path: root/redhat/dependencies/tqt3/tqt3-14.0.0.spec
diff options
authorFrançois Andriot <>2013-07-05 20:20:56 +0200
committerFrançois Andriot <>2013-07-05 20:20:56 +0200
commit84236b1a97dac6fc43ba593b98577f7b820a1c36 (patch)
treeb77ba62552589a1d57a62a8d175875224a3ce9a8 /redhat/dependencies/tqt3/tqt3-14.0.0.spec
parenta3e930f3a1acd0f15ea454d98ee69bf0fa5090ad (diff)
RPM Packaging: rename lots of SPEC files
Diffstat (limited to 'redhat/dependencies/tqt3/tqt3-14.0.0.spec')
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/redhat/dependencies/tqt3/tqt3-14.0.0.spec b/redhat/dependencies/tqt3/tqt3-14.0.0.spec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15d8e2748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redhat/dependencies/tqt3/tqt3-14.0.0.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+%define tde_version 14.0.0
+# Always install under standard prefix
+%define tde_prefix /usr
+%define tde_bindir %{tde_prefix}/bin
+%define tde_datadir %{tde_prefix}/share
+%define tde_includedir %{tde_prefix}/include
+%define tde_libdir %{tde_prefix}/%{_lib}
+# The following QT4 packages should NOT be installed to
+# allow QT3 compilation (please uninstall them prior to compile)
+# qt
+# qt-sqlite
+# qt-mysql
+# qt-x11
+# qt-devel
+# ...maybe others !!!!
+Name: trinity-tqt3
+Version: 14.0.0%{?preversion:_%{preversion}}
+Release: 1%{?dist}
+Summary: The shared library for the Trinity Qt 3 GUI toolkit
+License: QPL or GPLv2 or GPLv3
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{tde_version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+Prefix: %{tde_prefix}
+Source0: %{name}-%{tde_version}%{?preversion:~%{preversion}}.tar.gz
+# [tqt3] Build shared libraries
+Patch1: tqt3-14.0.0-shared_lib.patch
+# [tqt3] Fix FTBFS
+Patch2: tqt3-14.0.0-fix_ftbfs.patch
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
+BuildRequires: libmng-devel
+BuildRequires: glibc-devel
+BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
+BuildRequires: libpng-devel
+BuildRequires: zlib-devel
+BuildRequires: giflib-devel
+BuildRequires: perl
+BuildRequires: sed
+BuildRequires: findutils
+BuildRequires: cups-devel
+BuildRequires: tar
+BuildRequires: freetype-devel
+BuildRequires: fontconfig-devel
+# Xrender support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXrender-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxrender-devel
+# Xrandr support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXrandr-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxrandr-devel
+# Xcursor support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXcursor-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxcursor-devel
+# Xinerama support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxinerama-devel
+# Xft support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXft-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxft-devel
+# Xext support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXext-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxext-devel
+# X11 support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libX11-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libx11-devel
+# SM support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libSM-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libsm-devel
+# ICE support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libICE-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libice-devel
+# XT support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXt-devel
+# XMU support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXmu-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: libxmu-devel
+# XI support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: libXi-devel
+# Xorg support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel
+# MESA support
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora}
+BuildRequires: mesa-libGL-devel
+BuildRequires: mesa-libGLU-devel
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+BuildRequires: mesaglu-devel
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
+BuildRequires: mysql-devel
+BuildRequires: postgresql-devel
+BuildRequires: unixODBC-devel
+BuildRequires: sqlite-devel
+# Firebird support
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+%define with_ibase 1
+BuildRequires: firebird-devel
+# x86_64 specific stuff
+%if "%{_lib}" != "lib"
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || ( 0%{?mgaversion} && 0%{?mgaversion} <= 2)
+BuildRequires: linux32
+BuildRequires: util-linux
+Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig
+Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig
+Requires: coreutils
+Requires: fontconfig >= 2.0
+Requires: /etc/
+%if 0%{?mdkversion} || 0%{?mgaversion}
+Obsoletes: %{_lib}qt3
+Provides: %{_lib}qt3 = 3.3.8.d
+TQt is a GUI software toolkit which simplifies the task of writing and
+maintaining GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications
+for the X Window System.
