/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by David Saxton * * david@bluehaze.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "cnitem.h" #include "doublespinbox.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; inline int roundDouble( double val ) { return (val > 0) ? int(val+0.5) : int(val-0.5); } DoubleSpinBox::DoubleSpinBox( double lower, double upper, double minAbs, double value, const TQString &unit, TQWidget * tqparent ) : TQSpinBox( tqparent ) { m_lastEmittedValue = value; m_unit = unit; m_minValue = lower; m_maxValue = upper; m_minAbsValue = minAbs; m_queuedSuffix = TQString(); editor()->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignRight ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(checkIfChanged()) ); TQSpinBox::setMinValue( -(1<<30) ); TQSpinBox::setMaxValue( +(1<<30) ); setValue( value ); setValidator( 0 ); } DoubleSpinBox::~DoubleSpinBox() { } double DoubleSpinBox::value() { return getDisplayedNumber( 0 ) * getMult(); } void DoubleSpinBox::setValue( double value ) { if ( value > maxValue() ) value = maxValue(); else if ( value < minValue() ) value = minValue(); if ( std::abs(value) < m_minAbsValue*0.9999 ) value = 0.0; updateSuffix( value ); TQSpinBox::setValue( roundDouble( (value / Item::getMultiplier( value )) * 100 ) ); } void DoubleSpinBox::setUnit( const TQString & unit ) { updateSuffix( value() ); m_unit = unit; } void DoubleSpinBox::updateSuffix( double value ) { m_queuedSuffix = " " + CNItem::getNumberMag( value ) + m_unit; // Set suffix to be empty if it is nothing but white space if ( m_queuedSuffix.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) m_queuedSuffix = ""; TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT(setQueuedSuffix()) ); } void DoubleSpinBox::setQueuedSuffix() { bool changed = false; if ( !m_queuedSuffix.isNull() && suffix() != m_queuedSuffix ) { setSuffix( m_queuedSuffix ); changed = true; } m_queuedSuffix = TQString(); if ( changed ) emit valueChanged( value() ); } double DoubleSpinBox::getMult() { TQString text = this->text().stripWhiteSpace(); if ( !m_queuedSuffix.isNull() ) { TQString nsSuffix = suffix().stripWhiteSpace(); if ( nsSuffix.isEmpty() ) text.append( m_queuedSuffix ); else text.tqreplace( nsSuffix, m_queuedSuffix ); } if ( text.length() == 0 ) return 1.0; if ( text.tqendsWith( m_unit, false ) ) text = text.remove( text.length() - m_unit.length(), m_unit.length() ); text.stripWhiteSpace(); TQChar siExp = text[ text.length()-1 ]; if ( siExp.isLetter() || siExp.isSymbol() ) return CNItem::getMultiplier((TQString)siExp); else return 1; } double DoubleSpinBox::getDisplayedNumber( bool * ok ) { KLocale * locale = KGlobal::locale(); // Fetch the characters that we don't want to discard const TQString exclude = locale->decimalSymbol() + locale->thousandsSeparator() + locale->positiveSign() + locale->negativeSign(); TQString number = cleanText().remove( TQRegExp("[^"+exclude+"\\d]") ); return locale->readNumber( number, ok ); } int DoubleSpinBox::mapTextToValue( bool * ok ) { (void)ok; double value = this->value(); if ( value > maxValue() ) value = maxValue(); else if ( value < minValue() ) value = minValue(); if ( std::abs(value) < m_minAbsValue*0.9999 ) value = 0.0; updateSuffix( value ); value /= Item::getMultiplier( value ); // Precision of 2 extra digits return int( value * 100 ); } TQString DoubleSpinBox::mapValueToText( int v ) { double val = double(v)/100.0; int leftDigits = (int)floor( log10( abs(val) ) ) + 1; if ( leftDigits < 0 ) leftDigits = 0; else if ( leftDigits > 3 ) leftDigits = 3; KLocale * locale = KGlobal::locale(); return locale->formatNumber( val, 3-leftDigits ); } void DoubleSpinBox::checkIfChanged() { double newValue = value(); if ( m_lastEmittedValue == newValue ) return; m_lastEmittedValue = newValue; emit valueChanged( m_lastEmittedValue ); } double DoubleSpinBox::roundToOneSF( double value ) { if ( value == 0.0 ) return 0.0; value *= 1.000001; double tens = pow( 10.0, floor(log10( abs(value) )) ); return int ( value / tens ) * tens; } void DoubleSpinBox::stepUp() { double value = roundToOneSF( this->value() ); if ( value == 0 ) value = m_minAbsValue; else if ( value > 0 ) value += std::pow( 10., std::floor( std::log10(value) ) ); else { double sub = std::pow(10., std::floor( std::log10(std::abs(value))-1) ); value += std::pow( 10., std::floor( std::log10(std::abs(value)-sub) ) ); } value *= 1.00001; if ( std::abs(value) < m_minAbsValue ) value = 0.; setValue( value ); } void DoubleSpinBox::stepDown() { double value = roundToOneSF( this->value() ); if ( value == 0 ) value = -m_minAbsValue; else if ( value > 0 ) { double sub = std::pow(10., std::floor( std::log10(value)-1) ); value -= std::pow( 10., std::floor( std::log10(value-sub) ) ); } else { double add = std::pow(10., std::floor( std::log10(std::abs(value))-1) ); value -= std::pow( 10., std::floor( std::log10(std::abs(value)+add) ) ); } value *= 1.00001; if ( std::abs(value) < m_minAbsValue ) value = 0.; setValue( value ); } #include "doublespinbox.moc"