/*************************************************************************** * ktouchkeyboard.cpp * * ------------------ * * Copyright (C) 2004 by Andreas Nicolai * * ghorwin@users.sourceforge.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ktouchkeyboard.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "prefs.h" // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clears the keyboard data void KTouchKeyboard::clear() { m_keys.clear(); m_connectors.clear(); m_title = TQString(); m_comment = TQString(); m_language = TQString(); m_fontSuggestions = TQString(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loads a keyboard tqlayout (old format) from file (returns true if successful). bool KTouchKeyboard::load(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url) { // Ok, first download the contents as usual using the KIO lib // File is only downloaded if not local, otherwise it's just opened TQString target; bool result = false; //kdDebug() << "[KTouchKeyboard::load] " << url << endl; if (KIO::NetAccess::download(url, target, window)) { // Ok, that was successful, store the lectureURL and read the file TQFile infile(target); if ( !infile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return false; // Bugger it... couldn't open it... TQTextStream in( &infile ); result = read(in); }; KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(target); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loads a lecture (in XML format) from file (returns true if successful). bool KTouchKeyboard::loadXML(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url) { // Ok, first download the contents as usual using the KIO lib // File is only downloaded if not local, otherwise it's just opened TQString target; bool result = false; if (KIO::NetAccess::download(url, target, window)) { // Ok, that was successful, store the lectureURL and read the file TQFile infile(target); if ( !infile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return false; // Bugger it... couldn't open it... TQDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( &infile ); result = read(doc); } KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(target); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Saves the lecture data to file (returns true if successful). bool KTouchKeyboard::saveXML(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url) const { // create the XML document TQDomDocument doc; write(doc); // and save it TQString tmpFile; KTempFile *temp=0; if (url.isLocalFile()) tmpFile=url.path(); // for local files the path is sufficient else { temp=new KTempFile; // for remote files create a temporary file first temp->setAutoDelete(true); // so we don't have to delete the file ourselves tmpFile=temp->name(); } TQFile outfile(tmpFile); if ( !outfile.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { if (temp) delete temp; // kdDebug() << "Error creating lecture file!" << endl; return false; }; TQTextStream out( &outfile ); out << doc.toString(); outfile.close(); // if we have a temporary file, we still need to upload it if (temp) { KIO::NetAccess::upload(tmpFile, url, window); delete temp; } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loads keyboard data from file, preserved for compatibility bool KTouchKeyboard::read(TQTextStream& in) { in.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); TQString line; clear(); // empty the keyboard // now loop until end of file is reached do { // skip all empty lines or lines containing a comment (starting with '#') do { line = in.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); } while (!line.isNull() && (line.isEmpty() || line[0]=='#')); // Check if end of file encountered and if that is the case -> bail out at next while if (line.isNull()) continue; // 'line' should now contain a key specification TQTextStream lineStream(line, IO_ReadOnly); TQString keyType; int keyAscII; TQString keyText; int x(0), y(0), w(0), h(0); lineStream >> keyType >> keyAscII; if (keyType=="FingerKey") { lineStream >> keyText >> x >> y >> w >> h; if (w==0 || h==0) w=h=8; // default values for old keyboard files KTouchKey key(KTouchKey::FINGER, keyText[0], 0, x+1, y+1, w, h); m_keys.push_back(key); KTouchKeyConnector keycon(keyText[0], keyText[0], 0, 0); m_connectors.push_back(keycon); kdDebug() << "[KTouchKeyboard::read] FingerKey '" << keyText[0] << "'" << endl; } else if (keyType=="ControlKey") { lineStream >> keyText >> x >> y >> w >> h; KTouchKey key(KTouchKey::OTHER, 0, 0, x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2); key.m_otherKeyText = keyText; m_keys.push_back(key); kdDebug() << "[KTouchKeyboard::read] ControlKey '" << keyText << "'" << endl; } else if (keyType=="NormalKey") { int fingerCharCode; lineStream >> keyText >> x >> y >> fingerCharCode; w=h=8; // default values for old keyboard files KTouchKey key(KTouchKey::NORMAL, keyText[0], 0, x+1, y+1, w, h); m_keys.push_back(key); KTouchKeyConnector keycon(keyText[0], keyText[0], fingerCharCode, 