Command reference The following keybindings assume you did not change the default settings. The main &knode; window The <guimenu >File</guimenu > menu &Ctrl;S File Save Saves the selected article in a file. &Ctrl;P File Print Prints the selected article. File Send pending messages The messages in the Outbox folder are sent. File Stop Network Disconnects the current connection to a newsserver. &Ctrl;Q File Quit Quits &knode;. The <guimenu >Edit</guimenu > menu &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copy the selected text to the clipboard. &Ctrl;A Edit Select all Selects the whole article. F4 Edit Search articles Opens the Search Dialogue Box for searching in the active group. Edit Fetch article with ID... Enables the download of an article with a specified article-ID. The <guimenu >View</guimenu > menu View Show Threads When this is activated, &knode; shows discussions as a tree view in the article view. View Expand all threads When this is activated, &knode; shows the complete threads; this is only functional when Show threads is active. View Collapse all threads When this is activated, &knode; shows no threads; this is only functional when Show threads is active. T View Toggle Subthread Toggles between showing and collapsing the selected thread. View Filter Allows you to choose a filter for the article view. View Sort Allows you to sort the article view. F5 View Refresh list Refreshes the article view View Show all headers When this setting is activated, &knode; shows the complete article header in the article window. View Unscramble (ROT 13) When this setting is activated, &knode; shows all characters of the complete article rotated by 13 characters. View Verify PGP signature Checks the PGP signature in the article. X View Use fixed font Activates the configured fixed-width font for the viewer. View Charset Here you can configure the charset which is used for the articles. The <guimenu >Go</guimenu > menu B Go Previous article Jumps to previous article in the article view. N Go Next article Jumps to next article in the article view. &Alt;Space Go Next unread article Jumps to the next unread article, and to the first unread article of the next newsgroup if necessary. &Ctrl;Space Go Next unread thread Jumps to the next unread thread, and to the next unread thread in the next newsgroup if necessary. - Go Previous group Jumps to the previous news group in the folder view + Go Next group Jumps to the next newsgroup in the folder view The <guimenu >Account</guimenu > menu Account Get new articles in all groups Connects with the active account and fetches any new messages. Account Subscribe to Newsgroups Opens the Dialogue Box for subscribing to newsgroups for the active account. Account Expire all groups Here you can expire all groups of an account manually. Account Account Properties Opens the properties dialogue for the active account. Account Delete Account Deletes the active account and all subscribed newsgroups therein. The <guimenu >Group</guimenu > menu Group Get new articles Connects with the active account and fetches any new messages. Group Expire group Checks if there are any old articles and, if so, deletes them. Group Reorganise group Rebuilds the article view by using the configured sortings. Group Mark all as read Sets the status of all articles in the active newsgroup to read. Group Mark all as unread Sets the status of all articles in the active newsgroup to unread. Group Group Properties Opens the dialogue for the group properties. Group Unsubscribe Unsubscribes from the active newsgroup The <guimenu >Folder</guimenu > menu Folder New Folder Creates a new main folder. Folder New Subfolder Creates a new subfolder. Folder Rename Folder Here you can rename the active folder. Folder Import MBox Folder With this function it is possible to import an MBox folder into the active folder. Folder Export as MBox Folder With this function you can export the active folder as an MBox folder. Folder Compact Folder Removes all deleted articles from the active folder. Folder Compact All Folders Removes all deleted articles from the every folder. Folder Empty Folder Deletes all articles from the active folder. Folder Delete Folder Deletes the active folder. The <guimenu >Article</guimenu > menu P Article Post To Newsgroup Opens the Composer, with the settings for writing new articles set to those of the active newsgroup. R Article Followup To Newsgroup Opens the Composer for writing a followup, with the content of the active article. A Article Reply by Email Opens the Composer for writing an e-mail to the author of the active article. F Article Forward by Email Opens the Composer for forwarding the active article as e-mail. D Article Mark as Read Set the status of the active article to read U Article Mark as Unread Set the status of the active article to unread &Ctrl;D Article Mark Thread as Read Set the status of the active thread to read &Ctrl;U Article Mark Thread as Unread Set the status of the active thread to unread Article Cancel Article Generate a message which deletes the active Article in Usenet; you can only use this with your own articles. Article Supersede Article Opens the Composer with the content of the active article; when this article is