path: root/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp
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authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitce599e4f9f94b4eb00c1b5edb85bce5431ab3df2 (patch)
treed3bb9f5d25a2dc09ca81adecf39621d871534297 /libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp b/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2103509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libkdeedu/kdeeduplot/kplotwidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+ kplotwidget.cpp - A widget for plotting in KStars
+ -------------------
+ begin : Sun 18 May 2003
+ copyright : (C) 2003 by Jason Harris
+ email :
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <math.h> //for log10(), pow(), modf()
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include "kplotwidget.h"
+#include "kplotwidget.moc"
+KPlotWidget::KPlotWidget( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, QWidget *parent, const char* name )
+ : QWidget( parent, name, WNoAutoErase ),
+ dXtick(0.0), dYtick(0.0),
+ nmajX(0), nminX(0), nmajY(0), nminY(0),
+ ShowTickMarks( true ), ShowTickLabels( true ), ShowGrid( false )
+ {
+ setBackgroundMode( QWidget::NoBackground );
+ //set DataRect
+ setLimits( x1, x2, y1, y2 );
+ setDefaultPadding();
+ //Set PixRect (starts at (0,0) because we will translate by leftPadding(), topPadding() )
+ PixRect = QRect( 0, 0, width() - leftPadding() - rightPadding(),
+ height() - topPadding() - bottomPadding() );
+ buffer = new QPixmap();
+ //default colors:
+ setBGColor( QColor( "black" ) );
+ setFGColor( QColor( "white" ) );
+ setGridColor( QColor( "grey" ) );
+ ObjectList.setAutoDelete( true );
+ delete (buffer);
+void KPlotWidget::setLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 ) {
+ double XA1, XA2, YA1, YA2;
+ if (x2<x1) { XA1=x2; XA2=x1; }
+ else { XA1=x1; XA2=x2; }
+ if ( y2<y1) { YA1=y2; YA2=y1; }
+ else { YA1=y1; YA2=y2; }
+ DataRect = DRect( XA1, YA1, XA2-XA1, YA2-YA1 );
+ updateTickmarks();
+void KPlotWidget::updateTickmarks() {
+ // Determine the number and spacing of tickmarks for the current plot limits.
+ if ( dataWidth() == 0.0 ) {
+ kdWarning() << "X range invalid! " << x() << " to " << x2() << endl;
+ DataRect.setWidth( 1.0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( dataHeight() == 0.0 ) {
+ kdWarning() << "Y range invalid! " << y() << " to " << y2() << endl;
+ DataRect.setHeight( 1.0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ int nmajor(0), nminor(0);
+ double z(0.0), z2(0.0);
+ double Range(0.0), s(0.0), t(0.0), pwr(0.0), dTick(0.0);
+ //loop over X and Y axes...the z variables substitute for either X or Y
+ for ( unsigned int iaxis=0; iaxis<2; ++iaxis ) {
+ if ( iaxis == 1 ) {
+ z = x(); z2 = x2();
+ } else {
+ z = y(); z2 = y2();
+ }
+ //determine size of region to be drawn, in draw units
+ Range = z2 - z;
+ //s is the power-of-ten factor of Range:
+ //Range = t * s; s = 10^(pwr). e.g., Range=350.0 then t=3.5, s = 100.0; pwr = 2.0
+ modf( log10(Range), &pwr );
+ s = pow( 10.0, pwr );
+ t = Range/s;
+ //adjust s and t such that t is between 3 and 5:
+ if ( t < 3.0 ) { t *= 10.0; s /= 10.0; } //t now btwn 3 and 30
+ if ( t < 6.0 ) { //accept current values
+ dTick = s;
+ nmajor = int(t);
+ nminor = 5;
+ } else if ( t < 10.0 ) { //factor of 2
+ dTick = s*2.0;
+ nmajor = int(t/2.0);
+ nminor = 4;
+ } else if ( t < 20.0 ) { //factor of 4
+ dTick = s*4.0;
+ nmajor = int(t/4.0);
+ nminor = 4;
+ } else { //factor of 5
+ dTick = s*5.0;
+ nmajor = int(t/5.0);
+ nminor = 5;
+ }
+ if ( iaxis==1 ) { //X axis
+ nmajX = nmajor;
+ nminX = nminor;
+ dXtick = dTick;
+ } else { //Y axis
+ nmajY = nmajor;
+ nminY = nminor;
+ dYtick = dTick;
+ }
+ } //end for iaxis
+void KPlotWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* /* e */ ) {
+ int newWidth = width() - leftPadding() - rightPadding();
+ int newHeight = height() - topPadding() - bottomPadding();
+ PixRect = QRect( 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight );
+ buffer->resize( width(), height() );
+void KPlotWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* /* e */ ) {
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin( buffer );
+ p.fillRect( 0, 0, width(), height(), bgColor() );
+ p.translate( leftPadding(), topPadding() );
+ drawObjects( &p );
+ drawBox( &p );
+ p.end();
+ bitBlt( this, 0, 0, buffer );
+void KPlotWidget::drawObjects( QPainter *p ) {
+ for ( KPlotObject *po = ObjectList.first(); po; po = ) {
+ if ( po->points()->count() ) {
+ //draw the plot object
+ p->setPen( QColor( po->color() ) );
+ switch ( po->type() ) {
+ case KPlotObject::POINTS :
+ {
+ p->setBrush( QColor( po->color() ) );
+ for ( DPoint *dp = po->points()->first(); dp; dp = po->points()->next() ) {
+ QPoint q = dp->qpoint( PixRect, DataRect );
+ int x1 = q.x() - po->size()/2;
+ int y1 = q.y() - po->size()/2;
+ switch( po->param() ) {
+ case KPlotObject::CIRCLE : p->drawEllipse( x1, y1, po->size(), po->size() ); break;
+ case KPlotObject::SQUARE : p->drawRect( x1, y1, po->size(), po->size() ); break;
+ case KPlotObject::LETTER : p->drawText( q, po->name().left(1) ); break;
+ default: p->drawPoint( q );
+ }
+ }
+ p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
+ break;
+ }
+ case KPlotObject::CURVE :
+ {
+ p->setPen( QPen( QColor( po->color() ), po->size(), (QPen::PenStyle)po->param() ) );
+ DPoint *dp = po->points()->first();
+ p->moveTo( dp->qpoint( PixRect, DataRect ) );
+ for ( dp = po->points()->next(); dp; dp = po->points()->next() )
+ p->lineTo( dp->qpoint( PixRect, DataRect ) );
+ break;
+ }
+ case KPlotObject::LABEL : //draw label centered at point in x, and slightly below point in y.
