Tiskanje ACLs Abbreviation for Access Control Lists; ACLs are used to check for the access by a given (authenticated) user. A first rough support for ACLs for printing is available from ∪︀; this will be refined in future versions. Authentication AppSocket Protocol AppSocket is a protocol for the transfer of print data, also frequently called "Direct TCP/IP Printing". &Hewlett-Packard; have used AppSocket to add a few minor extensions around it and were very successfull to re-name and market it under the brand "&HP; JetDirect"... &HP; JetDirect Protocol Direct TCP/IP Printing APSfilter APSfilter is used mainly in the context of "classical" &UNIX; printing (BSD-style LPD). It is a sophisticated shell script, disguising as an "all-in-one" filtering program. In reality, APSfilter calls "real filters" to do the jobs needed. It sends printjobs automatically through these other filters, based on an initial file-type analysis of the printfile. It is written and maintained by Andreas Klemm. It is similar to Magicfilter and uses mostly Ghostscript for file conversions. Some Linux-Distributions (like SuSE) use APSfilter, others Magicfilter (⪚ &RedHat;), some have both for preference selection (like has *BSD). ∪︀ has no need for APSfilter, as it runs its own file type recognition (based on &MIME; types) and applies its own filtering logic. Ghostscript Magicfilter &MIME;-Types printcap Authentication Proofing the identity of a certain person (maybe via username/password or by means of a certificate) is often called authentication. Once you are authenticated, you may or may not get access to a requested ressource, possibly based on ACLs. ACLs Bi-directional communication In the context of printing, a server or a host may receive additional information sent back from the printer (status messages &etc;), either upon a query or unrequested. AppSocket ( = &HP; JetDirect), ∪︀ and IPP do support bi-directional communication, LPR/LPD and BSD-style printing do not... AppSocket Protocol ∪︀ Direct TCP/IP Printing &HP; JetDirect IPP LPR/LPD BSD-style Printing Generic term for different variants of the traditional &UNIX; printing method. Its first version appeared in the early 70s on BSD &UNIX; and was formally described in RFC 1179 only as late as 1990. At the time when BSD "remote" printing was first designed, printers were serially or otherwise directly connected devices to a host (with the internet hardly consisting of more than 100 nodes!); printers used pre-punched, endless paperbands, fed through by a tractor mechanism, with simple rows of ASCII text mechanically hammered onto the medium, drawn from a cardboard beneath the table, giving it back as a zig-zag folded paper"snake". Remote printing consisted in neighouring host from the next room sending a file asking for printout. How technology has changed! Printers use cut-sheet media, they have built-in intelligence to compute the raster images of pages after pages that are sent to them using one of the powerfull page description languages (PDL), many are network nodes in their own right, with CPU, RAM, HardDisk and an own Operation System and they are hooked to a net with potentially millions of users... It is a vast proof of the flexible &UNIX; concept for doing things, that it made "Line Printing" reliably work even under these modern conditions. But time has finally come now to go for something new -- the IPP. IPP ∪︀ LPR/LPD printing ∪︀ Abbreviation for Common UNIX Printing System; ∪︀ is most modern &UNIX; and Linux printing system, providing also cross-platform printservices to &Microsoft; &Windows; and Apple MacOS clients. Based on IPP, it does away with all the pitfalls of old-style BSD printing, providing authentication, encryption and ACLs, plus many more features. At the same time it is backward-compatible enough to serve all legacy clients that are not yet up to IPP via LPR/LPD (BSD-style). ∪︀ is able to control any &PostScript; printer by utilizing the vendor-supplied PPD (PostScript Printer Description file), targetted originally for &Microsoft; Windows NT printing only. &kde; Printing is most powerful if based on ∪︀. ACLs Authentication BSD-style printing IPP TDEPrint LPR/LPD PPD ∪︀-FAQ Presently only available in German (translation is on the way), the ∪︀-FAQ is a valuable ressource to answer many question anyone new to ∪︀ printing might have at first. TDEPrint Handbook ∪︀-O-Matic ∪︀-O-Matic was the first "Third Party" plugin for the ∪︀ printing software. It is available on the Linuxprinting.org website to provide an online PPD-generating service. Together with the companion cupsomatic Perl-Script, that needs to be installed as an additional ∪︀ backend, it re-directs output from the native pstops filter into a chain of suitable Ghostscript filters. Upon finishing, it gives the resulting data back to a ∪︀ "backend" for sending them onward to the printer. Thusly, ∪︀-O-Matic enables support for any printers known to have worked previously in a "classical" ghostscript environment, if no