import java.util.*; import org.kde.qt.*; import org.kde.koala.*; /** * The base class for KScribble application windows. It sets up the main * window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar * and statusbar. In initView(), your main view is created as the MDI child window manager. * Child windows are created in createClient(), which gets a document instance as it's document to * display whereby one document can have several views.The MDI child is an instance of KScribbleView, * the document an instance of KScribbleDoc. * KScribbleApp reimplements the methods that TDEMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports * full session management as well as keyboard accelerator configuration by using TDEAccel. * @see TDEMainWindow * @see TDEApplication * @see TDEConfig * @see TDEAccel * * @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team. * @version KDevelop version 1.1 code generation */ public class KScribbleApp extends TDEMainWindow implements Resource { /** the configuration object of the application */ private TDEConfig config; /** view is the main widget which represents your working area. The View * class should handle all events of the view widget. It is kept empty so * you can create your view according to your application's needs by * changing the view class. */ private KScribbleView view; /** doc represents your actual document and is created only once. It keeps * information such as filename and does the serialization of your files. */ private KScribbleDoc doc; /** contains the recently used filenames */ ArrayList recentFiles = null; // menus private TQPopupMenu pFileMenu; private TQPopupMenu pEditMenu; private TQPopupMenu pPenMenu; private TQPopupMenu pViewMenu; private TQPopupMenu pWindowMenu; private TQPopupMenu pHelpMenu; private TQPopupMenu pRecentFileMenu; private TQWorkspace pWorkspace; private TQPrinter printer; private int untitledCount = 0; private ArrayList pDocList; private TDEApplication kapp; private TDEIconLoader k = new TDEIconLoader(); /** construtor of KScribbleApp, calls all init functions to create the application. */ public KScribbleApp(TQWidget parent, String name) { super(parent,name, 0); kapp = TDEApplication.kApplication(); config=kapp.config(); printer = new TQPrinter(); untitledCount=0; pDocList = new ArrayList(); setAcceptDrops(true); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call inits to invoke all other construction parts initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); initStatusBar(); initKeyAccel(); initView(); readOptions(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // disable menu and toolbar items at startup disableCommand(ID_EDIT_UNDO); } public KScribbleApp() { this(null, null); } /** initializes the TDEActions of the application */ protected void initKeyAccel() { TDEAccel keyAccel = new TDEAccel(this); // fileMenu accelerators keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.New, this, SLOT("slotFileNew()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Open, this, SLOT("slotFileOpen()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Save, this, SLOT("slotFileSave()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Close, this, SLOT("slotFileClose()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Print, this, SLOT("slotFilePrint()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Quit, this, SLOT("slotFileQuit()")); // editMenu accelerators keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Cut, this, SLOT("slotEditCut()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Copy, this, SLOT("slotEditCopy()")); keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Paste, this, SLOT("slotEditPaste()")); // help accelerator keyAccel.insert(TDEStdAccel.Help, this, SLOT("appHelpActivated()")); keyAccel.readSettings(); } void initMenuBar() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MENUBAR pRecentFileMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); connect(pRecentFileMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("slotFileOpenRecent(int)")); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menuBar entry file-Menu pFileMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("filenew"),i18n("&New"), ID_FILE_NEW,-1); pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("fileopen"),i18n("&Open..."), ID_FILE_OPEN,-1); pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Open &recent"), pRecentFileMenu, ID_FILE_OPEN_RECENT,-1); pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Close"), ID_FILE_CLOSE,-1); pFileMenu.insertSeparator(); pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("filefloppy") ,i18n("&Save"), ID_FILE_SAVE,-1); pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("Save &As..."), ID_FILE_SAVE_AS,-1); pFileMenu.insertSeparator(); pFileMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("fileprint"), i18n("&Print..."), ID_FILE_PRINT,-1); pFileMenu.insertSeparator(); pFileMenu.insertItem(i18n("E&xit"), ID_FILE_QUIT,-1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menuBar entry edit-Menu pEditMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("undo"), i18n("&Undo"), ID_EDIT_UNDO,-1); pEditMenu.insertSeparator(); pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("editcut"), i18n("Cu&t"), ID_EDIT_CUT,-1); pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("editcopy"), i18n("&Copy"), ID_EDIT_COPY,-1); pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("editpaste"), i18n("&Paste"), ID_EDIT_PASTE,-1); pEditMenu.insertItem(KDE.BarIconSet("delete"),i18n("&Clear All"), ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL,-1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menuBar entry pen-Menu pPenMenu = new TQPopupMenu(); pPenMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Color"), ID_PEN_COLOR,-1); pPenMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Brush"), ID_PEN_BRUSH,-1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menuBar entry view-Menu pViewMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); pViewMenu.setCheckable(true); pViewMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Toolbar"), ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR,-1); pViewMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Statusbar"), ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR,-1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menuBar entry window-Menu pWindowMenu = new TQPopupMenu(this); pWindowMenu.setCheckable(true); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menuBar entry helpMenu TQPopupMenu pHelpMenu = helpMenu(i18n("Java KScribble " + Main.VERSION + "\n\n(c) 2002 by\n" + "Ralf Nolden\"),true); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MENUBAR CONFIGURATION // insert your popup menus with the according menubar entries in the order // they will appear later from left to right menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&File"), pFileMenu); menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Edit"), pEditMenu); menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Pen"), pPenMenu); menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&View"), pViewMenu); menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Window"), pWindowMenu ); menuBar().insertItem(i18n("&Help"), pHelpMenu); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONNECT THE MENU SLOTS WITH SIGNALS // for execution slots and statusbar messages connect(pFileMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)")); connect(pFileMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)")); connect(pEditMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)")); connect(pEditMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)")); connect(pPenMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)")); connect(pPenMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)")); connect(pViewMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)")); connect(pViewMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)")); connect(pWindowMenu, SIGNAL("aboutToShow()" ), SLOT( "windowMenuAboutToShow()" ) ); connect(pWindowMenu, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)")); connect(pWindowMenu, SIGNAL("highlighted(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)")); } private void initToolBar() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TOOLBAR toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("filenew"), ID_FILE_NEW, true, i18n("New File"),-1); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("fileopen"), ID_FILE_OPEN, true, i18n("Open File"),-1); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("filefloppy"), ID_FILE_SAVE, true, i18n("Save File"),-1); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("fileprint"), ID_FILE_PRINT, true, i18n("Print"),-1); toolBar().insertSeparator(); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("editcut"), ID_EDIT_CUT, true, i18n("Cut"),-1); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("editcopy"), ID_EDIT_COPY, true, i18n("Copy"),-1); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("editpaste"), ID_EDIT_PASTE, true, i18n("Paste"),-1); toolBar().insertSeparator(); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("pencolor"), ID_PEN_COLOR, true, i18n("Color"),-1 ); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("penwidth"), ID_PEN_BRUSH, true, i18n("Width"),-1 ); toolBar().insertSeparator(); toolBar().insertButton(KDE.BarIcon("help"), ID_HELP_CONTENTS, SIGNAL("clicked()"), this, SLOT("appHelpActivated()"), true,i18n("Help"),-1); TQToolButton btnwhat = TQWhatsThis.whatsThisButton(toolBar()); TQToolTip.add(btnwhat, i18n("What's this...?")); toolBar().insertWidget(ID_HELP_WHATS_THIS, btnwhat.sizeHint().width(), btnwhat); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INSERT YOUR APPLICATION SPECIFIC TOOLBARS HERE WITH toolBar(n) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONNECT THE TOOLBAR SLOTS WITH SIGNALS - add new created toolbars by their according number // connect for invoking the slot actions connect(toolBar(), SIGNAL("clicked(int)"), SLOT("commandCallback(int)")); // connect for the status help on holing icons pressed with the