Daniel Naber
David Rugge
Marc Mutz Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Michel Boyer de la Giroday
Conversion to British English
2004-07-13 1.7
Configure &kmail; General Information &kmail;'s configuration window enables you to configure &kmail; in many ways. You can reach it via SettingsConfigure &kmail;.... It is divided into six pages, each of them represented by one of the icons in the list on the left hand side of the dialogue. Below the pages will be described in detail. The dialogue has several buttons: Help This will open this manual at the appropriate page. Defaults This will reset the configuration options on the current page back to the default values. Load Profile... This will open a dialogue which offers several configuration profiles. You can use these as starting points for your own configuration. Reset This resets all changes you have made since you last saved the settings. OK This saves the settings and closes the configuration dialogue. Apply This saves the settings without closing the configuration dialogue. Cancel This closes the configuration dialogue without saving the changes you have made. Identities Page You can find a quick introduction to the Identities page in the Getting Started section. This page allows you to create one or more Identities, &ie; combinations of name, email address and other settings. For example, you can create one identity for business communication and one for personal communication. If you have more than one email address, you can create one identity per address. You will then be able to select an identity on a per-message basis. The page consists of a list of identities and buttons to manage them. The identities list will always show at least one identity, which is then the Default identity. To add a new identity to the identity list, click on the New... button. The New identity dialogue will then appear. The <guilabel>New Identity</guilabel> Dialogue You have to enter the name of the new identity into the New Identity edit field. This will be the name shown in the identity list. You can choose how the new identity should be initialised by checking one of the three radio buttons in the middle of the dialogue: With empty fields All fields of the new identity are cleared or preset with standard values. Use Control Centre settings Uses the settings of the Control Centre's default email profile (you can edit that one under Internet & Network Email in the Control Centre). Duplicate existing identity Copies all fields from an existing identity. You can choose which identity to copy from by selecting the corresponding entry in the Existing identities popup. General The General tab allows you to specify some basic settings for the currently selected identity. Your name Enter your full name here (sometimes also called display name). Although this field is not strictly mandatory, it is recommended to enter the correct value here. Organisation Enter your organisation here. This field is optional. Email address Enter your email address here, &ie; something like joe@example.com. Example So if your address is Joe User <joe@example.com>, you should enter Joe User into the Your name field and joe@example.com into the Email address field. Cryptography The Cryptography tab allows you to specify &openpgp; and &smime; keys associated with this identity, as well as choosing the preferred (cryptographic) message format to use. OpenPGP signing key Here you can select the key to be used when &openpgp;-signing messages written with this identity in effect. For brevity, only the short key id of selected keys is shown. Hovering with the mouse over the key list will show more information in a tooltip. To clear the label press the Clear button. To change the selected key, press the Change... button. A dialogue listing all secret &openpgp; keys will be shown allowing you to select the one to use. OpenPGP encryption key Here you can select the key to &openpgp;-encrypt messages to when this identity and are in effect. This key is also used for the function of the Composer. To change the selected key, press the Change... button. A dialogue listing all &openpgp; keys found in your keyring will be shown allowing you to select the one to use. You can clear the list of keys and get more information about them in the same way as described for . S/MIME signing certificate Here you can select the certificate to be used when &smime;-signing messages written with this identity in effect. To change the selected certificate, press the Change... button. A dialogue listing all secret &smime; signing certificates will be shown allowing you to select the one to use. You can clear the list of certificates and get more information about them in the same way as described for . S/MIME encryption certificate Here you can select the certificate to &smime;-encrypt messages to when this identity and are in effect. To change the selected certificate, press the Change... button. A dialogue listing all &smime; encryption certificates found in your local keybox will be shown allowing you to select the one to use. You can clear the list of certificates and get more information about them in the same way as described for . Preferred crypto message format Here you can choose which cryptographic message format to use by default with this identity. You can either select any of the four formats supported by &kmail; or leave the option at the