path: root/tde-i18n-eu/messages/kdebase/kcmlocale.po
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Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-eu/messages/kdebase/kcmlocale.po')
1 files changed, 727 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 00000000000..fe7c74944e7
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+++ b/tde-i18n-eu/messages/kdebase/kcmlocale.po
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+# translation of kcmlocale.po to Basque
+# KTranslator Generated File
+# KTranslator Generated File
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# marcos <>, 2006.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: kcmlocale\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-08-23 02:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-01 08:47+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: marcos <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"
+#: toplevel.cpp:53
+msgid "KCMLocale"
+msgstr "KCMLocale"
+#: toplevel.cpp:55
+msgid "Regional settings"
+msgstr "Eskualdeko hobespenak"
+#: toplevel.cpp:178
+msgid ""
+"Changed language settings apply only to newly started applications.\n"
+"To change the language of all programs, you will have to logout first."
+msgstr ""
+"Hizkuntza konfigurazio berria hemendik aurrera irekiko diren aplikazioetan "
+"baino ez da erabiliko.\n"
+"Programa guztien hizkuntza aldatzeko, saioa amaitu beharko duzu."
+#: toplevel.cpp:182
+msgid "Applying Language Settings"
+msgstr "Hizkuntza hobespenak aplikatzen"
+#: toplevel.cpp:216
+msgid ""
+"<h1>Country/Region & Language</h1>\n"
+"<p>From here you can configure language, numeric, and time \n"
+"settings for your particular region. In most cases it will be \n"
+"sufficient to choose the country you live in. For instance KDE \n"
+"will automatically choose \"German\" as language if you choose \n"
+"\"Germany\" from the list. It will also change the time format \n"
+"to use 24 hours and and use comma as decimal separator.</p>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<h1>Herrialdea eta hizkuntza</h1>\n"
+"<p>Hemen zure herrialdeko hitzkuntza, ordua eta zenbakiak\n"
+"adierazteko era konfigura ditzakezu. Gehienetan norbera bizi den estatua\n"
+"zehaztearekin nahikoa izan ohi da. Adibidez, KDEk beti \"Alemana\" \n"
+"aukeratuko du \"Alemania\" aukeratzean. Gainera 24 orduko erlojua \n"
+"eraibiliko du eta zenbaki hamartarrak koma erabilita bananduko ditu.</p>\n"
+#: toplevel.cpp:260
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr "Adibideak"
+#: toplevel.cpp:261
+msgid "&Locale"
+msgstr "&Lokala"
+#: toplevel.cpp:262
+msgid "&Numbers"
+msgstr "&Zenbakiak"
+#: toplevel.cpp:263
+msgid "&Money"
+msgstr "&Dirua"
+#: toplevel.cpp:264
+msgid "&Time && Dates"
+msgstr "&Ordua eta datak"
+#: toplevel.cpp:265
+msgid "&Other"
+msgstr "&Beste bat"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:54
+msgid "Country or region:"
+msgstr "Herrialdea:"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:60
+msgid "Languages:"
+msgstr "Hizkuntzak:"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:69
+msgid "Add Language"
+msgstr "Gehitu hizkuntza"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:73
+msgid "Remove Language"
+msgstr "Kendu hizkuntza"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:74
+msgid "Move Up"
+msgstr "Igo"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:75
+msgid "Move Down"
+msgstr "Jeitsi"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:235
+msgid "Other"
+msgstr "Beste bat"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:243 kcmlocale.cpp:290 kcmlocale.cpp:311
+msgid "without name"
+msgstr "izenik gabe"
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:403
+msgid ""
+"This is where you live. KDE will use the defaults for this country or region."
+msgstr ""
+"Hau da bizi zaren tokia. KDEk herrialde honentzat lehenetsitako aukerak "
+"erabiliko ditu."
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:406
+msgid ""
+"This will add a language to the list. If the language is already in the list, "
+"the old one will be moved instead."
+msgstr ""
+"Honek hizkuntza bat gehituko dio zerrendari. Hizkuntza zerrendan "
+"lehendikbadago, zaharra mugitu egingo da bertatik."
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:410
+msgid "This will remove the highlighted language from the list."
+msgstr "Honek kendu egingo du nabarmendutako hizkuntza zerrendatik."
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:413
+msgid ""
+"KDE programs will be displayed in the first available language in this list.\n"
+"If none of the languages are available, US English will be used."