+ {
+ QPoint q = po->points()->first()->qpoint( PixRect, DataRect );
+ p->drawText( q.x()-20, q.y()+6, 40, 10, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::DontClip, po->name() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case KPlotObject::POLYGON :
+ {
+ p->setPen( QPen( QColor( po->color() ), po->size(), (QPen::PenStyle)po->param() ) );
+ p->setBrush( po->color() );
+ QPointArray a( po->count() );
+ unsigned int i=0;
+ for ( DPoint *dp = po->points()->first(); dp; dp = po->points()->next() )
+ a.setPoint( i++, dp->qpoint( PixRect, DataRect ) );
+ p->drawPolygon( a );
+ break;
+ }
+ case KPlotObject::UNKNOWN_TYPE : break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+double KPlotWidget::dmod( double a, double b ) { return ( b * ( ( a / b ) - int( a / b ) ) ); }
+void KPlotWidget::drawBox( QPainter *p ) {
+ //First, fill in padding region with bgColor() to mask out-of-bounds plot data
+ p->setPen( bgColor() );
+ p->setBrush( bgColor() );
+ //left padding ( don't forget: we have translated by XPADDING, YPADDING )
+ p->drawRect( -leftPadding(), -topPadding(), leftPadding(), height() );
+ //right padding
+ p->drawRect( PixRect.width(), -topPadding(), rightPadding(), height() );
+ //top padding
+ p->drawRect( 0, -topPadding(), PixRect.width(), topPadding() );
+ //bottom padding
+ p->drawRect( 0, PixRect.height(), PixRect.width(), bottomPadding() );
+ if ( ShowGrid ) {
+ //Grid lines are placed at locations of primary axes' major tickmarks
+ p->setPen( gridColor() );
+ //vertical grid lines
+ double x0 = x() - dmod( x(), dXtick ); //zeropoint; x(i) is this plus i*dXtick1
+ for ( int ix = 0; ix <= nmajX+1; ix++ ) {
+ int px = int( PixRect.width() * ( (x0 + ix*dXtick - x())/dataWidth() ) );
+ p->drawLine( px, 0, px, PixRect.height() );
+ }
+ //horizontal grid lines
+ double y0 = y() - dmod( y(), dYtick ); //zeropoint; y(i) is this plus i*mX
+ for ( int iy = 0; iy <= nmajY+1; iy++ ) {
+ int py = PixRect.height() - int( PixRect.height() * ( (y0 + iy*dYtick - y())/dataHeight() ) );
+ p->drawLine( 0, py, PixRect.width(), py );
+ }
+ }
+ p->setPen( fgColor() );
+ p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
+ if (BottomAxis.isVisible() || LeftAxis.isVisible()) p->drawRect( PixRect ); //box outline
+ if ( ShowTickMarks ) {
+ //spacing between minor tickmarks (in data units)
+ double dminX = dXtick/nminX;
+ double dminY = dYtick/nminY;
+ //set small font for tick labels
+ QFont f = p->font();
+ int s = f.pointSize();
+ f.setPointSize( s - 2 );
+ p->setFont( f );
+ //--- Draw bottom X Axis ---//
+ if (BottomAxis.isVisible()) {
+ // Draw X tickmarks
+ double x0 = x() - dmod( x(), dXtick ); //zeropoint; tickmark i is this plus i*dXtick (in data units)
+ if ( x() < 0.0 ) x0 -= dXtick;
+ for ( int ix = 0; ix <= nmajX+1; ix++ ) {
+ //position of tickmark i (in screen units)
+ int px = int( PixRect.width() * ( (x0 + ix*dXtick - x() )/dataWidth() ) );
+ if ( px > 0 && px < PixRect.width() ) {
+ p->drawLine( px, PixRect.height() - 2, px, PixRect.height() - BIGTICKSIZE - 2 );
+ p->drawLine( px, 0, px, BIGTICKSIZE );
+ }
+ //tick label
+ if ( ShowTickLabels ) {
+ double lab = x0 + ix*dXtick;
+ if ( fabs(lab)/dXtick < 0.00001 ) lab = 0.0; //fix occassional roundoff error with "0.0" label
+ QString str = QString( "%1" ).arg( lab, BottomAxis.labelFieldWidth(), BottomAxis.labelFmt(), BottomAxis.labelPrec() );