recommended default setting of Any, which will choose a suitable format based on the recipients of the message, or might even go so far as to create two copies of the message, one &smime; signed and/or encrypted, the other &openpgp; signed and/or encrypted. Advanced The Advanced tab allows you to specify some rarely used or otherwise specialised settings for the currently selected identity. Reply-To address Enter the address to which replies to your messages should be sent. Only fill out this field if it is different from your normal address (specified using the Name and Email Address on the General tab), since replies default to the sender's address anyway. This field is only useful if you want replies to your mail to go somewhere else than your regular email address, ⪚ if you are using this identity to send messages from an email address that cannot receive messages. Note that some mailing lists overwrite this header field with their post address to make sure that replies go to the list instead of individuals. So the usefulness of this field is very limited and it should only be used in rare cases. BCC address Optionally enter an address to which blind copies of your messages should be sent to. Note that a BCC is only send to this address, when ViewBCC is activated while composing a message. If you want to send a BCC regardless of this setting, you should look at the Headers tab of the Composer page. Sent-mail folder Select the folder into which messages should be filed after sending when using this identity. IMAP users should consider changing this to an IMAP folder, so their sent-mail is stored on a server instead of being stored in a local folder. This way they can access these messages at a different location. You can exercise more fine-grained control over where to file sent messages by creating a corresponding message filter that is applied to outgoing messages. Drafts folder Select the folder into which drafts should be filed when using this identity. IMAP users should consider changing this to an IMAP folder, so their drafts are stored on a server instead of being stored in a local folder. This way they can easily continue to work on their drafts at a different location. Special transport Select or enter an alternative SMTP server to be used when sending messages using this identity. You need to configure outgoing mail servers first, before you can choose them from the list. You can do this on the Sending tab of the Accounts page. Signature This tab allows you to specify a signature (sometimes called footer or disclaimer) to be appended to each message sent using this identity. This type of signature has nothing to do with the (digital) signatures for which you can select the keys to use on the Cryptography tab. It is just bad wording to call this a signature, but since the term is already used everywhere else, we keep this notation. Just keep in mind that these signatures and digital signatures are two completely different things. Check the Enable signature option if you want to be able to append the signature when using this identity. To automatically append it to every new message you also have to select Automatically append signature in the Composer configuration page. &kmail; can obtain the signature text from various sources. The traditional way on Unix is to read the text from a file called .signature in your home folder. This file can be shared between several programs, so you get the same signature in each mail program you use. To read the text from a text file you select Obtain signature text from file. Enter the filename in the Specify file edit field or hit the button to the right of it to browse your filesystem. If you want to edit the file, hit the Edit File button. &kmail; can also read the signature text from the output of a command. Thus, you can use programs such as fortune to create a new signature text for every message. Everything the program prints onto stdout is caught and used as the signature text. To read the text from the output of a command you select Obtain signature text from Output of Command. Enter the command (preferably with full path) in the Specify command edit field. As a third option, you can enter the signature text directly in &kmail;'s configuration dialogue. To do this, select Obtain signature text from input field below and enter the text into the appearing text box. On the Internet, signatures are by convention separated from the body of the message by a line containing only the three character -- (dash, dash, space). &kmail; will automatically prepend the signature text with this line if it is not already present in the signature text. If you do not wish the separator to be prepended automatically by &kmail;, simply add it to the signature text yourself. Accounts Page You can find a quick introduction to the Accounts page in the Setting up your Account section. This page allows you to create one or more (incoming and outgoing) accounts, &ie; combinations of mail servers, login information and other settings. Typically, you will create one outgoing (used for sending messages) and one incoming (used to retrieve messages) account. You can create as many accounts as you want, though, and assign each one to different identities or decide on a per-message basis. Sending The Sending tab allows you to define new outgoing mail servers and set some common options. For basic information, see Setting