/* * The SIP lexer. * * Copyright (c) 2010 Riverbank Computing Limited * * This file is part of SIP. * * This copy of SIP is licensed for use under the terms of the SIP License * Agreement. See the file LICENSE for more details. * * This copy of SIP may also used under the terms of the GNU General Public * License v2 or v3 as published by the Free Software Foundation which can be * found in the files LICENSE-GPL2 and LICENSE-GPL3 included in this package. * * SIP is supplied WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include "sip.h" #include "parser.h" #ifndef FLEX_SCANNER #error "Only flex is supported at the moment" #endif #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(s) fatallex(s) #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10 #define MAX_CODE_LINE_LENGTH 1000 static struct inputFile { int lineno; /* The line number. */ YY_BUFFER_STATE bs; /* The flex buffer state handle. */ char *name; /* The file name. */ char *cwd; /* The path part of the file name. */ parserContext pc; /* The parser context. */ } inputFileStack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH]; static int currentFile = -1; /* Index of the current input file. */ static char codeLine[MAX_CODE_LINE_LENGTH + 2]; /* The current code line. */ static int codeIdx = -1; /* Index of next code character. */ static FILE *openFile(const char *); static void fatallex(char *); %} %x code %x ccomment %% ^[ \t]*%API {return TK_API;} ^[ \t]*%DefaultEncoding {return TK_DEFENCODING;} ^[ \t]*%Plugin {return TK_PLUGIN;} ^[ \t]*%Include {return TK_INCLUDE;} ^[ \t]*%OptionalInclude {return TK_OPTINCLUDE;} ^[ \t]*%Import {return TK_IMPORT;} ^[ \t]*%Module {return TK_MODULE;} ^[ \t]*%CModule {return TK_CMODULE;} ^[ \t]*%ConsolidatedModule {return TK_CONSMODULE;} ^[ \t]*%CompositeModule {return TK_COMPOMODULE;} ^[ \t]*%Timeline {return TK_TIMELINE;} ^[ \t]*%Platforms {return TK_PLATFORMS;} ^[ \t]*%Feature {return TK_FEATURE;} ^[ \t]*%License {return TK_LICENSE;} ^[ \t]*%MappedType {return TK_MAPPEDTYPE;} ^[ \t]*%Exception {return TK_EXCEPTION;} ^[ \t]*%If {return TK_IF;} ^[ \t]*%DefaultMetatype {return TK_DEFMETATYPE;} ^[ \t]*%DefaultSupertype {return TK_DEFSUPERTYPE;} ^[ \t]*%End {return TK_END;} class {return TK_CLASS;} struct {return TK_STRUCT;} public {return TK_PUBLIC;} protected {return TK_PROTECTED;} private {return TK_PRIVATE;} signals {return TK_SIGNALS;} Q_SIGNALS {return TK_SIGNALS;} Q_SIGNAL {return TK_SIGNAL_METHOD;} slots {return TK_SLOTS;} Q_SLOTS {return TK_SLOTS;} Q_SLOT {return TK_SLOT_METHOD;} char {return TK_CHAR;} wchar_t {return TK_WCHAR_T;} bool {return TK_BOOL;} short {return TK_SHORT;} int {return TK_INT;} long {return TK_LONG;} float {return TK_FLOAT;} double {return TK_DOUBLE;} void {return TK_VOID;} virtual {return TK_VIRTUAL;} enum {return TK_ENUM;} signed {return TK_SIGNED;} unsigned {return TK_UNSIGNED;} const {return TK_CONST;} static {return TK_STATIC;} true {return TK_TRUE;} false {return TK_FALSE;} NULL {return TK_NULL;} typedef {return TK_TYPEDEF;} namespace {return TK_NAMESPACE;} operator {return TK_OPERATOR;} throw {return TK_THROW;} explicit {return TK_EXPLICIT;} template {return TK_TEMPLATE;} :: {return TK_SCOPE;} \|\| {return TK_LOGICAL_OR;} SIP_PYOBJECT {return TK_PYOBJECT;} SIP_PYTUPLE {return TK_PYTUPLE;} SIP_PYLIST {return TK_PYLIST;} SIP_PYDICT {return TK_PYDICT;} SIP_PYCALLABLE {return TK_PYCALLABLE;} SIP_PYSLICE {return TK_PYSLICE;} SIP_PYTYPE {return TK_PYTYPE;} SIP_SIGNAL {return TK_SIPSIGNAL;} SIP_SLOT {return TK_SIPSLOT;} SIP_ANYSLOT {return TK_SIPANYSLOT;} SIP_RXOBJ_CON {return TK_SIPRXCON;} SIP_RXOBJ_DIS {return TK_SIPRXDIS;} SIP_SLOT_CON {return TK_SIPSLOTCON;} SIP_SLOT_DIS {return TK_SIPSLOTDIS;} SIP_QOBJECT {return TK_QOBJECT;} \.\.\. {return TK_ELLIPSIS;} [ \t\r] { /* Ignore whitespace. */ ; } \n { /* Maintain the line number. */ ++inputFileStack[currentFile].lineno; if (codeIdx == 0) { BEGIN code; } } \/\/.* { /* Ignore C++ style comments. */ ; } -?[0-9]+ { /* A signed decimal number. */ yylval.number = strtol(yytext,NULL,0); return TK_NUMBER; } -?(([0-9]+)|([0-9]*\.