/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nicolas Hadacek * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "pic_prog.h" #include "common/global/global.h" #include "devices/list/device_list.h" #include "progs/base/prog_config.h" #include "progs/base/prog_group.h" #include "pic_debug.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Programmer::PicGroup::canReadVoltages() const { for (uint i=0; i(base.device()); if ( data==0 ) return 0; switch (data->architecture().type()) { case Pic::Architecture::P10X: case Pic::Architecture::P16X: return new ::Debugger::P16FSpecific(base); case Pic::Architecture::P18C: case Pic::Architecture::P18F: case Pic::Architecture::P18J: return new ::Debugger::P18FSpecific(base); case Pic::Architecture::P24F: case Pic::Architecture::P24H: case Pic::Architecture::P30F: case Pic::Architecture::P33F: case Pic::Architecture::P17C: case Pic::Architecture::Nb_Types: break; } Q_ASSERT(false); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programmer::PicBase::PicBase(const Group &group, const Pic::Data *data, const char *name) : Base(group, data, name), _deviceMemory(0), _hasProtectedCode(false), _hasProtectedEeprom(false) { if (data) _deviceMemory = new Pic::Memory(*data); } Programmer::PicBase::~PicBase() { delete _deviceMemory; } void Programmer::PicBase::clear() { ::Programmer::Base::clear(); for (uint i=0; i(range); switch (task.type()) { case Task::Erase: return 1; case Task::Read: case Task::Verify: case Task::BlankCheck: { uint nb = 0; FOR_EACH(Pic::MemoryRangeType, type) { if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom ) continue; if ( !device()->isReadable(type) || !specific()->canReadRange(type) ) continue; if ( !prange->all() && prange->_type!=type ) continue; nb += device()->nbWords(type); } return QMAX(nb, uint(1)); } case Task::Write: { uint nb = 0; FOR_EACH(Pic::MemoryRangeType, type) { if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom ) continue; if ( !device()->isWritable(type) || !specific()->canWriteRange(type) ) continue; if ( !prange->all() && prange->_type!=type ) continue; nb += device()->nbWords(type); if ( readConfigEntry(Config::VerifyAfterProgram).toBool() ) nb += device()->nbWords(type); } return QMAX(nb, uint(1)); } case Task::Nb_Types: break; } Q_ASSERT(false); return 0; } bool Programmer::PicBase::readVoltages() { if ( !hardware()->readVoltages(_voltages) ) return false; bool ok = true; for (uint i=0; isetTargetReset(Pic::ResetHeld) ) return false; } Pic::TargetMode mode; if ( !getTargetMode(mode) ) return false; if ( mode!=Pic::TargetInProgramming ) { log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("Device not in programming")); return false; } return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::initProgramming(Task) { /* if ( vpp()!=UNKNOWN_VOLTAGE ) { const Pic::VoltageData &tvpp = device()->voltage(Pic::Vpp); if ( vpp()tvpp.max ) { QString s = i18n("Vpp (%1 V) is higher than the maximum voltage (%2 V). You may damage the device.") .arg(vpp()).arg(tvpp.max); log(Log::LineType::Warning, s); if ( !askContinue(s) ) { logUserAbort(); return false; } } } if ( vdd()!=UNKNOWN_VOLTAGE ) { Q_ASSERT( type!=Pic::Vpp ); const Pic::VoltageData &tvdd = device()->voltage(type); if ( vdd()voltage(Pic::VddWrite).min!=tvdd.min ) log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Vdd (%1 V) is too low for high-voltage programming\n(piklab only supports high-voltage programming at the moment).\nMinimum required is %2 V.") .arg(vdd()).arg(tvdd.min)); else if ( type==Pic::VddRead && device()->voltage(Pic::VddWrite).min!=tvdd.min ) log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Vdd (%1 V) is too low for reading\nMinimum required is %2 V.") .arg(vdd()).arg(tvdd.min)); else log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Vdd (%1 V) is too low for programming\nMinimum required is %2 V.") .arg(vdd()).arg(tvdd.min)); } else if ( vdd()>tvdd.max ) { QString s = i18n("Vdd (%1 V) is higher than the maximum voltage (%2 V). You may damage the device.") .arg(vdd()).arg(tvdd.max); log(Log::LineType::Warning, s); if ( !askContinue(s) ) { logUserAbort(); return false; } } } */ if ( specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config) ) { // read config Device::Array data; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, data, 0) ) return false; _deviceMemory->setArray(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, data); _hasProtectedCode = _deviceMemory->isProtected(Pic::Protection::ProgramProtected, Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code); _hasProtectedEeprom = _deviceMemory->isProtected(Pic::Protection::ProgramProtected, Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom); log(Log::DebugLevel::Normal, QString(" protected: code=%1 data=%2") .arg(_hasProtectedCode ? "true" : "false").arg(_hasProtectedEeprom ? "true" : "false")); // read calibration if ( !readCalibration() ) return false; } return initProgramming(); } bool Programmer::PicBase::preserveCode() { if ( _hasProtectedCode && !askContinue(i18n("All or part of code memory is protected so it cannot be preserved. Continue anyway?")) ) return false; return readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code, _deviceMemory, 0); } bool Programmer::PicBase::preserveEeprom() { if ( _hasProtectedEeprom && !askContinue(i18n("All or part of data EEPROM is protected so it cannot be preserved. Continue anyway?")) ) return false; return readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom, _deviceMemory, 0); } bool Programmer::PicBase::internalRun() { _state = ::Programmer::Running; return hardware()->setTargetReset(Pic::ResetReleased); } bool Programmer::PicBase::internalStop() { _state = ::Programmer::Stopped; return hardware()->setTargetReset(Pic::ResetHeld); } bool Programmer::PicBase::getTargetMode(Pic::TargetMode &mode) { return hardware()->getTargetMode(mode); } bool Programmer::PicBase::initProgramming() { _state = ::Programmer::Stopped; return hardware()->setTargetReset(Pic::ResetHeld); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BitValue Programmer::PicBase::readDeviceId() { Device::Array data; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::DeviceId, data, 0) ) return 0; Q_ASSERT( data.count()!=0 ); BitValue id = 0x0; switch (device()->architecture().type()) { case Pic::Architecture::P10X: case Pic::Architecture::P16X: case Pic::Architecture::P17C: id = data[0]; break; case Pic::Architecture::P18C: case Pic::Architecture::P18F: case Pic::Architecture::P18J: id = data[0] | (data[1] << 8); break; case Pic::Architecture::P24F: case Pic::Architecture::P24H: case Pic::Architecture::P30F: case Pic::Architecture::P33F: id = data[1] | (data[0] << 16); break; case Pic::Architecture::Nb_Types: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } return id; } bool Programmer::PicBase::verifyDeviceId() { if ( !specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::DeviceId ) ) return true; if ( !device()->isReadable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::DeviceId) ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("Device not autodetectable: continuing with the specified device name \"%1\"...").arg(device()->name())); return true; } BitValue rawId = readDeviceId(); if ( hasError() ) return false; uint nbChars = device()->nbWords(Pic::MemoryRangeType::DeviceId) * device()->nbCharsWord(Pic::MemoryRangeType::DeviceId); if ( rawId==0x0 || rawId==device()->mask(Pic::MemoryRangeType::DeviceId) ) { log(Log::LineType::Error, i18n("Missing or incorrect device (Read id is %1).").arg(toHexLabel(rawId, nbChars))); return false; } QMap ids; QValueVector names = group().supportedDevices(); for (uint k=0; k(group().deviceData(names[k]).data); if ( data->architecture()!=device()->architecture() ) continue; Device::IdData idata; if ( data->matchId(rawId, idata) ) ids[names[k]] = idata; } QString message; if ( ids.count()!=0 ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("Read id: %1").arg(device()->idNames(ids).join("; "))); if ( ids.contains(device()->name()) ) return true; message = i18n("Read id does not match the specified device name \"%1\".").arg(device()->name()); } else { log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n(" Unknown or incorrect device (Read id is %1).").arg(toHexLabel(rawId, nbChars))); message = i18n("Unknown device."); } if ( !askContinue(message) ) { logUserAbort(); return false; } log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("Continue with the specified device name: \"%1\"...").arg(device()->name())); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString Programmer::PicBase::prettyCalibration(const Device::Array &data) const { QString s; for (uint i=0; inbCharsWord(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal)); } return s; } bool Programmer::PicBase::readCalibration() { if ( device()->isReadable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal) ) { if ( !specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal) ) { log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Osccal cannot be read by the selected programmer")); return true; } Device::Array data; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, data, 0) ) return false; _deviceMemory->setArray(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, data); log(Log::DebugLevel::Normal, QString(" Read osccal: %1").arg(prettyCalibration(data))); QString message; if ( !device()->checkCalibration(data, &message) ) log(Log::LineType::Warning, " " + message); if ( device()->isReadable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup) ) { if ( !specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup) ) { log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Osccal backup cannot be read by the selected programmer")); return true; } if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, data, 0) ) return false; _deviceMemory->setArray(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, data); log(Log::DebugLevel::Normal, QString(" Read