up your Account: Sending. When you click Add... or Modify... the Add transport or Modify transport dialogues will open respectively. For sending via sendmail or similar programs you can specify a name and the location of the sendmail program. For SMTP you can specify Name, Host and Port of the server. Server requires authentication will enable the Login and Password fields and the Authentication method buttons on the Security tab. If you are not sure about the security settings you can make &kmail; test for the best settings by using Check What the Server Supports. Confirm before send will pop up a confirmation box every time you send a message. Send messages in outbox folder lets you specify when queued messages, &ie; messages in the outbox folder pending to be sent, should be sent. You can choose between: Never Automatically Queued messages will only be sent if you select FileSend queued messages. On Manual Mail Checks Queued messages will be sent after you have manually checked for new mail, ⪚ with FileCheck Mail. Of course, you can also manually send the queued messages with FileSend queued messages. On All Mail Checks Queued messages will be sent after all checks for new mail, &ie; after automatic mail checks as well as after manual mail checks. Of course, you can also manually send the queued messages with FileSend queued messages. Default send method lets you define what happens when a message is sent. If Send now is selected, the message is sent to the mail server immediately, while if Send later is selected, the message is queued in the outbox to be sent later with the FileSend Queued Messages command or automatically when you check your mail, depending on the setting of Send messages in outbox folder above. Message property lets you select how your message will be encoded when it is sent. Allow 8-bit means that &kmail; will send your message in 8-bit ASCII, which means that all special characters such as accented letters will be sent as-is. If MIME Compliant (Quoted Printable) is selected, special characters will be encoded using standard &MIME; encodings, which may be more portable to mailing systems other than 8-bit ASCII. We recommend to use MIME Compliant. Even with Allow 8-bit selected &kmail; will use MIME Compliant encoding in some situations, for example for sending cryptographically signed messages. Default domain lets you specify which domain name should be used to complete email addresses that only consist of the recipient's user name. For example when you set the default domain to kde.org then messages you send to joebloggs will be sent to joebloggs@kde.org. Receiving For basic information, see Setting up your Account: Receiving. Check mail on startup lets you specify whether KMail should check for new mail immediately after it has been started. With New Mail Notification you can set how &kmail; will notify you if new messages have arrived: Beep will play a short beep sound; if Detailed new mail notification is enabled then &kmail; will show the number of new messages for each folder provided you have chosen to be notified with a dialogue. More advanced notification options, like showing a dialogue or running a certain command, are available via the Other Actions button. Appearance Page Fonts This section allows you to change the type, size and character set of the display fonts. Message Body sets the font for the reader pane, Composer sets the font for writing messages in the composer window. There is a separate entry for Message List - Date Field so you can choose a monospaced font for the date field for better readability. Colours This section allows you to change the colour of the text. Recycle colours on deep quoting means that even text that is quoted more than three times will appear in colour. Note that the Quoted text colours only work in the message reader, not in the composer. Layout Show HTML status bar activates a bar at the left side of the reader pane that tells you if a message is &html; or not. This is important because &html; messages might imitate the look of a signed and encrypted message, so you should be aware of the fact that you are reading a &html; message. The &html; status bar itself cannot be influenced by the &html; code of the message. The Window Layout section lets you choose the layout of the main window. You can choose where you want the Message Preview Pane or choose not to have it at all. The Message Structure Viewer option lets you choose when the structure viewer will be shown: the structure viewer is a part of the main window that lets you access all parts of a message. Show never will disable the structure viewer (note that you can still access attachments as icons), Show always will show the structure viewer even if there is only one plaintext part. Show only for non-plaintext messages will display the structure viewer only if it makes sense, &ie; if the current message has attachments or has &html; parts. Headers With Display message sizes selected there will be another column in the header pane that shows the messages' size. Show crypto icons will add more status information to the Subject columns in the header pane: every message that has been signed will have a small Signed icon in front of the subject, every message that has been encrypted will have a small Encrypted icon in front of the subject. Note that you have to select a message once before these icons will appear, until