/***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Matthias Ettrich 2000-2001 Matthias Elter 2001 Carsten Pfeiffer 2001 Martijn Klingens 2004 Aaron J. Seigo 2010 Timothy Pearson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "simplebutton.h" #include "systemtrayapplet.h" #include "systemtrayapplet.moc" #include #define ICON_MARGIN 1 extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT KPanelApplet* init(QWidget *parent, const QString& configFile) { KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("ksystemtrayapplet"); return new SystemTrayApplet(configFile, KPanelApplet::Normal, KPanelApplet::Preferences, parent, "ksystemtrayapplet"); } } SystemTrayApplet::SystemTrayApplet(const QString& configFile, Type type, int actions, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KPanelApplet(configFile, type, actions, parent, name), m_showFrame(false), m_showHidden(false), m_expandButton(0), m_settingsDialog(0), m_iconSelector(0), m_autoRetractTimer(0), m_autoRetract(false), m_iconSize(24), m_layout(0) { DCOPObject::setObjId("SystemTrayApplet"); loadSettings(); setBackgroundOrigin(AncestorOrigin); kwin_module = new KWinModule(this); // kApplication notifies us of settings changes. added to support // disabling of frame effect on mouse hover kapp->dcopClient()->setNotifications(true); connectDCOPSignal("kicker", "kicker", "configurationChanged()", "loadSettings()", false); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(initialize())); } void SystemTrayApplet::initialize() { // register existing tray windows const QValueList systemTrayWindows = kwin_module->systemTrayWindows(); bool existing = false; for (QValueList::ConstIterator it = systemTrayWindows.begin(); it != systemTrayWindows.end(); ++it ) { embedWindow(*it, true); existing = true; } showExpandButton(!m_hiddenWins.isEmpty()); if (existing) { updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); } // the KWinModule notifies us when tray windows are added or removed connect( kwin_module, SIGNAL( systemTrayWindowAdded(WId) ), this, SLOT( systemTrayWindowAdded(WId) ) ); connect( kwin_module, SIGNAL( systemTrayWindowRemoved(WId) ), this, SLOT( updateTrayWindows() ) ); QCString screenstr; screenstr.setNum(qt_xscreen()); QCString trayatom = "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" + screenstr; Display *display = qt_xdisplay(); net_system_tray_selection = XInternAtom(display, trayatom, false); net_system_tray_opcode = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE", false); // Acquire system tray XSetSelectionOwner(display, net_system_tray_selection, winId(), CurrentTime); WId root = qt_xrootwin(); if (XGetSelectionOwner (display, net_system_tray_selection) == winId()) { XClientMessageEvent xev; xev.type = ClientMessage; xev.window = root; xev.message_type = XInternAtom (display, "MANAGER", False); xev.format = 32; xev.data.l[0] = CurrentTime; xev.data.l[1] = net_system_tray_selection; xev.data.l[2] = winId(); xev.data.l[3] = 0; /* manager specific data */ xev.data.l[4] = 0; /* manager specific data */ XSendEvent (display, root, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *)&xev); } setBackground(); } SystemTrayApplet::~SystemTrayApplet() { for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator it = m_hiddenWins.constBegin(); it != m_hiddenWins.constEnd(); ++it) { delete *it; } for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator it = m_shownWins.constBegin(); it != m_shownWins.constEnd(); ++it) { delete *it; } KGlobal::locale()->removeCatalogue("ksystemtrayapplet"); } bool SystemTrayApplet::x11Event( XEvent *e ) { #define SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK 0 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_BEGIN_MESSAGE 1 #define SYSTEM_TRAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE 2 if ( e->type == ClientMessage ) { if ( e->xclient.message_type == net_system_tray_opcode && e->xclient.data.l[1] == SYSTEM_TRAY_REQUEST_DOCK) { if( isWinManaged( (WId)e->xclient.data.l[2] ) ) // we already manage it return true; embedWindow( e->xclient.data.l[2], false ); layoutTray(); return