+msgstr ""
+"KDEren programak, zerrenda honetan lehenengo dagoen hizkuntzan agertuko dira.\n"
+"Ez baldin balego hizkuntza erabilgarririk, EE BBetako ingelesa erabiliko da."
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:420
+msgid ""
+"Here you can choose your country or region. The settings for languages, numbers "
+"etc. will automatically switch to the corresponding values."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen zure herrialdea aukera dezakezu. Hizkuntza, zenbaki, eta abarren "
+"hobespenak aukera horren araberakoak izango dira."
+#: kcmlocale.cpp:427
+msgid ""
+"Here you can choose the languages that will be used by KDE. If the first "
+"language in the list is not available, the second will be used, etc. If only US "
+"English is available, no translations have been installed. You can get "
+"translation packages for many languages from the place you got KDE from."
+"<p>Note that some applications may not be translated to your languages; in this "
+"case, they will automatically fall back to US English."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen KDEk erabiliko duen hizkuntza aukera dezakezu. Zerrendako lehen hizkuntza "
+"ez badago eskuragarri, bigarrena erabiliko da, e.a. EE BBetako ingelesa baino "
+"ez bada ageri, seinalea ez dela itzulpenik instalatu. KDE eskuratu duzun toki "
+"berberean lor ditzakezu hainbat hizkutzatara itzulitakopaketeak."
+"<p>Ohar zaitez aplikazio batzuk ez daudela zure hizkuntzara itzulita; "
+"horrelakoetan automatikoki agertuko dira EE BBetako ingelesez."
+#: klocalesample.cpp:52
+msgid "Numbers:"
+msgstr "Zenbakiak:"
+#: klocalesample.cpp:57
+msgid "Money:"
+msgstr "Dirua:"
+#: klocalesample.cpp:62
+msgid "Date:"
+msgstr "Data:"
+#: klocalesample.cpp:67
+msgid "Short date:"
+msgstr "Data laburra:"
+#: klocalesample.cpp:72
+msgid "Time:"
+msgstr "Ordua:"
+#: klocalesample.cpp:112
+msgid "This is how numbers will be displayed."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak era honetan agertuko dira."
+#: klocalesample.cpp:116
+msgid "This is how monetary values will be displayed."
+msgstr "Diru balioak era honetan agertuko dira."
+#: klocalesample.cpp:120
+msgid "This is how date values will be displayed."
+msgstr "Datak era honetan agertuko dira."
+#: klocalesample.cpp:124
+msgid "This is how date values will be displayed using a short notation."
+msgstr "Datak era honetan agertuko dira, modu laburrean bistaratzen direnean."
+#: klocalesample.cpp:129
+msgid "This is how the time will be displayed."
+msgstr "Ordua era honetan agertuko da."
+#: localenum.cpp:48
+msgid "&Decimal symbol:"
+msgstr "&Sinbolo hamartarra:"
+#: localenum.cpp:54
+msgid "Tho&usands separator:"
+msgstr "Mi&lakaden banatzailea:"
+#: localenum.cpp:60
+msgid "Positive si&gn:"
+msgstr "Ze&inu positiboa:"
+#: localenum.cpp:66
+msgid "&Negative sign:"
+msgstr "Zeinu &negatiboa:"
+#: localenum.cpp:165
+msgid ""
+"Here you can define the decimal separator used to display numbers (i.e. a dot "
+"or a comma in most countries)."
+"<p>Note that the decimal separator used to display monetary values has to be "
+"set separately (see the 'Money' tab)."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, zenbakiak bistaratzean hamartarrak banatzeko zeinua aukera dezakezu "
+"(puntua edo koma)."
+"<p>Ohar zaitez diru-balioak bistaratzeko erabiliko den hamartarren banatzailea "
+"aparte hautatu behar dela. (ikus 'Dirua' fitxa)."
+#: localenum.cpp:174
+msgid ""
+"Here you can define the thousands separator used to display numbers."
+"<p>Note that the thousands separator used to display monetary values has to be "
+"set separately (see the 'Money' tab)."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, zenbakiak bistaratzean milakadak banatzeko zeinua aukera dezakezu "
+"<p>Ohar zaitez diru-balioak bistaratzeko erabiliko den milakoen banatzailea "
+"aparte hautatu behar dela (ikus 'Dirua' fitxa)."