then only question marks will be displayed. Thread list of message headers will put all the messages in the header pane in a kind of tree list, so that the replies to a message are directly below that message. With Message header threading options you can select whether threads should appear expanded (open) by default or whether they should be collapsed (closed). You can of course still open/close threads using the +/- buttons. With Date Display you can choose between several date formats. The Localised Format is the one you can specify under Country & Language in &kcontrol;. For the Custom format you can get a description of the possible values by pressing &Shift;F1 and then clicking on Custom option. System Tray If you enable the system tray icon then a small &kmail; icon with the number of unread messages will be shown in the system tray. You can enable &kmail;'s system tray icon with Enable system tray icon, and with System Tray Mode you can specify whether the tray icon should always be shown or only if you have unread messages. If the icon is visible then you can hide &kmail;'s main window by clicking on the icon or by clicking on the window close button. By clicking on the icon you can make &kmail;'s main window visible again. If you click on the icon with the right mousebutton then you get a menu with a few useful commands. You can check for new mail, create a new message or quit &kmail;. Additionally, there is the entry New Messages In which lists all folders containing unread messages. If you choose one of those folders then this folder will be selected in &kmail;'s main window. Composer Page General Automatically append signature If checked, your signature as defined in the identity page is automatically included at the end of all messages you create (&ie; new messages, replies &etc;). Use smart quoting If checked, &kmail; will break long lines but will try to keep the correct quoting (⪚ the > will always be at the start of the line). Automatically request message disposition notifications If checked, will default to on. Check this option only if you know what you are doing. &mdn;s are considered a nuisance (or are simply ignored) by a lot of people. It is better to decide to request them on a message-by-message basis. Word wrap at column Lets you turn word wrapping on and off in the composer window and lets you set the column at which words will be wrapped (you probably should not need to change the default value, which is 78). Autosave interval A backup copy of the text in the composer window can be created regularly. This option lets you specify the interval used to create the backup. You can disable autosaving by setting it to the value 0. External Editor If you do not like the Composer you can use a different editor. Note that the composer window will still open and the external editor will open as soon as you type just one character in the body of the message. If you are done, save the text and exit the editor. The text will now appear in the composer window, where you can send it. Note that your editor may not return immediately, you have to use ⪚ gvim %f for gvim. Phrases The Phrases tab lets you define the automatically generated lines that are added to message replies, forwarded messages, and the character that is added in front of quoted text. There are special %-denoted characters that will insert certain values, which are also displayed at the top of the Phrases section. You can add reply phrases in languages other than your default &kde; language using the Add... button. You can then choose between different languages with the Language drop down box. This will only work for languages whose i18n package you have installed. Subject This section contains a list of prefixes for Reply and Forward. If you receive messages that use prefixes different to the standard ones, you can add them here so &kmail; will recognise them. This way &kmail; can ignore them for sorting messages and when setting the subject of a reply or a forwarded messages, and optionally replace them with Re: or Fwd: respectively. Charset Here you can manage the default charsets used for your own messages. Every message you send will be checked if it is written in one of the listed charsets, starting at the top of the list. If it is, this charset will be used. If it is not, a dialogue will show up and tell you that you manually have to choose a charset using OptionsSet Encoding. If you select Keep original charset when replying or forwarding (if possible), the original message's charset will be kept, unless there are now characters that cannot be represented using that charset. Headers Check the Use custom message-id suffix checkbox if you want &kmail; to generate Message-Id's with a custom suffix. Enter the desired suffix in the Custom message-id suffix field. Please make sure that the suffix that you specify is world-wide unique. The best thing is to use the name of a domain which you are the owner of. If you do not check Use custom Message-Id suffix then &kmail; will automatically generate the complete Message-Id. If you do not know what this is all about do not check this option. The Define custom mime header fields list sets the headers that &kmail; will use for its outgoing messages. You can both invent new fields and overwrite existing ones. This feature is only useful for advanced users. Attachments If you have to send attachments with