<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [ <!ENTITY CUPS "<acronym>CUPS</acronym>"> <!ENTITY PPD "<acronym>PPD</acronym>"> <!ENTITY IPP "<acronym>IPP</acronym>"> <!ENTITY ghostscript "<application>ghostscript</application>"> <!ENTITY tech-overview-doc SYSTEM "tech-overview.docbook"> <!ENTITY highlights-doc SYSTEM "highlights.docbook"> <!ENTITY getting-started-doc SYSTEM "getting-started.docbook"> <!ENTITY theory-doc SYSTEM "theory.docbook"> <!ENTITY cups-configuration-doc SYSTEM "cups-config.docbook"> <!ENTITY add-printer-wizard-2-doc SYSTEM "add-printer-wiz.docbook"> <!ENTITY cupsoptions-presently-outside-kcontrol-doc SYSTEM "cupsoptions.docbook"> <!ENTITY rlpr-doc SYSTEM "rlpr.docbook"> <!ENTITY lpd-doc SYSTEM "lpd.docbook"> <!ENTITY lpr-bsd-doc SYSTEM "lpr-bsd.docbook"> <!ENTITY lprng-doc SYSTEM "lprng.docbook"> <!ENTITY external-command-doc SYSTEM "external-command.docbook"> <!ENTITY extensions-doc SYSTEM "extensions.docbook"> <!ENTITY final-word-doc SYSTEM "final-word.docbook"> <!ENTITY kappname "&tdeprint;"><!-- replace kapp here --> <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here --> ]> <book lang="&language;"> <bookinfo> <title>The &tdeprint; Handbook</title> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Kurt</firstname> <surname>Pfeifle</surname> <affiliation> <address><email>kpfeifle@danka.de</email></address> </affiliation> </author> <othercredit role="developer"> <firstname>Michael</firstname> <surname>Goffioul</surname> <affiliation> <address><email>tdeprint@swing.be</email></address> </affiliation> <contrib>Developer</contrib> </othercredit> <othercredit role="reviewer"> <firstname>Lauri</firstname> <surname>Watts</surname> <affiliation> <address><email>lauri@kde.org</email></address> </affiliation> <contrib>Reviewer</contrib> </othercredit> <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> </authorgroup> <copyright> <year>2001</year> <holder>Kurt Pfeifle</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> <date>2001-08-09</date> <releaseinfo>1.00.04</releaseinfo> <abstract> <para>This handbook describes &tdeprint;. &tdeprint; is not a standalone program. It is the new printing framework for &kde; 2.2. &tdeprint; is an intermediate layer between &kde; (or other) applications and the selected (and installed) print subsystem of your OS (&OS;).</para> </abstract> <keywordset> <keyword>KDE</keyword> <keyword>tdebase</keyword> <keyword>tdeprint</keyword> <keyword>print</keyword> <keyword>printing</keyword> <keyword>CUPS</keyword> <keyword>LPR</keyword> </keywordset> </bookinfo> <chapter id="introduction"> <title>Introduction</title> <para>This handbook describes &tdeprint;. &tdeprint; is not a standalone program. It is the new printing framework for &kde; 2.2. &tdeprint; is an intermediate layer between &kde; (or other) applications and the selected (and installed) print subsystem of your OS (&OS;).</para> <para>It should be noted that both the developer of this application, and the author of this document are most familiar with &CUPS; as a printing system. At the time of writing, &CUPS; is the best supported printing subsystem, and it is the best documented.</para> <para>This handbook is a work in progress, and later versions of the &tdeprint; software and editions of this handbook will support and explore more closely other printing systems.</para> <para>In the meantime, even if your printing subsystem is not yet well covered, you are encouraged to explore the <guilabel>Printing Manager</guilabel> module in &kcontrol;, and you will find its operation to hopefully be fairly self evident, no matter what printing subsystem you use.</para> <para>Lauri Watts, &kde; documentation team</para> <!-- Insert here screenshot : <steinbruch_scaled.png> --> <sect1> <title>To configure your printing subsystem from &kcontrol;</title> <para>To configure your printing subsystem from &kcontrol;, go to <menuchoice><guilabel>System</guilabel><guilabel>Printing Manager</guilabel></menuchoice> and select your subsystem. Or you can let &tdeprint; try to determine it... </para> <screenshot> <screeninfo>&CUPS; Printing Manager dialog: overview via &kcontrol;</screeninfo> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="steinbruch_scaled.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject> <textobject> <phrase>The dialog to configure the &CUPS; server: security settings</phrase></textobject> <caption><para>Configuration of printing subsystem from &kcontrol;</para></caption> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </sect1> </chapter> &tech-overview-doc; &highlights-doc; &theory-doc; &getting-started-doc; &cups-configuration-doc; &add-printer-wizard-2-doc; &cupsoptions-presently-outside-kcontrol-doc; &rlpr-doc; &lpd-doc; &lpr-bsd-doc; &lprng-doc; &external-command-doc; &extensions-doc; &final-word-doc; <chapter id="credits-and-license"> <title>Credits And Licenses</title> <para>&tdeprint; copyright 2001, Michael Goffioul <email>tdeprint@swing.be</email></para> &underGPL; <para>Documentation copyright 2001, Kurt Pfeifle, <email>kpfeifle@danka.de</email></para> &underFDL; <!-- TRANS:CREDIT_FOR_TRANSLATORS --> </chapter> </book> <!-- Local Variables: mode: sgml sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-general-insert-case:lower sgml-indent-step:0 sgml-indent-data:nil End: // vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78:noet -->