&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail; MalcolmHunter
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2002-10-16 3.1 KDE kdebase kcontrol network timeouts
Preferences Here you can set timeout values. You might want to tweak them if your connection is very slow, but the default settings are appropriate for most users. Here Timeout Values are the length of time an application should wait for an answer from a network operation. You can configure the following timeouts: Socket Read Some applications use sockets to communicate. You can think of a socket as a water tap; while it is open, water (or in our case, data) comes out, without any interaction. If something stops this flow of data, the application will wait for more to come. This could be a very long time, but you can configure a maximum time for an application to wait with this option. This setting will only apply to &kde; applications, of course. Proxy Connect Sets how long to wait for a connection to a proxy server, if one is configured. Server Connect Sets how long to wait for a connection to a remote server. Server Response Sets how long to wait for a reply from a remote server. You can configure FTP Options here. At present there is just one option, Enable Passive Mode (PASV). Passive &FTP; is often required when you are behind a firewall. Many firewalls only permit connections that were initiated from the inside. Passive &FTP; is controlled by the client, which makes it usable through firewalls.