO for
details.Video plays fine, but there is no soundLook in the Message Log to see
why &mplayer; cannot play audio. The most common problem is the audio device
being locked by another program. In this case the chief suspect is
artsd. Try runningkillall artsdfrom the command line. If that helps then the permanent solution is to go
to the &kcontrolcenter; and disable &arts;. &arts; and everything based on it is
by far the worst part of &kde;. Fortunately it seems there are plans to finally
get rid of it in &kde; 4.For more information on audio setup in &kplayer; see the
micro-HOWTO.&kplayer; cannot play a file that plays fine with &mplayer;When &kplayer; is in Running or
Playing state, runpsfrom the command line. Compare the command line options that &kplayer;
uses to run &mplayer; to what you are using to play the file with &mplayer;.
Then start adding missing options one by one until you get the same problem
you are getting in &kplayer;. After you find out what option is causing the
problem, you can open the configuration dialog
in &kplayer; and remove or change that option. If you need to make the change
just for that one file, go to the File
Properties instead.Problems when coming back from full screen modeIf you are getting problems when you try to go back to normal window size
from full screen mode, for example the window becomes too large or you are
seeing endless flickering, you can try unselecting the Resize main
window automatically option on the
General page in &kplayer;
Settings. Also read the thread about this problem at the &kplayer;
user forum and watch it for updates.Radio station takes too long to start playingBy default &kplayer; lets &mplayer; choose an optimal cache size. When
playing low bitrate media like a radio station, it may take a long time to fill
the cache if it is too big. If that happens, you can either choose a lower
Cache size setting or give a lower minimum cache size on
the Advanced page either globally in
&kplayer; Settings or in the
individual File Properties.
Enter the minimum cache size into the Additional command line
parameters field, for example -cache-min 5, or
choose set size for the Cache option
and enter a size in kilobytes. For more information on playing online media see
the Streams micro-HOWTO.Large video files take too long to start playingYou may have set the Cache size option too low in
&kplayer; Settings. If you need to
set it higher or lower for an individual file or stream, you can do so on the
Advanced page in File
Properties.Only the video area is shown in &konqueror;If you open a web page with an embedded multimedia object in &konqueror;,
only the video area is displayed, with no controls. Then you should
right click the
video area and choose the
Start &kplayer; command. Playback will then stop, and
the full &kplayer; will open up and start playing the file or
URL.Contrast and brightness controls do not workYou need to enable the XVideo
extension in your X11 configuration and make sure the XVideo video output
is selected on the Video
page in &kplayer; Settings. However, if you cannot
use the XVideo output, you can still make the video controls to work by putting
the -vf eq2 or -vf eq option into the
Additional command line parameters field on the
Advanced page in &kplayer;