Config Config 0 0 643 646 7 7 0 0 Configure Your Cat unnamed layout55 unnamed buttonHelp &Help F1 true buttonAbout About spacer37_2 Horizontal Expanding 210 20 statusWarning 1 spacer35_2 Horizontal Expanding 160 20 buttonLoad Load... buttonSaveAs Save As... tabWidget 7 7 0 0 Widget8 General Design unnamed spacer35_5 Vertical Expanding 20 38 groupBox13 Groupboxes unnamed layout22 unnamed shadowGroups Sink Groupboxes layout7 unnamed textLabel5 Depth shadowIntensity 10 1 1 Horizontal Below 10 layout6 unnamed textLabel6 Flat spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 81 20 textLabel7 Deep groupBox12 Coloring unnamed textLabel12 Color function Aquarius Liquid (depreached) colorMode "Aquarius" is very Aqua like<br>"Liquid" bases upon mosfet's original Code layout123 unnamed Fixed Background Active Button Custom inactiveColorType "Background" is ok, as long as you don't use a very dark color scheme. In this case use "Fixed" or "Custom" to get more control over the appereance customInactiveColor textLabel13 Unhovered / Inactive Widget Color line14_2 HLine Sunken Horizontal groupBox11 Scanlines unnamed stippleBackground Use Scanlines in Aqua Design layout4 unnamed textLabel2 Scanline contrast stippleContrast 10 1 1 true Horizontal NoMarks 10 layout3 unnamed textLabel3 Low spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 221 20 textLabel4 High line13 HLine Sunken Horizontal groupButtonPreview Button Color <b>This now will affect your button color, but <i>not</i> touch the color settings</b> unnamed layout59 unnamed layout58 unnamed spacer38 Vertical Expanding 20 10 pixmapButtonPreview true spacer39 Vertical Expanding 20 10 layout55 unnamed textLabel1_5 R textLabel2_5 G textLabel3_4 B layout53 unnamed sliderButtonRed 255 Horizontal sliderButtonGreen 255 Horizontal sliderButtonBlue 255 Horizontal layout56 unnamed valueButtonRed 0 valueButtonGreen 0 valueButtonBlue 0 textLabel1_10 Color presets colorPresets spacer36_2 Horizontal Expanding 207 20 spacer37_4 Horizontal Expanding 316 20 animateButtons Animate Buttons groupBox10 Generation unnamed line2 VLine Sunken Vertical layout48 unnamed textLabel1 Default Design is Jaguar Panther iTunes Tiger Milk defaultStyle line14 HLine Sunken Horizontal spacer36_3 Vertical Expanding 20 49 textLabel1_9 Buttons look like textLabel2_8 Toolbuttons look like Jaguar Panther iTunes Tiger Milk buttonStyle Jaguar Panther iTunes Tiger Milk toolbuttonStyle Widget9 Special Widgets unnamed groupBox9 Tabs <qt>Panther introduced so called choosers<br>Qt has only Tabs, but you can influence their appereance here a bit</qt> unnamed Tabs Clever Choosers brushedTabs textLabel3_7 Brushed Tabs are Tabs Clever Choosers aquaTabs textLabel2_7 Aqua tabs are line4 HLine Sunken Horizontal centerTabs Center Align Tabs groupBox2 Scrollbars unnamed animateSlider Animate Hovered Slider squeezeSlider Squeeze pressed Slider shadowSlider Shadow Slider spacer31_2 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 groupBox1 ListViews unnamed layout68 unnamed layout67 unnamed drawTreeLines 4 0 0 0 Draw Tree Lines spacer60 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 layout66 unnamed textLabel8 4 5 0 0 Expanders look like spacer61 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 layout65 unnamed useCustomExpanderColor Use Custom Expander Color spacer59 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 layout71 unnamed layout70 unnamed Lines Dots treeLineMode treeLineColor 4 0 0 0 Apple M$ expanderMode 1 0 0 0 Expanders are the little icons you can click to open a new Layer in the tree layout69 unnamed spacer15 Horizontal Expanding 150 20 customExpanderColor line5 HLine Sunken Horizontal useRectLVH Use flatter Listview Header Makes Listview Headers look like the rectangular Buttons bevelHighlights Use Bevel as Highlight Color groupBox4 Kicker unnamed roundTasks Use Round Taskbuttons line6 HLine Sunken Horizontal replaceMenubar Replace menubar extension (display app name) layout49 unnamed textLabel1_11 Maximum width