    copyright            : (C) 2000-2001 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *

#ifndef PMCAMERA_H
#define PMCAMERA_H

#include <config.h>

#include "pmnamedobject.h"
#include "pmvector.h"

class PMViewStructure;

 * Class for povray cameras

class PMCamera : public PMNamedObject
   typedef PMNamedObject Base;
    * Type of the camera
   enum CameraType { Perspective, Orthographic, FishEye, UltraWideAngle,
                     Omnimax, Panoramic, Cylinder };
    * Creates a default povray camera
   PMCamera( PMPart* part );
    * Copy constructor
   PMCamera( const PMCamera& c );
    * deletes the camera
   virtual ~PMCamera( );

   /** */
   virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMCamera( *this ); }
   /** */
   virtual TQString description( ) const;

   /** */
   virtual PMMetaObject* tqmetaObject( ) const;

   /** */
   virtual void serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const;
   /** */
   virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h );

    * Returns a new @ref PMCameraEdit
   virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( TQWidget* tqparent ) const;
   /** */
   virtual TQString pixmap( ) const { return TQString( "pmcamera" ); }

    * Returns the location
   PMVector location( ) const { return m_location; }
    * Sets the location
   void setLocation( const PMVector& p );

    * Returns the look_at point
   PMVector lookAt( ) const { return m_lookAt; }
    * Sets the look_at point
   void setLookAt( const PMVector& p );

    * Returns the up vector
   PMVector up( ) const { return m_up; }
    * Sets the up vector
   void setUp( const PMVector& v );

    * Returns the right vector
   PMVector right( ) const { return m_right; }
    * Sets the right vector
   void setRight( const PMVector& v );

    * Returns the direction vector
   PMVector direction( ) const { return m_direction; }
    * Sets the direction vector
   void setDirection( const PMVector& v );

    * Returns the sky vector
   PMVector sky( ) const { return m_sky; }
    * Sets the sky vector
   void setSky( const PMVector& v );

    * Returns the aspect ratio
   double aspect( ) const;

    * Returns true if angle is enabled
   bool isAngleEnabled( ) const { return m_angleEnabled; }
    * Enables/Disables the use of angle
   void enableAngle( bool yes );

    * Returns the angle
   double angle( ) const { return m_angle; }
    * Sets the angle
   void setAngle( double a );

    * Returns the camera type
   CameraType cameraType( ) const { return m_cameraType; }
    * Sets the camera type
   void setCameraType( CameraType t );

    * Returns the cylinder type
   int cylinderType( ) const { return m_cylinderType; }
    * Sets the cylinder type. Valid values are 1-4
   void setCylinderType( int t );

    * Returns true if focal blur is enabled
   bool isFocalBlurEnabled( ) const { return m_focalBlurEnabled; }
    * Enables/Disables the focal blur
   void enableFocalBlur( bool yes );
    * Returns the aperture
   double aperture( ) const { return m_aperture; }
    * Sets the aperture. Has to be greater or equal 0
   void setAperture( double d );
    * Returns the number of blur samples
   int blurSamples( ) const { return m_blurSamples; }
    * Sets the number of blur samples
   void setBlurSamples( int s );
    * Returns the focal point
   PMVector focalPoint( ) const { return m_focalPoint; }
    * Sets the focal point
   void setFocalPoint( const PMVector& v );
    * Returns the confidence
   double confidence( ) const { return m_confidence;}
    * Sets the confidence
   void setConfidence( double c );
    * Returns the variance
   double variance( ) const { return m_variance; }
    * Sets the variance
   void setVariance( double v );

    * Returns the export flag
   virtual bool exportPovray( ) const { return m_export; }
    * Sets the export flag
   void setExportPovray( bool ex );

   /** */
   virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s );
   /** */
   virtual void controlPoints( PMControlPointList& list );
   /** */
   virtual void controlPointsChanged( PMControlPointList& list );

    * Calculates the new right, up and direction vector with the
    * look_at vector.
   void calculateLookAtAngle( PMVector& right, PMVector& up, PMVector& direction );

    * Converts the camera type to a string
   static TQString cameraTypeToString( CameraType t );
    * Converts a string to the camera type
   static CameraType stringToCameraType( const TQString& s );
   /** */
   virtual void cleanUp( ) const;

   /** */
   virtual bool isDefault( ) { return false; }
   /** */
   virtual void createViewStructure( );
   /** */
   virtual PMViewStructure* defaultViewStructure( ) const;

    * IDs for @ref PMMementoData
   enum PMCameraMementoID { PMLocationID, PMLookAtID, PMDirectionID,
                            PMUpID, PMRightID, PMAngleID, PMSkyID,
                            PMCameraTypeID, PMCylinderTypeID,
                            PMFocalBlurID, PMBlurSamplesID, PMFocalPointID,
                            PMConfidenceID, PMVarianceID, PMApertureID,
                            PMAngleEnabledID, PMExportID };
   PMVector m_location, m_lookAt, m_up, m_right, m_direction, m_sky;
   bool m_angleEnabled;
   double m_angle;
   CameraType m_cameraType;
   int m_cylinderType;
   bool m_focalBlurEnabled;
   double m_aperture;
   int m_blurSamples;
   PMVector m_focalPoint;
   double m_confidence, m_variance;
   bool m_export;

    * The default view structure. It can be shared between cameras
   static PMViewStructure* s_pDefaultViewStructure;

   static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject;