filenames containing non-English characters to users of Outlook(TM) or Outlook Express(TM) then you might want to check the Outlook-compatible attachment naming option. &kmail; will then encode the attachment names in a non-standard way that is understood by Outlook(TM). Note that &kmail; will create non-standard compliant messages, and consequently it is possible that your messages will not be understood by standard-compliant mail clients. So, unless you have no other choice, you should not enable this option. Check the Enable detection of missing attachments checkbox if you want &kmail; to warn you whenever you are about to send a message without attachments although the message text contains certain words which indicate that you wanted to include an attachment. The list of key words can be modified. Security Page Reading On this tab you can configure security-relevant options for reading messages. Prefer HTML to plain text If checked, &kmail; will show &html; messages with their &html; formatting and layout. We strongly recommend to leave this option off, as security problems with &html; might show up. When this option is off, you can still read &html; messages, but only as plain text. Allow messages to load external references from the Internet If checked, &kmail; can load external images, style sheets &etc; from the Internet when you look at an &html; message. We strongly recommend to leave this option off (although it has no effect if you only view plain text messages). By adding external references to their messages, people sending spam can detect that and when you have looked at their message. Note that this option has no effect on &Java;, JavaScript and Plugins - these are disabled anyway and cannot be enabled at all. Message Disposition Notifications &mdn;s are a generalisation of what is commonly called a read receipt. The message author requests a disposition notification to be sent and the receiver's mail program generates a reply from which the author can learn what happened to his message. Common disposition types include displayed (&ie; read), deleted and dispatched (⪚ forwarded). The following options (listed as Send policy) are available to control when &kmail; sends &mdn;s: Ignore (recommended) Ignores any request for disposition notifications. No &mdn; will ever be sent automatically. Ask Answers requests only after asking the user for permission. This way, you can send &mdn;s for selected messages while denying or ignoring them for others. Deny Always sends a denied notification. This is only slightly better than always sending &mdn;s. The author will still know that the messages has been acted upon, he just cannot tell whether it was deleted or read &etc; Always send Always sends the requested disposition notification. That means that the author of the message gets to know when the message was acted upon and, in addition, what happened to it (displayed, deleted &etc;). This option is strongly discouraged, but since it makes sense where privacy is not a concern, ⪚ in customer relationship management, it has been made available. If you are unsure, experiment a while with Ask and if you find &kmail;s questions annoying, switch to Ignore. The following options (listed as Quote original message) are available to control how much of the original message &kmail; sends back in &mdn;s. Nothing No parts of the message other than the mandatory message-id and the original recipient is included in the &mdn; reply. This preserves enough information for the sender to find the message in his sent messages for which this &mdn; was generated. Full message Attaches the complete message to the disposition notification. Usually, this is overkill. It does not add any valuable information that cannot be deduced from the message headers alone, but people sometimes insist on this, since it is much easier for humans to correlate the content of the message than just the headers to what they sent earlier. Only headers Attaches only the headers to the disposition notification. This is usually enough to enable both humans (by subject) and computers (by message-id) to easily correlate &mdn; and original message. If unsure, leave the option at the default. Do not send MDNs in response to encrypted messages This option suppresses the sending of &mdn;s if the message is encrypted (partially or in whole). This thwarts attempts to use &kmail;'s &mdn; feature as an oracle to deduce whether you were able to decrypt the message or not. Strictly speaking, this option is not needed, since &kmail; sends &mdn;s regardless of whether the message could be successfully decrypted or not (the disposition notification request resides in the unencrypted part of the message), but it gives the security-conscious user the choice to either send them always if requested (option unchecked), or never (option checked). If unsure, leave the option checked. Automatically import keys and certificates If checked, &kmail; automatically imports any attachments containing &openpgp; keys into your local keyring, and any attachments containing &smime; keys into your local key box. Verifying &smime; signatures always involves importing the contained certificates. This option thus does not affect this. It is also unrelated to &gpg;'s feature, where &gpg; will try to import unknown keys from a key server. Composing On this tab you can configure security-relevant options for composing