posted it overwrites the original article. You can only use this with your own articles. O Article Open in own window The active article is opened in a new window. Article View Source The source code of the active article is opened in a new window. E Article Edit Article... Opens the Composer for editing the active article; you can only use this in the Outbox and Drafts folders. Delete Article Delete Article Deletes the active article. You can only use this in the Outbox and Drafts folders. Article Send now Sends the active article. You can only use this in the Outbox and Drafts folders. The <guimenu >Scoring</guimenu > menu &Ctrl;E Scoring Edit Scoring Rules... The dialogue to edit the scoring rules will be opened. Scoring Recalculate scores The scores will be reset and recalculated. &Ctrl;L Scoring Lower Score for Author... Creates a rule for lowering the score of all articles posted by the author of the active article. &Ctrl;I Scoring Raise Score for Author... Creates a rule for raising the score of all articles posted by the author of the active article. WScoring Watch Thread Sets the score for this thread to the configured score of watched threads (standard = 100). I Scoring Ignore Thread Sets the score for this thread to the configured score of ignored threads (standard = -100). The <guimenu >Settings</guimenu > menu Settings Show Toolbar This option toggles whether the toolbar is shown or not. Settings Show Statusbar This option toggles whether the statusbar is shown or not. Settings Show Group view This option toggles whether the group list is shown or not. Settings Show Header view This option toggles whether the header view is shown or not. Settings Show Article viewer This option toggles whether the article is shown or not. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Opens a dialogue for configuring the key bindings. Settings Configure Toolbars... Opens a dialogue for configuring the toolbars. Settings Configure KNode... Opens a dialogue for configuring &knode;. The <guimenu >Help</guimenu > menu &; The composer menus. The <guimenu >File</guimenu > menu &Ctrl;Return File Send Now Sends the current article immediately. File Send Later Stores the current article in the Outbox to be sent later. File Save as Draft Saves the current article in the Drafts folder, so you can finish editing it another time. File Delete Deletes the current article, closing the editor. &Ctrl;W File Close Closes the editor window The <guimenu >Edit</guimenu > menu &Ctrl;Z Edit Undo Undo the last edit. &Ctrl;ShiftZ Edit Redo Redo the last action undone with the Undo menu entry. &Ctrl;X Edit Cut Cuts the currently-selected text to the clipboard, deleting it from the editor window. &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard. &Ctrl;V Edit Paste Pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the editor window. Edit Paste as Quotation Pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the editor window with a quote character (>) at the beginning of each line. Edit Select All Selects all the text in the editor window. &Ctrl;F Edit Find Opens the Find dialogue. &Ctrl;R Edit Replace... Opens the Replace dialogue. The <guimenu >Attach</guimenu > menu Attach Append Signature Inserts your signature at the end of the article you are editing. Attach Insert File... Inserts the contents of a file into the editor window. Attach Insert File (in a box)... Inserts the contents of a file into the editor window and puts a box around of it. Attach Attach File... Inserts a file as an attachment. The <guimenu >Options</guimenu > menu Options Send News-Article Toggles whether the message is to be sent as an article or not. Options Send Email Toggles whether the message is to be sent as an email or not; if it's configured, an external editor will be activated. Options Set Charset Here you can configure the charset used for this article; normally you use us-ascii for English-speaking areas. Options Word Wrap Toggles the word wrapping in the editor on or off. The <guimenu >Tools</guimenu > menu Tools Add Quote Characters Puts > in front of the marked lines. Tools Remove Quote Characters Removes the quote characters at the beginning of the marked lines. Tools Add Box Puts the marked lines in an ASCII box. Tools Remove Box Removes the ASCII box around the marked area. Tools Sign Article with PGP Signs the article with PGP. Tools Get Original Text (not rewrapped) Rebuilds the original posting when answering to an article. Tools Scramble (Rot-13) Encrypts the marked text by rotating every character 13 characters of the alphabet. Tools Start External Editor Start the external editor (if one is configured) with the current contents of the editor window. &Ctrl;Z Tools Spelling... Opens a dialogue box to check your spelling. The <guimenu >Settings</guimenu > menu Settings Show Toolbar Toggles whether the toolbar should be shown or not. Settings Show Statusbar Toggles whether the statusbar should be shown or not. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Opens a dialogue for configuring the key bindings. Settings Configure Toolbars... Opens a dialogue for configuring the toolbars. Settings Configure KNode... Open the &knode; Preferences dialogue. The <guimenu >Help</guimenu > menu &;