mouse button connect(toolBar(), SIGNAL("pressed(int)"), SLOT("statusCallback(int)")); } /** sets up the kstatusBar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel. */ protected void initStatusBar() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STATUSBAR // TODO: add your own items you need for displaying current application status. kstatusBar().insertItem(i18n("Ready."), ID_STATUS_MSG); } /** creates the centerwidget of the KTMainWindow instance and sets it as the view */ protected void initView() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // here the main view of the KTMainWindow is created by a background box and // the TQWorkspace instance for MDI view. TQVBox view_back = new TQVBox( this ); view_back.setFrameStyle( TQFrame.StyledPanel | TQFrame.Sunken ); pWorkspace = new TQWorkspace( view_back, "" ); connect(pWorkspace, SIGNAL("windowActivated(TQWidget)"), this, SLOT("setWndTitle(TQWidget)")); // setView(view_back); setCentralWidget(view_back); } void createClient(KScribbleDoc doc) { KScribbleView w = new KScribbleView(doc, pWorkspace,null,WDestructiveClose); w.installEventFilter(this); doc.addView(w); w.setIcon(kapp.miniIcon()); if ( pWorkspace.windowList().isEmpty() ) // show the very first window in maximized mode w.showMaximized(); else; } void addRecentFile(String file) { if(recentFiles != null && recentFiles.contains(file)) return; // it's already there if( recentFiles.size() < 5) recentFiles.add(0,file); else{ recentFiles.remove(recentFiles.remove(recentFiles.size()-1)); recentFiles.add(0,file); } pRecentFileMenu.clear(); Iterator it = recentFiles.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { pRecentFileMenu.insertItem((String); } } /** opens a file specified by commandline option */ public void openDocumentFile(KURL url) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file...")); KScribbleDoc doc; String file =,true) + url.fileName(); Iterator it = pDocList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { doc = (KScribbleDoc); // check, if document already open. If yes, set the focus to the first view if(doc.pathName().equals(file)) { KScribbleView view=doc.firstView(); view.setFocus(); return; } } doc = new KScribbleDoc(); pDocList.add(doc); doc.newDocument(); // Creates an untitled window if file is 0 if(file == null || file.length() == 0) { untitledCount+=1; String fileName= i18n("Untitled" +untitledCount); doc.setPathName(fileName); doc.setTitle(fileName); } // Open the file else { String format= TQImageIO.imageFormat(file); if(!doc.openDocument(file,format)) KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not open document !"), i18n("Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify); addRecentFile(file); } // create the window createClient(doc); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } public void openDocumentFile() { openDocumentFile(new KURL()); return; } void windowMenuAboutToShow() { pWindowMenu.clear(); pWindowMenu.insertItem(i18n("&New Window"), ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW); pWindowMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Cascade"), pWorkspace, SLOT("cascade()" ),new TQKeySequence(0) , ID_WINDOW_CASCADE ); pWindowMenu.insertItem(i18n("&Tile"), pWorkspace, SLOT("tile()" ),new TQKeySequence(0) , ID_WINDOW_TILE ); if ( pWorkspace.windowList().isEmpty() ) { disableCommand(ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW); disableCommand(ID_WINDOW_CASCADE); disableCommand(ID_WINDOW_TILE); } pWindowMenu.insertSeparator(); ArrayList windows = pWorkspace.windowList(); for ( int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i ) { int id = pWindowMenu.insertItem((i+1)+ ((TQWidget)windows.get(i)).caption(), this, SLOT( "windowMenuActivated( int )" ) ); pWindowMenu.setItemParameter( id, i ); pWindowMenu.setItemChecked( id, pWorkspace.activeWindow() == (TQWidget)windows.get(i) ); } } void windowMenuActivated( int id ) { TQWidget w = (TQWidget)pWorkspace.windowList().get( id ); if ( w != null ) w.setFocus(); } void setWndTitle(TQWidget qw){ setCaption(pWorkspace.activeWindow() != null ? pWorkspace.activeWindow().caption() : ""); } void enableCommand(int id_) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // enable menu and toolbar functions by their ID's menuBar().setItemEnabled(id_, true); toolBar().setItemEnabled(id_, true); } void disableCommand(int id_) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // disable menu and toolbar functions by their ID's menuBar().setItemEnabled(id_, false); toolBar().setItemEnabled(id_, false); } void commandCallback(int id_) { switch (id_) { case ID_FILE_NEW: slotFileNew(); break; case ID_FILE_OPEN: slotFileOpen(); break; case ID_FILE_SAVE: slotFileSave(); break; case ID_FILE_SAVE_AS: slotFileSaveAs(); break; case ID_FILE_CLOSE: slotFileClose(); break; case ID_FILE_PRINT: slotFilePrint(); break; case ID_FILE_QUIT: slotFileQuit(); break; case ID_EDIT_CUT: slotEditCut(); break; case ID_EDIT_COPY: slotEditCopy(); break; case ID_EDIT_PASTE: slotEditPaste(); break; case ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL: slotEditClearAll(); break; case ID_PEN_BRUSH: slotPenBrush(); break; case ID_PEN_COLOR: slotPenColor(); break; case ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR: slotViewToolBar(); break; case ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR: slotViewStatusBar(); break; case ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW: slotWindowNewWindow(); break; default: break; } } void statusCallback(int id_) { switch (id_) { case ID_FILE_NEW: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Creates a new document")); break; case ID_FILE_OPEN: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Opens an existing document")); break; case ID_FILE_OPEN_RECENT: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Opens a recently used file")); break; case ID_FILE_SAVE: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Saves the currently active document")); break; case ID_FILE_SAVE_AS: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Saves the currently active document as under a new filename")); break; case ID_FILE_CLOSE: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Closes the currently active document")); break; case ID_FILE_PRINT: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Prints out the actual document")); break; case ID_FILE_QUIT: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Quits the application")); break; case ID_EDIT_UNDO: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Reverts the last editing action")); break; case ID_EDIT_CUT: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Cuts the selected section and puts it to the clipboard")); break; case ID_EDIT_COPY: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Copies the selected section to the clipboard")); break; case ID_EDIT_PASTE: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Pastes the clipboard contents to actual position")); break; case ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Clears the document contents")); break; case ID_PEN_BRUSH: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Sets the pen width")); break; case ID_PEN_COLOR: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Sets the current pen color")); break; case ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Enables/disables the toolbar")); break; case ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Enables/disables the statusbar")); break; case ID_WINDOW_NEW_WINDOW: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Opens a new view for the current document")); break; case ID_WINDOW_CASCADE: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Cascades all windows")); break; case ID_WINDOW_TILE: slotStatusHelpMsg(i18n("Tiles all windows")); break; default: break; } } void slotStatusHelpMsg(String text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message of whole statusbar temporary (text, msec) statusBar().message(text, 2000); } /** returns a pointer to the current document connected to the KTMainWindow instance and is used by * the View class to access the document object's methods */ public KScribbleDoc getDocument() { return doc; } /** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration * file */ protected void saveOptions() { config.setGroup("General Options"); config.writeEntry("Geometry", size()); config.writeEntry("Show Toolbar", toolBar().isVisible()); config.writeEntry("Show Statusbar",statusBar().isVisible()); config.writeEntry("ToolBarPos", (int) toolBar().barPos()); String[] rf = new String[recentFiles.size()]; rf = (String[]) recentFiles.toArray(rf); if (rf != null) config.writeEntry("Recent Files", rf); } /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list */ private void readOptions() { config.setGroup("General Options"); // bar status settings boolean bViewToolbar = config.readBoolEntry("Show Toolbar", true); menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, bViewToolbar); if(!bViewToolbar) { toolBar("mainToolBar").hide(); } boolean bViewStatusbar = config.readBoolEntry("Show Statusbar", true); menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, bViewStatusbar); if(!bViewStatusbar) { toolBar("mainToolBar").hide(); } // bar position settings int toolBarPos = TDEToolBar.Top; toolBarPos = config.readUnsignedNumEntry("ToolBarPos", TDEToolBar.Top); toolBar().setBarPos(toolBarPos); // initialize the recent file list // commented out until fix is applied. recentFiles = config.readListEntry("Recent Files"); Iterator it = recentFiles.