true; } } return KPanelApplet::x11Event( e ) ; } void SystemTrayApplet::preferences() { if (m_settingsDialog) { m_settingsDialog->show(); m_settingsDialog->raise(); return; } m_settingsDialog = new KDialogBase(0, "systrayconfig", false, i18n("Configure System Tray"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true); m_settingsDialog->resize(450, 400); connect(m_settingsDialog, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), this, SLOT(applySettings())); connect(m_settingsDialog, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(applySettings())); connect(m_settingsDialog, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(settingsDialogFinished())); m_iconSelector = new KActionSelector(m_settingsDialog); m_iconSelector->setAvailableLabel(i18n("Visible icons:")); m_iconSelector->setSelectedLabel(i18n("Hidden icons:")); m_iconSelector->setShowUpDownButtons(false); m_settingsDialog->setMainWidget(m_iconSelector); QListBox *shownListBox = m_iconSelector->availableListBox(); QListBox *hiddenListBox = m_iconSelector->selectedListBox(); TrayEmbedList::const_iterator it = m_shownWins.begin(); TrayEmbedList::const_iterator itEnd = m_shownWins.end(); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { QString name = KWin::windowInfo((*it)->embeddedWinId()).name(); if(!shownListBox->findItem(name, Qt::ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive)) { shownListBox->insertItem(KWin::icon((*it)->embeddedWinId(), 22, 22, true), name); } } it = m_hiddenWins.begin(); itEnd = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (; it != itEnd; ++it) { QString name = KWin::windowInfo((*it)->embeddedWinId()).name(); if(!hiddenListBox->findItem(name, Qt::ExactMatch | Qt::CaseSensitive)) { hiddenListBox->insertItem(KWin::icon((*it)->embeddedWinId(), 22, 22, true), name); } } m_settingsDialog->show(); } void SystemTrayApplet::settingsDialogFinished() { m_settingsDialog->delayedDestruct(); m_settingsDialog = 0; m_iconSelector = 0; } void SystemTrayApplet::applySettings() { if (!m_iconSelector) { return; } KConfig *conf = config(); conf->setGroup("HiddenTrayIcons"); QString name; // use the following snippet of code someday to implement ordering // of icons /* m_visibleIconList.clear(); QListBoxItem* item = m_iconSelector->availableListBox()->firstItem(); for (; item; item = item->next()) { m_visibleIconList.append(item->text()); } conf->writeEntry("Visible", m_visibleIconList); selection.clear();*/ m_hiddenIconList.clear(); QListBoxItem* item = m_iconSelector->selectedListBox()->firstItem(); for (; item; item = item->next()) { m_hiddenIconList.append(item->text()); } conf->writeEntry("Hidden", m_hiddenIconList); conf->sync(); TrayEmbedList::iterator it = m_shownWins.begin(); while (it != m_shownWins.end()) { if (shouldHide((*it)->embeddedWinId())) { m_hiddenWins.append(*it); it = m_shownWins.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } it = m_hiddenWins.begin(); while (it != m_hiddenWins.end()) { if (!shouldHide((*it)->embeddedWinId())) { m_shownWins.append(*it); it = m_hiddenWins.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } showExpandButton(!m_hiddenWins.isEmpty()); updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); } void SystemTrayApplet::checkAutoRetract() { if (!m_autoRetractTimer) { return; } if (!geometry().contains(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()))) { m_autoRetractTimer->stop(); if (m_autoRetract) { m_autoRetract = false; if (m_showHidden) { retract(); } } else { m_autoRetract = true; m_autoRetractTimer->start(2000, true); } } else { m_autoRetract = false; m_autoRetractTimer->start(250, true); } } void SystemTrayApplet::showExpandButton(bool show) { if (show) { if (!m_expandButton) { m_expandButton = new SimpleArrowButton(this); m_expandButton->installEventFilter(this); refreshExpandButton(); if (orientation() == Vertical) { m_expandButton->setFixedSize(width() - 4, m_expandButton->sizeHint() .height()); } else { m_expandButton->setFixedSize(m_expandButton->sizeHint() .width(), height() - 