path: root/tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook
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authorDarrell Anderson <>2014-01-21 22:06:48 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2014-01-21 22:06:48 -0600
commit0b8ca6637be94f7814cafa7d01ad4699672ff336 (patch)
treed2b55b28893be8b047b4e60514f4a7f0713e0d70 /tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook
parenta1670b07bc16b0decb3e85ee17ae64109cb182c1 (diff)
Beautify docbook files
Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 298 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook b/tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook
index 8fc23bda5f8..578fc76b40c 100644
--- a/tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook
+++ b/tde-i18n-es/docs/tdewebdev/klinkstatus/index.docbook
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
- <!ENTITY klinkstatus "<application
+ <!ENTITY klinkstatus "<application>KLinkStatus</application>">
<!ENTITY kappname "&klinkstatus;">
<!ENTITY package "tdewebdev">
<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
- <!ENTITY % Spanish "INCLUDE"
-><!-- change language only here -->
+ <!ENTITY % Spanish "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
<!-- kdoctemplate v0.8 October 1 1999
Minor update to "Credits and Licenses" section on August 24, 2000
@@ -26,8 +23,7 @@ You may freely use this template for writing any sort of KDE documentation.
If you have any changes or improvements, please let us know.
-- in XML, the case of the <tags
-> and attributes is relevant ;
+- in XML, the case of the <tags> and attributes is relevant ;
- also, quote all attributes.
Please don't forget to remove all these comments in your final documentation,
@@ -44,52 +40,25 @@ thanks ;-).
as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->
->El manual de &klinkstatus;</title>
+<title>El manual de &klinkstatus;</title>
-> <surname
->Moura Guedes</surname
-> <affiliation
-> <address
+<author><firstname>Paulo</firstname> <surname>Moura Guedes</surname> <affiliation> <address><email>moura&#64;tdewebdev&#46;org</email></address>
-<othercredit role="translator"
->Juan Manuel</firstname
->García Molina</surname
-> <affiliation
+<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Juan Manuel</firstname><surname>García Molina</surname> <affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation><contrib>Traductor</contrib></othercredit>
->Paulo Moura Guedes</holder>
+<holder>Paulo Moura Guedes</holder>
<!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->
<!-- Put here the FDL notice. Read the explanation in fdl-notice.docbook
and in the FDL itself on how to use it. -->
<!-- Date and version information of the documentation
Don't forget to include this last date and this last revision number, we
@@ -98,16 +67,13 @@ Please respect the format of the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and of the version
(V.MM.LL), it could be used by automation scripts.
Do NOT change these in the translation. -->
<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
->&klinkstatus; es un verificador de enlaces para &kde;. </para>
+<para>&klinkstatus; es un verificador de enlaces para &kde;. </para>
<!-- This is a set of Keywords for indexing by search engines.
@@ -115,30 +81,23 @@ Please at least include KDE, the KDE package it is in, the name
of your application, and a few relevant keywords. -->
->verificador de enlaces</keyword>
+<keyword>verificador de enlaces</keyword>
<chapter id="introduction">
->&klinkstatus; es un verificador de enlaces para &kde;. Le permite buscar enlaces internos y externos en todo su sitio web. Simplemente elija una página y un nivel de profundidad para la búsqueda. También puede verificar archivos locales, ftp, fish, &etc;, ya que &klinkstatus; usa TDEIO. Para mejorar el rendimiento, se pueden comprobar varios enlaces simultáneamente. Haga el favor de reportar cualquier problema que descubra o peticiones de características en </para>
+<para>&klinkstatus; es un verificador de enlaces para &kde;. Le permite buscar enlaces internos y externos en todo su sitio web. Simplemente elija una página y un nivel de profundidad para la búsqueda. También puede verificar archivos locales, ftp, fish, &etc;, ya que &klinkstatus; usa TDEIO. Para mejorar el rendimiento, se pueden comprobar varios enlaces simultáneamente. Haga el favor de reportar cualquier problema que descubra o peticiones de características en </para>
<chapter id="using-klinkstatus">
->Usar &klinkstatus;</title>
+<title>Usar &klinkstatus;</title>
@@ -146,8 +105,7 @@ Please at least include KDE, the KDE package it is in, the name
patent issues. -->
->Aquí tiene una captura de pantalla de &klinkstatus;</screeninfo>
+<screeninfo>Aquí tiene una captura de pantalla de &klinkstatus;</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="screenshot.png" format="PNG"/>
