* Mon Feb 21 2005 0.6.1:
- Ugraded network backend to GST 1.1.4
- Support for two new platforms: Specifix and Vine Linux, being now 15 the platforms supported. 
- Parcial wireless support: Autodetection of wireless network interfaces.
- New dialog for managing static hosts.
- Many User Interface enhaments.
- Lots of bug fixes
- Lots of code cleanups
- Updated spanish, french, german, polish and norewian translations.

* Fri Aug 06 2004 0.6:
- Ported to run as a KControl Module.
- Major UI redesign.
- Added support for BlackPanther OS, Conectiva Linux, Gentoo Linux, FreeBSD and Slackware Linux. Credits for Conectiva linux support goes to Helio Chissini de Castro from Conectiva.
- Brazillian Portuguese translation by Gustavo Pichorim Boiko from Conectiva.
- Updated german, hungarian and spanish translations.
_ Updated english, german and spanish documentation.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Updated GST to 0.34.

* Tue Feb 10 2004 0.5:
- Added german and hungarian translations.
- Final release.

* Tue Jan 13 2004 0.5beta2:
- Bug fixes.
- Updated gst to 0.30.
- Some GUI fixes.
- Added Euskara translation and updated spanish and french ones.

* Wed Oct 22 2003 0.5beta1:
- Integrated KNetworkConf with Gnome System Tools network backend.
- Autodetection of running platform.  
- Added support for /etc/hosts file .
- Added a enable/disable interfaces button in the main dialog.
- Bug fixes.

* Wed Oct 1 2003 0.4.2:
- Bug fixes.
- Added french translation, courtesy of Forian Fernandez <florian.fernandez2@wanadoo.fr>.

* Sun Apr 6 2003 0.4.1:
- Made widgets resizeable.
- Started work for a shell script-driven distro abstraction layer.
- Fixed crash when running KnetworkConf in a unsupported Linux distro.
- Made all buttons of variable length (needed for other languages).
- Added spanish translation. Thanks to Pedro Jurado Maqueda <pjmelenas@biwemail.com>
  for this.
- Updated rpm packages for Mandrake 9.1.
- Bug fixes.

* Fri Feb 14 2003 0.4:
- Initial release.