0); m_connectors.push_back(keycon); kdDebug() << "[KTouchKeyboard::read] NormalKey '" << keyText[0] << "' f = '"<< fingerCharCode<< "'" << endl; } else if (keyType=="HiddenKey") { int targetChar, fingerChar, controlChar; lineStream >> targetChar >> fingerChar >> controlChar; KTouchKeyConnector keycon(targetChar, targetChar, fingerChar, 0); m_connectors.push_back(keycon); } else { //errorMsg = i18n("Missing key type in line '%1'.").arg(line); return false; } // calculate the maximum extent of the keyboard on the fly... } while (!in.atEnd() && !line.isNull()); return (!m_keys.isEmpty()); // empty file means error } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loads keyboard data from file into an XML document bool KTouchKeyboard::read(const TQDomDocument& doc) { // clean current data kdDebug() << "Reading new keyboard tqlayout" << endl; m_keys.clear(); m_connectors.clear(); m_title = TQString(); // retrieve the title TQDomNodeList entries = doc.elementsByTagName("Title"); if (entries.count() >= 1) m_title = entries.item(0).firstChild().nodeValue(); else m_title = i18n("untitled keyboard tqlayout"); kdDebug() << "Title: " << m_title << endl; // retrieve the comment entries = doc.elementsByTagName("Comment"); if (entries.count() >= 1) m_comment = entries.item(0).firstChild().nodeValue(); // retrieve the font suggestion entries = doc.elementsByTagName("FontSuggestions"); if (entries.count() >= 1) m_fontSuggestions = entries.item(0).firstChild().nodeValue(); // retrieve the language id entries = doc.elementsByTagName("Language"); if (entries.count() >= 1) m_language = entries.item(0).firstChild().nodeValue(); // retrieve the key definitions entries = doc.elementsByTagName("KeyDefinitions"); TQDomNode node = entries.item(0).firstChild(); while (!node.isNull()) { KTouchKey key; if (key.read(node)) m_keys.push_back(key); // TODO : Error message if reading failed node = node.nextSibling(); } // retrieve the key definitions entries = doc.elementsByTagName("KeyConnections"); node = entries.item(0).firstChild(); while (!node.isNull()) { KTouchKeyConnector keycon; if (keycon.read(node)) m_connectors.push_back(keycon); // TODO : Error message if reading failed node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!m_title.isEmpty()) return true; // if we could read a title, let's assume all is ok else { // Hmm, no levels in the file. So we create our default mini level and report an error. createDefault(); return false; }; return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Saves keyboard data in the XML document void KTouchKeyboard::write(TQDomDocument& doc) const { TQDomElement root = doc.createElement( "KTouchKeyboard" ); doc.appendChild(root); // Store title and ensure that the file contains a title! TQDomElement title = doc.createElement("Title"); TQDomText titleText; if (m_title.isEmpty()) titleText = doc.createTextNode( i18n("untitled keyboard tqlayout") ); else titleText = doc.createTextNode(m_title); title.appendChild(titleText); root.appendChild(title); // Store comment if given if (!m_comment.isEmpty()) { TQDomElement e = doc.createElement("Comment"); TQDomText t = doc.createTextNode(m_comment); e.appendChild(t); root.appendChild(e); } // Store font suggestion if given if (!m_fontSuggestions.isEmpty()) { TQDomElement e = doc.createElement("FontSuggestions"); TQDomText t = doc.createTextNode(m_fontSuggestions); e.appendChild(t); root.appendChild(e); } // Store language idif given if (!m_language.isEmpty()) { TQDomElement e = doc.createElement("Language"); TQDomText t = doc.createTextNode(m_language); e.appendChild(t); root.appendChild(e); } // Store keys TQDomElement keys = doc.createElement("KeyDefinitions"); root.appendChild(keys); for (TQValueVector::const_iterator it=m_keys.begin(); it!=m_keys.end(); ++it) it->write(doc, keys); // Store connectors TQDomElement conns = doc.createElement("KeyConnections"); root.appendChild(conns); for (TQValueVector::const_iterator it=m_connectors.begin(); it!=m_connectors.end(); ++it) it->write(doc, conns); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates the default number keyboard. void KTouchKeyboard::createDefault() { // let's create a default keyboard const int keySpacing = 4; const int keyHeight = 20; const int keyWidth = 20; const int col = keyWidth+keySpacing; const int row = keyHeight+keySpacing; // First let's create the visible tqlayout. // This means we have to create all keys that will be displayed. // Note: purely decorative keys get a key character code of 0! m_keys.clear(); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::OTHER, 0, 0, 2*col+ 0, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.back().m_otherKeyText = i18n("Num-lock", "Num"); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '/', 0, 2*col+ col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '*', 0, 2*col+ 2*col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '-', 0, 2*col+ 3*col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '7', 0, 2*col+ 0, row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '8', 