@@ -156,8 +114,7 @@ patent issues. -->
<imagedata fileref="screenshot.eps" format="EPS"/>
- <phrase
->Captura de pantalla</phrase>
+ <phrase>Captura de pantalla</phrase>
@@ -166,83 +123,26 @@ patent issues. -->
<chapter id="commands">
->Referencia de comandos</title>
+<title>Referencia de comandos</title>
<sect1 id="klinkstatus-mainwindow">
->La ventana principal de &klinkstatus;</title>
+<title>La ventana principal de &klinkstatus;</title>
->El menú Archivo</title>
+<title>El menú Archivo</title>
-> <keycombo action="simul"
-> </shortcut
-> <guimenu
-> <guimenuitem
->Nuevo comprobador de enlaces</guimenuitem
-> </menuchoice
->Crea una sesión nueva, si no hay ninguna vacía</action
+<term><menuchoice><shortcut> <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo> </shortcut> <guimenu>Archivo</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Nuevo comprobador de enlaces</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
+<listitem><para><action>Crea una sesión nueva, si no hay ninguna vacía</action></para></listitem>
-> <keycombo action="simul"
-> </shortcut
-> <guimenu
-> <guimenuitem
->Abrir URL</guimenuitem
-> </menuchoice
->Abre un &URL;</action
+<term><menuchoice><shortcut> <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo> </shortcut> <guimenu>Archivo</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Abrir URL</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
+<listitem><para><action>Abre un &URL;</action></para></listitem>
-> <keycombo action="simul"
-> </shortcut
-> <guimenu
-> <guimenuitem
->Cerrar solapa</guimenuitem
-> </menuchoice
->Cierra la solapa actual.</action
+<term><menuchoice><shortcut> <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo> </shortcut> <guimenu>Archivo</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Cerrar solapa</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
+<listitem><para><action>Cierra la solapa actual.</action></para></listitem>
@@ -250,10 +150,7 @@ patent issues. -->
->El menú <guimenu
+<title>El menú <guimenu>Ayuda</guimenu></title>
&; </sect2>
@@ -261,15 +158,13 @@ patent issues. -->
<chapter id="developers">
->Developer's Guide to &klinkstatus;</title>
+<title>Developer's Guide to &klinkstatus;</title>
<!-- (OPTIONAL) A Programming/Scripting reference chapter should be
used for apps that use plugins or that provide their own scripting hooks
and/or development libraries. -->
<!-- Use refentries to describe APIs. Refentries are fairly complicated and you
should consult the docbook reference for further details. The example below was
@@ -277,192 +172,126 @@ taken from that reference and shortened a bit for readability.
<refentry id="re-1007-unmanagechildren-1">
->Xt - Geometry Management</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo>Xt - Geometry Management</refmiscinfo>
->remove a list of children from a parent widget's managed
+<refpurpose>remove a list of children from a parent widget's managed
-<indexterm id="ix-1007-unmanagechildren-1"
-<indexterm id="ix-1007-unmanagechildren-2"
+<indexterm id="ix-1007-unmanagechildren-1"><primary>widgets</primary><secondary>removing</secondary></indexterm>
+<indexterm id="ix-1007-unmanagechildren-2"><primary>XtUnmanageChildren</primary></indexterm>
->4 March 1996</date>
+<date>4 March 1996</date>
void XtUnmanageChildren(<replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable>, <replaceable class="parameter">num_children</replaceable>)
WidgetList <replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable>;
Cardinal <replaceable class="parameter">num_children</replaceable>;
<refsect2 id="r2-1007-unmanagechildren-1">
-><replaceable class="parameter"
+<term><replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable>
->Specifies an array of child widgets. Each child must be of
+<para>Specifies an array of child widgets. Each child must be of
class RectObj or any subclass thereof.
-><replaceable class="parameter"
+<term><replaceable class="parameter">num_children</replaceable>
->Specifies the number of elements in <replaceable class="parameter"
+<para>Specifies the number of elements in <replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable>.
<refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-1">
-> unmaps the specified widgets
+<para><function>XtUnmanageChildren()</function> unmaps the specified widgets
and removes them from their parent's geometry management.
The widgets will disappear from the screen, and (depending
on its parent) may no longer have screen space allocated for
->Each of the widgets in the <replaceable class="parameter"
-> array must have
+<para>Each of the widgets in the <replaceable class="parameter">children</replaceable> array must have
the same parent.
->See the &ldquo;Algorithm&rdquo; section below for full details of the
+<para>See the &ldquo;Algorithm&rdquo; section below for full details of the
widget unmanagement procedure.
<refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-2">
->Unmanaging widgets is the usual method for temporarily
+<para>Unmanaging widgets is the usual method for temporarily
making them invisible. They can be re-managed with
->You can unmap a widget, but leave it under geometry
-management by calling <function
->. You can
+<para>You can unmap a widget, but leave it under geometry
+management by calling <function>XtUnmapWidget()</function>. You can
destroy a widget's window without destroying the widget by
-calling <function
->. You can destroy a
-widget completely with <function
+calling <function>XtUnrealizeWidget()</function>. You can destroy a
+widget completely with <function>XtDestroyWidget()</function>.
->If you are only going to unmanage a single widget, it is
-more convenient to call <function
->. It is
-often more convenient to call <function
+<para>If you are only going to unmanage a single widget, it is
+more convenient to call <function>XtUnmanageChild()</function>. It is
+often more convenient to call <function>XtUnmanageChild()</function>
several times than it is to declare and initialize an array
-of widgets to pass to <function
->. Calling
-> is more efficient, however,
-because it only calls the parent's <function
+of widgets to pass to <function>XtUnmanageChildren()</function>. Calling
+<function>XtUnmanageChildren()</function> is more efficient, however,
+because it only calls the parent's <function>change_managed()</function>
method once.
<refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-3">
-> performs the following:
+<para><function>XtUnmanageChildren()</function> performs the following:
->Ignores the child if it already is unmanaged or is being
+<para>Ignores the child if it already is unmanaged or is being
->Otherwise, if the child is realized, it makes it nonvisible
+<para>Otherwise, if the child is realized, it makes it nonvisible
by unmapping it.
<refsect1 id="r1-1007-unmanagechildren-4">
->The <type
-> type is simply an array of widgets:
+<para>The <type>WidgetList</type> type is simply an array of widgets:
-<screen id="sc-1007-unmanagechildren-1"
->typedef Widget *WidgetList;
+<screen id="sc-1007-unmanagechildren-1">typedef Widget *WidgetList;
@@ -472,8 +301,7 @@ by unmapping it.
<chapter id="faq">
->Questions and Answers</title>
+<title>Questions and Answers</title>
<!-- (OPTIONAL but recommended) This chapter should include all of the silly
(and not-so-silly) newbie questions that fill up your mailbox. This chapter
@@ -493,25 +321,19 @@ application work. -->
->My Mouse doesn't work. How do I quit &klinkstatus;?</para>
+<para>My Mouse doesn't work. How do I quit &klinkstatus;?</para>
->You silly goose! Check out the <link linkend="commands"
-> for the answer.</para>
+<para>You silly goose! Check out the <link linkend="commands">Commands
+Section</link> for the answer.</para>
->Why am I unable to twiddle my documents?</para>
+<para>Why am I unable to twiddle my documents?</para>
->You can only twiddle your documents if you have the foobar.lib
+<para>You can only twiddle your documents if you have the foobar.lib
@@ -528,50 +350,34 @@ contributors here. The license for your software should then be included below
the credits with a reference to the appropriate license file included in the KDE
distribution. -->
->Créditos y licencia</title>
->&klinkstatus; </para>
->Copyright del programa &copy; 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email
-> </para>
->Copyright de la documentación &copy; 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email
-> </para>
->Juan Manuel García Molina <email
+<title>Créditos y licencia</title>
+<para>&klinkstatus; </para>
+<para>Copyright del programa &copy; 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email>pmg&#64;netcabo&#46;pt</email> </para>
+<para>Copyright de la documentación &copy; 2004 Paulo Moura Guedes <email>pmg&#64;netcabo&#46;pt</email> </para>
+<para>Juan Manuel García Molina <email></email></para>
&underFDL; &underGPL; </chapter>
<appendix id="installation">
<sect1 id="getting-klinkstatus">
->Cómo obtener &klinkstatus;</title>
+<title>Cómo obtener &klinkstatus;</title>
<!-- This first entity contains boiler plate for applications that are
part of KDE CVS. You should remove it if you are releasing your
application -->
-> </para>
+<para> </para>
<sect1 id="requirements">
List any special requirements for your application here. This should include:
.Libraries or other software that is not included in tdesupport,
@@ -592,9 +398,7 @@ platform and configuration.
All required libraries as well as &klinkstatus; itself can be found
-on <ulink url=""
->The &klinkstatus; home page</ulink
+on <ulink url="">The &klinkstatus; home page</ulink>.
<!-- For a list of updates, you may refer to the application web site
@@ -602,24 +406,18 @@ or the ChangeLog file, or ... -->
You can find a list of changes at <ulink
<sect1 id="compilation">
->Compilación e instalación</title>
+<title>Compilación e instalación</title>
&install.compile.documentation; </sect1>
<sect1 id="configuration">
->Don't forget to tell your system to start the <filename
+<para>Don't forget to tell your system to start the <filename>dtd</filename>
dicer-toaster daemon first, or &klinkstatus; won't work !</para>