menuMaxWidth px 10000 startKRuler Start KRuler spacer37_5 Horizontal Expanding 80 20 removeKickerBevel Remove Bevel layout53 unnamed groupBox3 Progressbars unnamed layout39 unnamed textLabel11 Style Apple Liquid Baghira progressType layout52 unnamed showProgressValue Show Value spacer39_2 Horizontal Expanding 120 20 groupBox5 Toolbars unnamed Aqua Brushed Metal Both None unhoveredToolButtons textLabel1_8 Show unhovered buttons for layout50 unnamed textLabel1_12 Highlight Color toolbuttonHighColor spacer38_2 Horizontal Expanding 91 20 tab Menus unnamed spacer36 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 spacer37_3 Vertical Expanding 20 30 transGroup true Look unnamed layout64 unnamed textLabel1_4 1 5 0 0 Background Default Plain Stipples Gradient menuBackground true 3 0 0 0 Solid is fastest, Gradient is slowest - choose by your personal preferences and the speed of your machine layout55 unnamed drawMenuStripe Draw menu stripe menuStripeColor spacer27_2 Horizontal Expanding 481 20 line10 HLine Sunken Horizontal line7 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout61 unnamed textLabel2_2 Opacity menuOpacity 100 1 1 Horizontal NoMarks 10 layout28 unnamed textLabel3_2 Translucent spacer17 Horizontal Expanding 81 20 textLabel4_2 Opaque line8 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout54 unnamed textLabel2_4 Text menuTextColorHigh spacer29_2 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 textLabel3_6 Background menuColorHigh textLabel1_7 Highlighted line9 HLine Sunken Horizontal layout62 unnamed textLabel1_2 Text menuTextColor 4 0 0 0 spacer37 Horizontal Expanding 280 20 textLabel2_3 Background menuColor textLabel2_3_2 Background 2 menuColor2 layout46 unnamed textLabel5_2 4 5 0 0 Color Background Button Custom menuColorMode 1 0 0 0 Qt usually uses the button color for the menus... well, Apple does not. glossyMenus Use glossy highlights shadowMenuText Shadow itemtext spacer34_2 Vertical Expanding 20 40 groupBox14 Sidebar unnamed 16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48 64x64 128x128 linkIconSize textLabel1_13 Hardware Iconsize textLabel2_9 Link Iconsize 16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48 64x64 128x128 hwIconSize spacer39_3 Horizontal Expanding 51 20 tab Custom Colors unnamed useCustomColors Use Custom Widget Colors These Widgets default to the Button Color, however you can customize them here colorFrame StyledPanel Raised unnamed layout62 unnamed layout58 unnamed textLabel4_3 Radiobutton ("Off") spacer27 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 radioOffColor layout60 unnamed textLabel5_3 Unchecked Box spacer31 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 checkOffColor layout62 unnamed textLabel7_3 Scrollbar Slider spacer30 Horizontal Expanding 121 20 sliderColor layout64 unnamed textLabel9_2 Pressed Slider spacer33 Horizontal Expanding 111 20 pressedSliderColor layout65 unnamed textLabel11_3 Inactive Tab spacer34 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 inactiveTabColor layout61 unnamed layout59 unnamed textLabel3_3 Radiobutton ("On") spacer28 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 radioOnColor layout61 unnamed textLabel6_3 Checked Box spacer29 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 checkOnColor layout63 unnamed textLabel8_3 Hovered Slider spacer32 Horizontal Expanding 121 20 hoverSliderColorColor layout52 unnamed textLabel1_3 Slider Groove spacer35_3 Horizontal Expanding 231 20 sliderGrooveColor layout66 unnamed textLabel10 Active Tab spacer35 Horizontal Expanding 71 20 activeTabColor line11 VLine Sunken Vertical spacer32_2 Vertical Expanding 20 51 brushBox Tint the Brush unnamed layout62 unnamed layout59 unnamed textLabel1_6 R sliderBrushRed 255 Horizontal layout60 unnamed textLabel2_6 G sliderBrushGreen 255 Horizontal layout61 unnamed textLabel3_5 B sliderBrushBlue 255 Horizontal pixmapBrushPreview true tintBrush Tint Brushed Metal line12 HLine Sunken Horizontal kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h