osccal backup: %1").arg(prettyCalibration(data))); if ( !device()->checkCalibration(data, &message) ) log(Log::LineType::Warning, " " + message); } } return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::restoreCalibration() { if ( !specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal) || !specific()->canWriteRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal) ) return true; if ( !device()->isWritable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal) ) return true; Device::Array data = _deviceMemory->arrayForWriting(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal); Device::Array bdata = _deviceMemory->arrayForWriting(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup); if ( device()->isReadable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup) && specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup) ) { if ( !device()->checkCalibration(data) && device()->checkCalibration(bdata) ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Replace invalid osccal with backup value.")); data = bdata; } } Device::Array cdata; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, cdata, 0) ) return false; if ( cdata==data ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Osccal is unchanged.")); return true; } if ( !programRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, data) ) return false; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, cdata, 0) ) return false; if ( cdata==data ) log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Osccal has been preserved.")); if ( !device()->isWritable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup) || !device()->checkCalibration(bdata) ) return true; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, cdata, 0) ) return false; if ( cdata.count()==0 ) { log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Osccal backup cannot be read by selected programmer")); return true; } if ( cdata==bdata ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Osccal backup is unchanged.")); return true; } if ( !programRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, bdata) ) return false; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, cdata, 0) ) return false; if ( cdata==bdata ) log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Osccal backup has been preserved.")); return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::restoreBandGapBits() { if ( !specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config) ) return true; bool hasProtectedBits = false; for (uint i=0; inbWords(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config); i++) if ( device()->config()._words[i].pmask!=0 ) hasProtectedBits = true; if ( !hasProtectedBits ) return true; Device::Array cdata; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, cdata, 0) ) return false; Device::Array data = _deviceMemory->arrayForWriting(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config); for (uint i=0; iconfig()._words[i].pmask; if ( pmask==0 ) continue; cdata[i] = cdata[i].clearMaskBits(pmask); cdata[i] |= data[i].maskWith(pmask); } if ( !specific()->canWriteRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config) ) { log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("Could not restore band gap bits because programmer does not support writing config bits.")); return true; } log(Log::DebugLevel::Normal, QString(" Write config with band gap bits: %2").arg(toHexLabel(cdata[0], device()->nbCharsWord(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config)))); if ( !programRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, cdata) ) return false; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, data, 0) ) return false; if ( data==cdata ) log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Band gap bits have been preserved.")); return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::eraseAll() { if ( !specific()->canEraseAll() ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("The selected programmer does not support erasing the whole device.")); return false; } if ( !specific()->erase(_hasProtectedCode || _hasProtectedEeprom) ) return false; if ( !restoreCalibration() ) return false; return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::checkErase() { if ( device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Rom || device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Romless || device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Eprom ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Cannot erase ROM or EPROM device.")); return false; } return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::internalErase(const Device::MemoryRange &range) { if ( !initProgramming(Task::Erase) ) return false; bool ok = true; if ( range.all() ) ok = eraseAll(); else ok = eraseRange(static_cast(range)._type); if ( !restoreBandGapBits() ) return false; return ok; } bool Programmer::PicBase::eraseSingle(Pic::MemoryRangeType type) { return