--- src/moc/moc.y	2008-01-15 20:09:13.000000000 +0100
+++ src/moc/moc.y	2009-02-07 19:35:47.703930527 +0100
@@ -2833,7 +2833,7 @@
     const char *hdr1 = "/****************************************************************************\n"
 		 "** %s meta object code from reading C++ file '%s'\n**\n";
-    const char *hdr2 = "** Created: %s\n"
+    const char *hdr2 = "** Created:\n"
     const char *hdr3 = "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n";
     const char *hdr4 = "*****************************************************************************/\n\n";
     int   i;
@@ -2872,7 +2872,7 @@
 	if ( i >= 0 )
 	    fn = &g->fileName[i];
 	fprintf( out, hdr1, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(),(const char*)fn);
-	fprintf( out, hdr2, (const char*)dstr );
+	fprintf( out, hdr2 );
 	fprintf( out, hdr3 );
 	fprintf( out, hdr4 );
diff -ru src/moc/moc_yacc.cpp src/moc/moc_yacc.cpp
--- src/moc/moc_yacc.cpp	2008-01-14 13:24:36.000000000 +0100
+++ src/moc/moc_yacc.cpp	2009-02-07 19:35:30.039680400 +0100
@@ -2872,7 +2872,7 @@
     const char *hdr1 = "/****************************************************************************\n"
 		 "** %s meta object code from reading C++ file '%s'\n**\n";
-    const char *hdr2 = "** Created: %s\n"
+    const char *hdr2 = "** Created: \n"
 		 "**      by: The Qt MOC ($Id: qt/moc_yacc.cpp   3.3.8   edited Feb 2 14:59 $)\n**\n";
     const char *hdr3 = "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n";
     const char *hdr4 = "*****************************************************************************/\n\n";
@@ -2912,7 +2912,7 @@
 	if ( i >= 0 )
 	    fn = &g->fileName[i];
 	fprintf( out, hdr1, (const char*)qualifiedClassName(),(const char*)fn);
-	fprintf( out, hdr2, (const char*)dstr );
+	fprintf( out, hdr2 );
 	fprintf( out, hdr3 );
 	fprintf( out, hdr4 );
diff -ru tools/designer/uic/embed.cpp tools/designer/uic/embed.cpp
--- tools/designer/uic/embed.cpp	2008-01-15 20:09:14.000000000 +0100
+++ tools/designer/uic/embed.cpp	2009-02-07 19:36:25.950931409 +0100
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it )
 	out << "**      " << *it << "\n";
     out << "**\n";
-    out << "** Created: " << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "\n";
+    out << "** Created:\n";
     out << "**\n";
     out << "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n";
     out << "****************************************************************************/\n";
diff -ru tools/designer/uic/main.cpp tools/designer/uic/main.cpp
--- tools/designer/uic/main.cpp	2008-01-15 20:09:14.000000000 +0100
+++ tools/designer/uic/main.cpp	2009-02-07 19:36:36.603680916 +0100
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 	out << "/****************************************************************************" << endl;
 	out << "** Form "<< (impl? "implementation" : "interface") << " generated from reading ui file '" << fileName << "'" << endl;
 	out << "**" << endl;
-	out << "** Created: " << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << endl;
+	out << "** Created:" << endl;
 	out << "**" << endl;
 	out << "** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!" << endl;
 	out << "****************************************************************************/" << endl << endl;