[0-9]*)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)[fF]? {/* A floating point number. */ yylval.real = strtod(yytext,NULL); return TK_REAL; } 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ { /* An unsigned hexadecimal number. */ yylval.number = strtol(yytext,NULL,16); return TK_NUMBER; } [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]* { /* An identifier name. */ yylval.text = sipStrdup(yytext); return TK_NAME; } [._A-Za-z][._/A-Za-z0-9\-]*[._A-Za-z0-9] { /* A relative pathname. */ yylval.text = sipStrdup(yytext); return TK_PATHNAME; } \"[^"\n]*["\n] { /* A double-quoted string. */ char *dp, *sp; /* Copy the string without the quotes. */ yylval.text = sipMalloc(strlen(yytext) + 1); dp = yylval.text; sp = yytext; while (*sp != '\0') { if (*sp != '"') *dp++ = *sp; ++sp; } *dp = '\0'; return TK_STRING; } \'[^'\n]*['\n] { /* A single-quoted character. */ if (strlen(yytext) != 3) fatallex("Exactly one character expected between single quotes"); yylval.qchar = yytext[1]; return TK_QCHAR; } \/\* { /* Ignore C-style comments. */ BEGIN ccomment; } \n { ++inputFileStack[currentFile].lineno; } \*\/ { BEGIN INITIAL; } . { ; } ^%Copying { /* The software license. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_COPYING; } ^%ConvertFromTypeCode { /* The start of a from-type code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_FROMTYPE; } ^%ConvertToTypeCode { /* The start of a to-type code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_TOTYPE; } ^%ConvertToSubClassCode { /* The start of a to-sub-class code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_TOSUBCLASS; } ^%ExportedHeaderCode { /* The start of an exported header code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_EXPHEADERCODE; } ^%ModuleHeaderCode { /* The start of a module header code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_MODHEADERCODE; } ^%TypeHeaderCode { /* The start of a type header code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_TYPEHEADERCODE; } ^%PreInitialisationCode { /* The start of a pre-initialisation code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_PREINITCODE; } ^%InitialisationCode { /* The start of an initialisation code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_INITCODE; } ^%PostInitialisationCode { /* The start of a post-initialisation code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_POSTINITCODE; } ^%UnitCode { /* The start of a unit code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_UNITCODE; } ^%ModuleCode { /* The start of a module code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_MODCODE; } ^%TypeCode { /* The start of a type code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_TYPECODE; } ^%MethodCode { /* The start of a C++ method code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_METHODCODE; } ^%VirtualCatcherCode { /* The start of a C++ virtual code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_VIRTUALCATCHERCODE; } ^%GCTraverseCode { /* The start of a traverse code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_TRAVERSECODE; } ^%GCClearCode { /* The start of a clear code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_CLEARCODE; } ^%BIGetBufferCode { /* The start of a get buffer code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_GETBUFFERCODE; } ^%BIReleaseBufferCode { /* The start of a release buffer code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_RELEASEBUFFERCODE; } ^%BIGetReadBufferCode { /* The start of a read buffer code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_READBUFFERCODE; } ^%BIGetWriteBufferCode { /* The start of a write buffer code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_WRITEBUFFERCODE; } ^%BIGetSegCountCode { /* The start of a segment count code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_SEGCOUNTCODE; } ^%BIGetCharBufferCode { /* The start of a char buffer code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_CHARBUFFERCODE; } ^%PickleCode { /* The start of a pickle code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_PICKLECODE; } ^%PrePythonCode { /* The start of a pre-Python code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_PREPYCODE; } ^%RaiseCode { /* The start of a raise exception code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_RAISECODE; } ^%Docstring { /* The start of a docstring block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_DOCSTRING; } ^%Doc { /* The start of a documentation block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_DOC; } ^%ExportedDoc { /* The start of an exported documentation block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_EXPORTEDDOC; } ^%Makefile { /* The start of a Makefile code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_MAKEFILE; } ^%AccessCode { /* The start of an access