+TQt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented.
+This package contains the shared library needed to run TQt 3
+applications, as well as the README files for TQt 3.
+/sbin/ldconfig || :
+/sbin/ldconfig || :
+%doc FAQ LICENSE* README* changes*
+%dir %{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins
+%dir %{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins/sqldrivers
+#%dir %{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins/styles
+%dir %{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins/designer
+%dir %{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins/imageformats
+%dir %{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins/inputmethods
+%package config
+Summary: Graphical configuration tool for programs using Qt 3
+Group: User Interface/Desktops
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description config
+TQt is a GUI software toolkit which simplifies the task of writing and
+maintaining GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications
+for the X Window System.
+TQt is written in C++ and is fully object-oriented.
+This package contains a graphical configuration tool for programs using TQt 3.
+%files config
+%package devel
+Summary: Development files for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description devel
+The %{name}-devel package contains the files necessary to develop
+applications using the TQt GUI toolkit: the header files, the TQt meta
+object compiler.
+Install %{name}-devel if you want to develop GUI applications using the TQt 3
+%files devel
+%post devel
+/sbin/ldconfig || :
+%postun devel
+/sbin/ldconfig || :
+%package devel-docs
+Summary: Documentation for the TQt 3 GUI toolkit
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description devel-docs
+The %{name}-devel-docs package contains the man pages, the HTML documentation and
+example programs for TQt 3.
+%files devel-docs
+%doc examples
+%doc tutorial
+%package ODBC
+Summary: ODBC drivers for TQt 3's SQL classes
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description ODBC
+ODBC driver for TQt 3's SQL classes (QSQL)
+%files ODBC
+%package MySQL
+Summary: MySQL drivers for TQt 3's SQL classes
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description MySQL
+MySQL driver for TQt 3's SQL classes (QSQL)
+%files MySQL
+%package PostgreSQL
+Summary: PostgreSQL drivers for TQt 3's SQL classes
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description PostgreSQL
+PostgreSQL driver for TQt 3's SQL classes (QSQL)
+%files PostgreSQL
+%package sqlite
+Summary: sqlite drivers for TQt 3's SQL classes
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description sqlite
+sqlite driver for TQt 3's SQL classes (QSQL)
+%files sqlite
+%if %{?with_ibase}
+%package ibase
+Summary: ibase drivers for TQt 3's SQL classes
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description ibase
+ibase driver for TQt 3's SQL classes (QSQL)
+%files ibase
+%package designer
+Summary: In3erface designer (IDE) for the Qt 3 toolkit
+Group: Development/Tools
+Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description designer
+The %{name}-designer package contains an User Interface designer tool
+for the TQt 3 toolkit.