native ∪︀ support for that printer is in sight... ∪︀-O-Matic is now replaced by the more capable PPD-O-Matic. cupsomatic PPD-O-Matic Foomatic cupsomatic The Perlscript cupsomatic (plus a working Perl installation on your system) is needed to make any ∪︀-O-Matic (or PPD-O-Matic) generated PPD work with ∪︀. It was written by Grant Taylor, Author of the Linux Printing HOWTO and Maintainer of the printer database at the Linuxprinting.org website. ∪︀-O-Matic Foomatic cupsomatic Daemon Abbreviation for Disk and execution monitor; Daemons are present on all &UNIX; systems to perform tasks independent of user intervention. Readers more familiar with &Microsoft; &Windows; might want to compare daemons and the tasks they are responsible with "services". One example of a daemon present on most legacy &UNIX; systems is the LPD (Line Printer Daemon); ∪︀ is widely seen as the successor to LPD in the &UNIX; world and it also operates through a daemon. SPOOLing Database, Linuxprinting.org Already years ago, when Linux printing was still really difficult (only commandline printing was known to most Linux users, no device specific print options were available for doing the jobs), Grant Taylor, Author of the "Linux Printing HOWTO", collected most or the available infos about printers, drivers and filters in his database. With the emerging ∪︀ concept, extending the use of PPDs even to non-PostScript printers, he realized the potential of this database: if one puts the different datablobs (whith content that could be described along the lines "Which device prints with which ghostscript or other filter how well and what commandline switches are available?") into PPD-compatible files, he could have all the power of ∪︀ on top of the traditional printer "drivers". This has developed now into a broader concept, known as "Foomatic". Foomatic extends the capabilities of other spoolers than ∪︀ (LPR/LPD, LPRng, PDQ, PPR) to a certain extend ("stealing" some concepts from ∪︀). The Linuxprinting Database is not a Linux-only stop -- people running other &UNIX; based OSes (like *BSD or MacOS X) will find valuable infos and software there too. Foomatic Linuxprinting database Direct TCP/IP Printing This is a method that often uses TCP/IP port 9100 to connect to the printer. It works with many modern network printers and has a few advantages over LPR/LPD, as it is faster and provides some "backchannel feedback data" from the printer to the host sending the job. AppSocket Protocol &HP; JetDirect Protocol Drivers, Printer Drivers The term "printer drivers", used in the same sense as on the &Microsoft; &Windows; platform, is not entirely applicable for a Linux or &UNIX; platform. A "driver" functionality is supplied on &UNIX; by different modular components working together. At the core are the "filters" converting a given format waeiting for their printing, to another format that is acceptable to the target printer. The filter output is sent to the printer by a "backend". Filter PPDs Easy Software Products Mike Sweet's company, which has contributed a few substantial software products towards the Free Software community; amongst them the initial version of Gimp-Print,, the EPM software packaging tool and HTMLDOC (used by the "Linux Documentation Project" to build the PDF versions of the HOWTOs) -- but most importantly: ∪︀ (the 'Common &UNIX; Printing System'). ESP finance themselves by selling a commercial version of ∪︀, called ESP PrintPro, that includes some professional enhancements. ∪︀ ESP PrintPro ESP Gimp-Print Encryption Encryption of confidential data is an all-important issue if you transfer it over the internet or even inside intra-nets. Printing via traditional protocols is not encrypted at all -- it is very easy to tap and eavesdrop ⪚ into &PostScript; or PCL data transfered over the wire. Thus in the design of IPP the provision was made for an easy plugin of encryption mechanisms (which can be provided by the same means as the encryption standards for HTTP traffic: SSL and TLS. Authentication ∪︀ IPP SSL TLS Epson Epson inkjets belong to the best supported models by Free software drivers as the company was not necessarily as secretive about their devices and handed technical specification documents to developers. The excellent print quality achieved by Gimp-Print on the Styli series of printers can be attributed to this openness. They have also contracted Easy Software Products to maintain an enhanced version of Ghostscript ("ESP GhostScript") for improved support of their printer portfolio. ESP Ghostscript Escape Sequences The first ever printers printed ASCII data only. To initiate a new line, or eject a page, they included special command sequences, often carrying a leading [ESC]-character. &HP; evolved this concept through its series of PCL language editions until today, when they have developed a fullblown Page Description Language (PDL) from this humble beginnings. PCL PDL ESC/P Abbreviation for Epson Standard Codes for Printers. Epsons ESC/P printer