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { pRecentFileMenu.insertItem((String); } // Read the size information and resize from settings. TQSize size = new TQSize(); config.readSizeEntry("Geometry",size); if(!size.isEmpty()) { resize(size); } else resize(400,350); } /** saves the window properties for each open window during session end to the session config file, including saving the currently * opened file by a temporary filename provided by TDEApplication. * @see KTMainWindow#saveProperties */ protected void saveProperties(TDEConfig _cfg) { } /** reads the session config file and restores the application's state including the last opened files and documents by reading the * temporary files saved by saveProperties() * @see KTMainWindow#readProperties */ protected void readProperties(TDEConfig _cfg) { } /** queryClose is called by KTMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the * default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall * be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected. * @see KTMainWindow#queryClose * @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent */ protected boolean queryClose() { ArrayList saveFiles = new ArrayList(); KScribbleDoc doc; if(pDocList.isEmpty()) return true; Iterator it = pDocList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { doc = (KScribbleDoc); if(doc.isModified()) saveFiles.add(doc.title()); } if(saveFiles.isEmpty()) return true; // lets load up a String array with the documents to save. String[] sf = new String[saveFiles.size()]; for (int x = 0; x < saveFiles.size(); x++) { sf[x] = (String)saveFiles.get(x); } switch (KMessageBox.questionYesNoList(this, i18n("One or more documents have been modified.\nSave changes before exiting?"),sf)) { case KMessageBox.Yes: Iterator itr = pDocList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { doc = (KScribbleDoc); if(doc.title().indexOf(i18n("Untitled")) > 0) { slotFileSaveAs(); } else { if(!doc.saveDocument(doc.pathName())){ KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document !"), i18n("I/O Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify); return false; } } } return true; case KMessageBox.No: default: return true; } } /** queryExit is called by KTMainWindow when the last window of the application is going to be closed during the closeEvent(). * Against the default implementation that just returns true, this calls saveOptions() to save the settings of the last window's * properties. * @see KTMainWindow#queryExit * @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent */ protected boolean queryExit() { saveOptions(); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SLOT IMPLEMENTATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void slotFileNew() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Creating new document...")); openDocumentFile(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFileOpen() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file...")); String fileToOpen=KFileDialog.getOpenFileName(TQDir.currentDirPath(), KImageIO.pattern(KImageIO.Reading), this, i18n("Open File...")); if(fileToOpen != null && fileToOpen.length() > 0) { openDocumentFile(new KURL(fileToOpen)); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFileSave() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if( m != null) { KScribbleDoc doc = m.getDocument(); if(doc.title().indexOf(i18n("Untitled")) > 0) slotFileSaveAs(); else if(!doc.saveDocument(doc.pathName())) KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document !"), i18n("I/O Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFileSaveAs() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Saving file with a new filename...")); String newName=KFileDialog.getSaveFileName(TQDir.currentDirPath(), KImageIO.pattern(KImageIO.Writing), this, i18n("Save as...")); if(newName != null) { KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if( m != null ) { KScribbleDoc doc = m.getDocument(); String format=new TQFileInfo(newName).extension(); format=format.toUpperCase(); if(!doc.saveDocument(newName,format)) { KMessageBox.error (this,i18n("Could not save the current document !"), i18n("I/O Error !"),KMessageBox.Notify); return; } doc.changedViewList(); setWndTitle(m); } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFileClose() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Closing file...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if( m != null ) { KScribbleDoc doc=m.getDocument(); doc.closeDocument(); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFilePrint() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Printing...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if ( m != null) m.print( printer ); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFileQuit() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Exiting...")); saveOptions(); // close the first window, the list makes the next one the first again. // This ensures that queryClose() is called on each window to ask for closing TDEMainWindow w; ArrayList memberlist = memberList(); if(memberlist != null) { Iterator it = memberlist.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { w = (TDEMainWindow); // only close the window if the closeEvent is accepted. If the user // presses Cancel on the saveModified() dialog, // the window and the application stay open. if(!w.close()) break; } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotFileOpenRecent(int id_) { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening file...")); KURL kurl = new KURL(pRecentFileMenu.text(id_)); // openDocumentFile(pRecentFileMenu.text(id_)); openDocumentFile(kurl); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotEditClearAll() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Clearing the document contents...