]> The &kshisen; Handbook Dirk Doerflinger
FrerichRaabe Reviewer
2006-06-17 1.5.1 &kshisen; is a game similar to Mahjongg for &kde;. KDE kdegames kshisen game shisen-sho
Introduction &kshisen; is a single-player-game similar to Mahjongg and uses the same set of tiles as Mahjongg. The object of the game is to remove all tiles from the field. Playing &kshisen; Rules The aim of the game is to remove all tiles from the board. Only two matching tiles can be removed at a time. Two tiles can only be removed if they can be connected with a maximum of three connected lines. Lines can be horizontal or vertical, but not diagonal. You don't have to draw the lines by yourself, the game does this for you. Just mark two matching tiles on the board, if they can be connected with a maximum of three lines, the lines will be drawn and the tiles are removed. Remember that lines only may cross the empty border. If you are stuck, you can use the Hint feature to find two tiles which may be removed. Clicking a tile with the &RMB; will show you all corresponding tiles, no matter if they are removable at the moment or not. The game is over when no moves are possible. This could be due to clearing all the tiles from the field or reaching a point in the game where no two matching tiles can be connected by three lines. Some games are unsolvable, if you would like to avoid unsolvable games uncheck the option Allow unsolvable games in the configuration dialog. The resulting score S is calculated using the following formula, assuming that n represents the number of tiles present when the game started and t standing for the time (in seconds) it took to clear the field: S=(n/t)*sqrt(n/84)/0.0014 If you played with the Gravity setting enabled, this score will additionally get multiplied by two. Menu Reference The <guimenu>Game</guimenu> Menu The Game menu lets you control the status of the current game: &Ctrl; N GameNew Finish the actual game set and start a new session with new tiles. F5 GameRestart Game Restart the current game with the same tiles. P Game Pause Pauses the entire game, especially the timer which affects the scoring. The menu entry is also used for resuming the game. &Ctrl;H GameShow Highscores Shows the (local) Top-Ten charts of &kshisen;. &Ctrl; Q GameQuit Quits &kshisen;. Some of the menu items can also be controlled by keykoard shortcuts. See for a list. The <guimenu>Move</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;Z Move Undo Undo the last step. Same as the Undo button in the toolbar. &Ctrl;&Shift;Z Move Redo Redo the last step. Same as the Redo button in the toolbar. H Move Hint Show a tip, which two tiles to remove next. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Show Toolbar Toggle on and off the display of the toolbar. Settings Show Statusbar Toggle on and off the display of the status bar. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Open a dialog which lets you redefine all the keyboard shortcuts. Settings Configure Toolbars... Displays a &kde; standard dialog where you can configure the toolbar icons. Settings Configure &kshisen;... Opens the configuration dialog to change &kshisen; settings. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &help.menu.documentation; Shortcuts Default shortcuts are: New&Ctrl;N Restart GameF5 PauseP Show Highscores&Ctrl;H Quit&Ctrl;Q Undo&Ctrl;Z Redo&Ctrl;&Shift;Z HintH &kshisen; HandbookF1 What's This&Ctrl;&Shift;F1 Configuration Selecting the Settings Configure &kshisen;... menu item will open a configuration dialog which lets you alter the behavior of the game. &kshisen; configuration dialog &kshisen; configuration dialog Gravity Checking this makes the game even harder: If a tile is removed, all tiles lying above it will fall down one step. Allow unsolvable games If checked, only solvable games will be created when a new game is started. Note: You may still choose the wrong way and have to try again if you didn't solve the game, but if it's checked, the game will be solvable. Board Difficulty The slider controls the difficulty of the board. There are three options Easy, Medium and Hard. Piece Removal Speed Adjusting this slider alters the speed at which the pieces are removed from the screen after a match has been made. Prefer Unscaled Tiles Resizing the window causes the tiles on the board to be scaled to match the window size. When this option is checked, the window is resized to fit the tiles' natural size. You can still adjust the size of the window. Doing so causes this mode to be disengaged. Tile Size This slider allows you to can change the number of tiles on the board. The more tiles you have, the harder (and longer) the game will be. Help Opens &kshisen; help pages. (this document). Defaults Reverts all settings to defaults. OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog. Apply Saves your changes but doesn't close the dialog. Cancel Cancels all your changes and closes the dialog. Credits and License &kshisen; Copyright 1999 &Mario.Weilguni; &Mario.Weilguni.mail; Documentation Copyright 2000 &Dirk.Doerflinger; ddoerflinger@gmx.net &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain &kshisen; &install.intro.documentation; Requirements In order to successfully compile &kshisen;, you need &kde; 3.x. All required libraries as well as &kshisen; itself can be found on &kde-ftp;. Compilation and Installation &install.compile.documentation;