+ if ( px > 0 && px < PixRect.width() ) {
+ p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::DontClip, str );
+ }
+ }
+ //draw minor ticks
+ for ( int j=0; j < nminX; j++ ) {
+ //position of minor tickmark j (in screen units)
+ int pmin = int( px + PixRect.width()*j*dminX/dataWidth() );
+ if ( pmin > 0 && pmin < PixRect.width() ) {
+ p->drawLine( pmin, PixRect.height() - 2, pmin, PixRect.height() - SMALLTICKSIZE - 2 );
+ p->drawLine( pmin, 0, pmin, SMALLTICKSIZE );
+ }
+ }
+ } // end draw X tickmarks
+ // Draw X Axis Label
+ if ( ! BottomAxis.label().isEmpty() ) {
+ QRect r( 0, PixRect.height() + 2*YPADDING, PixRect.width(), YPADDING );
+ p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, BottomAxis.label() );
+ }
+ }
+ //--- Draw left Y Axis ---//
+ if (LeftAxis.isVisible()) {
+ // Draw Y tickmarks
+ double y0 = y() - dmod( y(), dYtick ); //zeropoint; tickmark i is this plus i*dYtick1 (in data units)
+ if ( y() < 0.0 ) y0 -= dYtick;
+ for ( int iy = 0; iy <= nmajY+1; iy++ ) {
+ //position of tickmark i (in screen units)
+ int py = PixRect.height() - int( PixRect.height() * ( (y0 + iy*dYtick - y())/dataHeight() ) );
+ if ( py > 0 && py < PixRect.height() ) {
+ p->drawLine( 0, py, BIGTICKSIZE, py );
+ p->drawLine( PixRect.width()-2, py, PixRect.width()-BIGTICKSIZE-2, py );
+ }
+ //tick label
+ if ( ShowTickLabels ) {
+ double lab = y0 + iy*dYtick;
+ if ( fabs(lab)/dYtick < 0.00001 ) lab = 0.0; //fix occassional roundoff error with "0.0" label
+ QString str = QString( "%1" ).arg( lab, LeftAxis.labelFieldWidth(), LeftAxis.labelFmt(), LeftAxis.labelPrec() );
+ if ( py > 0 && py < PixRect.height() ) {
+ p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::DontClip, str );
+ }
+ }
+ //minor ticks
+ for ( int j=0; j < nminY; j++ ) {
+ //position of minor tickmark j (in screen units)
+ int pmin = int( py - PixRect.height()*j*dminY/dataHeight() );
+ if ( pmin > 0 && pmin < PixRect.height() ) {
+ p->drawLine( 0, pmin, SMALLTICKSIZE, pmin );
+ p->drawLine( PixRect.width()-2, pmin, PixRect.width()-SMALLTICKSIZE-2, pmin );
+ }
+ }
+ } // end draw Y tickmarks
+ //Draw Y Axis Label. We need to draw the text sideways.
+ if ( ! LeftAxis.label().isEmpty() ) {
+ //store current painter translation/rotation state
+ p->save();
+ //translate coord sys to left corner of axis label rectangle, then rotate 90 degrees.
+ p->translate( -3*XPADDING, PixRect.height() );
+ p->rotate( -90.0 );
+ QRect r( 0, 0, PixRect.height(), XPADDING );
+ p->drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, LeftAxis.label() ); //draw the label, now that we are sideways
+ p->restore(); //restore translation/rotation state
+ }
+ }
+ } //end if ( ShowTickMarks )
+int KPlotWidget::leftPadding() const {
+ if ( LeftPadding >= 0 ) return LeftPadding;
+ if ( ! LeftAxis.label().isEmpty() && ShowTickLabels ) return 3*XPADDING;
+ if ( ! LeftAxis.label().isEmpty() || ShowTickLabels ) return 2*XPADDING;
+ return XPADDING;
+int KPlotWidget::rightPadding() const {
+ if ( RightPadding >= 0 ) return RightPadding;
+ return XPADDING;
+int KPlotWidget::topPadding() const {
+ if ( TopPadding >= 0 ) return TopPadding;
+ return YPADDING;
+int KPlotWidget::bottomPadding() const {
+ if ( BottomPadding >= 0 ) return BottomPadding;
+ if ( ! BottomAxis.label().isEmpty() && ShowTickLabels ) return 3*YPADDING;
+ if ( ! BottomAxis.label().isEmpty() || ShowTickLabels ) return 2*YPADDING;
+ return YPADDING;