/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 by Christoph Thielecke * * crissi99@gmx.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ // KDE includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // App includes #include "kvpnc.h" static const char *description = I18N_NOOP ( "TDE frontend for various vpn clients\nCurrently supported protocols:\n* Cisco (vpnc (free), vpnclient (propritary))\n* IPSec (FreeS/WAN, Openswan, strongSwan, racoon)\n* PPTP\n* OpenVPN\n* L2TP (l2tpd, xl2tpd, openl2tp) over IPSec (racoon, FreeS/WAN, Openswan, strongSwan)\n* Vtun\n* SSH" ); // TQDate().fromString(, Qt::LocalDate ).toString( "yyyyMMdd" ) TQString date ( __DATE__ ); TQString day= date.section ( ' ',0,0 ); TQString month= TQString().setNum ( TQDate::fromString ( date.section ( ' ',0,0 ),Qt::ISODate ).month() ); TQString year= date.section ( ' ',2,2 ); TQString currentdate ( "+SVN(" + date+" "+ TQTime().fromString ( TQString ( __TIME__ ) ).toString ( "hhmm" ) + ")" ); #define __is_release__ TQString versionstring1 = "0.9.6"; #ifdef __is_release__ static const char *KVPNCVERSION = versionstring1.ascii(); TQString versionstring =TQString ( KVPNCVERSION ); #else TQString versionstring = versionstring1 + TQString (" KDE3 ") + currentdate; static const char *KVPNCVERSION = versionstring.ascii() ; #endif static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { // INSERT YOUR COMMANDLINE OPTIONS HERE { "openvpnimport ", I18N_NOOP ( "Import OpenVPN config file" ), 0 }, { "ciscoimport ", I18N_NOOP ( "Import Cisco PCF file" ), 0 }, { ":", I18N_NOOP ( "Extra options:" ), 0 }, KCmdLineLastOption // End of options. }; int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { KAboutData aboutData ( "kvpnc", I18N_NOOP ( "KVpnc" ), KVPNCVERSION, description, KAboutData::License_GPL_V2, I18N_NOOP ( "(C) 2005, the KVpnc team" ), 0, "http://home.gna.org/kvpnc/", "crissi99@gmx.de" ); aboutData.addAuthor ( "Christoph Thielecke", I18N_NOOP ( "Developer and maintainer" ), "crissi99@gmx.de", "http://crissi.linux-administrator.com/" ); aboutData.setVersion (versionstring.ascii()); aboutData.setShortDescription (description ); aboutData.addCredit ( "KDE Team" , I18N_NOOP ( "KDE" ), "", "http://www.kde.org/" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "KDevelop Team" , I18N_NOOP ( "KDevelop" ), "", "http://www.kdevelop.org/" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Maurice Massar" , I18N_NOOP ( "Vpnc" ), "vpnc@unix-ag.uni-kl.de", "http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Witek Strzelczyk", I18N_NOOP ( "Polish translation" ), "witek_strzelczyk@go2.pl" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Tomas Olah" , I18N_NOOP ( "Slovak translation" ), "tomas.olah@alert.sk" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Lapo Luchini" , I18N_NOOP ( "Italian translation" ), "lapo@lapo.it" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Karoly Barcza", I18N_NOOP ( "Hungary translation" ), "kbarcza@blackpanther.hu" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Luk De Ketelaere" , I18N_NOOP ( "Dutch translation" ), "balboy@kvirc.net" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Jorgen Kessler" , I18N_NOOP ( "Dutch translation" ), "jkesseler@home.nl" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Atanas M." , I18N_NOOP ( "Bulgarian translation" ), "bugar@developer.bg" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Juanjo Avarez Martinez" , I18N_NOOP ( "Spanish translation" ), "juanjux@yahoo.es" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "He Shi Jun" , I18N_NOOP ( "Chinese translation" ), "hax.sfo@gmail.com" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Marius Pacha" , I18N_NOOP ( "Chinese translation" ), "marius@matux.