language is besides &PostScript; and PCL one of the best known. ESC/P PCL &PostScript; hpgl ESP Abbreviation for Easy Software Products; the company that developed ∪︀ (the "Common &UNIX; Printing System"). Easy Software Products ∪︀ ESP PrintPro ESP Ghostscript A Ghostscript version that is maintained by Easy Software Products. It includes pre-compiled Gimp-Print drivers for many inkjets ()plus some other goodies). ESP Ghostscript drives especially the Epson Stylus model series to photographic quality in many cases. Easy Software Products ∪︀ ESP PrintPro ESP PrintPro This professional enhancement to ∪︀ (the "Common &UNIX; Printing System") is sold by the developers of ∪︀ complete with more than 2.300 printer drivers for several commercial &UNIX; platforms. ESP PrintPro is supposed to work "out of the box" with little or no configuration for users or admins. ESP sell also support contracts for ∪︀ and PrintPro. These sales help to feed the programmers who develop the Free version of ∪︀. ∪︀ Filter Filters, in general, are programs that take some input data, work on it and pass it on as their output data. Filters may or may not change the data. Filters in the context of printing, are programs that convert a given file (destined for printing, but not suitable in the format it has presently) into a printable format. Sometimes whole "filter chains" have to be constructed to achieve the goal, piping the output of one filter as input to the next. Ghostscript RIP Foomatic Foomatic started out as the wrapper name for a set of different tools available from Linuxprinting.org These tools aimed to make the usage of traditional ghostscript and other print filters more easy for users and extend the filters capabilities by adding more commandline switches or explain the drivers execution data. Foomatic's different incarnations are ∪︀-O-Matic, PPD-O-Matic, PDQ-O-Matic, LPD-O-Matic and xyz. All of these allow the generation of appropriate printer configuration files online, by simply selection the suitable model and suggested (or alternate) driver for that machine. More recently, Foomatic gravitated towards becoming a "meta-spooling" system, that allows to configure the underlying print subsystem through a unified set of commands. (However this is much more complicated than TDEPrints &GUI; interface, which does a similar thing regarding different print subsystems.) ∪︀-O-Matic PPD-O-Matic cupsomatic Ghostscript Ghostscipt is a &PostScript; RIP in software, originally developed by L. Peter Deutsch. There is always a GPL version of ghostscript available for free usage and distribution (mostly 1 year old) while the current version is commercially sold under another license. Ghostscript is widely used inside the Linux and &UNIX; world for transforming &PostScript; into raster data suitable for sending towards non-&PostScript; devices. &PostScript; RIP Gimp-Print Contrary to its name, Gimp-Print is not any longer just the plugin to be used for printing from the popular Gimp program -- its codebase can also serve to be compiled into... *...a set of PPDs and associated filters that integrate seamlessly into ∪︀, supporting around 130 different printer models, providing photografic output quality in many cases; *...a Gostscript filter that can be used with any other program that needs a software-RIP; *...a library that can be used by other software applications in need of rasterization functions. Lexmark Drivers RIP Ghostscript &HP; Abbreviation for Hewlett-Packard; none of the first companys to distribute their own Linux printer drivers [...to be completed...] &HP;/GL Abbreviation for &HP; Grafical Language; a &HP; printer language mainly used for plotters; many CAD (Computer Aided software programs output &HP;/GL files for printing. ESC/P PCL &PostScript; &HP; JetDirect Protocol A term branded by &HP; to describe their implementation of print data transfer to the printer via an otherwise "AppSocket" or "Direct TCP/IP Prining" named protocol. AppSocket Protocol Direct TCP/IP Printing IETF Abbreviation for Internet Engineering Task Force; an assembly of internet, software and hardware experts that discuss new networking technologies and very often arrive at conclusions that are regarded by many as standards. "TCP/IP" is the most famous of examples. IETF standards, but also drafts, discussions, ideas or useful tutorials are put in writing in the famous series of "RFCs" which are available to the public and on burnt onto most Linux or BSD-CDs. IPP PWG RFC IPP Abbreviation for Internet Printing Protocol; defined in a series of RFCs accepted by the IETF with status "proposed standard"; was designed by the PWG. -- IPP is a completely new design for network printing, but it is utilizing a very well-known and proven method for the actual data transfer: HTTP 1.1! By not "re-inventing the wheel", and basing itself on an existing and robust internet standard, IPP is able to relativly easy bolt other HTTP-compatible standard mechanisms into its framework: * Basic, Digest