+#: localenum.cpp:182
+msgid ""
+"Here you can specify text used to prefix positive numbers. Most people leave "
+"this blank."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, zenbaki positiboetan erabiliko den zeinua hauta dezakezu. Jende gehienak "
+"hutsik uzten du."
+#: localenum.cpp:188
+msgid ""
+"Here you can specify text used to prefix negative numbers. This should not be "
+"empty, so you can distinguish positive and negative numbers. It is normally set "
+"to minus (-)."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, zenbaki negatiboetan erabiliko den zeinua hauta dezakezu. Hau, ez "
+"litzateke hutsik egon beharko, zenbaki positiboak eta negatiboak bereiz "
+"ditzazun. Normalean minus izaten da (-)."
+#: localemon.cpp:54
+msgid "Currency symbol:"
+msgstr "Diru sinboloa:"
+#: localemon.cpp:61
+msgid "Decimal symbol:"
+msgstr "Sinbolo hamartarra:"
+#: localemon.cpp:68
+msgid "Thousands separator:"
+msgstr "Milakaden banatzailea:"
+#: localemon.cpp:75
+msgid "Fract digits:"
+msgstr "Zatiki zenbakiak."
+#: localemon.cpp:87
+msgid "Positive"
+msgstr "Positiboa"
+#: localemon.cpp:88 localemon.cpp:100
+msgid "Prefix currency symbol"
+msgstr "Diru zeinua"
+#: localemon.cpp:94 localemon.cpp:105
+msgid "Sign position:"
+msgstr "Zeinuaren posizioa:"
+#: localemon.cpp:99
+msgid "Negative"
+msgstr "Negatiboa"
+#: localemon.cpp:269
+msgid "Parentheses Around"
+msgstr "Parentesia inguruan"
+#: localemon.cpp:270
+msgid "Before Quantity Money"
+msgstr "Diru kopuruaren aurretik"
+#: localemon.cpp:271
+msgid "After Quantity Money"
+msgstr "Diru kopuruaren atzetik"
+#: localemon.cpp:272
+msgid "Before Money"
+msgstr "Diruaren aurretik"
+#: localemon.cpp:273
+msgid "After Money"
+msgstr "Diruaren atzetik"
+#: localemon.cpp:278
+msgid ""
+"Here you can enter your usual currency symbol, e.g. $ or DM."
+"<p>Please note that the Euro symbol may not be available on your system, "
+"depending on the distribution you use."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, zure diruaren ikurra sar dezakezu, ad.: $."
+"<p>Jakin ezazu agian Euroaren zeinua ez dagoela zure sisteman, banaketa batzuek "
+"ez baitaukate halakorik."
+#: localemon.cpp:285
+msgid ""
+"Here you can define the decimal separator used to display monetary values."
+"<p>Note that the decimal separator used to display other numbers has to be "
+"defined separately (see the 'Numbers' tab)."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, diru-balioak bistaratzeko erabiliko den hamartarren banatzailea hauta "
+"<p>Ez ahaztu Zenbaki arruntak bistaratzeko erabiltzen den hamarrekoen "
+"banatzailea beste leku baten aukeratu behar dela (ikus 'Zenbakiak' fitxa)."
+#: localemon.cpp:293
+msgid ""
+"Here you can define the thousands separator used to display monetary values."
+"<p>Note that the thousands separator used to display other numbers has to be "
+"defined separately (see the 'Numbers' tab)."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, diru-balioak bistaratzeko erabiliko den milakaden banatzailea hauta "
+"<p>Gogora ezazu zenbaki arruntak bistaratzeko erabiltzen den milakaden "
+"banatzailea beste leku baten aukeratu behar dela (ikus 'Zenbakiak' fitxa)."
+#: localemon.cpp:301
+msgid ""
+"This determines the number of fract digits for monetary values, i.e. the number "
+"of digits you find <em>behind</em> the decimal separator. Correct value is 2 "
+"for almost all people."
+msgstr ""
+"Honek diru balioek edukiko duten zatikien kopurua ezartzen du; hau da, "
+"hamartarren banatzailearen <em>atzean</em> dauden zenbaki kopurua. Gehienentzat "
+"2 izan ohi da balio egokia."