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Valeriy Girchenko" , I18N_NOOP ( "Russian translation" ), "valeragir@mail.ru" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Ahinu" , I18N_NOOP ( "French translation" ), "ahinu@wanadoo.fr" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Florian Fainelli" , I18N_NOOP ( "French translation" ), "florian@alphacore.net" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Damien Raude-Morvan" , I18N_NOOP ( "French translation" ), "drazib@drazzib.com" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Daniel Nylander" , I18N_NOOP ( "Swedish translation" ), "po@danielnylander.se" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Yukiko Bando" , I18N_NOOP ( "Japanese translation" ), "ybando@k6.dion.ne.jp" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Marc Serra Romero" , I18N_NOOP ( "Catalan translation" ), "mad93@majomo.com" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Buelent SENER" , I18N_NOOP ( "Turkish translation" ), "bsener@inonu.edu.tr" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Laurent Montel", I18N_NOOP ( "Patches" ), "montel@kde.org" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Peter Kussmann" , I18N_NOOP ( "PPTP-Test environment, OpenVPN testing, new ideas" ), "peter.kussmann@gmx.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Ansgar Jazdzewski" , I18N_NOOP ( "OpenVPN-Test environment, OpenVPN testing, new ideas" ), "ansgarj@gmx.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "D. Klinkenberg" , I18N_NOOP ( "Testing PPTP, usebility hints & tests, bug hunting" ), "d.klinkenberg@gmx.net" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Lenon Kitchens" , I18N_NOOP ( "Testing OpenSWAN, bug hunting" ), "lenon@sanctuary.org" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Fathi Boudra" , I18N_NOOP ( "Testing OpenVPN, bug hunting" ), "fboudra@free.fr" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "HAL9000" , I18N_NOOP ( "Cisco password decoder" ), "hal9000@evilscientists.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Marcin Prejsnar" , I18N_NOOP ( "Testing OpenVPN auth+cert, bug hunting" ), "alex@pronet.pl" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Elias Probst" , I18N_NOOP ( "Icon artwork, bug hunting" )," elias.probst@gmx.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Andreas Diestelmann" , I18N_NOOP ( "Support KVpnc development with 15EUR" ),"andreas@diestelmann.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Frank Visconti" , I18N_NOOP ( "Support KVpnc development with 30$" ),"frank3@viscontifamily.net" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Christoph Schmid" , I18N_NOOP ( "Support KVpnc development with 30EUR" ),"chris@schlagmichtod.de" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Attila Ruzsinszky" , I18N_NOOP ( "Cisco testbed, bug hunting" ), "ruzsinszky.attila@gmail.com" ); aboutData.addCredit ( "Christiansen" , I18N_NOOP ( "Danish translation" ), "susebruger@mailme.dk" ); // Initialize command line args TDECmdLineArgs::init ( argc, argv, &aboutData); // Add options from other components TDEApplication::addCmdLineOptions(); TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions ( options ); TDEApplication a; KVpnc *kvpnc = new KVpnc ( &a ); DCOPClient* dcop = a.dcopClient(); dcop->attach(); dcop->registerAs ( "kvpnc" ); dcop->setNotifications ( true ); // Broken on request from Eric M. if ( a.isSessionRestored() ) { kvpnc->restore(); } else { // if (getenv("USER") != "root") // { // KMessageBox::error( 0, I18N_NOOP( "Kvpnc must be started as root!" ) ); // exit(0); // } TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); a.setMainWidget ( kvpnc ); if ( args->isSet ( "openvpnimport" ) ) { TQString openvpnimportfile = TQString ( args->getOption ( "openvpnimport" ) ); kvpnc->importOpenvpnProfileClicked ( openvpnimportfile ); } else if ( args->isSet ( "ciscoimport" ) ) { TQString ciscoimportfile = TQString ( args->getOption ( "ciscoimport" ) ); kvpnc->importOpenvpnProfileClicked ( ciscoimportfile ); } } int ret = a.exec(); return ret; }