or Certificate authentication mechanisms; * SSL or TLS for encryption of transferred data; * LDAP for directory services (to publish data on printers, device-options, drivers, costs or elso to the network; or to check for passwords while conducting authentication). ∪︀ PWG IETF RFC TLS TDEPrint The new printing functionality of &kde; since its version 2.2 consists of several modules that translate the features and settings of different available print subsystems (∪︀, BSD-style LPR/LPD, RLPR...) into nice &kde; desktop &GUI; representation and dialogs to ease their usage. Most important for day-to-day usage is "kprinter", the new &GUI; print command. -- Note: TDEPrint does not implement its own spooling mechanism or its own &PostScript; processing; for this it relies on the selected print subsystem -- however it does add some functionality of its own on top of this foundation... BSD-style printing ∪︀ kprinter TDEPrint Handbook TDEPrint Handbook... ...is the name of the reference document that describes TDEPrint functions to users and administrators. You can load it into Konqueror by typing "help:/tdeprint" into the address field. The TDEPrint website is the ressource for updates to this documentation as well as PDF versions fit for printing it. It is authored and maintained by Kurt Pfeifle. ∪︀-FAQ kprinter kprinter is the new powerfull print utility that is natively used by all &kde; applications. Contrary to some common misconceptions, kprinter is not a ∪︀-only tool, but supports different print subsystems. You can even switch to a different printsubsystem "on the fly", in between two jobs, without re-configuration. Of course, due to the powerful features of ∪︀, kprinter is in best shape when used as a ∪︀ frontend. kprinter is the successor to "qtcups", which is no longer being actively maintained. kprinter has inherited all the best features of qtcups and added several new ones. AND MOST IMPORTANT: you can use kprinter with all its features in all non-&kde; applications that allow a customized print command, like gv, AcrobatReader, Netscape, Mozilla, Galeon, StarOffice, OpenOffice and all GNOME programs. kprinter can act as a "standalone" utility, started from an X-Terminal or a "Mini-CLI" to print many different files, from different directories, with different formats, in one job and at once, without the need to first open the files in the applications! (File formats supported this way are &PostScript;, PDF, International and ASCII Text and many different popular Grafic formats, such as PNG, TIFF, JPEG, PNM, Sun RASTER &etc;) kprinter Lexmark was one of the first companys to distribute their own Linux printer drivers for some of their models. [...to be completed...] Linuxprinting.org Linuxprinting.org = not only for Linux; all &UNIX;-like OS-es like *BSD and also commercial Unices may find useful printing information on that site; Foomatic -- Printer Data Base -- Driver Data Base.... Linuxprinting database Linuxprinting.org Database ....Data Base containing printers and drivers suitable for them... ...a lot of information and documentation to be found... ...it is now also providing some tools and utilities for easing the integration of those drivers into a given system... ...the "Foomatic" family of utilities being the toolset to make use of the data base [.............TO BE COMPLETED........] Foomatic LPR/LPD printing LPR == some people translate Line Printing Request, others: Line Printer Remote. BSD-style printing Magicfilter Similarly to the APSfilter program, Magicfilter provides automatic file type recognition functions, and base on that, automatic file conversion to a printable format, depending on the target printer. APSfilter &MIME;-Types Abbreviation for Multipurpose (or Multimedia) Internet Mail Extensions; &MIME;-Types were first used to allow the transport of binary data (like mail attachments containing grafics) over mail connections that were normally only transmitting ASCII characters: the data had to be encoded into an ASCII representation. Later this concept was extended to describe a data format in a platform independent, but at the same time in a non-ambigious way. From &Windows; everybody knows the *.doc extensions for &Microsoft; Word files. This is handled ambigiously on the &Windows; platform: *.doc extensions are also used for simple text files or for Adobe Framemaker files. And if a real Word file is re-named to get a different extension, it can't be opened any longer by the program &MIME; typed filed carry a recognition string with them, describing their file format base on main_category/sub_category. Inside IPP, printfiled are also described using the &MIME; type scheme. &MIME; types are registered with the IANA (Internet Assigning Numbers Association) to keep them unambigious. ∪︀ has some &MIME; types of its own registered, like application/vnd.cups-raster (for the ∪︀-internal raster image format). ∪︀ Easy Software Products ESP PrintPro Gimp-Print PCL Abbreviation for Printer Control