0, 2*col+ 1*col, row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '9', 0, 2*col+ 2*col, row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::FINGER, '4', 0, 2*col+ 0, 2*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::FINGER, '5', 0, 2*col+ 1*col, 2*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::FINGER, '6', 0, 2*col+ 2*col, 2*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '1', 0, 2*col+ 0, 3*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '2', 0, 2*col+ 1*col, 3*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '3', 0, 2*col+ 2*col, 3*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '0', 0, 2*col+ 0, 4*row, 2*keyWidth+keySpacing, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::NORMAL, '.', 0, 2*col+ 2*col, 4*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::FINGER, '+', 0, 2*col+ 3*col, row, keyWidth, 2*keyHeight+keySpacing) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::ENTER, 0, 0, 2*col+ 3*col, 3*row, keyWidth, 2*keyHeight+keySpacing) ); m_keys.push_back( KTouchKey(KTouchKey::BACKSPACE,0, 0, 2*col+ 5*col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); // now we need to create the connections between the characters that can be typed and the // keys that need to be displayed on the keyboard // The arguments to the constructor are: keychar, targetkey, fingerkey, controlkeyid m_connectors.clear(); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('/', '/','5', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('*', '*','6', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('-', '-','+', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('+', '+', 0, 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('0', '0', 0, 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('1', '1','4', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('2', '2','5', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('3', '3','6', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('4', '4', 0, 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('5', '5', 0, 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('6', '6', 0, 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('7', '7','4', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('8', '8','5', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('9', '9','6', 0) ); m_connectors.push_back( KTouchKeyConnector('.', '.', '6', 0) ); m_title = "Number keypad"; m_comment = "Predefined keyboard tqlayout"; m_language = TQString(); // language does not apply to numbers... that's one of the nice things with math :-) m_fontSuggestions = "Monospace"; m_width = 8*col; m_height = 5*row; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KTouchKeyboard::updateConnections() { for (TQValueVector::iterator it = m_connectors.begin(); it != m_connectors.end(); ++it) (*it).updateConnections(m_keys); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* bool KTouchKeyboard::loadKeyboard(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url, TQString* errorMsg) { TQString target; if (KIO::NetAccess::download(url, target, window)) { TQString msg; bool result = readKeyboard(target, msg); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(target); if (!result && errorMsg!=NULL) *errorMsg = i18n("Could not read the keyboard tqlayout file '%1'. ").arg(url.url()) + msg; return result; } else { if (errorMsg!=NULL) *errorMsg = i18n("Could not download/open keyboard tqlayout file from '%1'.").arg(url.url()); return false; } } void KTouchKeyboard::saveKeyboard(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url) { TQString tmpFile; KTempFile *temp=0; if (url.isLocalFile()) tmpFile=url.path(); // for local files the path is sufficient else { temp=new KTempFile; // for remote files create a temporary file first tmpFile=temp->name(); } TQFile outfile(tmpFile); if ( !outfile.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { if (temp) delete temp; return; } TQTextStream out( &outfile ); out << "########################################## \n"; out << "# # \n"; out << "# Keyboard tqlayout file for KTouch # \n"; out << "# # \n"; out << "########################################## \n"; out << "#\n"; out << endl; for (KTouchKey * key = m_keyList.first(); key; key = m_keyList.next()) { switch (key->type()) { case KTouchKey::FINGER_KEY : out << "FingerKey "; break; case KTouchKey::NORMAL_KEY : out << "NormalKey "; break; case KTouchKey::CONTROL_KEY : out << "ControlKey "; break; default : out << "NormalKey "; break; } TQRect rect=key->frame(); out << key->m_keyChar.tqunicode() << '\t' << key->m_keyText << '\t' << rect.left() << '\t' << rect.top() << '\t' << rect.width() << '\t' << rect.height() << endl; } if (temp) { KIO::NetAccess::upload(tmpFile, url, window); temp->unlink(); delete temp; } } void KTouchKeyboard::applyPreferences(TQWidget * window, bool silent) { // let's check whether the keyboard tqlayout has changed if (KTouchConfig().m_currentKeyboardFile!