4); } connect(m_expandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleExpanded())); m_autoRetractTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_autoRetractTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkAutoRetract())); } else { refreshExpandButton(); } m_expandButton->show(); } else if (m_expandButton) { m_expandButton->hide(); } } void SystemTrayApplet::orientationChange( Orientation /*orientation*/ ) { refreshExpandButton(); } void SystemTrayApplet::iconSizeChanged() { loadSettings(); updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); TrayEmbedList::iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); while (emb != m_shownWins.end()) { (*emb)->setFixedSize(m_iconSize, m_iconSize); ++emb; } emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); while (emb != m_hiddenWins.end()) { (*emb)->setFixedSize(m_iconSize, m_iconSize); ++emb; } } void SystemTrayApplet::loadSettings() { // set our defaults setFrameStyle(NoFrame); m_showFrame = false; KConfig *conf = config(); conf->reparseConfiguration(); conf->setGroup("General"); if (conf->readBoolEntry("ShowPanelFrame", false)) { setFrameStyle(Panel | Sunken); } conf->setGroup("HiddenTrayIcons"); m_hiddenIconList = conf->readListEntry("Hidden"); //Note This setting comes from kdeglobal. conf->setGroup("System Tray"); m_iconSize = conf->readNumEntry("systrayIconWidth", 22); } void SystemTrayApplet::systemTrayWindowAdded( WId w ) { if (isWinManaged(w)) { // we already manage it return; } embedWindow(w, true); updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); if (m_showFrame && frameStyle() == NoFrame) { setFrameStyle(Panel|Sunken); } } void SystemTrayApplet::embedWindow( WId w, bool kde_tray ) { TrayEmbed* emb = new TrayEmbed(kde_tray, this); emb->setAutoDelete(false); if (kde_tray) { static Atom hack_atom = XInternAtom( qt_xdisplay(), "_KDE_SYSTEM_TRAY_EMBEDDING", False ); XChangeProperty( qt_xdisplay(), w, hack_atom, hack_atom, 32, PropModeReplace, NULL, 0 ); emb->embed(w); XDeleteProperty( qt_xdisplay(), w, hack_atom ); } else { emb->embed(w); } if (emb->embeddedWinId() == 0) // error embedding { delete emb; return; } connect(emb, SIGNAL(embeddedWindowDestroyed()), SLOT(updateTrayWindows())); emb->getIconSize(m_iconSize); if (shouldHide(w)) { emb->hide(); m_hiddenWins.append(emb); showExpandButton(true); } else { //emb->hide(); emb->setBackground(); emb->show(); m_shownWins.append(emb); } } bool SystemTrayApplet::isWinManaged(WId w) { TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_shownWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { if ((*emb)->embeddedWinId() == w) // we already manage it { return true; } } lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { if ((*emb)->embeddedWinId() == w) // we already manage it { return true; } } return false; } bool SystemTrayApplet::shouldHide(WId w) { return m_hiddenIconList.find(KWin::windowInfo(w).name()) != m_hiddenIconList.end(); } void SystemTrayApplet::updateVisibleWins() { TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); if (m_showHidden) { for (; emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { (*emb)->setBackground(); (*emb)->show(); } } else { for (; emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { (*emb)->hide(); } } } void SystemTrayApplet::toggleExpanded() { if (m_showHidden) { retract(); } else { expand(); } } void SystemTrayApplet::refreshExpandButton() { if (!m_expandButton) { return; } Qt::ArrowType a; if (orientation() == Vertical) a = m_showHidden ? Qt::DownArrow : Qt::UpArrow; else a = (m_showHidden ^ kapp->reverseLayout()) ? Qt::RightArrow : Qt::LeftArrow; m_expandButton->setArrowType(a); } void SystemTrayApplet::expand() { m_showHidden = true; refreshExpandButton(); updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); if (m_autoRetractTimer) { m_autoRetractTimer->start(250, true); } } void SystemTrayApplet::retract() { if (m_autoRetractTimer) { m_autoRetractTimer->stop(); } m_showHidden = false; refreshExpandButton(); updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); } void SystemTrayApplet::updateTrayWindows() { TrayEmbedList::iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); while (emb != m_shownWins.end()) { WId wid = (*emb)->embeddedWinId(); if ((wid == 0) || ((*emb)->kdeTray() && !kwin_module->systemTrayWindows().contains(wid))) { (*emb)->deleteLater(); emb = m_shownWins.erase(emb); } else { ++emb; } } emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); while (emb != m_hiddenWins.end()) { WId wid = (*emb)->embeddedWinId(); if ((wid == 0) || ((*emb)->kdeTray() && !kwin_module->systemTrayWindows().contains(wid))) { (*emb)->deleteLater(); emb = m_hiddenWins.erase(emb); } else { ++emb; } } showExpandButton(!m_hiddenWins.isEmpty()); updateVisibleWins(); layoutTray(); } int SystemTrayApplet::maxIconWidth() const { int largest = m_iconSize; TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_shownWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { if (*emb == 0) { continue; } int width = (*emb)->width(); if (width > largest) { largest = width; } } if (m_showHidden) { lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { int width = (*emb)->width(); if (width > largest) { largest = width; } } } return largest; } int SystemTrayApplet::maxIconHeight() const { int largest = m_iconSize; TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_shownWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); emb != m_shownWins.end(); ++emb) { if (*emb == 0) { continue; } int height = (*emb)->height(); if (height > largest) { largest = height; } } if (m_showHidden) { lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); emb != m_hiddenWins.end(); ++emb) { if (*emb == 0) { continue; } int height = (*emb)->height(); if (height > largest) { largest = height; } } } return largest; } bool SystemTrayApplet::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* e) { if (watched == m_expandButton) { QPoint p; if (e->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu) { p = static_cast(e)->globalPos(); } else if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { QMouseEvent* me = static_cast(e); if (me->button() == Qt::RightButton) { p = me->globalPos(); } } if (!p.isNull()) { QPopupMenu* contextMenu = new QPopupMenu(this); contextMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("configure"), i18n("Configure System Tray..."), this, SLOT(configure())); contextMenu->exec(static_cast(e)->globalPos()); delete contextMenu; return true; } } return false; } int SystemTrayApplet::widthForHeight(int h) const { if (orientation() == Qt::Vertical) { return width(); } int currentHeight = height(); if (currentHeight != h) { SystemTrayApplet* me = const_cast(this); me->setMinimumSize(0, 0); me->setMaximumSize(32767, 32767); me->setFixedHeight(h); } return sizeHint().width(); } int SystemTrayApplet::heightForWidth(int w) const { if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) { return height(); } int currentWidth = width(); if (currentWidth != w) { SystemTrayApplet* me = const_cast(this); me->setMinimumSize(0, 0); me->setMaximumSize(32767, 32767); me->setFixedWidth(w); } return sizeHint().height(); } void SystemTrayApplet::moveEvent( QMoveEvent* ) { setBackground(); } void SystemTrayApplet::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* ) { layoutTray(); // we need to give ourselves a chance to adjust our size before calling this QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SIGNAL(updateLayout())); } void SystemTrayApplet::layoutTray() { setUpdatesEnabled(false); int iconCount = m_shownWins.count(); if (m_showHidden) { iconCount += m_hiddenWins.count(); } /* heightWidth = height or width in pixels (depends on orientation()) * nbrOfLines = number of rows or cols (depends on orientation()) * line = what line to draw an icon in */ int i = 0, line, nbrOfLines, heightWidth; bool showExpandButton = m_expandButton && m_expandButton->isVisibleTo(this); delete m_layout; m_layout = new QGridLayout(this, 1, 1, ICON_MARGIN, ICON_MARGIN); if (m_expandButton) { if (orientation() == Vertical) { m_expandButton->setFixedSize(width() - 4, m_expandButton->sizeHint().height()); } else { m_expandButton->setFixedSize(m_expandButton->sizeHint().width(), height() - 4); } } // col = column or row, depends on