Language; developed by &HP;. PCL started off in version 1 as a simple command set for ASCII printing; now, in its versions PCL6 and PCL-X it is capable of printing grafics and printing color -- but outside the &Microsoft; &Windows; realm and &HP-UX; (&HP;'s own brand of &UNIX;) it is not commonly used... ESC/P &HP;/GL PDL &PostScript; PDL Abbreviation for Page Description Language; PDLs describe in an abstract way the grafical representation of a page. - Before it is actually transferred into toner or ink layed down onto paper, a PDL needs to be "interpreted" first. In &UNIX;, the most important PDL is PostScript. ESC/P &HP;/GL PCL &PostScript; Pixel Abbreviation for Picture Element; this term describes the smallest part of a raster picture (either as printed on paper or as put on a monitor by cathode rays or LCD elements). As any grafical or image representation on those kind of output devices is composed of pixels, the values of "ppi" (pixel per inch) and &dpi; (dots per inch) are one important parameter for the overall quality and resolution of an image. Filter Ghostscript &PostScript; Raster PJL Abbreviation for Print Job Language; developed by &HP; to control and influence default and per-job settings of a printer. May not only be used for &HP;'s own (PCL-)printers; also many &PostScript; and other printers understand PJL commands sent to them inside a printjob or in a separate signal. PCL &PostScript; &PostScript; (often shortened "PS") is the de-facto standard in the &UNIX; world for printing files. It was developed by Adobe and licensed to printer manufacturers and software companies. As the &PostScript; specifications were published by Adobe, there are also "Third Party" implementations of &PostScript; generating and &PostScript; interpreting software available (one of the best-known in the Free software world being Ghostscript, a powerfull PS-interpreter) . ESC/P &HP;/GL PCL PPD PPD Abbreviation for PostScript Printer Description; PPDs are ASCII files storing all information about the special capabilities of a printer, plus definitions of the (PostScript- or PJL-)commands to call on a certain capability (like printing duplex). As the explanation of the acronym reveals, PPDs were originally only used for &PostScript; printers. ∪︀ has extended the PPD-concept towards all types of printers. PPDs for &PostScript; printers are provided by the printer vendors. They can be used with ∪︀ and TDEPrint to have access to the full features of any &PostScript; printer. The TDEPrint Team recommends to use a PPD originally intended for use with &Microsoft; Windows NT. PPDs for non-PostScript printers need a companion "filter" to process the &PostScript; print files towards a format digestable for the non-PostScript target device. Those PPD/filter combos are not (yet) available from the vendors. After the initiative by the ∪︀ developers to utilize PPDs, the Free Software community was creative enough to quickly come up with a support for most of the currently used printer models through PPDs and classical Ghostscript filters. But note: the printout quality differs from "hi-quality photografic output" (using Gimp-Print with most Epson inkjets) to "hardly readable" (using Foomatic-enabled ghostscript filters for models rated as "paperweight" in the Linuxprinting.org database). ∪︀ Linuxprinting.org &PostScript; PPD-O-Matic PPD-O-Matic is a set of Perl-Scripts that run on the Linuxprinting.org webserver and can be used online to generate PPDs for any printer that is known to print with ghostscript. These PPDs can be hook up to ∪︀/TDEPrint as well as used inside PPD-aware applications like StarOffice to determine all different parameters of your printjobs. It is now recommended for most cases to use "PPD-O-Matic" instead of the older ∪︀-O-Matic. To generate a PPD, go to the printer database, select your printer model, follow the link to show the available ghostscript filters for that printer, select one, click "generate" and finally safe the file to your local system. Make sure to read the instructions. Make sure your local system does indeed have ghostscript and the filter installed, which you chose before generating the PPD. &PostScript; ∪︀-O-Matic Linuxprinting.org Foomatic printcap The "printcap" file holds in BSD-style print systems the configuration information; the printing daemon reads this file to know which printers are available, what filters are to user for each, where the spooling directory is located, if there are banner pages to be used, and so on... Some applications also depend on reading access to the printcap file to grap the names of available printer. BSD-style printing Printer-MIB Abbreviation for Printer-Management Information Base; the Printer-MIB defines a set of parameters that are to be stored inside the printer for access through the network. This is useful if many (in some cases, literally thousands of) network printers are managed centrally with the help of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). PWG SNMP