// -*- c-basic-offset: 4 -*-

    A sequencer and musical notation editor.

    This program is Copyright 2000-2008
        Guillaume Laurent   <glaurent@telegraph-road.org>,
        Chris Cannam        <cannam@all-day-breakfast.com>,
        Richard Bown        <bownie@bownie.com>

    The moral right of the authors to claim authorship of this work
    has been asserted.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#ifndef _MIDI_TYPES_H_
#define _MIDI_TYPES_H_

#include <list>

#include "Event.h"
#include "Instrument.h"

// Internal representation of some very MIDI specific event types
// that fall clearly outside of NotationTypes and still require
// representation.

namespace Rosegarden 

class MIDIValueOutOfRange : public Exception {
    MIDIValueOutOfRange(std::string name) :
        Exception("Value of " + name + " out of byte range") { }
    MIDIValueOutOfRange(std::string name, std::string file, int line) :
        Exception("Value of " + name + " out of byte range", file, line) { }

// Rosegarden's internal represetation of MIDI PitchBend
class PitchBend
    static const std::string EventType;
    static const int EventSubOrdering;

    static const PropertyName MSB;
    static const PropertyName LSB;

    PitchBend(MidiByte msb, MidiByte lsb);
    PitchBend(const Event &);

    MidiByte getMSB() const { return m_msb; }
    MidiByte getLSB() const { return m_lsb; }
    /// Returned event is on heap; caller takes responsibility for ownership
    Event *getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const;

    MidiByte m_msb;
    MidiByte m_lsb;

// Controller

class Controller
    static const std::string EventType;
    static const int EventSubOrdering;

    static const PropertyName NUMBER;  // controller number
    static const PropertyName VALUE;   // and value

    Controller(MidiByte number,
               MidiByte value);

    Controller(const Event &);

    MidiByte getNumber() const { return m_number; }
    MidiByte getValue() const { return m_value; }

    /// Returned event is on heap; caller takes responsibility for ownership
    Event *getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const;

    MidiByte    m_number;
    MidiByte    m_value;


// Key pressure

class KeyPressure
    static const std::string EventType;
    static const int EventSubOrdering;

    static const PropertyName PITCH;
    static const PropertyName PRESSURE;

    KeyPressure(MidiByte pitch, MidiByte pressure);
    KeyPressure(const Event &event);

    MidiByte getPitch() const { return m_pitch; }
    MidiByte getPressure() const { return m_pressure; }

    /// Returned event is on heap; caller takes responsibility for ownership
    Event *getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const;

    MidiByte m_pitch;
    MidiByte m_pressure;

// Channel pressure

class ChannelPressure
    static const std::string EventType;
    static const int EventSubOrdering;

    static const PropertyName PRESSURE;

    ChannelPressure(MidiByte pressure);
    ChannelPressure(const Event &event);

    MidiByte getPressure() const { return m_pressure; }

    /// Returned event is on heap; caller takes responsibility for ownership
    Event *getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const;

    MidiByte m_pressure;

// Program Change

class ProgramChange
    static const std::string EventType;
    static const int EventSubOrdering;

    static const PropertyName PROGRAM;

    ProgramChange(MidiByte program);
    ProgramChange(const Event &event);

    MidiByte getProgram() const { return m_program; }

    /// Returned event is on heap; caller takes responsibility for ownership
    Event *getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const;

    MidiByte m_program;

// System exclusive

class SystemExclusive
    static const std::string EventType;
    static const int EventSubOrdering;

    struct BadEncoding : public Exception {
        BadEncoding() : Exception("Bad SysEx encoding") { }

    static const PropertyName DATABLOCK;

    SystemExclusive(std::string rawData);
    SystemExclusive(const Event &event);

    std::string getRawData() const { return m_rawData; }
    std::string getHexData() const { return toHex(m_rawData); }

    /// Returned event is on heap; caller takes responsibility for ownership
    Event *getAsEvent(timeT absoluteTime) const;

    static std::string toHex(std::string rawData);
    static std::string toRaw(std::string hexData);
    static bool isHex(std::string data);

    std::string m_rawData;
    static unsigned char toRawNibble(char);