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if ( m != null ){ KScribbleDoc pDoc = m.getDocument(); pDoc.editClearAll(); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotPenBrush() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Setting brush width...")); // get one window with document for a current pen width ArrayList windows = pWorkspace.windowList(); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView)windows.get(0); KScribbleDoc pDoc = m.getDocument(); int curr_width=pDoc.penWidth(); // create the dialog, get the new width and set the pen width for all documents KPenBrushDlg dlg= new KPenBrushDlg(curr_width,this,""); if(dlg.exec() > 0){ int width=dlg.getPenWidth(); for ( int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i ) { m = (KScribbleView)windows.get(i); if ( m != null ) { pDoc = m.getDocument(); pDoc.setPenWidth(width); } } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotPenColor() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Selecting pen color...")); TQColor myColor = new TQColor(); int result = KColorDialog.getColor( myColor, this ); if ( result == KColorDialog.Accepted ) { ArrayList windows = pWorkspace.windowList(); KScribbleDoc pDoc; KScribbleView m; for ( int i = 0; i < windows.size(); ++i ) { m = (KScribbleView)windows.get(i); if ( m != null) { pDoc = m.getDocument(); pDoc.setPenColor(myColor); } } } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotEditUndo() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Reverting last action...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); // if ( m != null ) // m.undo(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } /** put the marked object into the clipboard and remove * it from the document */ void slotEditCut() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Cutting selection...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if ( m != null ) m.cutSelection(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } /** put the marked text/object into the clipboard */ public void slotEditCopy() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Copying selection to clipboard...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if ( m != null) m.copySelection(); slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } /** paste the clipboard into the document */ public void slotEditPaste() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Inserting clipboard contents...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if ( m != null ) { m.pasteSelection(); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } /** toggles the toolbar */ void slotViewToolBar() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Toggle the toolbar...")); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // turn Toolbar on or off if( menuBar().isItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR)) { menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, false); toolBar("mainToolBar").hide(); } else { menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR, true); toolBar("mainToolBar").show(); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } /** toggles the statusbar */ void slotViewStatusBar() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Toggle the statusbar...")); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //turn Statusbar on or off if( menuBar().isItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR)) { menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, false); kstatusBar().hide(); } else { menuBar().setItemChecked(ID_VIEW_STATUSBAR, true); kstatusBar().show(); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } void slotWindowNewWindow() { slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening a new application window...")); KScribbleView m = (KScribbleView) pWorkspace.activeWindow(); if ( m != null ){ KScribbleDoc doc = m.getDocument(); createClient(doc); } slotStatusMsg(i18n("Ready.")); } /** changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate current actions. * @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar */ public void slotStatusMsg(String text) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // change status message permanently kstatusBar().clear(); kstatusBar().changeItem(text, ID_STATUS_MSG); } /** accepts drops and opens a new document for each drop */ protected void dropEvent( TQDropEvent e){ TQImage img = new TQImage(); if ( TQImageDrag.decode(e, img) ) { KScribbleDoc doc = new KScribbleDoc(); untitledCount+=1; String fileName= i18n("Untitled") + untitledCount; doc.setPathName(fileName); doc.setTitle(fileName); doc.newDocument(); pDocList.add(doc); KPixmap tmp = new KPixmap(); tmp.resize(img.size()); tmp.convertFromImage(img); doc.setPixmap(tmp); doc.resizeDocument(tmp.size()); doc.setModified(); createClient(doc); } } /** accepts drag events for images */ protected void dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent e){ e.accept(TQImageDrag.canDecode(e)); } }