PWG Abbreviation for Printer Working Group; the PWG is a loose grouping of representatives of the printer industry that has in the past years developed different standards in relation to nework printing, which were later accepted by the IETF as RFC standards, like the "Printer-MIB" and the IPP. &PostScript; &PostScript; IPP Printer-MIB SNMP print:/ TDEIO Slave You can use a syntax of "print:/..." to get quick access to TDEPrint ressources. Typing "print:/manager" as a Konqueror URL address gives administrative access to TDEPrint. Konqueror uses &kde;'s famous "KParts" technology to achieve that. IO Slave KParts Printer Data Base . Linuxprinting Data Base Qt∪︀ co-developer of Qt∪︀ and KUPS, the predecessors of TDEPrint, sole developer of TDEPrint -- a very nice and productive guy and quick bug fixer... ;-) kprinter Raster Image In the last resort, every picture on a physical medium is composed of a pattern of discrete dots in different colors and (maybe) sizes. This is called a "raster image". This is opposed to a "vector image" where the grafic is described in terms of continuous curves, shades, forms and fills, represented by mathematical formula. Vector images normally are of a smaller file size and may be scaled in size without any loss of information and quality --- but they can't be output directly, they always need to be "rendered" or "rasterized" first to the given resolution, the output device is capable of... The rasterization is done by a Raster Image Processor (RIP, often the Ghostscript software) or some other filtering instance. Pixel Ghostscript &PostScript; Filter RIP RIP Abbreviation for Raster Image Process(or); if used in the context of printing, "RIP" means a hardware or software instance that converts &PostScript; (or other print files that represented in one of the non-Raster PDLs) into a raster image format in such a way that it is acceptable for the "marking engine" of the printer. &PostScript; printers contain their own PostScript-RIPs. A RIP may or may not be located inside a printer. For many &UNIX; systems, Ghostscript is the package that provides a "RIP in software", running on the host computer, and pre-digesting the &PostScript; or other data to become ready to be sent to the printing device (hence you may sense a "grain of truth" in the slogan "Ghostscript turns your printer into a &PostScript; machine", which of course is not correct in the sense of the letter.) Filter Ghostscript &PostScript; PDL Raster RLPR (Remote LPR) Abbreviation for Remote Line Printing Request; this is a a BSD-style printing system, that needs no root priviledges to be installed and no "printcap" to work: all parameters may be specified on the command line. RLPR comes in handy for many laptop users who are working in frequently changing environments, because it may be installed concurrently with every other printing sub system and allows a very flexible and wuick way to install a printer for direct access via LPR/LPD. TDEPrint has an "Add Printer Wizard" to make RLPR usage even more easy. The kprinter command allows to switch to RLPR "on the fly" at any time. TDEPrint kprinter printcap SNMP Abbreviation for Simple Network Management Protocol; SNMP is widely used to control all sorts network nodes (Hosts, Routers, Switches, Gateways, Printers...) remotely. PWG Printer-MIB SSL(3) encryption Abbreviation for Secure Socket Layer; SSL is a proprietary encryption method for data transfer over HTTP that was developed by Netscape and is now being re-placed by an IETF standard named TLS. Daemon SPOOLing Abbreviation for Synchronous Peripherals Operations OnLine; SPOOLing enables printing applications (and users) to continue their work as the job is being taken care of by a system daemon who stores the file at a temporary location until the printer is ready to print. Daemon TLS encryption Abbreviation for Transport Layer Security; SSL is an encryption standard for data transfered over HTTP 1.1; it is defined in RFC ???? [#look up number --TO BE DONE--] ; although based on the former SSL development (from Netscape) it is not fully compatible to it. Daemon System V-style printing This is the second flavour of traditional &UNIX; printing (as opposed to BSD-style printing). It uses a different command set (lp, lpadmin,...) from BSD, but is not fundamentally different from it. However, the gap between the two is big enough to make the two incompatible so that a BSD-client can't simply print to a System V style print server without additional tweaking... IPP is supposed to resolve this weakness and more. BSD-style printing IPP TurboPrint A Shareware providing photo quality printing for many inkjet printers; it is useful if you don't find a driver for your printer otherwise; it may be hooked into a traditional Ghostscript or into a modern ∪︀ system. Gimp-Print XPP Abbreviation for X Printing Panel; XPP was the first Free graphical print command for ∪︀, written by Till Kamppeter, and in some ways a model for the "kprinter" utility in &kde;.