messages. Automatically sign messages If checked, the option in the composer will default to on. However, you can still switch it on and off on a per-message basis. Always encrypt to self If checked, any message that is encrypted to the recipients will additionally be encrypted to yourself. If you uncheck this option, you may not be able to decrypt the messages written by yourself and encrypted to other people anymore. Store sent messages encrypted This options enables a mode of using mail encryption that is sometimes (misleadingly) called transport-only encryption. In this mode of operation, the message encryption is stripped off as soon as the message has reached its destination. The encryption lasts only while the message is on its way. &kmail; supports this mode half-heartedly, since such functionality should better placed at the mail server (MTA) than at the mail client (MUA) level. Thus, future versions of &kmail; may drop support for this option. If checked, messages are stored in your sent-mail folder just as you sent them (&ie; if they were encrypted, they are also stored that way). If unchecked, messages will always be stored unencrypted in your sent-mail folder, even if they are sent encrypted. Always show the encryption keys for approval If checked, everytime you encrypt a message, a dialogue will appear that presents you with the encryption keys that will be used for each recipient. You can then review the choice of keys, change them, and approve or cancel the encryption operation. We recommend to keep this option checked, since it makes the encryption process more transparent. Automatically encrypt messages whenever possible Also called opportunistic encryption. If checked, &kmail; will try to match recipients to (&openpgp; or &smime;) keys even when you did not specifically request encryption. If usable keys are found for all recipients, &kmail; will ask whether or not you want to encrypt the message. It is highly recommended to turn this on, as it makes encrypting messages really easy to use. Never sign/encrypt when saving as draft If checked, &kmail; will not attempt to sign and/or encrypt messages that are merely saved to the drafts folder. This is more convenient, and does not result in a gross loss of security, provided the drafts folder is safe. &imap; users might want this options turned off, if their drafts folder is on the server. Warnings On this tab you can switch security-relavant warnings on and off. Warn when trying to send unsigned messages If checked, &kmail; will show a warning if for whatever reason a message would be sent without being digitally signed. Warn when trying to send unencrypted messages If checked, &kmail; will show a warning if for whatever reason a message would be sent without being encrypted. While it is common to sign all outgoing messages, encrypting them is not. So unless your company has a policy of never sending any unencrypted messages, it might be a good idea to keep this option switched off and rely on opportunistic encryption to alert you if you could send encrypted messages, but did not request it. Warn if receiver's email address is not in certificate If checked, &kmail; will emit a warning if an &smime; certifciate or &openpgp; key will be used for a recipient whose email address is not listed in the email addresses stored in the certificate. Situations in which this warning will trigger include when configuring your per-identity &openpgp; keys or &smime; certificates, when encrypting, and when verifying signatures, if the signature was made with a certificate that does not include the email address of the sender. Warn if certificates/keys expire soon If checked, &kmail; will warn when an &smime; certificate or &openpgp; key is used which will expire soon. The period in which to warn before key/certificate expiration can then be configured separately for signing and encryption keys, as well as (in the case of &smime;), for end-user certificates, intermediate CA certificates and root certificates. Re-Enable All "Don't Ask Again" Warnings Apart from the main warnings described above, there are more warning and information messages, which contain an option to not show them again. If you would like to re-enable them after choosing not to show them again, you can achieve this by pressing this button. This will re-enable all such warnings for &kmail;. It does not make much sense to allow more fine-grained selection of which warnings to show since you can just check the option to suppress them again when they next show up. &smime; Validation This tab contains selected entries from &gpgsm;'s dynamic backend configuration dialogue. Please refer to the &gpgsm; manual for a description of these options. Crypto Backends On this tab you can configure which crypto backends are to be used for &openpgp; and &smime; cryptographic operations (such as signing and encrypting). On the right-hand side, you see a list of available backends. Below each backend entry, you can see what protocols (&openpgp; and/or &smime;) the backend supports. If a protocol is not listed, the backend does not support it. If it is listed, but greyed out, the backend supports the protocol, but some required programs were not found, or other errors occurred during initialisation. If you press Rescan, a dialogue box will appear that lists reasons for the initialisation failure. To configure a backend, select it in the list of available