erase(Pic::MemoryRange(type)); } bool Programmer::PicBase::eraseRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType type) { bool ok = internalEraseRange(type); if ( !restoreCalibration() ) return false; if ( ok && readConfigEntry(Config::BlankCheckAfterErase).toBool() ) { Pic::Memory memory(*device()); VerifyData vdata(BlankCheckVerify, memory); return readRange(type, 0, &vdata); } return ok; } bool Programmer::PicBase::internalEraseRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType type) { if ( !specific()->canEraseRange(type) && !specific()->canEraseAll() ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("The selected programmer does not support erasing neither the specified range nor the whole device.")); return false; } if ( type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && _hasProtectedCode ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Cannot erase protected code memory. Consider erasing the whole chip.")); return false; } if ( type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom && _hasProtectedEeprom ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Cannot erase protected data EEPROM. Consider erasing the whole chip.")); return false; } if ( specific()->canEraseRange(type) ) return specific()->eraseRange(type); bool softErase = true; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && (!specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code) || !specific()->canWriteRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code)) ) softErase = false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom && (!specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom) || !specific()->canWriteRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom)) ) softErase = false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config && (!specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config) || !specific()->canWriteRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config)) ) softErase = false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId && (!specific()->canReadRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId) || !specific()->canWriteRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId)) ) softErase = false; if ( !softErase ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Cannot erase specified range because of programmer limitations.")); return false; } if ( !askContinue(i18n("%1: Erasing this range only is not supported with this programmer. This will erase the whole chip and restore the other memory ranges.").arg(type.label())) ) { logUserAbort(); return false; } if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && !preserveCode() ) return false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom && !preserveEeprom() ) return false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId && !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId, _deviceMemory, 0) ) return false; specific()->erase(_hasProtectedCode || _hasProtectedEeprom); if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code, *_deviceMemory) ) return false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom && !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom, *_deviceMemory) ) return false; if ( type!=Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId && !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId, *_deviceMemory) ) return false; if ( !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, *_deviceMemory) ) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Programmer::PicBase::readSingle(Pic::MemoryRangeType type, Pic::Memory &memory) { if ( !specific()->canReadRange(type) ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("The selected programmer cannot read the specified memory range.")); return false; } Pic::Memory tmp(*device()); if ( !read(tmp, Pic::MemoryRange(type)) ) return false; memory.copyFrom(type, tmp); if ( type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal ) memory.copyFrom(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, tmp); return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType type, Pic::Memory *memory, const VerifyData *vd) { if ( !device()->isReadable(type) ) return true; if ( !specific()->canReadRange(type) ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("The selected programmer cannot read %1: operation skipped.").arg(type.label())); return true; } VerifyData *vdata = (vd ? new VerifyData(vd->actions, vd->memory) : 0); if (vdata) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Verify memory: %1").arg(type.label())); if ( !