=m_currentLayout) { // if the tqlayout is the number tqlayout just create it and we're done if (KTouchConfig().m_currentKeyboardFile=="number.keyboard") { createDefaultKeyboard(); resizeEvent(NULL); return; } // ok, let's load this tqlayout if (silent) { // during initialisation we don't want to have a message box, that's why this is silent if (!loadKeyboard(window, KURL::fromPathOrURL( KTouchConfig().m_currentKeyboardFile ))) createDefaultKeyboard(); else m_currentLayout=KTouchConfig().m_currentKeyboardFile; } else { TQString errorMsg; if (!loadKeyboard(window, KURL::fromPathOrURL( KTouchConfig().m_currentKeyboardFile ), &errorMsg)) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Error reading the keyboard tqlayout; the default number keypad will " "be created instead. You can choose another keyboard tqlayout in the preferences dialog."), errorMsg); createDefaultKeyboard(); } else m_currentLayout=KTouchConfig().m_currentKeyboardFile; } } updateColours(); // we recreate the colour connections, resizeEvent(NULL); // paint the keyboard newKey(m_nextKey); // and finally display the "next to be pressed" key again } void KTouchKeyboard::newKey(const TQChar& nextChar) { TQPainter painter(this); painter.translate(m_shift, MARGIN); // first clean the markings on all keys for (KTouchKey * key = m_keyList.first(); key; key = m_keyList.next()) { if (key->m_isActive || key->m_isNextKey) { key->m_isActive=key->m_isNextKey=false; key->paint(painter); } } if (Prefs::showAnimation()){ // only do this if we want to show animation. // find the key in the key connector list TQValueList::iterator keyIt = m_connectorList.begin(); while (keyIt!=m_connectorList.end() && (*keyIt).m_keyChar!=nextChar) ++keyIt; // if found mark the appropriate keys if (keyIt!=m_connectorList.end()) { TQChar targetChar = (*keyIt).m_targetKeyChar; TQChar fingerChar = (*keyIt).m_fingerKeyChar; TQChar controlChar = (*keyIt).m_controlKeyChar; // find the keys in the keylist for (KTouchKey * key = m_keyList.first(); key; key = m_keyList.next()) { if (key->m_keyChar==TQChar(0)) continue; // skip decorative keys if (key->m_keyChar==targetChar) key->m_isNextKey=true; else if (key->m_keyChar==fingerChar) key->m_isActive=true; else if (key->m_keyChar==controlChar) key->m_isActive=true; if (key->m_isActive || key->m_isNextKey) key->paint(painter); } } m_nextKey = nextChar; } } void KTouchKeyboard::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *) { TQPainter painter(this); painter.translate(m_shift, MARGIN); // just print all visible keys for (KTouchKey * key = m_keyList.first(); key; key = m_keyList.next()) key->paint(painter); } void KTouchKeyboard::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *) { double hScale = static_cast(width()-2*MARGIN)/m_keyboardWidth; double vScale = static_cast(height()-2*MARGIN)/m_keyboardHeight; double scale = std::min(hScale, vScale); m_shift = (width() - static_cast(m_keyboardWidth*scale))/2; for (KTouchKey * key = m_keyList.first(); key; key = m_keyList.next()) key->resize(scale); // resize all keys update(); // and finally redraw the keyboard } void KTouchKeyboard::createDefaultKeyboard() { // let's create a default keyboard const int keySpacing = 4; const int keyHeight = 20; const int keyWidth = 20; const int col = keyWidth+keySpacing; const int row = keyHeight+keySpacing; // first let's create the "visible" keys, that means all keys that will be displayed // Note: purely decorative keys get a key char code of 0! m_keyList.clear(); m_keyList.append( new KTouchControlKey( 0, "Num", 0, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '/', "/", col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '*', "*", 2*col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '-', "-", 3*col, 0, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '1', "1", 0, row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '2', "2", col, row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '3', "3", 2*col, row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchFingerKey( '4', "4", 0, 2*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchFingerKey( '5', "5", col, 2*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchFingerKey( '6', "6", 2*col, 2*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '7', "7", 0, 3*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '8', "8", col, 3*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '9', "9", 2*col, 3*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '0', "0", 0, 4*row, 2*keyWidth+keySpacing, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey( '.', ".", 2*col, 4*row, keyWidth, keyHeight) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchFingerKey( '+', "+", 3*col, row, keyWidth, 2*keyHeight+keySpacing) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchControlKey(13, "Enter", 3*col, 3*row,keyWidth, 2*keyHeight+keySpacing) ); m_keyList.append( new KTouchControlKey(8, "BackSpace", 5*col, 0, 2*keyWidth+keySpacing, keyHeight) ); m_keyboardWidth = 7*col; m_keyboardHeight = 5*row; // now we need to create