backends and press Configure.... The per-backend configuration dialogue is dynamically created from the information returned by the backend. It may therefore change if you update the backend applications, although &kmail; itself is unchanged. If the Configure... button is disabled, the backend does not support a backend configuration dialogue. Please refer to the manuals of the applications underlying each backend for a description of the options presented in the backend configuration dialogues. In front of each backend's protocol entries, you can see a checkbox, with which you select which backend is to be used for a given protocol. These checkboxes are exclusive per protocol, meaning that if you select a backend to perform &openpgp; operations, any previously selected &openpgp; implementation will be unselected, but the &smime; backend selection will be unchanged. If no backend is selected for a given protocol, that protocol is effectively disabled for use in &kmail;. Misc Page Folders Ask for confirmation before moving all messages to the wastebin Enable this option if you want to be asked for confirmation whenever you use FolderMove All Messages to Wastebin. Exclude important messages from expiry Enable this option if important messages should never be deleted during message expiration, &ie; during automatic deletion of old messages. When trying to find unread messages This option controls what happens if you press one of the shortcuts to go to the next or previous unread message (⪚ Space). If you ask &kmail; to go to the next unread message although there is no unread message below the currently selected message then the following happens: If Do not Loop is selected then nothing will happen. If Loop in Current Folder is selected then &kmail; will search from the beginning of the current folder for an unread message. If none is found then nothing happens. If Loop in All Folders is selected then &kmail; will first search in the current folder for another unread message. If none is found then &kmail; will search the next folder containing unread messages. Correspondingly, if you ask &kmail; to go to the previous unread message. Jump to first unread message when entering a folder If this option is enabled &kmail; will go to the first unread message when you enter a folder; if it is not enabled, &kmail; will go to first new message or, if there is no new message, to the message that was selected when you last left the folder. Mark selected message as read after... When you select a new or unread message, &kmail; will change the message's status to read after the number of seconds entered here. If you disable this option, messages will keep their new or unread status. Ask for action after dragging messages to another folder When you drag a message to a different folder, a small popup will ask you if you want to move or copy the message. If you disable this option, the message will be moved immediately, without a popup. By default, message folders on disk are... Here you can set the default folder format that is used when you create a new folder. Open this folder on startup Here you can set the folder that should be selected by default if you start &kmail;. If you use only &imap; folders then you might want to set this to your &imap; inbox folder. Empty wastebin on program exit The wastebin folder is cleared of messages when you quit &kmail; if this option is selected. Groupware Enable IMAP resource functionality Makes it possible to store the entries from the Kontact applications (KOrganizer, KAddressBook and KNotes). This option has to be set whenever you are configuring Kontact as a TDE Kolab client. This option being enabled you will also need to add the appropriate resources from the TDE Control Center (kcontrol) in the TDE Resources Configuration section. Kolab resources have to be added in case the resource functionality applies to a TDE Kolab client set-up. Format used for the groupware folders Choose the storage format for the groupware folders Default format is Standard (Ical/Vcard) for calendar folders (Ical) and addressbook folders (Vcard). This makes all Kontact features available. Kolab users should choose Kolab XML. This format uses a custom model that matches more closely to the one used in Microsoft Outlook(tm) and gives better compatibility. Language of the groupware folders Choose between the available languages to set the folder names of the IMAP storage to your local language. Note that this option is only aimed for compatibility with Microsoft Outlook(tm). It is not recommended to change its default unless you have to, since it makes changing languages impossible. Resource folders are in account Select the parent of the IMAP resource folders. You should select the name of your IMAP/DIMAP account. By default the Kolab server sets the IMAP inbox to be the parent. Hide groupware folders You should not need to see the folders that hold the IMAP resources. However if you want to see them, you can set that by enabling this option. Mangle From:/To: headers in replies to invitations Enable this option to make Microsoft Outlook(tm) understand your answers to invitations replies. Send invitations in the mail body Invitations use to be send as attachments to a mail. By enabling this option, you let the invitation mails to be sent in the text of the mail, which is necessary to send invitations and replies to Microsoft Outlook(tm).