+#: localemon.cpp:308
+msgid ""
+"If this option is checked, the currency sign will be prefixed (i.e. to the left "
+"of the value) for all positive monetary values. If not, it will be postfixed "
+"(i.e. to the right)."
+msgstr ""
+"Aukera hau hautatuz gero, diru-zeinua aurrizki gisa (balioaren ezkerrean ) "
+"erabiliko da balioak positibo direnean; ostantzean, atzizki gisa (eskuman)."
+#: localemon.cpp:314
+msgid ""
+"If this option is checked, the currency sign will be prefixed (i.e. to the left "
+"of the value) for all negative monetary values. If not, it will be postfixed "
+"(i.e. to the right)."
+msgstr ""
+"Aukera hau hautatuz gero, diru-zeinua aurrizki gisa (ezkerrean) erabiliko da "
+"balioak negatiboak direnean; ostantzean, atzizki gisa (eskuman)."
+#: localemon.cpp:320
+msgid ""
+"Here you can select how a positive sign will be positioned. This only affects "
+"monetary values."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, minus zeinuaren kokapena hautatuko duzu. Honek diru-balioei eragingo die "
+#: localemon.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"Here you can select how a negative sign will be positioned. This only affects "
+"monetary values."
+msgstr ""
+"Hemen, plus zeinuaren kokapena hautatuko duzu. Honek diru-balioei eragingo die "
+#: localetime.cpp:94
+msgid "HH"
+msgstr "OO"
+#: localetime.cpp:95
+msgid "hH"
+msgstr "oO"
+#: localetime.cpp:96
+msgid "PH"
+msgstr "PO"
+#: localetime.cpp:97
+msgid "pH"
+msgstr "pO"
+#: localetime.cpp:98
+msgid ""
+"_: Minute\n"
+msgstr "MM"
+#: localetime.cpp:99
+msgid "SS"
+msgstr "SS"
+#: localetime.cpp:100
+msgid "AMPM"
+msgstr "AMPM"
+#: localetime.cpp:110
+msgid "YYYY"
+msgstr "UUUU"
+#: localetime.cpp:111
+msgid "YY"
+msgstr "UU"
+#: localetime.cpp:112
+msgid "mM"
+msgstr "hH"
+#: localetime.cpp:113
+msgid ""
+"_: Month\n"
+msgstr "HH"
+#: localetime.cpp:114
+#: localetime.cpp:115
+msgid "MONTH"
+msgstr "HILABETEA"
+#: localetime.cpp:116
+msgid "dD"
+msgstr "dD"
+#: localetime.cpp:117
+msgid "DD"
+msgstr "DD"
+#: localetime.cpp:118
+#: localetime.cpp:119
+msgid "WEEKDAY"
+#: localetime.cpp:203
+msgid "Calendar system:"
+msgstr "Egutegi sistema:"
+#: localetime.cpp:211
+msgid "Time format:"
+msgstr "Orduaren formatua:"
+#: localetime.cpp:218
+msgid "Date format:"
+msgstr "Dataren formatua:"
+#: localetime.cpp:223
+msgid "Short date format:"
+msgstr "Dataren formatu laburra:"
+#: localetime.cpp:228
+msgid "First day of the week:"
+msgstr "Astearen lehen eguna:"
+#: localetime.cpp:235
+msgid "Use declined form of month name"
+msgstr "Erabili hilabetearen izen laburra"
+#: localetime.cpp:428
+msgid ""
+"_: some reasonable time formats for the language\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: localetime.cpp:436
+msgid ""
+"_: some reasonable date formats for the language\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: localetime.cpp:444
+msgid ""
+"_: some reasonable short date formats for the language\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: localetime.cpp:455
+msgid ""
+"_: Calendar System Gregorian\n"
+msgstr "Gregorianoa"
+#: localetime.cpp:457
+msgid ""
+"_: Calendar System Hijri\n"
+msgstr "Hijri"
+#: localetime.cpp:459
+msgid ""
+"_: Calendar System Hebrew\n"
+msgstr "Judutarra"
+#: localetime.cpp:461
+msgid ""
+"_: Calendar System Jalali\n"
+msgstr "Jalali"
+#: localetime.cpp:464
+msgid ""
+"<p>The text in this textbox will be used to format time strings. The sequences "
+"below will be replaced:</p>"
+"<td>The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (00-23).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (0-23).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (01-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The minutes as a decimal number (00-59).</td>"
+"<td>The seconds as a decimal number (00-59).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Either \"am\" or \"pm\" according to the given time value. Noon is treated "
+"as \"pm\" and midnight as \"am\".</td></tr></table>"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Kutxa honetako testua denbora adierazteko kateak osatzeko erabiliko da. "