the connections between the characters that can be typed and the // keys that need to be displayed on the keyboard // The arguments to the constructor are: keychar, targetkey, fingerkey, controlkey m_connectorList.clear(); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('/', '/', '5', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('*', '*', '6', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('-', '-', '+', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('+', '+', 0, 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('.', '.', '6', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('1', '1', '4', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('2', '2', '5', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('3', '3', '6', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('4', '4', 0, 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('5', '5', 0, 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('6', '6', 0, 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('7', '7', '4', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('8', '8', '5', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('9', '9', '6', 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector('0', '0', 0, 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector( 8, 8, 0, 0) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector( 13, 13, '+', 0) ); updateColours(); m_currentLayout="number"; } bool KTouchKeyboard::readKeyboard(const TQString& fileName, TQString& errorMsg) { TQFile infile(fileName); if ( !infile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { errorMsg = i18n("Could not open file."); return false; } TQTextStream in( &infile ); in.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); TQString line; m_keyList.clear(); // empty the keyboard m_connectorList.clear(); // clear the connections m_keyboardWidth=0; m_keyboardHeight=0; // now loop until end of file is reached do { // skip all empty lines or lines containing a comment (starting with '#') do { line = in.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); } while (!line.isNull() && (line.isEmpty() || line[0]=='#')); // Check if end of file encountered and if that is the case -> bail out at next while if (line.isNull()) continue; // 'line' should now contain a key specification TQTextStream lineStream(line, IO_ReadOnly); TQString keyType; int keyAscII; TQString keyText; int x(0), y(0), w(0), h(0); lineStream >> keyType >> keyAscII; if (keyType=="FingerKey") { lineStream >> keyText >> x >> y >> w >> h; if (w==0 || h==0) w=h=8; // default values for old keyboard files m_keyList.append( new KTouchFingerKey(keyAscII, keyText, x+1, y+1, w, h) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector(keyAscII, keyAscII, 0, 0) ); } else if (keyType=="ControlKey") { lineStream >> keyText >> x >> y >> w >> h; m_keyList.append( new KTouchControlKey(keyAscII, keyText, x+1, y+1, w-2, h-2) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector(keyAscII, keyAscII, 0, 0) ); } else if (keyType=="NormalKey") { int fingerCharCode; lineStream >> keyText >> x >> y >> fingerCharCode; w=h=8; // default values for old keyboard files // retrieve the finger key with the matching char m_keyList.append( new KTouchNormalKey(keyAscII, keyText, x+1, y+1, w, h) ); m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector(keyAscII, keyAscII, fingerCharCode, 0) ); } else if (keyType=="HiddenKey") { int targetChar, fingerChar, controlChar; lineStream >> targetChar >> fingerChar >> controlChar; m_connectorList.append( KTouchKeyConnector(keyAscII, targetChar, fingerChar, controlChar) ); } else { errorMsg = i18n("Missing key type in line '%1'.").arg(line); return false; } // calculate the maximum extent of the keyboard on the fly... m_keyboardWidth = std::max(m_keyboardWidth, x+w); m_keyboardHeight = std::max(m_keyboardHeight, y+h); } while (!in.atEnd() && !line.isNull()); updateColours(); return (!m_keyList.isEmpty()); // empty file means error } void KTouchKeyboard::updateColours() { // loop over all key connections for (TQValueList::iterator it = m_connectorList.begin(); it!=m_connectorList.end(); ++it) { TQChar fingerChar = (*it).m_fingerKeyChar; if (fingerChar == TQChar(0)) continue; TQChar targetChar = (*it).m_targetKeyChar; KTouchKey * self=NULL; KTouchKey * colorSource=NULL; // loop over all keys to find the key pointers for (KTouchKey * key = m_keyList.first(); key; key = m_keyList.next()) { if (key->m_keyChar==targetChar) self=key; else if (key->m_keyChar==fingerChar) colorSource=key; } if (self && colorSource) { if (self->type()!=KTouchKey::NORMAL_KEY) continue; KTouchNormalKey *nk = dynamic_cast(self); if (colorSource->type()!=KTouchKey::FINGER_KEY) { kdDebug() << "[KTouchKeyboard::updateColours] Colour source key '" << colorSource->m_keyText << "' is not a finger key!" << endl; if (nk) { nk->m_colorIndex = 0; } continue; } if (nk) { KTouchFingerKey *fk = dynamic_cast(colorSource); if (fk) { nk->m_colorIndex = fk->m_colorIndex; } } } } } */