
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 ** KShowMailApp meta object code from reading C++ file 'kshowmail.h'
00003 **
00004 ** Created: Thu Jul 5 19:14:17 2007
00005 **      by: The Qt MOC ($Id: kshowmail_8moc_8cpp-source.html,v 1.10 2007/07/05 17:37:51 kuddel-fl Exp $)
00006 **
00007 ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
00008 *****************************************************************************/
00010 #undef QT_NO_COMPAT
00011 #include "kshowmail.h"
00012 #include <qmetaobject.h>
00013 #include <qapplication.h>
00015 #include <private/qucomextra_p.h>
00016 #if !defined(Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION) || (Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION != 26)
00017 #error "This file was generated using the moc from 3.3.7. It"
00018 #error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."
00019 #error "(The moc has changed too much.)"
00020 #endif
00022 const char *KShowMailApp::className() const
00023 {
00024     return "KShowMailApp";
00025 }
00027 QMetaObject *KShowMailApp::metaObj = 0;
00028 static QMetaObjectCleanUp cleanUp_KShowMailApp( "KShowMailApp", &KShowMailApp::staticMetaObject );
00030 #ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION
00031 QString KShowMailApp::tr( const char *s, const char *c )
00032 {
00033     if ( qApp )
00034        return qApp->translate( "KShowMailApp", s, c, QApplication::DefaultCodec );
00035     else
00036        return QString::fromLatin1( s );
00037 }
00038 #ifndef QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8
00039 QString KShowMailApp::trUtf8( const char *s, const char *c )
00040 {
00041     if ( qApp )
00042        return qApp->translate( "KShowMailApp", s, c, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8 );
00043     else
00044        return QString::fromUtf8( s );
00045 }
00046 #endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION_UTF8
00048 #endif // QT_NO_TRANSLATION
00050 QMetaObject* KShowMailApp::staticMetaObject()
00051 {
00052     if ( metaObj )
00053        return metaObj;
00054     QMetaObject* parentObject = KMainWindow::staticMetaObject();
00055     static const QUParameter param_slot_0[] = {
00056        { "text", &static_QUType_QString, 0, QUParameter::In }
00057     };
00058     static const QUMethod slot_0 = {"slotStatusHelpMsg", 1, param_slot_0 };
00059     static const QUParameter param_slot_1[] = {
00060        { "text", &static_QUType_QString, 0, QUParameter::In }
00061     };
00062     static const QUMethod slot_1 = {"slotStatusMsg", 1, param_slot_1 };
00063     static const QUMethod slot_2 = {"slotConfChanged", 0, 0 };
00064     static const QUMethod slot_3 = {"slotDelete", 0, 0 };
00065     static const QUMethod slot_4 = {"slotDeletionReady", 0, 0 };
00066     static const QUMethod slot_5 = {"slotShowMessage", 0, 0 };
00067     static const QUMethod slot_6 = {"slotShowMessageReady", 0, 0 };
00068     static const QUMethod slot_7 = {"slotNormalCursor", 0, 0 };
00069     static const QUMethod slot_8 = {"slotWaitingCursor", 0, 0 };
00070     static const QUMethod slot_9 = {"slotRefresh", 0, 0 };
00071     static const QUMethod slot_10 = {"slotRefreshReady", 0, 0 };
00072     static const QUMethod slot_11 = {"slotAlertDestroyed", 0, 0 };
00073     static const QUMethod slot_12 = {"slotAlertOk", 0, 0 };
00074     static const QUMethod slot_13 = {"slotRefreshView", 0, 0 };
00075     static const QUMethod slot_14 = {"slotStop", 0, 0 };
00076     static const QUMethod slot_15 = {"slotShowHeader", 0, 0 };
00077     static const QUMethod slot_16 = {"slotEditToolbars", 0, 0 };
00078     static const QUMethod slot_17 = {"slotSaveOptions", 0, 0 };
00079     static const QUMethod slot_18 = {"slotFileQuit", 0, 0 };
00080     static const QUMethod slot_19 = {"slotSetupAccount", 0, 0 };
00081     static const QUMethod slot_20 = {"slotSetup", 0, 0 };
00082     static const QUMethod slot_21 = {"slotSetupFilters", 0, 0 };
00083     static const QUParameter param_slot_22[] = {
00084        { 0, &static_QUType_ptr, "QListViewItem", QUParameter::In }
00085     };
00086     static const QUMethod slot_22 = {"slotAccountActivated", 1, param_slot_22 };
00087     static const QUMethod slot_23 = {"slotSendFeedbackMail", 0, 0 };
00088     static const QUMethod slot_24 = {"slotForceClose", 0, 0 };
00089     static const QMetaData slot_tbl[] = {
00090        { "slotStatusHelpMsg(const QString&)", &slot_0, QMetaData::Protected },
