path: root/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper')
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper/ b/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..914e3823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# KVirc IRC client Makefile - 16.12.98 Szymon Stefanek <>
+EXTRA_DIST = *.kvs
diff --git a/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper/minesweeper.kvs b/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper/minesweeper.kvs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24f3b0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/scriptexamples/minesweeper/minesweeper.kvs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ mousePressEvent()
+ {
+ $$->$parent()->$mineLabelPressed($this)
+ }
+ constructor()
+ {
+ $$->$setCaption("KVIrc's Minesweeper (0.1.0)");
+ $$->%rows = 10
+ $$->%cols = 10
+ $$->%mines = 10
+ $$->%layout = $new(layout,$this)
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}=$new(minelabel,$this,"%i_%j")
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%row = %i
+ $$->%label{%i,%j}->%col = %j
+ $$->%layout->$addWidget($$->%label{%i,%j},%i,%j)
+ }
+ }
+ $$->$newGame()
+ }
+ destructor()
+ {
+ }
+ newGame()
+ {
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%rows;%i++)
+ {
+ for(%j = 0;%j < $$->%cols;%j++)
+ {
+ %l = $$->%label{%i,%j}
+ %l->$setFrameStyle(Raised,WinPanel);
+ %l->%bIsMine = 0
+ %l->%numMines = 0
+ %l->%bIsDiscovered = 0
+ %l->$setText("")
+ }
+ }
+ # drop the mines
+ for(%i = 0;%i < $$->%mines;%i++)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ while($$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine != 0)
+ {
+ %row = $rand($($$->%rows - 1))
+ %col = $rand($($$->%cols - 1))
+ }
+ $$->%label{%row,%col}->%bIsMine = 1
+ # increase the mine count for the adiacent cells
+ if(%row > 0)
+ {
+ $$->%label{$(%row - 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row - 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ $$->%label{$(%row + 1),%col}->%numMines++
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{$(%row + 1),$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ if(%col > 0)$$->%label{%row,$(%col - 1)}->%numMines++
+ if(%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->%label{%row,$(%col + 1)}->%numMines++
+ }
+ }
+ mineLabelPressed($0 = mine label object that has been pressed)
+ {
+ if($0->%bIsMine)
+ {
+ #echo "IS MINE!"
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ $0->$setText("*")
+ } else {
+ #echo "IS NOT MINE"
+ $$->$discoverCells($0)
+ }
+ }
+ discoverCells($0 = mine label that has to be discovered)
+ {
+ #echo "Discover cells $0"
+ if($0->%bIsMine)return;
+ if($0->%bIsDiscovered)return;
+ $0->%bIsDiscovered = 1
+ $0->$setFrameStyle(WinPanel,Sunken)
+ if($0->%numMines > 0)$0->$setText($0->%numMines)
+ else {
+ if($0->%row > 0)
+ {
+ $$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row - 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%row < ($$->%rows - 1))
+ {
+ $$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$0->%col})
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$($0->%row + 1),$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ if($0->%col > 0)$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col - 1)})
+ if($0->%col < ($$->%cols - 1))$$->$discoverCells($$->%label{$0->%row,$($0->%col + 1)})
+ }
+ }
+ %m = $new(minesweeper)
+ %m->$show()