+%files designer
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{tde_version}%{?preversion:~%{preversion}}
+%patch1 -p1 -b .sharedlibs
+%patch2 -p1 -b .ftbfs
+export QTDIR=$(pwd)
+export PATH=${QTDIR}/stripbin:${QTDIR}/bin:$PATH
+export MANPATH=${QTDIR}/doc/man:$MANPATH
+# Checks for supplementary include dir
+for d in \
+ /usr/include/fontconfig \
+ /usr/include/pgsql/server \
+ /usr/include/postgresql/server \
+ /usr/include/Xft2 \
+ /usr/include/Xft2/X11/Xft \
+ /usr/include/mysql \
+ /usr/include/libpng15 \
+; do
+ if [ -d "${d}" ]; then
+ fi
+# Checks for supplementary library dirs
+for d in \
+ %{_libdir}/mysql \
+ %{_libdir}/pgsql \
+; do
+ if [ -d "${d}" ]; then
+ fi
+# build shared, threaded (default) libraries
+echo yes | ./configure \
+ ${INCDIRS} \
+ ${LIBDIRS} \
+ -L%{_libdir} \
+ -prefix "%{tde_prefix}" \
+ -libdir "%{tde_libdir}" \
+ -sysconfdir "%{_sysconfdir}/tqt3" \
+ -datadir "%{tde_datadir}/tqt3" \
+ -headerdir "%{tde_includedir}/tqt3" \
+ -docdir "%{tde_datadir}/tqt3/doc" \
+ -plugindir "%{tde_libdir}/tqt3/plugins" \
+ -translationdir "%{tde_datadir}/tqt3/translations" \
+ \
+ -thread \
+ -shared \
+ -fast \
+ -no-exceptions \
+%if "%{_lib}" == "lib64"
+ -platform linux-g++-64 \
+ -platform linux-g++ \
+ \
+ -nis \
+ -no-pch \
+ -cups \
+ -stl \
+ -ipv6 \
+ \
+ -sm \
+ -xshape \
+ -xinerama \
+ -xcursor \
+ -xrandr \
+ -xrender \
+ -xft \
+ -tablet \
+ -xkb \
+ \
+ -system-zlib \
+ -system-libpng \
+ -system-libmng \
+ -system-libjpeg \
+ -system-nas-sound \
+ \
+ -enable-opengl \
+ -dlopen-opengl \
+ \
+ -qt-gif \
+ -qt-imgfmt-png \
+ -qt-imgfmt-jpeg \
+ -plugin-imgfmt-mng \
+ \
+ -plugin-sql-odbc \
+ -plugin-sql-psql \
+ -plugin-sql-mysql \
+ %{?with_ibase:-plugin-sql-ibase} \
+ -plugin-sql-sqlite \
+ \
+ -lfontconfig \
+ -inputmethod \
+ -glibmainloop
+# Fix bad headers
+rm -rf include/ntqinputcontext.h include/ntqinputcontextfactory.h include/ntqinputcontextplugin.h
+ln -s ../src/kernel/ntqinputcontext.h include/ntqinputcontext.h
+ln -s ../src/inputmethod/ntqinputcontextfactory.h include/ntqinputcontextfactory.h
+ln -s ../src/inputmethod/ntqinputcontextplugin.h include/ntqinputcontextplugin.h
+# proceed
+#%__make %{?_smp_mflags} symlinks src-qmake src-moc
+%__make %{?_smp_mflags} sub-src sub-plugins sub-tools
+# build conv2ui
+%__make -C tools/designer/tools/conv2ui
+# build qvfb
+%__make -C tools/qvfb
+# fix .prl files
+%__sed -i lib/*.prl -e "s|${QTDIR}|%{tde_datadir}/tqt3|g"
+# fix QTDIR in 'qmake.conf'
+%__sed -i mkspecs/*/qmake.conf -e "s|^QMAKE_INCDIR_QT.*|QMAKE_INCDIR_QT = \$(QTDIR)/include/tqt3|"
+%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
+%__make -C src INSTALL_ROOT=%{?buildroot} install_target
+%__make INSTALL_ROOT=%{?buildroot} install
+%__make INSTALL_ROOT=%{?buildroot} plugins-install
+%__install -m755 bin/qtrename140 %{?buildroot}%{_bindir}
+%__install -m755 bin/qt20fix %{?buildroot}%{_bindir}
+%__install -m755 bin/findtr %{?buildroot}%{_bindir}
+# install conv2ui
+%__install -m755 bin/conv2ui %{?buildroot}%{_bindir}/conv2ui
+# install qvfb
+%__install -m755 tools/qvfb/qvfb %{?buildroot}%{_bindir}/qvfb
+%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Mon Feb 13 2012 Francois Andriot <> - 14.0.0-1
+- Initial build for TDE R14.0.0