00091        { "slotStatusMsg(const QString&)", &slot_1, QMetaData::Protected },
00092        { "slotConfChanged()", &slot_2, QMetaData::Protected },
00093        { "slotDelete()", &slot_3, QMetaData::Protected },
00094        { "slotDeletionReady()", &slot_4, QMetaData::Protected },
00095        { "slotShowMessage()", &slot_5, QMetaData::Protected },
00096        { "slotShowMessageReady()", &slot_6, QMetaData::Protected },
00097        { "slotNormalCursor()", &slot_7, QMetaData::Protected },
00098        { "slotWaitingCursor()", &slot_8, QMetaData::Protected },
00099        { "slotRefresh()", &slot_9, QMetaData::Protected },
00100        { "slotRefreshReady()", &slot_10, QMetaData::Protected },
00101        { "slotAlertDestroyed()", &slot_11, QMetaData::Protected },
00102        { "slotAlertOk()", &slot_12, QMetaData::Protected },
00103        { "slotRefreshView()", &slot_13, QMetaData::Protected },
00104        { "slotStop()", &slot_14, QMetaData::Protected },
00105        { "slotShowHeader()", &slot_15, QMetaData::Protected },
00106        { "slotEditToolbars()", &slot_16, QMetaData::Protected },
00107        { "slotSaveOptions()", &slot_17, QMetaData::Protected },
00108        { "slotFileQuit()", &slot_18, QMetaData::Protected },
00109        { "slotSetupAccount()", &slot_19, QMetaData::Protected },
00110        { "slotSetup()", &slot_20, QMetaData::Protected },
00111        { "slotSetupFilters()", &slot_21, QMetaData::Protected },
00112        { "slotAccountActivated(QListViewItem*)", &slot_22, QMetaData::Protected },
00113        { "slotSendFeedbackMail()", &slot_23, QMetaData::Protected },
00114        { "slotForceClose()", &slot_24, QMetaData::Protected }
00115     };
00116     metaObj = QMetaObject::new_metaobject(
00117        "KShowMailApp", parentObject,
00118        slot_tbl, 25,
00119        0, 0,
00120 #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES
00121        0, 0,
00122        0, 0,
00123 #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES
00124        0, 0 );
00125     cleanUp_KShowMailApp.setMetaObject( metaObj );
00126     return metaObj;
00127 }
00129 void* KShowMailApp::qt_cast( const char* clname )
00130 {
00131     if ( !qstrcmp( clname, "KShowMailApp" ) )
00132        return this;
00133     return KMainWindow::qt_cast( clname );
00134 }
00136 bool KShowMailApp::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o )
00137 {
00138     switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) {
00139     case 0: slotStatusHelpMsg((const QString&)static_QUType_QString.get(_o+1)); break;
00140     case 1: slotStatusMsg((const QString&)static_QUType_QString.get(_o+1)); break;
00141     case 2: slotConfChanged(); break;
00142     case 3: slotDelete(); break;
00143     case 4: slotDeletionReady(); break;
00144     case 5: slotShowMessage(); break;
00145     case 6: slotShowMessageReady(); break;
00146     case 7: slotNormalCursor(); break;
00147     case 8: slotWaitingCursor(); break;
00148     case 9: slotRefresh(); break;
00149     case 10: slotRefreshReady(); break;
00150     case 11: slotAlertDestroyed(); break;
00151     case 12: slotAlertOk(); break;
00152     case 13: slotRefreshView(); break;
00153     case 14: slotStop(); break;
00154     case 15: slotShowHeader(); break;
00155     case 16: slotEditToolbars(); break;
00156     case 17: slotSaveOptions(); break;
00157     case 18: slotFileQuit(); break;
00158     case 19: slotSetupAccount(); break;
00159     case 20: slotSetup(); break;
00160     case 21: slotSetupFilters(); break;
00161     case 22: slotAccountActivated((QListViewItem*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1)); break;
00162     case 23: slotSendFeedbackMail(); break;
00163     case 24: slotForceClose(); break;
00164     default:
00165        return KMainWindow::qt_invoke( _id, _o );
00166     }
00167     return TRUE;
00168 }
00170 bool KShowMailApp::qt_emit( int _id, QUObject* _o )
00171 {
00172     return KMainWindow::qt_emit(_id,_o);
00173 }
00174 #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES
00176 bool KShowMailApp::qt_property( int id, int f, QVariant* v)
00177 {
00178     return KMainWindow::qt_property( id, f, v);
00179 }
00181 bool KShowMailApp::qt_static_property( QObject* , int , int , QVariant* ){ return FALSE; }
00182 #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES

Generated on Thu Jul 5 19:36:06 2007 for kshowmail by  doxygen 1.5.0