orientation(), // the opposite direction of line int col = 0; // // The margin and spacing specified in the layout implies that: // [-- ICON_MARGIN pixels --] [-- first icon --] [-- ICON_MARGIN pixels --] ... [-- ICON_MARGIN pixels --] [-- last icon --] [-- ICON_MARGIN pixels --] // // So, if we say that iconWidth is the icon width plus the ICON_MARGIN pixels spacing, then the available width for the icons // is the widget width minus ICON_MARGIN pixels margin. Forgetting these ICON_MARGIN pixels broke the layout algorithm in KDE <= 3.5.9. // // This fix makes the workarounds in the heightForWidth() and widthForHeight() methods unneeded. // if (orientation() == Vertical) { int iconWidth = maxIconWidth() + ICON_MARGIN; // +2 for the margins that implied by the layout heightWidth = width() - ICON_MARGIN; // to avoid nbrOfLines=0 we ensure heightWidth >= iconWidth! heightWidth = heightWidth < iconWidth ? iconWidth : heightWidth; nbrOfLines = heightWidth / iconWidth; if (showExpandButton) { m_layout->addMultiCellWidget(m_expandButton, 0, 0, 0, nbrOfLines - 1, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); col = 1; } if (m_showHidden) { TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { line = i % nbrOfLines; (*emb)->show(); m_layout->addWidget((*emb), col, line, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); if ((line + 1) == nbrOfLines) { ++col; } ++i; } } TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_shownWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { line = i % nbrOfLines; (*emb)->show(); m_layout->addWidget((*emb), col, line, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); if ((line + 1) == nbrOfLines) { ++col; } ++i; } } else // horizontal { int iconHeight = maxIconHeight() + ICON_MARGIN; // +2 for the margins that implied by the layout heightWidth = height() - ICON_MARGIN; heightWidth = heightWidth < iconHeight ? iconHeight : heightWidth; // to avoid nbrOfLines=0 nbrOfLines = heightWidth / iconHeight; if (showExpandButton) { m_layout->addMultiCellWidget(m_expandButton, 0, nbrOfLines - 1, 0, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); col = 1; } if (m_showHidden) { TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { line = i % nbrOfLines; (*emb)->show(); m_layout->addWidget((*emb), line, col, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); if ((line + 1) == nbrOfLines) { ++col; } ++i; } } TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb = m_shownWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) { line = i % nbrOfLines; (*emb)->show(); m_layout->addWidget((*emb), line, col, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); if ((line + 1) == nbrOfLines) { ++col; } ++i; } } setUpdatesEnabled(true); updateGeometry(); setBackground(); } void SystemTrayApplet::paletteChange(const QPalette & /* oldPalette */) { setBackground(); } void SystemTrayApplet::setBackground() { TrayEmbedList::const_iterator lastEmb; lastEmb = m_shownWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_shownWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) (*emb)->setBackground(); lastEmb = m_hiddenWins.end(); for (TrayEmbedList::const_iterator emb = m_hiddenWins.begin(); emb != lastEmb; ++emb) (*emb)->setBackground(); } TrayEmbed::TrayEmbed( bool kdeTray, QWidget* parent ) : QXEmbed( parent ), kde_tray( kdeTray ) { hide(); m_scaledWidget = new QWidget(parent); m_scaledWidget->hide(); } void TrayEmbed::getIconSize(int defaultIconSize) { QSize minSize = minimumSizeHint(); int width = minSize.width(); int height = minSize.height(); if (width < 1 || width > defaultIconSize) width = defaultIconSize; if (height < 1 || height > defaultIconSize) height = defaultIconSize; setFixedSize(width, height); setBackground(); } void TrayEmbed::setBackground() { const QPixmap *pbg = parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap(); if (pbg) { QPixmap bg(width(), height()); bg.fill(parentWidget(), pos()); setPaletteBackgroundPixmap(bg); setBackgroundOrigin(WidgetOrigin); } else unsetPalette(); if (!isHidden()) { XClearArea(x11Display(), embeddedWinId(), 0, 0, 0, 0, True); } }