    copyright            : (C) 2006 by Lukáš Lalinský
    email                : lalinsky@gmail.com
    copyright            : (C) 2004 by Allan Sandfeld Jensen 
    email                : kde@carewolf.org 
                           (original MPC implementation)

 *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version  *
 *   2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.                     *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   *
 *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
 *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *
 *   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software   *
 *   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,            *
 *   MA  02110-1301  USA                                                   *


#include "tfile.h"

#include "wvproperties.h"

namespace TagLib {

  class Tag;

  namespace ID3v1 { class Tag; }
  namespace APE { class Tag; }

  //! An implementation of WavPack metadata

   * This is implementation of WavPack metadata.
   * This supports ID3v1 and APE (v1 and v2) style comments as well as reading stream
   * properties from the file. 

  namespace WavPack {

    //! An implementation of TagLib::File with WavPack specific methods

     * This implements and provides an interface for WavPack files to the
     * TagLib::Tag and TagLib::AudioProperties interfaces by way of implementing
     * the abstract TagLib::File API as well as providing some additional
     * information specific to WavPack files.

    class File : public TagLib::File
       * This set of flags is used for various operations and is suitable for
       * being OR-ed together.
      enum TagTypes {
        //! Empty set.  Matches no tag types.
        NoTags  = 0x0000,
        //! Matches ID3v1 tags.
        ID3v1   = 0x0001,
        //! Matches APE tags.
        APE     = 0x0002,
        //! Matches all tag types.
        AllTags = 0xffff
       * Contructs an WavPack file from \a file.  If \a readProperties is true the
       * file's audio properties will also be read using \a propertiesStyle.  If
       * false, \a propertiesStyle is ignored.
      File(const char *file, bool readProperties = true,
           Properties::ReadStyle propertiesStyle = Properties::Average);

       * Destroys this instance of the File.
      virtual ~File();

       * Returns the Tag for this file.  This will be an APE tag, an ID3v1 tag
       * or a combination of the two.
      virtual TagLib::Tag *tag() const;

       * Returns the MPC::Properties for this file.  If no audio properties
       * were read then this will return a null pointer.
      virtual Properties *audioProperties() const;

       * Saves the file.
      virtual bool save();

       * Returns a pointer to the ID3v1 tag of the file.
       * If \a create is false (the default) this will return a null pointer
       * if there is no valid ID3v1 tag.  If \a create is true it will create
       * an ID3v1 tag if one does not exist. If there is already an APE tag, the
       * new ID3v1 tag will be placed after it.
       * \note The Tag <b>is still</b> owned by the APE::File and should not be
       * deleted by the user.  It will be deleted when the file (object) is
       * destroyed.
      ID3v1::Tag *ID3v1Tag(bool create = false); 

       * Returns a pointer to the APE tag of the file.
       * If \a create is false (the default) this will return a null pointer
       * if there is no valid APE tag.  If \a create is true it will create
       * a APE tag if one does not exist. 
       * \note The Tag <b>is still</b> owned by the APE::File and should not be
       * deleted by the user.  It will be deleted when the file (object) is
       * destroyed.
      APE::Tag *APETag(bool create = false);

       * This will remove the tags that match the OR-ed together TagTypes from the
       * file.  By default it removes all tags.
       * \note This will also tqinvalidate pointers to the tags
       * as their memory will be freed.
       * \note In order to make the removal permanent save() still needs to be called
      void remove(int tags = AllTags); 
      File(const File &);
      File &operator=(const File &);

      void read(bool readProperties, Properties::ReadStyle propertiesStyle);
      void scan();
      long findID3v1(); 
      long findAPE();

      class FilePrivate;
      FilePrivate *d;
