<sect1 id="file-sharing"> <sect1info> <authorgroup> <author> &Lauri.Watts; </author> </authorgroup> </sect1info> <title>File Sharing</title> <sect2 id="file-sharing-kpf"> <title>How to share files with &kpf;</title> <indexterm><primary>File sharing</primary></indexterm> <indexterm><primary>Shared Folders</primary></indexterm> <para>&kpf; provides simple file sharing using &HTTP; (the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol,) which is the same protocol used by web sites to provide data to your web browser. &kpf; is strictly a public fileserver, which means that there are no access restrictions to shared files: whatever you select for sharing is available to anyone.</para> <para>&kpf; is designed to be used for sharing files with friends, not to act like a fully-fledged web server such as <application>Apache</application>. &kpf; was primarily conceived as an easy way to share files with others while chatting on <acronym>IRC</acronym> (Internet Relay Chat, or <quote>chat rooms</quote>.)</para> <para>&kpf; runs as an applet inside &kicker;. This means that it takes up little space on your screen and its status is always visible. To start the &kpf; applet, <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on &kicker; and choose <guimenu>Add Applet to Panel...</guimenu> to open the <guilabel>Add Applet</guilabel> dialog. Select <guilabel>Public File Server</guilabel> and click the <guibutton>Add to Panel</guibutton> button.</para> <para>&kpf; employs the concept of shared folders. You may choose one or more folders to make public, and all files in that folder (and any subfolders) will be shared.</para> <note><para>Please be extremely careful about which folders you share. Remember that all files in the folder and its subfolders, including <quote>hidden</quote> files (<quote>dotfiles</quote> to the techies) will be made available to the world, so be careful not to share sensitive information, such as passwords, cryptographic keys, your addressbook, documents private to your organization, &etc;.</para></note> <para>Once &kpf; is running, you will see a square applet with a thin sunken bevel and an icon depicting an <guiicon>hot air balloon</guiicon>. The balloon is visible when no folders are being shared.</para> <para>To share a folder, <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on the balloon icon and a pop-up menu will appear, containing only one item, <guimenuitem>New Server...</guimenuitem>. Selecting this entry will cause a <quote>wizard</quote> to appear, which will ask you a few simple questions. Completing the questions will set up a folder for sharing.</para> <para>There is an alternative to using the applet directly when you want to share a folder. &kpf; is integrated with &konqueror;.</para> <para>With &konqueror; open and displaying a folder, <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on the background and bring up the <quote>Properties</quote> dialog. On install, &kpf; added a <guilabel>Sharing</guilabel> tab to this dialog. You will be offered the option of starting &kpf; if it is not running. Choosing <guibutton>Ok</guibutton> will send a signal to the &kpf; applet, asking it to add a new share.</para> <para>For more detailed information, such as how to share different directories to different people, see the <ulink url="help:/kpf">&kpf;</ulink> handbook.</para> </sect2> <!-- <sect2 id="file-sharing-other-strategies"> <title>Other strategies</title> Samba, local cgi? nfs devices --> <!-- Add links to "further reading" here --> <!-- <itemizedlist> <title>Related Information</title> <listitem><para>to be written</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </sect2>--> </sect1> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: xml sgml-omittag:nil sgml-shorttag:nil sgml-namecase-general:nil sgml-general-insert-case:lower sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:0 sgml-indent-data:true sgml-parent-document:("index.docbook" "book" "sect1") sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil End: -->