code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_ACCESSCODE; } ^%GetCode { /* The start of a get code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_GETCODE; } ^%SetCode { /* The start of a set code block. */ codeIdx = 0; return TK_SETCODE; } ^%End { /* The end of a code block. */ BEGIN INITIAL; codeIdx = -1; return TK_END; } \n { /* The end of a code line . */ struct inputFile *ifp; codeLine[codeIdx] = '\n'; codeLine[codeIdx + 1] = '\0'; codeIdx = 0; ifp = &inputFileStack[currentFile]; yylval.codeb = sipMalloc(sizeof (codeBlock)); yylval.codeb -> frag = sipStrdup(codeLine); yylval.codeb -> linenr = ifp -> lineno++; yylval.codeb -> filename = sipStrdup(ifp -> name); yylval.codeb -> next = NULL; return TK_CODELINE; } . { /* The contents of a code line. */ if (codeIdx == MAX_CODE_LINE_LENGTH) fatallex("Line is too long"); codeLine[codeIdx++] = yytext[0]; } . { /* Anything else is returned as is. */ return yytext[0]; } %% /* * Hook into EOF handling. Return 0 if there is more to process. */ int yywrap() { char *cwd; struct inputFile *ifp; if ((cwd = inputFileStack[currentFile].cwd) != NULL) free(cwd); ifp = &inputFileStack[currentFile--]; /* Tell the parser if this is the end of a file. */ parserEOF(ifp -> name, &ifp -> pc); /* Tidy up this file. */ fclose(yyin); free(ifp -> name); /* See if this was the original file. */ if (currentFile < 0) return 1; yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER); yy_switch_to_buffer(ifp -> bs); return 0; } /* * Set up an input file to be read by the lexer, opening it if necessary. TRUE * is returned if the file has not already been read. */ int setInputFile(FILE *open_fp, parserContext *pc, int optional) { static stringList *all = NULL; char *cwd, *fullname = NULL; FILE *fp = open_fp; if (currentFile >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH - 1) fatal("Too many nested %%Include, %%OptionalInclude or %%Import statements\n"); if (fp != NULL || (fp = openFile(pc->filename)) != NULL) fullname = sipStrdup(pc->filename); else { char *cwd; /* Try the directory that contains the current file. */ if (currentFile >= 0 && (cwd = inputFileStack[currentFile].cwd) != NULL) { fullname = concat(cwd, "/", pc->filename, NULL); if ((fp = openFile(fullname)) == NULL) { free(fullname); fullname = NULL; } } } /* Try the include path if we haven't found anything yet. */ if (fullname == NULL) { stringList *sl; fullname = NULL; for (sl = includeDirList; sl != NULL; sl = sl -> next) { if (fullname != NULL) free(fullname); fullname = concat(sl->s, "/", pc->filename, NULL); if ((fp = openFile(fullname)) != NULL) break; } if (fp == NULL) { if (optional) return FALSE; fatal("Unable to find file \"%s\"\n", pc->filename); } } /* * If we have just opened the file, make sure that we haven't already read * it. While it should never happen with normal modules (if the user * doesn't specify recursive %Imports or %Includes) it is likely to happen * with consolidated modules. */ if (open_fp == NULL) { stringList *sl; for (sl = all; sl != NULL; sl = sl->next) if (strcmp(sl->s, fullname) == 0) { fclose(fp); return FALSE; } } /* Remember the filename. */ appendString(&all, sipStrdup(fullname)); yyin = fp; ++currentFile; /* Remember the directory containing the new file and make it "current". */ if ((cwd = strchr(fullname, '/')) != NULL) { cwd = sipStrdup(fullname); *strrchr(cwd,'/') = '\0'; } inputFileStack[currentFile].lineno = 1; inputFileStack[currentFile].name = fullname; inputFileStack[currentFile].pc = *pc; inputFileStack[currentFile].cwd = cwd; if (currentFile > 0) { inputFileStack[currentFile].bs = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE)); } return TRUE; } /* * Open a file for reading or return NULL if it doesn't exist. Any other error * is fatal. */ static FILE *openFile(const char *name) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(name,"r")) == NULL && errno != ENOENT) fatal("Error in opening file %s\n",name); return fp; } /* * Handle fatal yacc errors. */ void yyerror(char *s) { if (currentFile < 0) fatal("%s\n", s); fatal("%s:%d: %s\n", inputFileStack[currentFile].name, inputFileStack[currentFile].lineno, s); } /* * Handle warnings while parsing. */ void yywarning(char *s) { warning("%s:%d: %s\n", inputFileStack[currentFile].name, inputFileStack[currentFile].lineno, s); } /* * Handle fatal lex errors. */ static void fatallex(char *s) { fatal("%s:%d: Lexical analyser error: %s\n", inputFileStack[currentFile].name, inputFileStack[currentFile].lineno, s); }