path: root/tde-i18n-en_GB/docs/tdepim/knode/faq.docbook
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+<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd">
+<chapter id="faq">
+>Questions and Answers</title>
+>I have installed &kde; 3, but &knode; does not exist in the <guimenu
+> Menu.</para>
+ </question
+>Does the <guisubmenu
+>entry exist? If not, maybe the tdenetwork package isn't installed (perhaps because your distribution possibly doesn't do this for you); if the entry is there, but you do not have a <guimenuitem
+> item in it, you should try to open a &konsole; and run &knode; from there. Type</para>
+> <userinput
+>knode &amp;</command
+>If an error message appears that tells you that &knode; could not be started or found please check whether the file <filename
+> exists in <filename class="directory"
+> and that its permissions are correctly set.</para>
+>When I start &knode;, a message appears in the task bar but suddenly disappears without &knode; being started.</para
+>Try to start &knode; from the &konsole; (see previous question) and keep attention for the messages displayed there: if they do not make sense to you mark them with your mouse and copy it to the clipboard; then, ask for help on one of the &kde; mailing lists or &kde; news groups.</para>
+>I need an important article, but &knode; doesn't have it any more; where can I find this article?</para>
+>You can find some extensive usenet archives at <ulink url=""
+> or <ulink url=""
+>; they even contain articles that are several years old.</para
+>How do I open and read several articles at the same time?</para
+>Open the article with <guimenuitem
+>Open in own window</guimenuitem
+>My articles do not appear in the newsgroup.</para>
+>When you publish an article it may be some time until your news server has it; wait several hours before you send the article again.</para
+>I want to keep an article; how do I archive it?</para
+>Choose the article in the article view and then use <menuchoice
+> to open a file dialogue; you can then save the article to a file. Another possibility is to copy the article to a folder.</para>
+>Some set headers do not appear for several articles in the article window; am I doing something wrong?</para
+>This is not unusual because many headers are optional and often not contained in articles; in this case &knode; does not show those header lines.</para
+>Sometimes I see an article which refers to other articles but &knode; does not show any references; why is that?</para
+>This happens when somebody posted an article in another news group and checked the option <guilabel
+>Followup To</guilabel
+>; the article in question is then sent to your news group, but the referring article is absent. In many cases the poster tells the reason for his choice to set a followup.</para>
+>When I want to answer an article an error message appears telling me that the external editor could not be started, but the editor is correctly set.</para>
+>Have a look whether you entered the place-holder for a filename after the editor command; if not, enter it. If you want, for example, to use &kedit; enter <userinput
+> %f</token
+>If the <token
+> is absent, your editor cannot be run.</para>
+>Why can I not receive data from my local news server?</para>
+>If you use &knode; together with with a local news server, you must make sure that this server is correctly set up and started; for further details, please consult the documentation of your local news server.</para>
+>The availability of the local news server can easily be verified with the <command
+> program: open a console and type:</para
+> <userinput
+> <parameter
+>localhost nntp</parameter
+>Followed by that, the news server should respond with:</para>
+Connected to localhost.
+Escape character is '^]'.
+200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.9.16 running at
+>You can quit the <command
+> session with:</para>
+> <userinput
+>If that does not work there is either no local news server set up or the server was not started; in this case, please consult the documentation of your local news server.</para>
+>If you are trying to connect to a news server on the Internet you need, of course, an open (dial-in) connection and to have set up &knode; to use your <acronym
+>'s news server; your <acronym
+> should be able to give you information about which news servers you can use.</para>