+"Azpian dauden sekuentziak ordeztu egingo dira:</p>"
+"<td>24 orduko erlojuetan bezala, zenbaki hamartar gisan (00-23).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Ordua (24 orduko erlojua) zenbaki hamartar gisan (0-23).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Ordua 12 orduko erlojuetako zenbaki hamartarren gisan (01-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Ordua (12 orduko erlojua) zenbaki hamartar bezala (1-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Minutuak zenbaki hamartar bezala (00-59).</td></tr>"
+"<td><b>SS</b></td>Segunduak zenbaki hamartar bezala (00-59).</td></tr>"
+"<td>\"am\" edo \"pm\" denbora balioaren arabera. Eguerdia \"pm\" izango da eta "
+"gauerdia \"am\",</td></tr></table>"
+#: localetime.cpp:487
+msgid ""
+"<td>The year with century as a decimal number.</td></tr>"
+"<td>The year without century as a decimal number (00-99).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The month as a decimal number (01-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The month as a decimal number (1-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The first three characters of the month name. </td></tr>"
+"<td>The full month name.</td></tr>"
+"<td>The day of month as a decimal number (01-31).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The day of month as a decimal number (1-31).</td></tr>"
+"<td>The first three characters of the weekday name.</td></tr>"
+"<td>The full weekday name.</td></tr></table>"
+msgstr ""
+"<td>Urtea eta mendea hamartar zenbaki bezala.</td></tr>"
+"<td>Urtea menderik gabe hamartar zenbaki bezala (00-99).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Hilabetea hamartar zenbaki bezala (01-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Hilabetea hamartar zenbaki bezala (1-12).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Hilabetearen izenaren lehenengo hiru letrak </td></tr>"
+"<td>Hilabetearen izen osoa.</td></tr>"
+"<td>Hilabeteko egunaren zenbakia hamartar eran (01-31).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Hilabeteko egunaren zenbakia hamartar eran (1-31).</td></tr>"
+"<td>Asteako egunaren izenaren lehenengo hiru letrak.</td></tr>"
+"<td> Asteko egunaren izen osoa.</td></tr></table>"
+#: localetime.cpp:508
+msgid ""
+"<p>The text in this textbox will be used to format long dates. The sequences "
+"below will be replaced:</p>"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Kutxa honetako testua data luzeak osatzeko erabiliko da. Azpian dauden "
+"sekuentziak ordeztu egingo dira:</p>"
+#: localetime.cpp:514
+msgid ""
+"<p>The text in this textbox will be used to format short dates. For instance, "
+"this is used when listing files. The sequences below will be replaced:</p>"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Kutxa honetako testua data laburrak osatzeko erabiliko da. Adibidez, "
+"fitxategi zerrendetan erakusteko erabiliko da. Azpian dauden sekuentziak "
+"ordeztu egingo dira:</p>"
+#: localetime.cpp:521
+msgid ""
+"<p>This option determines which day will be considered as the first one of the "
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Aukera honen bitartez astearen lehen eguna zein den zehaztuko da.</p>"
+#: localetime.cpp:528
+msgid ""
+"<p>This option determines whether possessive form of month names should be used "
+"in dates.</p>"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>Aukera honen bitartez, datetan hilabeteen forma posesiboa erabiliko den "
+"zehaztuko da.</p>"
+#: localeother.cpp:48
+msgid "Paper format:"
+msgstr "Paper formatua:"
+#: localeother.cpp:55
+msgid "Measure system:"
+msgstr "Neurketa sistema:"
+#: localeother.cpp:119
+msgid ""
+"_: The Metric System\n"
+msgstr "Metrikoa"
+#: localeother.cpp:121
+msgid ""
+"_: The Imperial System\n"
+msgstr "Inperiala"
+#: localeother.cpp:123
+msgid "A4"
+msgstr "A4"
+#: localeother.cpp:124
+msgid "US Letter"
+msgstr "US Letter"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
+msgid ""
+"Your names"
+msgstr "Marcos Goienetxe, Juan Irigoien"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
+msgid ""
+"Your emails"
+msgstr ","