(vdata->actions & IgnoreProtectedVerify) ) { vdata->protectedRanges = static_cast(vdata->memory).protectedRanges(Pic::Protection::ProgramProtected, type); if ( !vdata->protectedRanges.isEmpty() ) log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n(" Part of device memory is protected (in %1) and cannot be verified.") .arg(type.label())); } else vdata->protectedRanges.clear(); } else { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Read memory: %1").arg(type.label())); CRASH_ASSERT(memory); } Device::Array data; bool ok = specific()->read(type, data, vdata); delete vdata; if (!ok) return false; if (memory) memory->setArray(type, data); return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::checkRead() { if ( device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Romless ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Cannot read ROMless device.")); return false; } return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::internalRead(Device::Memory *memory, const Device::MemoryRange &range, const VerifyData *vdata) { if ( !initProgramming(Task::Read) ) return false; Pic::Memory *pmemory = static_cast(memory); if ( !range.all() ) { Pic::MemoryRangeType type = static_cast(range)._type; if ( type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal ) { if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, pmemory, vdata) ) return false; return readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, pmemory, vdata); } return readRange(type, pmemory, vdata); } if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, pmemory, vdata) ) return false; if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId, pmemory, vdata) ) return false; if ( vdata==0 ) if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, pmemory, 0) ) return false; if ( vdata==0 ) if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, pmemory, 0) ) return false; if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code, pmemory, vdata) ) return false; if ( !readRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom, pmemory, vdata) ) return false; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Programmer::PicBase::programSingle(Pic::MemoryRangeType type, const Pic::Memory &memory) { if ( !specific()->canWriteRange(type) ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("The selected programmer cannot read the specified memory range.")); return false; } return program(memory, Pic::MemoryRange(type)); } bool Programmer::PicBase::programRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType mtype, const Device::Array &data) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Write memory: %1").arg(mtype.label())); bool only = ( readConfigEntry(Config::OnlyProgramNonMask).toBool() && (mtype==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code || mtype==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom) ); return specific()->write(mtype, data, !only); } bool Programmer::PicBase::programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType type, const Pic::Memory &memory) { if ( !device()->isWritable(type) || !specific()->canWriteRange(type) ) return true; Device::Array data = memory.arrayForWriting(type); if ( !programRange(type, data) ) return false; if ( !readConfigEntry(Config::VerifyAfterProgram).toBool() ) return true; if ( !specific()->canReadRange(type) ) return true; VerifyActions actions = IgnoreProtectedVerify; if ( type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && readConfigEntry(Config::OnlyVerifyProgrammed).toBool() ) actions |= OnlyProgrammedVerify; VerifyData vdata(actions, memory); return readRange(type, 0, &vdata); } bool Programmer::PicBase::programAll(const Pic::Memory &memory) { if ( !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code, memory) ) return false; if ( readConfigEntry(Config::ProgramEeprom).toBool() ) { const Pic::Memory &tmp = (readConfigEntry(Config::PreserveEeprom).toBool() ? *_deviceMemory : memory); if ( !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom, tmp) ) return false; } if ( !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::UserId, memory) ) return false; if ( memory.isProtected(Pic::Protection::WriteProtected, Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config) ) { log(Log::DebugLevel::Normal, " Config write protection is on: first program without it and then with it"); Pic::Memory tmp(memory.device()); tmp.copyFrom(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, memory); tmp.setProtection(false, Pic::Protection::WriteProtected, Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config); if ( !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, tmp) ) return false; } if ( !programAndVerifyRange(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Config, memory) ) return false; return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::checkProgram(const Device::Memory &memory) { if ( device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Rom || device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Romless ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Cannot write ROM or ROMless device.")); return false; } if ( !group().isDebugger() && static_cast(memory).hasDebugOn() ) { if ( !askContinue(i18n("DEBUG configuration bit is on. Are you sure you want to continue programming the chip?")) ) { logUserAbort(); return false; } } return true; } bool Programmer::PicBase::internalProgram(const Device::Memory &memory, const Device::MemoryRange &range) { if ( !initProgramming(Task::Erase) ) return false; const Pic::Memory &pmemory = static_cast(memory); // blank check if OTP device bool eprom = ( device()->memoryTechnology()==Device::MemoryTechnology::Eprom ); if (eprom) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" EPROM device: blank checking first...")); Pic::Memory memory(*device()); VerifyData vdata(BlankCheckVerify, memory); if ( !internalRead(0, range, &vdata) ) return false; log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Blank check successful")); // check if protecting device bool protectedCode = pmemory.isProtected(Pic::Protection::ProgramProtected, Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code); bool protectedEeprom = pmemory.isProtected(Pic::Protection::ProgramProtected, Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom); if ( protectedCode || protectedEeprom ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("Protecting code memory or data EEPROM on OTP devices is disabled as a security...")); return false; } } // programming bool ok = true; if ( !range.all() ) { Pic::MemoryRangeType type = static_cast(range)._type; if ( (type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Code && _hasProtectedCode) || (type==Pic::MemoryRangeType::Eeprom && _hasProtectedEeprom) ) { log(Log::LineType::SoftError, i18n("This memory range is programming protected.")); return false; } if ( specific()->canEraseRange(type) ) { if ( !specific()->emulatedErase() && !eraseRange(type) ) return false; } else log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("The range cannot be erased first by the selected programmer so programming may fail...")); ok = programRange(type, pmemory.arrayForWriting(type)); VerifyData vdata(NormalVerify, pmemory); if (ok) ok = readRange(type, 0, &vdata); } else { if ( !eprom ) { if ( specific()->canEraseAll() ) { if ( !specific()->emulatedErase() ) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Erasing device")); ok = ( !readConfigEntry(Config::PreserveEeprom).toBool() || preserveEeprom() ); if (ok) ok = eraseAll(); } } else log(Log::LineType::Warning, i18n("The device cannot be erased first by the selected programmer so programming may fail...")); } if (ok) ok = programAll(pmemory); } if ( !restoreBandGapBits() ) return false; return ok; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Programmer::PicBase::checkProgramCalibration(const Device::Array &data) { QString message, s = prettyCalibration(data); if ( !device()->checkCalibration(data, &message) ) { sorry(i18n("The calibration word %1 is not valid.").arg(s), message); return false; } return askContinue(i18n("Do you want to overwrite the device calibration with %1?").arg(s)); } bool Programmer::PicBase::tryProgramCalibration(const Device::Array &data, bool &success) { log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Write memory: %1").arg(Pic::MemoryRangeType(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal).label())); success = true; if ( !specific()->write(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, data, true) ) return false; Device::Array read; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::Cal, read, 0) ) return false; for (uint i=0; iisWritable(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup) ) { if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, read, 0) ) return false; if ( device()->checkCalibration(read) ) return true; // do not overwrite correct backup value log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n(" Write memory: %1").arg(Pic::MemoryRangeType(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup).label())); if ( !specific()->write(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, data, true) ) return false; if ( !specific()->read(Pic::MemoryRangeType::CalBackup, read, 0) ) return false; for (uint i=0; ierase(_hasProtectedCode || _hasProtectedEeprom); if ( !restoreBandGapBits() ) return false; if ( !ok ) return false; // retry if ( !tryProgramCalibration(data, success) ) return false; return success; } bool Programmer::PicBase::programCalibration(const Device::Array &data) { _progressMonitor.clear(); bool ok = doProgramCalibration(data); endProgramming(); return ok; } bool Programmer::PicBase::doProgramCalibration(const Device::Array &data) { if ( !checkProgramCalibration(data) ) return false; if ( !doConnectDevice() ) return false; log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("Programming calibration...")); emit actionMessage(i18n("Programming calibration...")); if ( !internalProgramCalibration(data) ) return false; log(Log::LineType::Information, i18n("Programming calibration successful")); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Programmer::PicBase::verifySingle(Pic::MemoryRangeType type, const Pic::Memory &memory) { return verify(memory, Pic::MemoryRange(type)); } bool Programmer::PicBase::blankCheckSingle(Pic::MemoryRangeType type) { return blankCheck(Pic::MemoryRange(type)); }